4 years ago
1 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ |
## scala |
在项目pom.xml中引入: |
```xml |
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mongodb.scala/mongo-scala-driver --> |
<dependency> |
<groupId>org.mongodb.scala</groupId> |
<artifactId>mongo-scala-driver_${scala.version}</artifactId> |
<version>4.2.3</version> |
</dependency> |
``` |
TIPs |
> 1. Document有两种:immutable和mutable;immutable document插入时如果不指定_id,系统会自动分配,且不会返回给用户。 |
> |
> 2. 所有的方法会的是 `Observables`对象,这是一种 “cold” streams ,并不会立即执行,直至它被subscribed。 |
构建Document: |
> `scala`数据类型转`Bson`数据类型 |
```scala |
object BsonValueConvert { |
// scala -> Document |
def mapToDocument(obj: Map[String, Any]): Document = Document(mapToBsonDocument(obj)) |
// scala -> BsonDocument |
def mapToBsonDocument(obj: Map[String, Any]): BsonDocument = BsonDocument(obj.map(writePair)) |
// java -> Document |
def mapToDocument(obj: java.util.Map[String, Object]): Document = Document(mapToBsonDocument(obj)) |
// java -> BsonDocument |
def mapToBsonDocument(obj: java.util.Map[String, Object]): BsonDocument = BsonDocument(obj.map(writePair)) |
// Document -> scala Map |
def documentToMap(b: Document): Map[String, Any] = b.map(writeMapPair).toMap |
// BsonDocument -> scala Map |
def bsonDocumentToMap(b: BsonDocument): Map[String, Any] = b.toMap.map(writeMapPair) |
/** |
* 数据格式转换 |
* |
* @param p scala/java Map |
* @return String->BsonValue pair |
*/ |
def writePair(p: (String, Any)): (String, BsonValue) = (p._1, p._2 match { |
case value: String => BsonString(value) |
case value: Double => BsonDouble(value) |
case value: Int => BsonInt32(value) |
case value: Boolean => BsonBoolean(value) |
case value: Long => BsonInt64(value) |
case value: Date => BsonDateTime(value.getTime) |
case value: DateTime => BsonDateTime(value.getMillis) |
case value: Map[String, Any] => mapToBsonDocument(value) |
case value: java.util.Map[String, Object] => mapToBsonDocument(value) |
case _ => BsonNull() |
}) |
def writeMapPair(p: (String, BsonValue)): (String, Any) = (p._1, p._2 match { |
case v: BsonString => v.getValue |
case v: BsonDouble => v.getValue |
case v: BsonInt32 => v.getValue |
case v: BsonBoolean => v.getValue |
case v: BsonInt64 => v.getValue |
case v: BsonDateTime => new DateTime(v.getValue) |
case v: BsonNull => null |
case v: BsonDocument => bsonDocumentToMap(v) |
case v => v |
}) |
} |
``` |
CRUD操作: |
```scala |
// 类似ES index操作。如果id相同则覆盖数据。使用bulkWrite写入 |
val opt = new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true) |
val acts = mapDocs.map(d => { |
val doc = BsonValueConvert.mapToDocument(d.getSource) |
if (!autoGenerated && d.getId.nonEmpty) { |
doc.append("_id", BsonString(d.getId)) |
ReplaceOneModel(equal("_id", d.getId), doc, opt) |
} else { |
InsertOneModel(doc) |
} |
}) |
val f = collection(indexName).bulkWrite(acts).toFutureOption() |
// 读取数据 |
import org.mongodb.scala.model._ |
val f = collection(indexName).find(and( |
in("sensor", stationId: _*), |
gte("collect_time", BsonDateTime(startDateTime.getMillis)), |
lt("collect_time", BsonDateTime(endDateTime.getMillis)))) |
.toFuture() |
val r = Await.result(f, Duration.create(mQueryTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) |
if (r == null || r.isEmpty) { |
info(s"query $indexName at [${stationId.mkString(",")}] from $startDateTime to $endDateTime timeout $mQueryTimeoutMillis ms") |
List() |
} else { |
r.map(BsonValueConvert.documentToMap) |
.map(map2ThemeData) |
.filter(_ != null) |
.toList |
} |
``` |
## Node.js |
```shell |
npm install mongodb |
``` |
```js |
// 创建连接 |
this.client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017", { |
useNewUrlParser: true, |
useUnifiedTopology: true, |
}); |
this.client.connect() |
.then(() => { |
this.db = this.client.db("db") |
}) |
// insert many |
this.db.collection(elem._index).insertMany(arr) |
``` |
Query: |
```js |
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); |
class mongoQuery { |
async get(sensor, start, end) { |
this.client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017", { |
useNewUrlParser: true, |
