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772 lines
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772 lines
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2 years ago
create type enum_role_type as enum ('系统管理员', '数据消费者');
create type enum_metadata_type as enum ('目录', '库', '视图', '表', '字段', '索引', '外键', '主键', '唯一约束');
create type enum_storage_mode as enum ('全量', '增量');
create type enum_resource_type as enum ('库表', '接口', '文件', '数据服务');
create type enum_approve_state as enum ('审批中', '审批通过', '审批不通过');
create type enum_model_type as enum ('文件', '接口', '目录', '库', '视图', '表', '字段', '索引', '外键', '主键', '唯一约束');
create type enum_data_type as enum ('整型', '字符型', '布尔型');
create type enum_control_type as enum ('数字输入框', '文本框', '下拉框');
create table if not exists t_user_token
token varchar(64) not null
constraint user_token_pk
primary key,
user_info jsonb not null,
expired timestamp(6) with time zone not null
create table if not exists t_user
id serial not null
constraint t_user_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255),
username varchar(255) not null,
password varchar(255) not null,
role enum_role_type not null
comment on table t_user is '用户表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '姓名';
comment on column t_user.username is '用户名';
comment on column t_user.password is '密码';
comment on column t_user.role is '角色';
create unique index if not exists t_user_id_uindex
on t_user (id);
create table if not exists t_resource_catalog
id serial not null
constraint t_resource_catalog_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
code varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(255),
parent integer
comment on table t_resource_catalog is '资源目录表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '名称';
comment on column t_resource_catalog.code is '代码';
comment on column t_resource_catalog.description is '描述';
comment on column t_resource_catalog.parent is '父级目录';
create unique index if not exists t_resource_catalog_id_uindex
on t_resource_catalog (id);
create table if not exists t_tag_set
id serial not null
constraint t_tag_set_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null
comment on table t_tag_set is '标签集信息表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '标签集名称';
create unique index if not exists t_tag_set_id_uindex
on t_tag_set (id);
create table if not exists t_tag
id serial not null
constraint t_tag_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
tag_set integer not null
constraint t_tag_t_tag_set_id_fk
references t_tag_set
comment on table t_tag is '标签表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '标签名称';
comment on column t_tag.tag_set is '归属的标签集';
create unique index if not exists t_tag_id_uindex
on t_tag (id);
create table if not exists t_metadata_database
id serial not null
constraint t_metadata_database_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
code varchar(255) not null,
type enum_metadata_type not null,
description varchar(255),
attributes jsonb,
catalog integer
constraint t_metadata_database_t_resource_catalog_id_fk
references t_resource_catalog,
parent integer,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_metadata_database_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at integer
comment on table t_metadata_database is '库表元数据表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '名称';
comment on column t_metadata_database.code is '代码';
comment on column t_metadata_database.type is '元数据类型';
comment on column t_metadata_database.description is '描述(详情)';
comment on column t_metadata_database.attributes is '属性';
comment on column t_metadata_database.catalog is '资源目录';
comment on column t_metadata_database.parent is '父级元数据';
comment on column t_metadata_database.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_metadata_database.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_metadata_database.update_at is '修改时间';
create unique index if not exists t_metadata_database_id_uindex
on t_metadata_database (id);
create table if not exists t_meta_model
id serial not null
constraint t_meta_model_pk
primary key,
model_type enum_model_type not null,
attribute_name varchar(255) not null,
attribute_code varchar(255) not null,
data_type enum_data_type not null,
length integer,
control enum_control_type not null,
nullable boolean not null,
read_only boolean not null,
description varchar(255)
comment on table t_meta_model is '元模型表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_meta_model.model_type is '元模型类型';
comment on column t_meta_model.attribute_name is '属性名称';
comment on column t_meta_model.attribute_code is '属性代码';
comment on column t_meta_model.data_type is '数据类型';
comment on column t_meta_model.length is '长度';
comment on column t_meta_model.control is '输入控件';
comment on column t_meta_model.nullable is '是否允许为空';
comment on column t_meta_model.read_only is '是否只读';
comment on column t_meta_model.description is '描述';
create unique index if not exists t_meta_model_id_uindex
on t_meta_model (id);
create table if not exists t_tag_database
id serial not null
constraint t_tag_database_pk
