generated from container/tmpl
2 years ago
5 changed files with 599 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
## 配置文件 |
`config.ini`为项目配置文件。 |
- `[clickhouse]`配置节为 ClickHouse 数据库的配置信息: |
- `port`为数据库的`TCP`端口。 |
- `password`为数据库密码,如果没有密码,则不需要配置任何值。 |
- `[qiniu]`配置节为七牛云的配置信息: |
- `access-key`和`secret-key`为七牛云密钥。 |
- `bucket`为七牛云存储空间。 |
- `domain`为存储空间对应的外链域名。 |
## requirements.txt |
项目所需的依赖库。 |
``` |
pip freeze > requirements.txt |
``` |
## 打包`.exe`文件 |
使用`--distpath`选项指定输出目录的路径。例如,将`.exe`文件输出至当前文件夹下: |
``` |
(venv) E:\WorkSpace\FS-Git\fs-pep-stats-report>pyinstaller -F --distpath=. |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ |
def querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, except_senior, department): |
filter_user = "and not in ('刘文峰', '金亮', '姜珍', '余莎莎', '张阳根', '唐国华', '刘国勇', '刘会连', '肖琥')" if except_senior else "" |
filter_department = "and department_name='{}'".format(department) if department else "" |
return ''' |
select department_name, |
user_name, |
procinst_id, |
sum(duration_in_minutes) as procinst_duration_in_minutes |
from ( |
select distinct as department_id, |
| as department_name, |
| as user_id, |
| as user_name, |
| as process_name, |
wpa.procinst_id as procinst_id, |
wpa.task_id as taskinst_id, |
wpa.task_name as task_name, |
wpa.start_time as start_time, |
wpa.end_time as end_time, |
wpa.total_minutes as duration_in_minutes |
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa |
inner join workflow_process_history as wph on wpa.procinst_id=wph.procinst_id |
inner join workflow_process_version as wpv on |
inner join workflow_process as wp on |
inner join user as u on |
inner join department_user as du on"user" |
inner join department as d on |
where wpa.end_time >='{}' and wpa.end_time < '{}' and wp.deleted=false and wp.is_enable=true and d.delete=0 and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1 |
{} {} |
) as r |
group by department_name, user_name, procinst_id |
'''.format(start, end, filter_user, filter_department) |
def querystring_senior_procinst_duration(start, end): |
return ''' |
SELECT user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ( |
select user_name, |
procinst_id, |
sum(duration_in_minutes) as procinst_duration_in_minutes |
from ( |
select distinct as user_id, |
| as user_name, |
| as process_name, |
wpa.procinst_id as procinst_id, |
wpa.task_id as taskinst_id, |
wpa.task_name as task_name, |
wpa.start_time as start_time, |
wpa.end_time as end_time, |
wpa.total_minutes as duration_in_minutes |
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa |
inner join workflow_process_history as wph on wpa.procinst_id=wph.procinst_id |
inner join workflow_process_version as wpv on |
inner join workflow_process as wp on |
inner join user as u on |
where wpa.end_time >='{}' and wpa.end_time < '{}' and wp.deleted=false and wp.is_enable=true and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1 |
and in ('刘文峰', '金亮', '姜珍', '余莎莎', '张阳根', '唐国华', '刘国勇', '刘会连', '肖琥') |
) as r |
group by user_name, procinst_id |
) as r2 |
GROUP by r2.user_name |
'''.format(start, end) |
# 按月统计项企平台使用人数 |
def querystring_user_count(start, end): |
return ''' |
select count(distinct deal_user_id) as pep_using_user_count |
from workflow_process_achievements as wpa |
inner join user as u on |
where wpa.end_time >='{}' and wpa.end_time < '{}' and u.delete=0 and u.state=1 and u.active_status=1 |
'''.format(start, end) |
# 个人处理流程平均耗时 |
def querystring_procinst_duration_by_company(start, end): |
return ''' |
SELECT ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes_by_user) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours from ( |
