174 lines
7.0 KiB

const schedule = require('node-schedule');
const moment = require('moment')
module.exports = function (app, opts) {
const freshYingshiState = app.fs.scheduleInit(
interval: '* */5 * * * *',
// interval: '*/10 * * * *',
immediate: false,
proRun: true,
async () => {
try {
const startTime = moment()
const { models } = app.fs.dc
const { token4yingshi, getYingshiPlayUrl, cameraStatePush } = app.fs.utils
const secretRes = await models.SecretYingshi.findAll()
let deviceList = []
for (let s of secretRes) {
const tokenYingshi = await token4yingshi(s.dataValues)
// 查询所有设备
let pageStart = 0
while (pageStart >= 0) {
const deviceRes = await app.fs.yingshiRequest.post('lapp/device/list', {
query: {
accessToken: tokenYingshi,
pageSize: 50
if (deviceRes.code == 200) {
deviceList = deviceList.concat.apply(deviceList, deviceRes.data)
for (let d of deviceRes.data) {
const existD = await models.GbCamera.findOne({
where: {
streamid: d.deviceSerial
let storageD = {
level: 0,
ipctype: 'yingshi',
streamid: d.deviceSerial,
online: d.status ? 'ON' : 'OFF',
name: d.deviceName,
if (existD) {
// 状态改变
if (existD.online != storageD.online) {
// 状态更新
if (storageD.online == 'ON' && !existD.playUrl) {
// 播放地址更新
const playUrlRes = await getYingshiPlayUrl({ deviceSerial: d.deviceSerial, token: tokenYingshi })
storageD.playUrl = playUrlRes
// 在离线状态更新
await models.GbCamera.update(storageD, {
where: {
id: existD.id
// 状态向前端页面推送
gbId: existD.id,
online: storageD.online,
ipctype: storageD.ipctype,
// 记录在离线日志
const cameraRes = await models.Camera.findAll({
where: {
gbId: existD.id
const nowTime = moment().format()
let bulkCreateData = cameraRes.map(c => {
return {
cameraId: c.id,
status: storageD.online,
time: nowTime
if (bulkCreateData.length) {
await models.CameraStatusOfflineLog.bulkCreate(bulkCreateData)
} else {
// 播放地址更新
const playUrlRes = await getYingshiPlayUrl({ deviceSerial: d.deviceSerial, token: tokenYingshi })
storageD.playUrl = playUrlRes
const yingshiRes = await models.GbCamera.create(storageD)
await models.Camera.update({
gbId: yingshiRes.id
}, {
where: {
serialNo: d.deviceSerial
if (deviceRes.data.length == 50) {
} else {
pageStart = -1
// console.log(deviceList);
console.info(`萤石设备 ${deviceList.length} 状态查询用时 ${moment().diff(startTime, 'seconds')} s`)
} catch (error) {
app.fs.logger.error(`sechedule: freshYingshiState, error: ${error}`);
const freshYingshiPlayUrl = app.fs.scheduleInit(
// interval: '0 0 4 */1 *',
// interval: '*/30 * * * *',
interval: '0 34 5 1 * *',
immediate: true,
proRun: true,
async () => {
try {
const startTime = moment()
const { models } = app.fs.dc
const { token4yingshi, getYingshiPlayUrl } = app.fs.utils
const secretRes = await models.SecretYingshi.findAll()
for (let s of secretRes) {
const tokenYingshi = await token4yingshi(s.dataValues)
// 查询所有设备
let pageStart = 0
while (pageStart >= 0) {
const deviceRes = await app.fs.yingshiRequest.post('lapp/device/list', {
query: {
accessToken: tokenYingshi,
pageSize: 50
if (deviceRes.code == 200) {
for (let d of deviceRes.data) {
const playUrlRes = await getYingshiPlayUrl({ deviceSerial: d.deviceSerial, token: tokenYingshi })
await models.GbCamera.update({
playUrl: playUrlRes,
}, {
where: {
streamid: d.deviceSerial
if (deviceRes.data.length == 50) {
} else {
pageStart = -1
console.info(`萤石设备播放地址更新查询用时 ${moment().diff(startTime, 'seconds')} s`)
} catch (error) {
app.fs.logger.error(`sechedule: freshYingshiPlayUrl, error: ${error}`);
return {