primary key,
tag integer not null
constraint t_tag_database_t_tag_id_fk
references t_tag,
database integer not null
constraint t_tag_database_t_metadata_database_id_fk
references t_metadata_database
comment on table t_tag_database is '库表元数据标签表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_tag_database.tag is '标签';
comment on column t_tag_database.database is '库表元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_tag_database_id_uindex
on t_tag_database (id);
create table if not exists t_metadata_file
id serial not null
constraint t_metadata_file_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
type varchar(10) not null,
size integer not null,
description varchar(255),
attributes jsonb,
catalog integer not null
constraint t_metadata_file_t_resource_catalog_id_fk
references t_resource_catalog,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_metadata_file_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at timestamp with time zone
comment on table t_metadata_file is '文件元数据';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '文件名称';
comment on column t_metadata_file.type is '文件类型';
comment on column t_metadata_file.size is '文件大小';
comment on column t_metadata_file.description is '文件描述';
comment on column t_metadata_file.attributes is '属性';
comment on column t_metadata_file.catalog is '资源目录';
comment on column t_metadata_file.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_metadata_file.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_metadata_file.update_at is '修改时间';
create unique index if not exists t_metadata_file_id_uindex
on t_metadata_file (id);
create table if not exists t_tag_file
id serial not null
constraint t_tag_file_pk
primary key,
tag integer not null
constraint t_tag_file_t_tag_id_fk
references t_tag,
file integer not null
constraint t_tag_file_t_metadata_file_id_fk
references t_metadata_file
comment on table t_tag_file is '文件元数据标签表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_tag_file.tag is '标签';
comment on column t_tag_file.file is '文件元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_tag_file_id_uindex
on t_tag_file (id);
create table if not exists t_metadata_restapi
id serial not null
constraint t_metadata_restapi_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
url varchar(255) not null,
method varchar(10) not null,
query_param varchar(255),
body_param jsonb,
return jsonb,
enabled boolean,
attributes jsonb,
catalog integer not null
constraint t_metadata_restapi_t_resource_catalog_id_fk
references t_resource_catalog,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_metadata_restapi_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at timestamp with time zone
comment on table t_metadata_restapi is '接口元数据表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column is '接口名称';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.url is '接口路由';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.method is '请求方法';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.query_param is '查询参数';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.body_param is '请求实体';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.return is '接口返回值';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.enabled is '是否已启用';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.attributes is '属性';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.catalog is '资源目录';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_metadata_restapi.update_at is '修改时间';
create unique index if not exists t_metadata_restapi_id_uindex
on t_metadata_restapi (id);
create table if not exists t_tag_restapi
id serial not null
constraint t_tag_restapi_pk
primary key,
tag integer not null
constraint t_tag_restapi_t_tag_id_fk
references t_tag,
restapi integer not null
constraint t_tag_restapi_t_metadata_restapi_id_fk
references t_metadata_restapi
comment on table t_tag_restapi is '接口元数据标签表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_tag_restapi.tag is '标签';
comment on column t_tag_restapi.restapi is '接口元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_tag_restapi_id_uindex
on t_tag_restapi (id);
create table if not exists t_business_metadata_database
id serial not null
constraint t_business_metadata_database_pk
primary key,
resource_name varchar(255) not null,
resource_abstract varchar(255) not null,
resource_provider varchar(255) not null,
resource_category varchar(255) not null,
resource_id varchar(255) not null,
metadata_id varchar(255) not null,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_database_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at timestamp with time zone,
metadata_database integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_database_t_metadata_database_id_fk
references t_metadata_database