SELECT user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes), 2) as procinst_duration_in_minutes_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
GROUP by r2.user_name |
) as r3 |
'''.format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, False, '')) |
# 部门数(高于公司平均数) |
def querystring_department_count_gt_avg(start, end, avg): |
return ''' |
SELECT count(*) from ( |
SELECT department_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user), 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_department |
from ( |
SELECT department_name, |
user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
GROUP by r2.department_name, r2.user_name |
) as r3 |
GROUP by r3.department_name |
) as r4 |
WHERE procinst_duration_in_hours_by_department > {} |
'''.format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, True, ''), avg) |
# 用户数(高于公司平均数) |
def querystring_user_count_gt_avg(start, end, avg): |
return ''' |
SELECT count(*) from ( |
SELECT user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
group by r2.user_name |
) as r3 |
WHERE r3.procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user > {} |
'''.format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, False, ''), avg) |
# 部门处理流程平均耗时 |
def querystring_procinst_duration_by_department(start, end): |
return """ |
SELECT department_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user), 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_department |
from ( |
SELECT department_name, |
user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
GROUP by r2.department_name, r2.user_name |
) as r3 |
GROUP by r3.department_name |
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_department DESC |
""".format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, True, '')) |
# 部门处理流程平均耗时(高管) |
def querystring_procinst_duration_by_senior(start, end): |
return ''' |
SELECT ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user), 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_department |
from ({}) as r3 |
'''.format(querystring_senior_procinst_duration(start, end)) |
# 用户单流程处理耗时(高管) |
def querystring_procinst_duration_by_user_senior(start, end): |
return ''' |
{} |
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user DESC |
'''.format(querystring_senior_procinst_duration(start, end)) |
# 各部门耗时较长用户(高管) |
def querystring_user_gt_senior_avg(start, end, avg): |
return ''' |
SELECT * from ({}) as r3 |
WHERE r3.procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user > {} |
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user DESC |
'''.format(querystring_senior_procinst_duration(start, end), avg) |
# 各部门耗时较长用户 |
def querystring_user_gt_department_avg(start, end, department, avg): |
return """ |
SELECT * from ( |
SELECT user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
group by r2.user_name |
) as r3 |
WHERE r3.procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user > {} |
order by procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user desc |
""".format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, True, department), avg) |
# 按部门统计用户单流程处理耗时 |
def querystring_procinst_duration_by_user(start, end, department): |
return """ |
SELECT user_name, |
ROUND(AVG(procinst_duration_in_minutes) /60, 2) as procinst_duration_in_hours_by_user |
from ({}) as r2 |
group by r2.user_name |
""".format(querystring_user_procinst_duration(start, end, True, department)) |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
[clickhouse] |
host = |
port = 30900 |
username = default |
