const moment = require('moment')
module.exports = function (app, opts) {
const cameraOnlinePush = app.fs.scheduleInit(
interval: '* */15 * * * *',
// interval: '*/15 * * * * *',
immediate: false,
proRun: false,
async () => {
try {
const { models } = app.fs.dc
const { pushBySms, pushByEmail } = app.fs.utils
const configRes = await models.CameraStatusPushConfig.findAll({
where: {
forbidden: false
include: [
model: models.CameraStatusPushMonitor,
attributes: ['cameraId'],
required: false,
duplicating: true
model: models.CameraStatusPushReceiver,
attributes: ['receiver'],
duplicating: false,
required: false,
const timeNow = moment().format()
for (let c of configRes) {
// 查配置信息所对应的摄像头15min内的在离线状态
const cameraIds = c.cameraStatusPushMonitors.map(m => m.cameraId)
const offlineStatusRes = await models.CameraStatusOfflineLog.findAll({
where: {
cameraId: { $in: cameraIds },
time: {
$between: [moment(timeNow).subtract(15, 'minutes').format(), timeNow]
include: [{
model: models.Camera,
attributes: ['name']
order: [['time', 'ASC']],
if (offlineStatusRes.length) {
const cameraStatusMap = {}
// 当前逻辑
// 只要最后状态是离线 就做离线推送
// 只要出现一次上线 就做上线推送
for (let s of offlineStatusRes) {
if (cameraStatusMap[s.cameraId]) {
cameraId: s.cameraId,
status: s.status,
time: s.time,
} else {
cameraStatusMap[s.cameraId] = {
status: [{
cameraId: s.cameraId,
status: s.status,
time: s.time,
name: s.camera.name,
let offArr = []
let onArr = []
for (let k in Object.keys(cameraStatusMap).sort()) {
const data = cameraStatusMap[k]
if (data.status[0].status == 'OFF') {
name: data.name,
time: data.status[0].time,
const onLineIndex = data.status.findIndex(s => s.status == 'ON')
if (onLineIndex >= 0) {
const onLineLastOffIndex = data.status.findIndex((s, i) => s.status == 'OFF' && i > onLineIndex)
let onlineData = {
cameraId: data.status[onLineIndex].cameraId,
name: data.status[onLineIndex].name,
time: data.status[onLineIndex].time,
if (onLineLastOffIndex >= 0) {
onlineData.offTime = data.status[onLineLastOffIndex].time
// 查当前配置由谁配置
const corUser = await app.fs.authRequest.get(`user/${c.createUser}/message`, {
query: {
// TODO 这里拿不到 token 去鉴权 怎么能系统间鉴权呢
// 暂时取消了鉴权系统对这里的判断
token: ''
const receiver = c.cameraStatusPushReceivers.map(r => r.receiver)
// 离线推送
if (offArr.length && c.noticeWay && c.noticeWay.includes('offline')) {
if (c.pushWay == 'email') {
// 邮件
let text = `【${corUser[0].namePresent}】账号下的设备,截止【${moment(timeNow).format('YYYY年HH时mm分')}】,有${offArr.length}个设备掉线:\n`
text += offArr.map(o => `【${o.name}】于【${o.time}】掉线,`).join('\n')
text += `\n请及时处理!`
await pushByEmail({
email: receiver,
title: '',
} else if (c.pushWay == 'phone') {
// 短信
let text = `【${corUser[0].namePresent}】账号下的`
if (offArr.length == 1) {
text += `【${offArr[0].name}】离线,请及时处理!【${moment(offArr[0].time).format('YYYY年HH时mm分')}】`
} else {
text += offArr.map(o => `【${o.name}】`).join('')
if (text.length > 35) {
text = text.substring(0, 35) + '...'
text += `等${offArr.length}个摄像头离线`
text += `,请及时处理!【${moment().format('MM月DD日HH时mm分')}-${moment(timeNow).subtract(15, 'minutes').format('MM月DD日HH时mm分')}】`
await pushBySms({
phone: receiver,
templateCode: '',
templateParam: '',
// 上线推送
if (onArr.length && c.noticeWay && c.noticeWay.includes('online')) {
if (c.pushWay == 'email') {
// 邮件
// const outTimeCameraOff = onArr.filter(a => !a.offTime)
// if (outTimeCameraOff.length) {
// let cameraIds = outTimeCameraOff.map(a => a.cameraId)
// const lastOfflineRes = await models.CameraStatus.findAll({
// where: {
// cameraId: { $in: cameraIds },
// status: 'OFF',
// time: {
// $lt: moment(timeNow).subtract(15, 'minutes').format()
// }
// },
// group: ['cameraId'],
// attributes: ['cameraId', [sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('time')), 'time']],
// })
// }
} else if (c.pushWay == 'phone') {
// 短信
} catch (error) {
return {