### 环境恢复 **安装新mysql** ```shell #命令1 sudo apt-get update #命令2 sudo apt-get install mysql-server # 初始化安全配置*(可选) sudo mysql_secure_installation # 远程访问和权限问题*(可选) #前情提要:事先声明一下,这样做是对安全有好处的。刚初始化好的MySQL是不能进行远程登录的。要实现登录的话,强烈建议新建一个权限低一点的用户再进行远程登录。直接使用root用户远程登录有很大的风险。分分钟数据库就有可能被黑客drop掉。 #首先,修改/etc/mysql/my.cnf文件。把bind-address =这句给注释掉。解除地址绑定(或者是绑定一个你的固定地址。但宽带上网地址都是随机分配的,固定ip不可行)。 #然后,给一个用户授权使他能够远程登录。执行下面两句即可。 grant all PRIVILEGES on *.* to user1@'%'identified by '123456' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; service mysql restart。 ``` **重新启动Hive** STILL ON `37测试机` `/home/anxin/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin` ```sh ./schematool -initSchema -dbType mysql # 加载我的环境变量,应为本机还安装了ambari的hive source /etc/profile hive --service metastore #P.S. 我的环境变量 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_131 export JAVA_HOME=/home/anxin/jdk8_322/jdk8u322-b06 export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre export CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JRE_HOME/lib export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin:$PATH export HIVE_HOME=/home/anxin/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin export HIVE_CONF_DIR=$HIVE_HOME/conf export PATH=$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/hdp/ export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/usr/hdp/ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop classpath` export FLINK_HOME=/home/anxin/flink-1.13.6 ``` ### Hive基础操作 参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangrd/p/6275162.html ```sql --就会在HDFS的[/user/hive/warehouse/]中生成一个tabletest.db文件夹。 CREATE DATABASE tableset; -- 切换当前数据库 USE tableset; -- 创建表 CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [COMMENT table_comment] [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] INTO num_buckets BUCKETS] [ROW FORMAT row_format] [STORED AS file_format] [LOCATION hdfs_path] CREATE TABLE t_order ( id int, name string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' -- 指定字段分隔符 STORED AS TEXTFILE; -- 指定数据存储格式 -- 查看表结构 DESC t_order; -- 导入数据 load data local inpath '/home/anxin/data/data.txt' [OVERWRITE] into table t_order; -- EXTERNAL表 -- 创建外部表,不会对源文件位置作任何改变 -- 删除外部表不会删除源文件 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ex_order ( id int, name string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/external/hive'; --分区 CREATE TABLE t_order(id int,name string) partitioned by (part_flag string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/ip.txt' overwrite into table t_order partition(part_flag='part1'); -- 数据上传到part1子目录下 -- 查看所有表 SHOW TABLES; SHOW TABLES 'TMP'; SHOW PARTITIONS TMP_TABLE;-- 查看表有哪些分区 DESCRIBE TMP_TABLE; -- 查看表结构 -- 分桶表 create table stu_buck(Sno int,Sname string,Sex string,Sage int,Sdept string) clustered by(Sno) sorted by(Sno DESC) into 4 buckets row format delimited fields terminated by ','; -- 通过insert into ...select...进行数据插入 set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; set mapreduce.job.reduces=4; insert overwrite table stu_buck select * from student cluster by(Sno); --等价于 distribute by(Sno) sort by(Sno asc); -- 删除表 DROP TABLE tablename; -- 临时表 CREATE TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT id,name FROM t_order SORT BY new_id; -- UDF 用户定义函数 -- 基层UDF函数,打包jar到程序,注册函数 CREATE TEMPORARY function tolowercase as 'cn.demo.Namespace'; select id,tolowercase(name) from t_order; ``` ### Hadoop基础操作 本例中最终选择通过Hadoop Catalog实现IceBerg数据存储: ```sh # -skipTrash 直接删除不放到回收站 hdfs dfs -rm -skipTrash /path/to/file/you/want/to/remove/permanently # 清理所有Trash中的数据 hdfs dfs -expunge ## **清理指定文件夹下的所有数据** hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash /user/hadoop/* ## hadoop 启动错误: chown -R hdfs:hdfs /hadoop/hdfs/namenode # DataNode启动失败:可能多次format导致。