1 year ago
15 changed files with 618 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const Hex = require('crypto-js/enc-hex'); |
const MD5 = require('crypto-js/md5'); |
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js'); |
function getOrganizationList(opts) { |
return async function (ctx, next) { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { page, limit, name } = ctx.query; |
const Op = ctx.fs.dc.ORM.Op; |
let errMsg = { message: '获取机构失败' } |
try { |
let searchWhere = { |
} |
let option = { |
where: searchWhere, |
order: [["id", "desc"]], |
attributes: { exclude: ['password'] }, |
} |
if (name) { |
| = { $like: '%' + name + '%' }; |
} |
option.where = searchWhere |
let limit_ = limit || 10; |
let page_ = page || 1; |
let offset = (page_ - 1) * limit_; |
if (limit && page) { |
option.limit = limit_ |
option.offset = offset |
} |
const res = await models.Organization.findAndCount(option); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = res; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = errMsg |
} |
} |
} |
// 新增机构
function addOrganization(opts) { |
return async function (ctx, next) { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
try { |
const { name, code } = ctx.request.body |
const checkName = await models.Organization.findOne({ where: { name, code } }); |
if (checkName) { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { message: "该机构名称&代码组合已存在" } |
} else { |
let rslt = ctx.request.body; |
await models.Organization.create(Object.assign({}, rslt)) |
ctx.status = 204; |
ctx.body = { message: '新建机构成功' } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { message: '新建机构失败' } |
} |
} |
} |
// 修改机构
function editOrganization(opts) { |
return async function (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
const body = ctx.request.body; |
const { name, code } = ctx.request.body |
const checkName = await models.Organization.findOne({ where: { id: { $not: id }, name, code } }); |
if (checkName) { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { message: '该机构名称&代码组合已存在' } |
} else { |
await models.Organization.update( |
body, |
{ where: { id: id, } } |
) |
ctx.status = 204; |
ctx.body = { message: '修改机构成功' } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { message: '修改机构失败' } |
} |
} |
} |
// 删除机构
function deleteOrganization(opts) { |
return async function (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
// const checkName1 = await models.MetadataDatabase.findOne({ where: { createBy: id } });
// const checkName2 = await models.MetadataFile.findOne({ where: { createBy: id } });
// const checkName3 = await models.MetadataRestapi.findOne({ where: { createBy: id } });
// if (checkName1 || checkName2 || checkName3) {
// ctx.status = 400;
// ctx.body = { message: '该机构下存在依赖资源无法删除!' }
// } else {
await models.Organization.destroy({ |
where: { |
id: id |
} |
}) |
ctx.status = 204; |
ctx.body = { message: '删除机构成功' } |
// }
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { message: '删除机构失败' } |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getOrganizationList, |
addOrganization, |
editOrganization, |
deleteOrganization, |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const Organization = sequelize.define("organization", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "organization_id_uindex" |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
code: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "code", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
ability: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "职能", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "ability", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "organization", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.Organization = Organization; |
return Organization; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const organization = require('../../controllers/organization/index'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts, AuthCode) { |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/organization'] = { content: '增加机构', visible: true }; |
|'/organization', organization.addOrganization(opts)) |
// 修改机构信息
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/organization/:id'] = { content: '修改机构信息', visible: true }; |
router.put('/organization/:id', organization.editOrganization(opts)) |
// 删除机构信息
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/organization/:id'] = { content: '删除机构信息', visible: true }; |
router.del('/organization/:id', organization.deleteOrganization(opts)) |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/organization'] = { content: '获取机构信息列表', visible: true }; |
router.get('/organization', organization.getOrganizationList(opts)); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import * as member from './organization'; |
export default { |
...member |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import { basicAction } from '@peace/utils' |
import { ApiTable } from '$utils' |