password = |
database = pepca8 |
[qiniu] |
access-key=5XrM4wEB9YU6RQwT64sPzzE6cYFKZgssdP5Kj3uu |
secret-key=w6j2ixR_i-aelc6I7S3HotKIX-ukMzcKmDfH6-M5 |
bucket=pep-resource |
domain= |
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ |
import os |
import datetime |
import configparser |
from clickhouse_driver import Client |
from docx import Document |
from docx.shared import Inches, Pt, RGBColor |
from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT, WD_LINE_SPACING |
from docx.oxml.ns import qn |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from app import db_helper |
import qiniu |
import logging |
REPORT_DIR = 'output' |
LOG_DIR = 'log' |
def get_report_year_month(): |
# 获取上月的最后一天 |
last_day = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) |
return last_day.year, last_day.month |
def get_report_start_end(): |
# 获取当前日期 |
now = |
# 获取本月第一天 |
this_month_start = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) |
# 获取上个月最后一天 |
last_month_end = this_month_start - datetime.timedelta(days=1) |
# 获取上个月第一天 |
last_month_start = datetime.datetime(last_month_end.year, last_month_end.month, 1) |
return last_month_start, this_month_start |
def set_paragraph_space(p): |
# 设置间距 |
p.paragraph_format.space_before = 0 # 段前 |
p.paragraph_format.space_after = 0 # 段后 |
p.paragraph_format.line_spacing = Pt(20) # 设置段落行距为20磅 |
def set_paragraph_format(p): |
set_paragraph_space(p) |
# 设置首行缩进2个字符 |
p.paragraph_format.first_line_indent = Inches(0.3) |
def set_heading_format(h, r): |
set_paragraph_space(h) |
| = 'Times New Roman' |
r._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'宋体') |
r.font.size = Pt(10.5) # 五号 |
r.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 0) |
r.bold = True |
def set_title_format(h, r): |
h.paragraph_format.space_before = Pt(12) # 段前1行 |
h.paragraph_format.space_after = Pt(12) # 段后1行 |
h.paragraph_format.line_spacing = Pt(20) # 设置段落行距为20磅 |
| = u'Times New Roman' |
r._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'宋体') |
r.font.size = Pt(10.5) # 五号 |
r.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0, 0, 0) |
r.bold = True |
def set_global_normal_style(doc): |
style = doc.styles['Normal'] |
| = 'Times New Roman' # 英文、数字字体 |
style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'宋体') # 中文字体 |
style.font.size = Pt(10.5) # 五号 |
style.paragraph_format.space_before = 0 # 段前 |
style.paragraph_format.space_after = 0 # 段后 |
style.paragraph_format.line_spacing_rule = WD_LINE_SPACING.SINGLE # 单倍行距 |
def create_bar_chart(doc, x, y, mean, title, filename): |
plt.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] # 设置字体 |
plt.rcParams["axes.unicode_minus"] = False # 正常显示负号 |
if title == '部门流程处理平均耗时': |
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), layout='tight') |
plt.margins(x=0.01) |
else: |
plt.figure(figsize=(6.4, 3.4), layout='tight') |
# 绘制柱状图 |
|, y, color=(31 / 255, 168 / 255, 201 / 255)) |
# 绘制均值线 |
plt.axhline(mean, linestyle='dashed', color='#FF8C00') |
# 添加标题 |
plt.title(title) |
# 设置x轴标签旋转角度 |
plt.xticks(rotation=-30, ha='left') |
# 添加图例 |
plt.legend(['均值:{}'.format(mean)], loc='upper right') |
# 保存图形 |
plt.savefig('{}/{}'.format(REPORT_DIR, filename)) |
plt.close() |
# 插入图形到 Word 文档中 |
p = doc.add_paragraph() |
r = p.add_run() |
r.add_picture('{}/{}'.format(REPORT_DIR, filename), width=Inches(6)) |
def add_section(doc, rank, department, d_elapse): |
h = doc.add_heading(level=2) |
r = h.add_run('{}. {}'.format(rank, department)) |
set_heading_format(h, r) |
try: |
qs = db_helper.querystring_user_gt_senior_avg( |
start_time, end_time, d_elapse |
