573 lines
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573 lines
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'use strict';
const moment = require('moment')
async function verifyYingshi (ctx) {
let errMsg = '校验萤石摄像头信息失败'
const { utils: { verifyYingshiInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
try {
const { serialNo } = ctx.request.body;
await verifyYingshiInfo({ serialNo })
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function createYingshi (ctx) {
let errMsg = '萤石摄像头失败'
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction();
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { userId, token } = ctx.fs.api
const { utils: { verifyYingshiInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
const {
id, name, cloudControl, highDefinition, memoryCard,
voice, kindId, abilityId, rtmp, serialNo, longitude, latitude,
} = ctx.request.body;
let handleCameraId = id
errMsg = (handleCameraId ? '修改' : '添加') + errMsg
const beloneSecret = await verifyYingshiInfo({ serialNo })
const corGbYingshiRes = await models.GbCamera.findOne({
where: {
streamid: String(serialNo).toUpperCase(),
ipctype: 'yingshi'
let storageData = {
type: 'yingshi', name, cloudControl, highDefinition, memoryCard,
voice, longitude, latitude, kindId, rtmp,
serialNo: String(serialNo).toUpperCase(),
yingshiSecretId: beloneSecret.id,
gbId: corGbYingshiRes ? corGbYingshiRes.id : null,
if (handleCameraId) {
await models.Camera.update(storageData, {
where: {
id: handleCameraId,
} else {
storageData.createTime = moment().format()
storageData.createUserId = userId
storageData.forbidden = false
const createRes = await models.Camera.create(storageData, {
handleCameraId = createRes.id
await models.CameraAbilityBind.destroy({
where: {
cameraId: handleCameraId
if (abilityId && handleCameraId) {
let storageData = abilityId.map(aid => {
return {
cameraId: handleCameraId,
abilityId: aid
if (storageData.length) {
await models.CameraAbilityBind.bulkCreate(storageData, {
await transaction.commit();
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
await transaction.rollback();
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function getNvrSteam (ctx) {
let errMsg = '获取 NVR 视频流失败'
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { streamId } = ctx.query
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId, getPlayUrl } } = ctx.app.fs
const nvrRes = await models.Nvr.findOne({
where: {
serialNo: streamId,
if (!nvrRes) {
errMsg = '没有找到已配置的 NVR 信息'
throw errMsg
const addedRes = await models.Camera.findAll({
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'serialNo', 'cloudControl'],
where: {
nvrId: nvrRes.id
include: [{
model: models.CameraRemark,
attributes: ['remark'],
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
const cameraRes = await getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId({ streamId })
for (let c of cameraRes) {
let preAdd = addedRes.find(ad => ad.dataValues.serialNo == c.streamid)
if (preAdd) {
c.dataValues.camera = preAdd.dataValues
} else {
c.dataValues.camera = null
c.dataValues.playUrl = await getPlayUrl({ topSerialNo: streamId, serialNo: c.dataValues.streamid })
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = cameraRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function getNvrSteamById (ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { nvrId } = ctx.params
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId } } = ctx.app.fs
const cameraRes = await getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId({ streamId, errMsg })
const nvrRes = await models.Nvr.findOne({
where: {
id: nvrId
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = {
serialNo: nvrRes.dataValues.serialNo,
stream: cameraRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {}
async function createNvrCamera (ctx) {
let errMsg = ''
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction();
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { userId, token } = ctx.fs.api
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId } } = ctx.app.fs
const data = ctx.request.body
const { data: camera, serialNo } = data
if (!serialNo || !camera) {
errMsg = '参数错误'
throw errMsg
const nvrRes = await models.Nvr.findOne({
where: {
if (!nvrRes) {
errMsg = '尚未添加相应的 NVR 设备'
throw errMsg
const addedCameraRes = await models.Camera.findAll({
where: {
nvrId: nvrRes.id
const allCameraRes = await getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId({ streamId: serialNo })
let createData = []
let updateData = []
for (let c of camera) {
const corCamera = allCameraRes.find(ac => ac.streamid == c.streamid)
if (corCamera) {
const addedData = addedCameraRes.find(ac => ac.serialNo == c.streamid)
if (addedData) {
serialNo: c.streamid,
topSerialNo: serialNo,
name: c.name,
sip: corCamera.sipip,
cloudControl: c.cloudControl,
gbId: corCamera.id,
} else {
type: 'nvr',
serialNo: c.streamid,
topSerialNo: serialNo,
name: c.name,
sip: corCamera.sipip,
cloudControl: c.cloudControl,
nvrId: nvrRes.id,
createTime: moment().format(),
createUserId: userId,
forbidden: false,
gbId: corCamera.id,
} else {
errMsg = '参数错误'
throw errMsg
if (createData.length) {
await models.Camera.bulkCreate(createData, {
if (updateData.length) {
for (let u of updateData) {
await models.Camera.update(u, {
where: {
id: u.id
await transaction.commit();
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
await transaction.rollback();
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: errMsg ? undefined : errMsg
async function verifyIpcCamera (ctx) {
let errMsg = '校验萤石摄像头信息失败'
try {
const { utils: { verifyIpcInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