comment on table t_business_metadata_database is '库表业务元数据';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.resource_name is '信息资源名称';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.resource_abstract is '信息资源摘要';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.resource_provider is '信息资源提供方';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.resource_category is '信息资源分类';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.resource_id is '信息资源标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.metadata_id is '元数据标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.update_at is '修改时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_database.metadata_database is '库表元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_business_metadata_database_id_uindex
on t_business_metadata_database (id);
create table if not exists t_business_metadata_file
id serial not null
constraint t_business_metadata_file_pk
primary key,
resource_name varchar(255) not null,
resource_abstract varchar(255) not null,
resource_provider varchar(255) not null,
resource_category varchar(255) not null,
resource_id varchar(255) not null,
metadata_id varchar(255) not null,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_file_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at timestamp with time zone,
metadata_file integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_file_t_metadata_file_id_fk
references t_metadata_file
comment on table t_business_metadata_file is '文件业务元数据';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.resource_name is '信息资源名称';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.resource_abstract is '信息资源摘要';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.resource_provider is '信息资源提供方';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.resource_category is '信息资源分类';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.resource_id is '信息资源标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.metadata_id is '元数据标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.update_at is '修改时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_file.metadata_file is '文件元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_business_metadata_file_id_uindex
on t_business_metadata_file (id);
create table if not exists t_business_metadata_restapi
id serial not null
constraint t_business_metadata_restapi_pk
primary key,
resource_name varchar(255) not null,
resource_abstract varchar(255) not null,
resource_provider varchar(255) not null,
resource_category varchar(255) not null,
resource_id varchar(255) not null,
metadata_id varchar(255) not null,
create_by integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_restapi_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
create_at timestamp with time zone not null,
update_at timestamp with time zone,
metadata_restapi integer not null
constraint t_business_metadata_restapi_t_metadata_restapi_id_fk
references t_metadata_restapi
comment on table t_business_metadata_restapi is '接口业务元数据表';
comment on column is '唯一标识';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.resource_name is '信息资源名称';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.resource_abstract is '信息资源摘要';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.resource_provider is '信息资源提供方';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.resource_category is '信息资源分类';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.resource_id is '信息资源标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.metadata_id is '元数据标识符';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.create_at is '创建时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.update_at is '修改时间';
comment on column t_business_metadata_restapi.metadata_restapi is '接口元数据';
create unique index if not exists t_business_metadata_restapi_id_uindex
on t_business_metadata_restapi (id);
create table if not exists t_adapter
id serial not null
constraint t_adapter_pk
primary key,
adapter_name varchar(255) not null,
adapter_version varchar(10) not null,
tool_name varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(255),
config jsonb not null
comment on table t_adapter is '适配器信息表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_adapter.adapter_name is '适配器名称';
comment on column t_adapter.adapter_version is '适配器版本';
comment on column t_adapter.tool_name is '工具名称';
comment on column t_adapter.description is '描述';
comment on column t_adapter.config is '配置信息
create unique index if not exists t_adapter_id_uindex
on t_adapter (id);
create table if not exists t_data_source
id serial not null
constraint t_data_source_pk
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
audited boolean default false not null,
adapter integer not null
constraint t_data_source_t_adapter_id_fk
references t_adapter,
mount_path integer not null
constraint t_data_source_t_resource_catalog_id_fk
references t_resource_catalog,
description varchar(255),
config jsonb not null
comment on table t_data_source is '数据源信息表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column is '数据源名称';
comment on column t_data_source.audited is '是否审核';
comment on column t_data_source.adapter is '适配器';
comment on column t_data_source.mount_path is '数据源挂载路径';
comment on column t_data_source.description is '描述';
comment on column t_data_source.config is '数据源参数配置';
create unique index if not exists t_data_source_id_uindex