) if department == '高管' else db_helper.querystring_user_gt_department_avg( |
start_time, end_time, department, d_elapse) |
user_gt_department_avg = client.execute(qs) |
qs = db_helper.querystring_procinst_duration_by_user_senior( |
start_time, end_time |
) if department == '高管' else db_helper.querystring_procinst_duration_by_user( |
start_time, end_time, department) |
procinst_duration_by_user = client.execute(qs) |
except Exception as error: |
print('数据库查询错误:', error) |
logging.error('数据库查询错误:{}'.format(error)) |
raise RuntimeError('数据库查询错误:', error) |
users = [] |
for user, _ in user_gt_department_avg: |
users.append(user) |
p = doc.add_paragraph() |
p.add_run('{}{}月份个人处理流程平均耗时时长在公司排名为'.format(department, last_month)) |
p.add_run('{}'.format(rank)).underline = True |
if len(procinst_duration_by_user) == 1: |
p.add_run(',{}公司平均水平。'.format( |
'高于' if d_elapse > procinst_duration_by_company else |
'低于' if d_elapse < procinst_duration_by_company else '等于')) |
else: |
p.add_run(',其中耗时较长的有') |
p.add_run('{}'.format('、'.join(users))).underline = True |
p.add_run(',{}({}小时/流程)。' |
.format('高于公司平均水平和部门平均水平' if d_elapse >= procinst_duration_by_company else '低于公司平均水平但高于部门平均水平', |
d_elapse)) |
set_paragraph_format(p) |
x = [] |
y = [] |
for user, elapse in procinst_duration_by_user: |
x.append(user) |
y.append(elapse) |
create_bar_chart(doc, x, y, d_elapse, "个人流程处理平均耗时", "{}-流程处理平均耗时.png".format(department)) |
caption = doc.add_paragraph('图 2-{} {}个人处理流程平均耗时'.format(rank, department)) |
def add_chapter_2(doc): |
h = doc.add_heading(level=1) |
r = h.add_run('二、各部门成员详情') |
set_heading_format(h, r) |
departments_excluded = ['汇派-质量部', '汇派-生产部', '汇派-计划部', '汇派-人事部', '汇派-采购部', '党建工会', '工程项目中心', '北京技术中心'] |
for index, (department, elapse) in enumerate(procinst_duration_by_department): |
if department not in departments_excluded: |
add_section(doc, index + 1, department, elapse) |
def add_chapter_1(doc): |
h = doc.add_heading(level=1) |
r = h.add_run('一、公司各部门横向比较情况') |
set_heading_format(h, r) |
try: |
qs = db_helper.querystring_user_count(start_time, end_time) |
user_count = client.execute(qs)[0][0] |
qs = db_helper.querystring_department_count_gt_avg(start_time, end_time, procinst_duration_by_company) |
department_count_gt_avg = client.execute(qs)[0][0] |
qs = db_helper.querystring_user_count_gt_avg(start_time, end_time, procinst_duration_by_company) |
user_count_gt_avg = client.execute(qs)[0][0] |
except Exception as error: |
print('数据库查询错误:', error) |
logging.error('数据库查询错误:{}'.format(error)) |
raise RuntimeError('数据库查询错误:', error) |
if procinst_duration_by_senior > procinst_duration_by_company: |
department_count_gt_avg += 1 |
p = doc.add_paragraph() |
p.add_run('{}年{}月,公司共计'.format(last_year, last_month)) |
p.add_run('{}'.format(user_count)).underline = True |
p.add_run('人使用项企平台,个人处理流程平均耗时') |
p.add_run('{}'.format(procinst_duration_by_company)).underline = True |
p.add_run('小时/流程,其中,平均单一流程处理耗时高于公司平均数的有') |
p.add_run('{}'.format(department_count_gt_avg)).underline = True |
p.add_run('个部门,') |
p.add_run('{}'.format(user_count_gt_avg)).underline = True |
p.add_run('人。') |
set_paragraph_format(p) |
# 准备数据 |
x = [] |
y = [] |
for department, elapse in procinst_duration_by_department: |
x.append(department) |
y.append(elapse) |
# 创建柱状图并保存为文件 |
create_bar_chart(doc, x, y, procinst_duration_by_company, "部门流程处理平均耗时", "部门流程处理平均耗时.png") |
caption = doc.add_paragraph('图 1 部门流程处理平均耗时') |
def upload_to_qiniu(filename): |
|'上传报表至七牛云...') |
# 获取 qiniu 配置参数 |
qn_cfg = config['qiniu'] |
access_key = qn_cfg['access-key'] |
secret_key = qn_cfg['secret-key'] |
bucket_name = qn_cfg['bucket'] |