const { serialNo, } = ctx.request.body;
await verifyIpcInfo({ serialNo })
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function createIpcCamera (ctx) {
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction();
let errMsg = ' IPC 网络摄像头失败'
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { userId, token } = ctx.fs.api
const { utils: { verifyIpcInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
const {
id, name, cloudControl, memoryCard,
voice, longitude, latitude, venderId, rtmp,
serialNo, kindId, abilityId,
} = ctx.request.body;
let handleCameraId = id
errMsg = (handleCameraId ? '修改' : '添加') + errMsg
let storageData = {
type: 'ipc', name, cloudControl, memoryCard,
voice, longitude, latitude, rtmp, venderId,
serialNo, kindId,
const gbCameraRes = await verifyIpcInfo({ serialNo })
storageData.sip = gbCameraRes.sipip
storageData.gbId = gbCameraRes.id
if (handleCameraId) {
await models.Camera.update(storageData, {
where: {
id: handleCameraId,
} else {
storageData.createTime = moment().format()
storageData.createUserId = userId
storageData.forbidden = false
const createRes = await models.Camera.create(storageData, {
handleCameraId = createRes.id
// 保存设备能力
await models.CameraAbilityBind.destroy({
where: {
cameraId: handleCameraId
if (abilityId && handleCameraId) {
let storageData = abilityId.map(aid => {
return {
cameraId: handleCameraId,
abilityId: aid
if (storageData.length) {
await models.CameraAbilityBind.bulkCreate(storageData, {
await transaction.commit();
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
await transaction.rollback();
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function getCascadeSipList (ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const sipListRes = await models.GbCamera.findAll({
attributes: ['id', 'streamid', 'sipip'],
where: {
level: 0,
ipctype: '级联',
// sipip: { $ne: null }
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = sipListRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {}
async function verifyCascadeCamera (ctx) {
let errMsg = '校验级联摄像头信息失败'
try {
const { utils: { verifyCascadeInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
const { streamId } = ctx.request.body
await verifyCascadeInfo({ streamId })
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function getCascadeSteam (ctx) {
let errMsg = '获取级联摄像头视频流失败'
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { streamId } = ctx.query
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId, getPlayUrl } } = ctx.app.fs
const cascadeRes = await models.GbCamera.findOne({
where: {
streamid: streamId
if (!cascadeRes) {
errMsg = '没有找到已记录的级联摄像头信息'
throw errMsg
const cameraRes = await getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId({ streamId: cascadeRes.streamid })
const allStreamid = cameraRes.map(c => c.streamid)
const addedRes = await models.Camera.findAll({
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'serialNo'],
where: {
serialNo: { $in: allStreamid }
include: [{
model: models.CameraRemark,
attributes: ['remark'],
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
for (let c of cameraRes) {
let preAdd = addedRes.find(ad => ad.dataValues.serialNo == c.streamid)
if (preAdd) {
c.dataValues.camera = preAdd.dataValues
} else {
c.dataValues.camera = null
c.dataValues.playUrl = await getPlayUrl({ topSerialNo: cascadeRes.streamid, serialNo: c.dataValues.streamid })
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = cameraRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function getCascadeCameraGrandParentSip (ctx) {
let errMsg = '查询级联设备失败'
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { cameraSerialNo } = ctx.query
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel1ByStreamId } } = ctx.app.fs
const parent = await getGbCameraLevel1ByStreamId({
streamId: cameraSerialNo,
where: { ipctype: '级联' }
if (!parent) {
errMsg = `没有找到相应级联设备`
throw errMsg
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = parent
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
async function createCascadeCamera (ctx) {
let errMsg = '添加级联摄像头信息失败'
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction();
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { userId, token } = ctx.fs.api
const { streamId, camera = [], externalDomain, cascadeType } = ctx.request.body
const { utils: { getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId, verifyCascadeInfo } } = ctx.app.fs
const cameraParentRes = await verifyCascadeInfo({ streamId })
const allCameraRes = await getGbCameraLevel3ByStreamId({ streamId: cameraParentRes.streamid })
const allCameraIds = allCameraRes.map(c => c.id)
const addedCmeraRes = allCameraIds.length ?
await models.Camera.findAll({
where: {
type: 'cascade',
gbId: { $in: allCameraIds },
delete: false
}) : []
let addData = []
let updateData = []
for (let c of camera) {
const corGbCamera = allCameraRes.find(ac => ac.id == c.id)
if (!corGbCamera) {
errMsg = '数据信息错误'
throw errMsg
let storageData = {
serialNo: corGbCamera.streamid,
topSerialNo: cameraParentRes.streamid,
sip: corGbCamera.sipip,
name: c.name,
gbId: corGbCamera.id,
const added = addedCmeraRes.find(ac => ac.gbId == corGbCamera.id)
if (added) {
let data = {
id: added.id,
await models.Camera.update(data, {
where: { id: added.id },
} else {
type: 'cascade',
createTime: moment().format(),
createUserId: userId,
forbidden: false
await models.Camera.bulkCreate(addData, {
await transaction.commit();
ctx.status = 204;
} catch (error) {
await transaction.rollback();
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : errMsg
module.exports = {