useUnifiedTopology: true, |
}); |
await this.client.connect() |
this.db = this.client.db("test2") |
this.collection = this.db.collection("anxinyun_themes") |
const query = { |
$and: [ |
{ sensor: { $in: [4054] } }, |
{ collect_time: { $gte: "2020-06-01" } }, |
{ collect_time: { $lt: "2021-06-08" } } |
] |
} |
const query2 = { |
sensor: 4054, |
collect_time: { |
$gte: new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0)), |
$lt: new Date(new Date().setHours(23, 59, 59)), |
} |
} |
const options = { |
// sort by collect_time desc |
sort: { collect_time: -1 }, |
// Include only the `sensor` `data` and `collect_time` fields in each returned document |
projection: { _id: 0, sensor: 1, data: 1, collect_time: 1 }, |
} |
console.log(query2); |
const cursor = this.collection.find(query2, options); |
// print a message if no documents were found |
if ((await cursor.count()) === 0) { |
console.log("No theme datas found!"); |
return []; |
} |
// replace console.dir with your callback to access individual elements |
return await cursor.toArray() |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
mongoQuery |
} |
``` |
## 数据迁移 |
改写[elasticsearch-dump](https://github.com/yinweiwen/elasticsearch-dump)项目,使支持es > mongo的数据导出。 |
```shell |
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe .\bin\elasticdump --input= --output=mongodb://localhost:27017 --limit=1000 --type=data |
``` |
注意: |
1. ```shell |
(node:25064) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: key PM2.5 must not contain '.' |
at serializeInto (e:\Github\elasticsearch-dump\node_modules\bson\lib\bson\parser\serializer.js:921:19) |
... |
``` |
``` |
如果字段中包含'.' , mongodb的 js库会操作失败,返回如上内容 |
2. 默认source中时间字段被解析成字符串,所以需要在转入mongo之前进行转换 |
```js |
if(elem._source.collect_time){ |
targetElem.collect_time=new Date(elem._source.collect_time) |
} |
if(elem._source.create_time){ |
targetElem.create_time=new Date(elem._source.create_time) |
} |
``` |
## 性能对比 |
截止2021-6,两个数据库引擎在db-engine上的排名如下。其中mongo在nosql中排行第一,而ElasticSearch以其全文索引快速搜索的优势,也有不俗的表现。 |
![image-20210604170624551](imgs/ES转MongoDB实战/image-20210604170624551.png) |
我们使用修改后的elasticsearch-dump,将测试环境的 anxinyun_themes 索引下的数据全部导入本机mongodb test数据库 anxinyun_themes 集合中。总计~**1.2M** 条记录。 |
| 项目 | ES | Mongo | |
| -------------------------------- | :------------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | |
| 存储空间 | **242.3mb (488.8mb包含副本)** | 463.4MB (包含索引) | |
| 查询效率(测点HD 6-1~6-8号数据) | 386ms | **111ms** (索引后) ~1s (索引前) | |
| 插入效率(批次100) | 83.5ms | **28.6 ms** | |
| 插入效率(批次500) | 137.6 ms | **89.2 ms** | |
| 插入效率(批次1000) | 223.8 ms | **82.0 ms** | |
测试文件地址 |
> FS-Anxinyun\trunk\codes\services\et\comm_utils\src\test\scala\MongoBenchmark.scala |
> |
> FS-Anxinyun\trunk\codes\services\et\comm_utils\src\test\scala\ElasticBenchmark.scala |
## 总结 |
es和mongodb都是已json为数据格式的nosql,都支持CRUD/聚合和全文索引/分片和副本/海量数据。 |
| | ElasticSearch | MongoDB | |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | |
| | **天生分布式,开箱即用** | “Shard+ConfigServer+QueryRouters”实现分布式,配置复杂 | |
| | **全文检索强大灵活** | 全文检索支持一般 | |
| | 全字段自动索引(倒排) | 需手动添加索引(B+树) | |
| | java实现,RESTful接口 | C++ | |
| 在我们的业务场景中 | | | |
| 查询效率 (测点ID和时间范围) | | **更优** | |
| 插入效率 (upsert) | | **更优** | |
本文主要是探索一种替换目前数据存储方案的可能性,因为在使用过程中我们发现了针对目前存储的数据结构,ES存在的一些弊端: |
1. 集群扰动。节点或分片未知故障(虽然设置了副本分片,但是仍然有可能出现服务整体宕机的情况) |
2. 故障恢复困难。(有时需要几天的时间恢复集群) |
3. 数据的字段数一直在增长,数据体积不断叠加增长 |
4. 数据字段格式固定(根据第一次入库时动态创建) |
综上,ES在部署上更简单,支持任意组合的查询,但成本较高(高内存消耗)。而mongodb在我们这种只对某个字段进行索引查询,无全文索引需求的场景更加适用,并且高并发写性能更优,但是其部署和后期扩展都是比较复杂的。 |
参考: |
> [从MongoDB迁移到ES后,我们减少了80%的服务器](https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1663861054509638147&wfr=spider&for=pc) |
> |
> [回怼篇:我 10 亿级 ES 数据迁到 MongoDB 节省 90% 成本!](https://www.infoq.cn/article/ypf6m08G0AbkZL6ePY6A) |
**todo** |
1. flink mongo-sink实现: |
[StreamFileSink](https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-streaming-java/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/streaming/api/functions/sink/filesystem/StreamingFileSink.java) |
[简单实现Sink到MongoDB](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/86458138) |
Reference in new issue