政务数据资源中心(Government data Resource center)
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create type enum_task_state as enum ('备份中', '备份成功', '备份失败', '恢复中', '恢复成功', '恢复失败');
create table backups
id serial
constraint backups_pk
primary key,
note varchar(255) not null,
databases jsonb,
size varchar(255),
create_time timestamp with time zone,
complete_time timestamp with time zone,
state enum_task_state,
source text
comment on table backups is '备份任务表';
comment on column backups.note is '备注信息';
comment on column backups.complete_time is '备份完成时间';
comment on column backups.source is '备份文件路径';
create unique index backups_id_uindex
on backups (id);