修改data-node的clusterid和namenode中的一致 /hadoop/hdfs/data/current/VERSION /hadoop/hdfs/namenode/current/VERSION # 查看DataNode启动日志 root@node38:/var/log/hadoop/hdfs# tail -n 1000 hadoop-hdfs-datanode-node38.log ``` 查看恢复的Hadoop集群: ![image-20220127110428706](imgs/数据湖2/image-20220127110428706.png) ### Flink SQL流式从Kafka到Hive https://www.cnblogs.com/Springmoon-venn/p/13726089.html 读取kafka的sql: ```sql tableEnv.getConfig.setSqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT) create table myhive.testhive.iotaKafkatable( `userId` STRING, `dimensionId` STRING, `dimCapId` STRING, `scheduleId` STRING, `jobId` STRING, `jobRepeatId` STRING, `thingId` STRING , `deviceId` STRING, `taskId` STRING, `triggerTime` STRING, `finishTime` STRING, `seq` STRING, `result` STRING, `data` STRING )with ('connector' = 'kafka', 'topic'='iceberg', 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '', 'properties.group.id' = 'iceberg-demo' , 'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', 'format' = 'json', 'json.ignore-parse-errors'='true') ``` 创建hive表: ```sql tableEnv.getConfig.setSqlDialect(SqlDialect.HIVE) CREATE TABLE myhive.testhive.iotatable2( `userId` STRING, `dimensionId` STRING, `dimCapId` STRING, `scheduleId` STRING, `jobId` STRING, `jobRepeatId` STRING, `thingId` STRING , `deviceId` STRING, `taskId` STRING, `triggerTime` TIMESTAMP, `seq` STRING, `result` STRING, `data` STRING ) PARTITIONED BY ( finishTime STRING) -- 分区间字段,该字段不存放实际的数据内容 STORED AS PARQUET TBLPROPERTIES ( 'sink.partition-commit.policy.kind' = 'metastore,success-file', 'partition.time-extractor.timestamp-pattern' = '$finishTime' ) ``` ### IceBerg 概念再解析: > 好文推荐: > > + [数据湖存储架构选型](https://blog.csdn.net/u011598442/article/details/110152352) > + 参考:[Flink+IceBerg+对象存储,构建数据湖方案](https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1705407920794793309&wfr=spider&for=pc) ![img](imgs/数据湖2/b58f8c5494eef01f5824f06566c8492dbc317d19.jpeg)![img](imgs/数据湖2/f3d3572c11dfa9ec7f198010e3e6270b918fc146.jpeg) IceBerg表数据组织架构: 命名空间-》表-》快照》表数据(Parquet/ORC/Avro等格式) - **快照 Metadata**:表格 Schema、Partition、Partition spec、Manifest List 路径、当前快照等。 - **Manifest List:**Manifest File 路径及其 Partition,数据文件统计信息。 - **Manifest File:**Data File 路径及其每列数据上下边界。 - **Data File:**实际表内容数据,以 Parque,ORC,Avro 等格式组织。 ![img](imgs/数据湖2/a6efce1b9d16fdfa26174a12c9b95c5c95ee7b96.jpeg) 由DataWorker读取元数据进行解析,让后把一条记录提交给IceBerg存储,IceBerg将记录写入预定义的分区,形成一些新文件。 Flink在执行Checkpoint的时候完成这一批文件的写入,然后生成这批文件的清单,提交给Commit Worker. CommitWorker读出当前快照信息,然后与本次生成的文件列表进行合并,生成新的ManifestList文件以及后续元数据的表文件的信息。之后进行提交,成功后形成新快照。 ![img](imgs/数据湖2/77094b36acaf2edd63d01449f226d1e139019328.jpeg) ![img](imgs/数据湖2/377adab44aed2e73ddb8d5980337718386d6faf4.jpeg) catalog是Iceberg对表进行管理(create、drop、rename等)的一个组件。目前Iceberg主要支持HiveCatalog和HadoopCatalog两种。 HiveCatalog通过metastore数据库(一般MySQL)提供ACID,HadoopCatalog基于乐观锁机制和HDFS rename的原子性保障写入提交的ACID。 Flink兼容性 ![image-20220119142219318](imgs/数据湖2/image-20220119142219318.png) ### 写入IceBerg + IceBerg官网 https://iceberg.apache.org/#flink/ + 官网翻译 https://www.cnblogs.com/swordfall/p/14548574.html + 基于HiveCatalog的问题(未写入Hive) https://issueexplorer.com/issue/apache/iceberg/3092 + [Flink + Iceberg: How to Construct a Whole-scenario Real-time Data Warehouse](https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/flink-%2B-iceberg-how-to-construct-a-whole-scenario-real-time-data-warehouse_597824) + 被他玩明白了 https://miaowenting.site/2021/01/20/Apache-Iceberg/ #### 1.