'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment');
async function getReceivedDetail(ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc;
const { keywordTarget, keyword, limit, page, toExport } = ctx.query
let where = {}
if (keywordTarget == 'contract' && keyword) {
where.contractNo = { $like: `%${keyword}%` }
let findOption = {
where: where,
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
if (!toExport) {//非导出时考虑分页
if (limit) {
findOption.limit = Number(limit)
if (page && limit) {
findOption.offset = Number(page) * Number(limit)
let res = await models.ReceivableDetail.findAndCountAll(findOption);
if (toExport) {//数据导出相关
await exportReceivedDetail(ctx, res.rows);
} else {
ctx.status = 200
ctx.body = {
count: res.count,
rows: res.rows
} catch (error) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = { name: 'FindAllError', message: '获取失败' }
async function exportReceivedDetail(ctx, dataList) {
try {
let header = [{
title: '年度',
key: 'year',
}, {
title: '序号',
key: 'serialNo',
}, {
title: '编号',
key: 'number',
}, {
title: '部门',
key: 'department',
}, {
title: '销售人员',
key: 'sale',
}, {
title: '合同编号',
key: 'contractNo',
}, {
title: '客户名称',
key: 'customer',
}, {
title: '项目名称',
key: 'item',
}, {
title: '合同金额',
key: 'amount',
}, {
title: '变更后合同金额',
key: 'changeAmount',
}, {
title: '回款年份',
key: 'receivableYear',
}, {
title: '回款日期',
key: 'receivableDate',
}, {
title: '回款金额',
key: 'receivableAmount',
}, {
title: '开票-回款',
key: 'invoicedBack',
}, {
title: '剩余合同金额',
key: 'remainConAmount',
}, {
title: '收入确认时间',
key: 'incomeConfirmdate',
}, {
title: '第三方付款单位',
key: 'thirdPayment',
}, {
title: '备注',
key: 'remark',
const { utils: { simpleExcelDown } } = ctx.app.fs;
let exportData = []
for (let { dataValues: item } of dataList) {
const fileName = `回款明细表_${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}` + '.xlsx'
const filePath = await simpleExcelDown({ data: exportData, header, fileName: fileName })
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-xls');
ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURI(fileName));
ctx.body = fileData;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function getAchievementDetail(ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc;
const { keywordTarget, keyword, limit, page, toExport } = ctx.query
let where = {}
if (keywordTarget == 'saler' && keyword) {
where.sale = { $like: `%${keyword}%` }
if (keywordTarget == 'line' && keyword) {
where.serviceLine = { $like: `%${keyword}%` }
if (keywordTarget == 'dep' && keyword) {
where.department = { $like: `%${keyword}%` }
let findOption = {
where: where,
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
if (!toExport) {//非导出时考虑分页
if (limit) {
findOption.limit = Number(limit)
if (page && limit) {
findOption.offset = Number(page) * Number(limit)
let res = await models.PerformanceDetail.findAndCountAll(findOption);
if (toExport) {//数据导出相关
await exportAchievementDetail(ctx, res.rows);
} else {
ctx.status = 200
ctx.body = {
count: res.count,
rows: res.rows
} catch (error) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = { name: 'FindAllError', message: '获取失败' }
async function exportAchievementDetail(ctx, dataList) {
try {
let header = [{
title: '收到合同日期',
key: 'recConDate',
}, {
title: '月份',
key: 'month',
}, {
title: '部门',
key: 'department',
}, {
title: '销售人员',
key: 'sale',
}, {
title: '客户名称',
key: 'customer',
}, {
title: '项目名称',
key: 'item',
}, {
title: '合同金额',
key: 'amount',
}, {
title: '实际业绩',
key: 'realPerformance',
}, {
title: '考核业绩',
key: 'assessmentPerformance',
}, {
title: '价格是否特批',
key: 'isApproval',
}, {
title: '特批折算比例',
key: 'approvalProp',
}, {
title: '预支提成及委外费用',
key: 'cost',
}, {
title: '业务线',
key: 'serviceLine',
}, {
title: '客户类型',
key: 'cusType',
}, {
title: '行业',
key: 'industry',
}, {
title: '信息来源',
key: 'source',
}, {
title: '项目类型',
key: 'itemType',
}, {
title: '客户省份',
key: 'cusProvince',
}, {
title: '客户属性',
key: 'cusAttribute',
}, {
title: '复购次数',
key: 'repurchaseCount',
}, {
title: '是否可复制的业务路径',
key: 'reproducible',
}, {
title: '省外业务1.1',
key: 'outProvince',
}, {
title: '复购业务1.05',
key: 'repurchase',
}, {
title: '可复制的业务路径1.1',
key: 'isreproduce',
const { utils: { simpleExcelDown } } = ctx.app.fs;
let exportData = []
for (let { dataValues: item } of dataList) {
item.isApproval = item.isApproval ? '是' : '否';
item.reproducible = item.reproducible ? '是' : '否';
const fileName = `业绩明细表_${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}` + '.xlsx'
const filePath = await simpleExcelDown({ data: exportData, header, fileName: fileName })
const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-xls');
ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURI(fileName));
ctx.body = fileData;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
* 查询合同明细表数据
* @param {*} ctx ctx ctx.query:{keywordTarget-关键字项、keyword-关键字内容、limit-页宽, page-页码}
async function getContractDetail(ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc;
const { keywordTarget, keyword, limit, page } = ctx.query;
const where = {};
if (keywordTarget && keyword) {
where[keywordTarget] = { $iLike: `%${keyword}%` };
let contractDetail = await models.ContractDetail.findAndCountAll({
where: where,
offset: Number(page) * Number(limit),
limit: Number(limit),
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
ctx.status = 200
ctx.body = contractDetail;
} catch (error) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = { name: 'FindError', message: '查询合同明细表数据失败' }
module.exports = {