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export const RESERVEITEM_TYPE = {
periodicStatistics: 1, //周期统计
depSummary: 2,
lostStatistic: 3
export const contractDetailsColumnKeys = {
year: '年度',
serialNo: '序号',
number: '编号',
introduction: '简介',
contractNo: '合同编号',
applyDate: '申请日期',
recConDate: '收到合同日期',
contractPaper: '合同纸质版情况',
contractElec: '合同电子版情况',
department: '部门',
business: '业务线',
sale: '销售人员',
customer: '客户名称',
item: '项目名称',
itemType: '项目类型',
amount: '合同金额',
changeAmount: '变更后合同金额',
cInvoicedAmount: '累计开票金额',
cBackAmount: '累计回款金额',
invoicedBack: '开票-回款',
unInvoicedAmount: '未开票金额',
remainConAmount: '剩余合同金额',
backPercent: '回款率',
retentionMoney: '质保金',
retentionPercent: '质保金比例',
retentionTerm: '质保期',
invoiceTax1: '发票税率金额13%',
invoiceTax2: '发票税率金额9%',
invoiceTax3: '发票税率金额6%',
payType: '合同付款方式',
cost: '预支提成及委外费用',
performanceRatio: '业绩折算比例',
realPerformance: '实际业绩',
assessmentPerformance: '考核业绩',
acceptanceDate: '验收日期',
backConfirmDate: '收入确认时间',
recYear: '接单年份',
recMonth: '接单月份',
cusAttribute: '客户属性',
cusType: '客户类型',
industry: '行业',
source: '信息来源',
cusProvince: '客户省份',
cusArea: '项目所在地',
text: '备注',
export const invoicingDetailsColumnKeys = {
year: '年度',
serialNo: '序号',
number: '编号',
department: '部门',
sale: '销售人员',
contractNo: '合同编号',
customer: '客户名称',
item: '项目名称',
amount: '合同金额',
changeAmount: '变更后合同金额',
invoiceNo: '发票号码',
invoiceType: '开票类型',
invoiceDate: '开票日期',
invoiceAmount: '开票金额',
outputTax: '销项税额',
total: '合计',
taxRate13: '税率13%',
taxRate9: '税率9%',
taxRate6: '税率6%'