使用HadoopCatalog https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1807008 关键代码: svn: http://svn.anxinyun.cn/Iota/branches/fs-iot/code/flink-iceberg/flink-iceberg/src/main/scala/com/fs/IceBergDealHadoopApplication.scala ```scala ... ``` #### 2. 使用HiveCatalog > 进展:??? Hive中可以查询到数据。在FlinkSQL中查询不到数据 关键代码说明: ```scala env.enableCheckpointing(5000) // 创建IceBerg Catalog和Database val createIcebergCatalogSql = """CREATE CATALOG iceberg WITH( | 'type'='iceberg', | 'catalog-type'='hive', | 'hive-conf-dir'='E:\Iota\branches\fs-iot\code\flink-iceberg\flink-iceberg' |) """.stripMargin // 创建原始数据表 iota_raw val createIotaRawSql = """CREATE TABLE iceberg.iceberg_dba.iota_raw ( |`userId` STRING, |`dimensionId` STRING, |`dimCapId` STRING, |`scheduleId` STRING, |`jobId` STRING, |`jobRepeatId` STRING, |`thingId` STRING , |`deviceId` STRING, |`taskId` STRING, |`triggerTime` TIMESTAMP, |`day` STRING, |`seq` STRING, |`result` STRING, | `data` STRING |) PARTITIONED BY (`thingId`,`day`) |WITH ( | 'engine.hive.enabled' = 'true', | 'table.exec.sink.not-null-enforcer'='ERROR' |) """.stripMargin val kafka_iota_sql = """create table myhive.testhive.iotaKafkatable( |`userId` STRING, |`dimensionId` STRING, |`dimCapId` STRING, |`scheduleId` STRING, |`jobId` STRING, |`jobRepeatId` STRING, |`thingId` STRING , |`deviceId` STRING, |`taskId` STRING, |`triggerTime` STRING, |`finishTime` STRING, |`seq` STRING, |`result` STRING, | `data` STRING |)with |('connector' = 'kafka', |'topic'='iceberg', |'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '', |'properties.group.id' = 'iceberg-demo' , |'scan.startup.mode' = 'latest-offset', |'format' = 'json', |'json.ignore-parse-errors'='true' |) """.stripMargin // 注册自定义函数 Transform tenv.createTemporarySystemFunction("dcFunction", classOf[DateCgFunction]) tenv.createTemporarySystemFunction("tcFunction", classOf[TimeStampFunction]) val insertSql = """ |insert into iceberg.iceberg_dba.iota_raw | select userId, dimensionId,dimCapId,scheduleId,jobId,jobRepeatId,thingId,deviceId,taskId, |tcFunction(triggerTime), |DATE_FORMAT(dcFunction(triggerTime),'yyyy-MM-dd'), |seq,`result`,data |from myhive.testhive.iotakafkatable """.stripMargin ``` > 1. 使用HiveCatalog方式,必须指定 'engine.hive.enabled' = 'true' > > 2. 'table.exec.sink.not-null-enforcer'='ERROR' 在非空字段插入空值时的处理办法 > > 3. 自定义函数实现 > > ```scala > class TimeStampFunction extends ScalarFunction { > def eval(@DataTypeHint(inputGroup = InputGroup.UNKNOWN) o: String): Timestamp = { > val v = DateParser.parse(o) > if (v.isEmpty) { > null > } else { > new Timestamp(v.get.getMillis) > } > } > } > ``` > > 4. PARTITIONED BY (`thingId`,`day`) 根据thingid和日期分区,文件路径如: > > 5. 详细代码见 http://svn.anxinyun.cn/Iota/branches/fs-iot/code/flink-iceberg/flink-iceberg/src/main/scala/com/fs/DataDealApplication.scala 查看创建表结构的语句 ```sql show create table iota_raw; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `iota_raw`( `userid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `dimensionid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `dimcapid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `scheduleid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `jobid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `jobrepeatid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `thingid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `deviceid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `taskid` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `triggertime` timestamp