q = qiniu.Auth(access_key, secret_key) |
bucket = qiniu.BucketManager(q) |
key = 'pep-stats-report/{}'.format(filename) |
localfile = '{}/{}'.format(REPORT_DIR, filename) |
ret, info = bucket.stat(bucket_name, key) |
if info.status_code == 200: |
print('文件已存在,删除文件...') |
ret, info = bucket.delete(bucket_name, key) |
if info.status_code == 200: |
print('删除成功') |
else: |
print('删除失败') |
print('上传文件...') |
token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) |
ret, info = qiniu.put_file(token, key, localfile) |
if info.status_code == 200: |
print('上传成功') |
|'上传成功') |
# 获取文件访问 URL |
url = '{}/{}?attname='.format(qn_cfg['domain'], ret['key']) |
print('文件访问 URL:', url) |
|'文件访问 URL:{}'.format(url)) |
else: |
print('上传失败,错误信息:', info.error) |
logging.error('上传失败,错误信息:{}'.format(error)) |
def generate_word_report(): |
# 创建一个新的Word文档 |
doc = Document() |
set_global_normal_style(doc) |
# 添加标题 |
h = doc.add_heading(level=0) |
r = h.add_run('项企流程效能分析结果公示') |
set_title_format(h, r) |
# 添加段落 |
p1 = doc.add_paragraph( |
'为了提升公司整体工作效率,确保跨部门工作高效推进,充分发挥我司自研平台的优势,现基于项企系统数据,利用Superset工具打造了项企流程效能分析平台,能够对我司项企平台的数据进行分析,进而通过量化数据发现我司办公流程流转中的问题,' \ |
'现将{}年{}月公司员工处理流程平均响应时长(响应时长为从流程流转到当前节点到当前节点处理完成的耗时,单位:小时)情况结果进行公示如下:' |
.format(last_year, last_month)) |
set_paragraph_format(p1) |
# 一、公司各部门横向比较情况 |
add_chapter_1(doc) |
# 二、各部门成员详情 |
add_chapter_2(doc) |
# 保存文档 |
report_path = '{}/项企流程效能分析结果公示(全员)-{}年{}月.docx'.format(REPORT_DIR, last_year, last_month) |
| |
|'本地报表创建成功:{}'.format(report_path)) |
# 上传七牛云 |
upload_to_qiniu('项企流程效能分析结果公示(全员)-{}年{}月.docx'.format(last_year, last_month)) |
def create_clickhouse_client(): |
# 获取 clickhouse 配置参数 |
ch_cfg = config['clickhouse'] |
host = ch_cfg['host'] |
port = ch_cfg.getint('port') |
username = ch_cfg['username'] |
password = ch_cfg['password'] |
database = ch_cfg['database'] |
# 创建 ClickHouse 客户端对象 |
return Client(host=host, port=port, user=username, password=password, database=database) |
def try_create_dir(dir_name): |
# 判断目录是否存在,如果不存在,则创建目录 |
if not os.path.exists(dir_name): |
print(f"目录'{dir_name}'不存在,即将创建...") |
os.makedirs(dir_name) |
print(f"目录'{dir_name}'创建成功!") |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
try: |
try_create_dir(REPORT_DIR) |
try_create_dir(LOG_DIR) |
logging.basicConfig(filename='{}/runtime.log'.format(LOG_DIR), level=logging.INFO, |
format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - %(levelname)s: %(message)s', |
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
config = configparser.ConfigParser() |
|'config.ini') |
client = create_clickhouse_client() |
last_year, last_month = get_report_year_month() |
start_time, end_time = get_report_start_end() |
qs1 = db_helper.querystring_procinst_duration_by_company(start_time, end_time) |
procinst_duration_by_company = client.execute(qs1)[0][0] |
qs2 = db_helper.querystring_procinst_duration_by_department(start_time, end_time) |
procinst_duration_by_department = client.execute(qs2) |
qs3 = db_helper.querystring_procinst_duration_by_senior(start_time, end_time) |
procinst_duration_by_senior = client.execute(qs3)[0][0] |
for index, (department, elapse) in enumerate(procinst_duration_by_department): |
if procinst_duration_by_senior >= elapse: |
procinst_duration_by_department.insert(index, ('高管', procinst_duration_by_senior)) |
break |
generate_word_report() # 生成报表文件 |
except Exception as error: |
print('程序运行出错:', error) |
logging.error('程序运行出错:{}'.format(error)) |
# input("请按任意键退出...") |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
altgraph==0.17.3 |
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Reference in new issue