SENIORS = ('刘文峰', '金亮', '姜珍', '余莎莎', '张阳根', '唐国华', '刘国勇', '刘会连', '肖琥', '邱峰', '姚文婷', '李跃')
IGNORE_PERSONS_SUBQUERY = f"and u.name != '{IGNORE_PERSONS[0]}'" if len(IGNORE_PERSONS) == 1 else f"and u.name not in {IGNORE_PERSONS}"
IGNORE_DEPARTMENTS = ('汇派-质量部', '汇派-生产部', '汇派-计划部', '汇派-人事部', '汇派-采购部',
'党建工会', '工程项目中心', '北京技术中心', '政委', '总经办-培训中心')
def querystring_department_user_procinst_duration(start, end, exclude_senior):
filter_user = f"and u.name not in {SENIORS + IGNORE_PERSONS}" if exclude_senior else IGNORE_PERSONS_SUBQUERY
return f'''
select department_name,
sum(duration_in_minutes) as procinst_duration_in_minutes
from (
select distinct d.id as department_id,
d.name as department_name,
u.id as user_id,
u.name as user_name,
wp.name as process_name,
wpa.procinst_id as procinst_id,
wpa.task_id as taskinst_id,
wpa.task_name as task_name,
wpa.start_time as start_time,
wpa.end_time as end_time,
wpa.total_minutes as duration_in_minutes
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa
inner join workflow_process_history as wph on wpa.procinst_id=wph.procinst_id
inner join workflow_process_version as wpv on wph.version_id=wpv.id
inner join workflow_process as wp on wpv.process_id=wp.id
inner join "user" as u on wpa.deal_user_id=u.id
inner join department_user as du on u.id=du."user"
inner join department as d on du.department=d.id
where wpa.end_time >='{start}' and wpa.end_time < '{end}' and wp.deleted=false and wp.is_enable=true
and d.delete=0 and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1
and d.name not in {IGNORE_DEPARTMENTS}
) as r
group by department_name, user_name, procinst_id
def querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, senior):
filter_user = f"and u.name in {SENIORS}" if senior else IGNORE_PERSONS_SUBQUERY
return f'''
select user_name,
sum(duration_in_minutes) as procinst_duration_in_minutes
from (
select distinct u.id as user_id,
u.name as user_name,
wp.name as process_name,
wpa.procinst_id as procinst_id,
wpa.task_id as taskinst_id,
wpa.task_name as task_name,
wpa.start_time as start_time,
wpa.end_time as end_time,
wpa.total_minutes as duration_in_minutes
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa
inner join workflow_process_history as wph on wpa.procinst_id=wph.procinst_id
inner join workflow_process_version as wpv on wph.version_id=wpv.id
inner join workflow_process as wp on wpv.process_id=wp.id
inner join "user" as u on wpa.deal_user_id=u.id
inner join department_user as du on u.id=du."user"
inner join department as d on du.department=d.id
where wpa.end_time >='{start}' and wpa.end_time < '{end}' and wp.deleted=false and wp.is_enable=true
and d.delete=0 and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1
and d.name not in {IGNORE_DEPARTMENTS}
) as r
group by user_name, procinst_id
# 按月统计项企平台使用人数
def querystring_user_count(start, end):
return f'''
select count(distinct deal_user_id) as pep_using_user_count
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa
inner join "user" as u on wpa.deal_user_id=u.id
inner join department_user as du on u.id=du."user"
inner join department as d on du.department=d.id
where wpa.end_time >='{start}' and wpa.end_time < '{end}' and d.delete=0 and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1
and d.name not in {IGNORE_DEPARTMENTS}
# 用户处理流程耗时+用户处理流程条数
def querystring_procinst_by_user(start, end, senior=False):
return '''
SELECT user_name,
count(*) as procinst_count_by_user,
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user
from ({}) as r2
group by r2.user_name
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user DESC
'''.format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, senior))
# 各部门用户处理流程耗时+各部门用户处理流程条数
def querystring_procinst_by_department_user(start, end):
return """
SELECT department_name,
count(*) as procinst_count_by_user,
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user
from ({}) as r2
group by r2.department_name, r2.user_name
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user DESC
""".format(querystring_department_user_procinst_duration(start, end, True))