COMMENT 'from deserializer', `day` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `seq` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `result` string COMMENT 'from deserializer', `data` string COMMENT 'from deserializer') ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.iceberg.mr.hive.HiveIcebergSerDe' STORED BY 'org.apache.iceberg.mr.hive.HiveIcebergStorageHandler' LOCATION 'hdfs://node37:8020/user/hive/warehouse/iceberg_dba.db/iota_raw' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'engine.hive.enabled'='true', 'metadata_location'='hdfs://node37:8020/user/hive/warehouse/iceberg_dba.db/iota_raw/metadata/00010-547022ad-c615-4e2e-854e-8f85592db7b6.metadata.json', 'previous_metadata_location'='hdfs://node37:8020/user/hive/warehouse/iceberg_dba.db/iota_raw/metadata/00009-abfb6af1-13dd-439a-88f5-9cb822d6c0e4.metadata.json', 'table_type'='ICEBERG', 'transient_lastDdlTime'='1642579682') ``` 在Hive中查看数据 ```sql hive> add jar /tmp/iceberg-hive-runtime-0.12.1.jar; hive> select * from iota_raw; ``` #### 报错记录 1. HiveTableOperations$WaitingForLockException ```sql -- HiveMetaStore中的HIVE_LOCKS表 将报错的表所对应的锁记录删除 select hl_lock_ext_id,hl_table,hl_lock_state,hl_lock_type,hl_last_heartbeat,hl_blockedby_ext_id from HIVE_LOCKS; delete from HIVE_LOCKS; ``` ### 查询IceBerg #### 启动Flink SQL Client flink 配置master `localhost:8081`,配置workers `localhost`. 配置flink.conf (可选) ```ini # The number of task slots that each TaskManager offers. Each slot runs one parallel pipeline. taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 4 # The parallelism used for programs that did not specify and other parallelism. parallelism.default: 1 ``` 配置sql-client-defaults.yaml (可选) ```yaml execution: # select the implementation responsible for planning table programs # possible values are 'blink' (used by default) or 'old' planner: blink # 'batch' or 'streaming' execution type: streaming # allow 'event-time' or only 'processing-time' in sources time-characteristic: event-time # interval in ms for emitting periodic watermarks periodic-watermarks-interval: 200 # 'changelog', 'table' or 'tableau' presentation of results result-mode: table # maximum number of maintained rows in 'table' presentation of results max-table-result-rows: 1000000 # parallelism of the program # parallelism: 1 # maximum parallelism max-parallelism: 128 # minimum idle state retention in ms min-idle-state-retention: 0 # maximum idle state retention in ms max-idle-state-retention: 0 # current catalog ('default_catalog' by default) current-catalog: default_catalog # current database of the current catalog (default database of the catalog by default) current-database: default_database # controls how table programs are restarted in case of a failures # restart-strategy: # strategy type # possible values are "fixed-delay", "failure-rate", "none", or "fallback" (default) # type: fallback ``` 启动flink集群: ```sh ./bin/start-cluster.sh ``` 访问Flink UI http://node37:8081 启动sql-client ```sh export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`hadoop classpath` ./bin/sql-client.sh embedded \ -j /home/anxin/iceberg/iceberg-flink-runtime-0.12.0.jar \ -j /home/anxin/iceberg/flink-sql-connector-hive-2.3.6_2.11-1.11.0.jar \ -j /home/anxin/flink-1.11.4/lib/flink-sql-connector-kafka-0.11_2.11-1.11.4.jar \ shell ``` #### 查询语句基础 ```sql CREATE CATALOG iceberg WITH( 'type'='iceberg', 'catalog-type'='hadoop', 'warehouse'='hdfs://node37:8020/user/hadoop', 'property-version'='1' ); use catalog iceberg; use iceberg_db; -- 选择数据库 --可选区域 SET; -- 查看当前配置 SET sql-client.execution.result-mode = table; -- changelog/tableau SET sql-client.verbose=true; -- 打印异常堆栈 SET sql-client.execution.max-table-result.rows=1000000; -- 在表格模式下缓存的行数 SET table.planner = blink; -- planner: either blink (default) or old SET execution.runtime-mode = streaming; -- execution mode either batch or streaming SET sql-client.execution.result-mode = table; -- available values: table, changelog and tableau SET parallelism.default = 1; -- optional: Flinks parallelism (1 by default) SET pipeline.auto-watermark-interval = 200; --optional: interval for periodic watermarks SET pipeline.max-parallelism = 10; -- optional: Flink's maximum parallelism SET table.exec.state.ttl = 1000; -- optional: table program's idle state time SET restart-strategy = fixed-delay; SET table.optimizer.join-reorder-enabled = true; SET table.exec.spill-compression.enabled = true; SET table.exec.spill-compression.block-size = 128kb; SET execution.savepoint.path = tmp/flink-savepoints/savepoint-cca7bc-bb1e257f0dab; -- restore from the specific savepoint path -- 执行一组SQL指令 BEGIN STATEMENT SET; -- one or more INSERT INTO statements { INSERT INTO|OVERWRITE ; }+ END; ``` ![image-20220120164032739](imgs/数据湖2/image-20220120164032739.png) #### 批量读取 > 在FlinkSQL执行SET后再执行查询,总是报错: > > ; > > 所以需要在执行SQL Client之前设置一些参数 修改 `conf/sql-client-defaults.yaml` execution.type=batch ```yaml catalogs: # A typical catalog definition looks like: - name: myhive type: hive hive-conf-dir: /home/anxin/apache-hive-3.1.2-bin/conf # default-database: ... - name: hadoop_catalog type: iceberg warehouse: hdfs://node37:8020/user/hadoop catalog-type: hadoop #============================================================================== # Modules #============================================================================== # Define modules here. #modules: # note the following modules will be of the order they are specified # - name: core # type: core #============================================================================== # Execution properties #============================================================================== # Properties that change the fundamental execution behavior of a table program. execution: # select the implementation responsible for planning table programs # possible values are 'blink' (used by default) or 'old' planner: blink # 'batch' or 'streaming' execution type: batch # allow 'event-time' or only 'processing-time' in sources time-characteristic: event-time # interval in ms for emitting periodic watermarks periodic-watermarks-interval: 200 # 'changelog', 'table' or 'tableau' presentation of results result-mode: table # maximum number of maintained rows in 'table' presentation of results max-table-result-rows: 1000000 # parallelism of the program # parallelism: 1 # maximum parallelism max-parallelism: 128 # minimum idle state retention in ms min-idle-state-retention: 0 # maximum idle state retention in ms max-idle-state-retention: 0 # current catalog ('default_catalog' by default) current-catalog: default_catalog # current database of the current catalog (default database of the catalog by default) current-database: default_database # controls how table programs are restarted in case of a failures # restart-strategy: # strategy type # possible values are "fixed-delay", "failure-rate", "none", or "fallback" (default) # type: fallback #============================================================================== # Configuration options #============================================================================== # Configuration options for adjusting and tuning table programs. # A full list of options and their default values can be found # on the dedicated "Configuration" web page. # A configuration can look like: configuration: table.exec.spill-compression.enabled: true table.exec.spill-compression.block-size: 128kb table.optimizer.join-reorder-enabled: true # execution.checkpointing.interval: 10s table.dynamic-table-options.enabled: true ``` #### 流式读取 修改 `conf/sql-client-defaults.yaml` execution.type=streaming execution.checkpointing.interval: 10s table.dynamic-table-options.enabled: true // 开启[动态表(Dynamic Table)选项](https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.13/zh/docs/dev/table/sql/queries/hints/) ```sql -- Submit the flink job in streaming mode for current session. SET execution.type = streaming ; -- Enable this switch because streaming read SQL will provide few job options in flink SQL hint options. SET table.dynamic-table-options.enabled=true; -- Read all the records from the iceberg current snapshot, and then read incremental data starting from that snapshot. SELECT * FROM iota_raw /*+ OPTIONS('streaming'='true', 'monitor-interval'='10s')*/ ; -- Read all incremental data starting from the snapshot-id '3821550127947089987' (records from this snapshot will be excluded). SELECT * FROM iota_raw /*+ OPTIONS('streaming'='true', 'monitor-interval'='10s', 'start-snapshot-id'='3821550127947089987')*/ ; ``` #### 通过外部Hive表查询 ```sql -- HIVE SHELL add jar /tmp/iceberg-hive-runtime-0.12.1.jar; use iceberg_dba; SET engine.hive.enabled=true; SET iceberg.engine.hive.enabled=true; SET iceberg.mr.catalog=hive; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE iceberg_dba.iota_rawe( `userId` STRING, `dimensionId` STRING, `dimCapId` STRING, `scheduleId` STRING, `jobId` STRING, `jobRepeatId` STRING, `thingId` STRING , `deviceId` STRING, `taskId` STRING, `triggerTime` TIMESTAMP, `day` STRING, `seq` STRING, `result` STRING, `data` STRING ) STORED BY 'org.apache.iceberg.mr.hive.HiveIcebergStorageHandler' LOCATION '/user/hadoop/iceberg_db/iota_raw' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'iceberg.mr.catalog'='hadoop', 'iceberg.mr.catalog.hadoop.warehouse.location'='hdfs://node37:8020/user/hadoop/iceberg_db/iota_raw' ); ``` #### 处理小文件的三种方式 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/349420627 1. Iceberg表中设置 write.distribution-mode=hash ```sql CREATE TABLE sample ( id BIGINT, data STRING ) PARTITIONED BY (data) WITH ( 'write.distribution-mode'='hash' ); ``` 2. 定期对 Apache Iceberg 表执行 Major Compaction 来合并 Apache iceberg 表中的小文件。这个作业目前是一个 Flink 的批作业,提供 Java API 的方式来提交作业,使用姿势可以参考文档[8]。 3. 在每个 Flink Sink 流作业之后,外挂算子用来实现小文件的自动合并。这个功能目前暂未 merge 到社区版本,由于涉及到 format v2 的 compaction 的一些讨论,我们会在 0.12.0 版本中发布该功能。 > Iceberg provides API to rewrite small files into large files by submitting flink batch job. The behavior of this flink action is the same as the spark's rewriteDataFiles. ```java import org.apache.iceberg.flink.actions.Actions; TableLoader tableLoader = TableLoader.fromHadoopTable("hdfs://nn:8020/warehouse/path"); Table table = tableLoader.loadTable(); RewriteDataFilesActionResult result = Actions.forTable(table) .rewriteDataFiles() .execute(); ``` For more doc about options of the rewrite files action, please see [RewriteDataFilesAction](https://iceberg.apache.org/#javadoc/0.12.1/org/apache/iceberg/flink/actions/RewriteDataFilesAction.html) #### 插播“ [Flink操作HUDI](https://hudi.apache.org/docs/0.8.0/flink-quick-start-guide/) 流式读取 ```sql CREATE TABLE t1( uuid VARCHAR(20), name VARCHAR(10), age INT, ts TIMESTAMP(3), `partition` VARCHAR(20) ) PARTITIONED BY (`partition`) WITH ( 'connector' = 'hudi', 'path' = 'oss://vvr-daily/hudi/t1', 'table.type' = 'MERGE_ON_READ', 'read.streaming.enabled' = 'true', -- this option enable the streaming read 'read.streaming.start-commit' = '20210316134557' -- specifies the start commit instant time 'read.streaming.check-interval' = '4' -- specifies the check interval for finding new source commits, default 60s. ); -- Then query the table in stream mode select * from t1; ``` #### 报错记录: 1. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable 2. 执行 Flink SQL 报错 `[ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused` 启动flink集群: ```sh ./bin/start-cluster.sh ``` 3. 执行batch查询时: ```scala val bsSetting = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().useBlinkPlanner().inBatchMode().build() val tenv = TableEnvironment.create(bsSetting) ``` ```sh Error:(22, 43) Static methods in interface require -target:jvm-1.8 val tenv = TableEnvironment.create(bsSetting) ``` 未解决:继续使用StreamTableEnvironment 4. MiniCluster is not yet running or has already been shut down 本地同时调试写入和查询两个Flink程序。不能同时调试两个程序 ?? 5. flink SQL 程序执行报错 Job client must be a CoordinationRequestGateway. This is a bug 通过命令行提交执行: ```shell ./bin/flink run -c com.fs.OfficialRewriteData -p 1 ./flink-iceberg-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar --host localhost --port 8081 ``` 6. 任务提交时,Unable to instantiate java compiler ```sh Unable to instantiate java compiler: calcite依赖冲突 ``` 参考 : https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44056920/article/details/118110262 7. Flink报错OOM 放大Flink内存 ```yaml jobmanager.memory.process.size: 2600m taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size: 1000m jobmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size: 1000m ``` 8. 网路上的问题汇总帖 > IceBerg+Kafka+FlinkSQL https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33476283/article/details/119138610 ### 大数据湖最佳实践 实施数据湖的路线图 + 建设基础设施(Hadoop集群) + 组织好数据湖的各个区域(给不同的用户群创建各种区域,并导入数据) + 设置好数据湖的自助服务(创建数据资产目录、访问控制机制、准备分析师使用的工具) + 将数据湖开放给用户 规划数据湖: + 原始区:保存采集的数据 + 产品区:清洗处理后的数据 + 工作区:数据科学家在此分析数据,一般按用户、项目、主题划分。投产后迁移至产品区 + 敏感区. 传统数据库是基于Schema On Write,数据湖(Hadoop等)是Schema On Read. Michael Hausenblas: > 数据湖一般与静态数据相关联。其基本思想是引入数据探索的自助服务方法,使相关的业务数据集可以在组织中共享 + 数据存储 HDFS HBase Cassandra Kafka + 处理引擎 Spark Flink Beam + 交互 Zeppelin/Spark noteboook,Tableau/Datameer ### 附录 1. hive-site.xml ```xml javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName root javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword 123456 javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL jdbc:mysql:// javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName com.mysql.jdbc.Driver hive.metastore.schema.verification false hive.cli.print.current.db true hive.cli.print.header true hive.metastore.warehouse.dir /user/hive/warehouse hive.metastore.local false hive.metastore.uris thrift:// hive.server2.thrift.port 10000 hive.server2.thrift.bind.host ```