on t_data_source (id);
create table if not exists t_acquisition_task
id serial not null
constraint t_acquisition_task_pk
primary key,
task_name varchar(255) not null,
data_source integer not null
constraint t_acquisition_task_t_data_source_id_fk
references t_data_source,
storage_strategy enum_storage_mode not null,
auto_released boolean default true not null,
description varchar(255),
enabled boolean not null,
cron varchar(255) not null,
retried boolean not null,
retry_count integer,
retry_time integer
comment on table t_acquisition_task is '采集任务表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.task_name is '任务名称';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.data_source is '数据源';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.storage_strategy is '入库策略';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.auto_released is '是否自动发布';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.description is '描述';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.enabled is '是否已启用';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.cron is 'cron表达式';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.retried is '是否重试';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.retry_count is '重试次数';
comment on column t_acquisition_task.retry_time is '重试间隔时间,单位:分钟';
create unique index if not exists t_acquisition_task_id_uindex
on t_acquisition_task (id);
create table if not exists t_acquisition_log
id serial not null
constraint t_acquisition_log_pk
primary key,
task integer not null
constraint t_acquisition_log_t_acquisition_task_id_fk
references t_acquisition_task,
success boolean not null,
start_time timestamp with time zone not null,
end_time timestamp with time zone not null,
details varchar(255) not null
comment on table t_acquisition_log is '采集日志表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_acquisition_log.task is '采集任务';
comment on column t_acquisition_log.success is '是否采集成功';
comment on column t_acquisition_log.start_time is '任务开始时间';
comment on column t_acquisition_log.end_time is '任务结束时间';
comment on column t_acquisition_log.details is '采集详情';
create unique index if not exists t_acquisition_log_id_uindex
on t_acquisition_log (id);
create table if not exists t_resource_consumption
id serial not null
constraint t_resource_consumption_pk
primary key,
resource_name varchar(255) not null,
resource_type enum_resource_type not null,
apply_by integer not null
constraint t_resource_consumption_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
apply_at timestamp with time zone not null,
requirements varchar(255) not null,
approve_state enum_approve_state not null,
approve_by integer
constraint t_resource_consumption_t_user_id_fk_2
references t_user,
approve_at timestamp with time zone,
approve_remarks varchar(255),
token varchar(255)
comment on table t_resource_consumption is '资源消费表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.resource_name is '资源名称';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.resource_type is '资源类型';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.apply_by is '申请人';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.apply_at is '申请时间';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.requirements is '需求描述';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.approve_state is '审批状态';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.approve_by is '审批人';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.approve_at is '审批时间';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.approve_remarks is '审批意见';
comment on column t_resource_consumption.token is '令牌';
create unique index if not exists t_resource_consumption_id_uindex
on t_resource_consumption (id);
create table if not exists t_alarms
id serial not null
constraint t_alarms_pk
primary key,
content varchar(255) not null,
level integer not null,
time timestamp with time zone not null
comment on table t_alarms is '预警表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_alarms.content is '预警内容';
comment on column t_alarms.level is '预警等级';
comment on column t_alarms.time is '预警时间';
create unique index if not exists t_alarms_id_uindex
on t_alarms (id);
create table if not exists t_resource_access
id serial not null
constraint t_resource_access_pk
primary key,
resource_name varchar(255) not null,
resource_desc varchar(255),
resource_count integer not null,
resource_type enum_resource_type not null,
"user" integer not null
constraint t_resource_access_t_user_id_fk
references t_user,
time timestamp with time zone not null
comment on table t_resource_access is '资源访问记录表';
comment on column is 'ID唯一标识';
comment on column t_resource_access.resource_name is '资源名称';
comment on column t_resource_access.resource_desc is '资源描述';
comment on column t_resource_access.resource_count is '资源数';
comment on column t_resource_access.resource_type is '资源类型';
comment on column t_resource_access."user" is '访问用户';
comment on column t_resource_access.time is '访问时间';
create unique index if not exists t_resource_access_id_uindex
on t_resource_access (id);