export function getOrganizationList(query) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'get', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
query: query || {}, |
url: `${ApiTable.getOrganizationList}`, |
msg: { error: '获取机构列表失败' }, |
reducer: { name: 'organization' } |
}); |
} |
export function addOrganization(params) { |
return (dispatch) => basicAction({ |
type: 'post', |
data: params, |
dispatch, |
url: ApiTable.addOrganization, |
msg: { |
option: '机构新增', |
}, |
}); |
} |
export function deleteOrganization(id) { |
return (dispatch) => basicAction({ |
type: 'del', |
dispatch, |
url: ApiTable.modifyOrganization.replace('{id}', id), |
msg: { |
option: '机构删除', |
}, |
}); |
} |
export function modifyOrganization(id, params, msg) { |
return (dispatch) => basicAction({ |
type: 'put', |
data: params, |
dispatch, |
url: ApiTable.modifyOrganization.replace('{id}', id), |
msg: { |
option: msg || '机构编辑', |
}, |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
import React, { useRef } from 'react'; |
import { Button, Form } from 'antd'; |
import { |
ModalForm, |
ProFormText, |
} from '@ant-design/pro-form'; |
export default (props) => { |
const { title, triggerRender, editData = null, onFinish, paramsName } = props; |
const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { span: 6 }, wrapperCol: { span: 16 } }; |
const initialValues = editData ? { |
...editData, |
} : {}; |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
const formRef = useRef(); |
return ( |
<ModalForm |
formRef={formRef} |
title={title || ''} |
initialValues={initialValues} |
trigger={ |
triggerRender ? triggerRender : <Button type="primary" > |
{title || ''} |
</Button> |
} |
layout="horizontal" |
grid={true} |
{...formItemLayout} |
modalProps={{ |
destroyOnClose: true, |
onCancel: () => { }, |
}} |
onFinish={async (values) => { |
return onFinish && await onFinish(values, editData, form) |
// return true;
}} |
width={500} |
> |
<ProFormText |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '请输入机构名称' }, |
{ max: 255, message: '机构名称长度不能大于255个字符' }, |
]} |
name="name" |
label="机构名称" |
/> |
<ProFormText |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '请输入机构代码' }, |
{ max: 255, message: '机构代码长度不能大于255个字符' }, |
]} |
name="code" |
label="机构代码" |
/> |
<ProFormText |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '请输入机构职能' }, |
{ max: 255, message: '机构职能长度不能大于255个字符' }, |
]} |
name="ability" |
label="机构职能" |
/> |
</ModalForm> |
); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import Organization from './organization'; |
export { Organization }; |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { Spin, Popconfirm, Select, Row, Col, Button, Input, Table } from 'antd'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import ProTable from '@ant-design/pro-table'; |
import OrganizationModal from '../components/organizationModal'; |
import { useFsRequest, ApiTable } from '$utils'; |
import './style.less'; |
function organization(props) { |
const { loading, clientHeight, actions, dispatch, organization, Organization } = props; |
const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState(10); |
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1); |
const [searchValue, setSearchValue] = useState('') |
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);//是否展示新增编辑模态框
const [editData, setEditData] = useState(null);//模态框编辑数据
const [refreshTree, setRefreshTree] = useState(1); |
const [searchRole, setSearchRole] = useState() |
const queryData = (search) => { |
const query = { |
limit: search ? 10 : pageSize || 10, |
page: search ? 1 : currentPage || 1, |
name: searchValue, |
role: searchRole |
} |
dispatch(actions.organization.getOrganizationList(query)); |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
queryData(); |
}, [pageSize, currentPage]); |
const columns = [ |
{ |
title: '序号', |
dataIndex: 'index', |
render: (text, record, index) => { return index + 1 } |
}, |
{ |
title: '机构名称', |
dataIndex: 'name', |
}, |
{ |
title: '机构代码', |
dataIndex: 'code', |
}, |
{ |
title: '机构职能', |
dataIndex: 'ability', |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
width: 160, |
key: 'option', |
valueType: 'option', |
render: (text, record) => { |
const options = []; |
options.push(<OrganizationModal |
editData={record} |
triggerRender={<a>编辑</a>} |
title="编辑机构" |
onFinish={onFinish} |
key="editOrganization" |
/>) |
options.push( |
<Popconfirm |
key="del" |
placement="top" |
title={<><div>是否确认删除该机构?</div> |
</>} |
onConfirm={() => handleDelete(} |
okText="是" |
cancelText="否" |
> |
<a>删除</a> |
</Popconfirm>) |
return options; |
}, |
}, |
]; |
const handleDelete = (id) => { |
dispatch(actions.organization.deleteOrganization(id)).then(() => { |
queryData(); |
}); |
}; |
const onFinish = async (values, editData) => { |
if (editData) { |
const dataToSave = { ...values } |
return dispatch( |
actions.organization.modifyOrganization(, dataToSave, values?.msg || ''), |
).then((res) => { |
if (res.success) { |
queryData(); |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
}); |
} |
return dispatch(actions.organization.addOrganization({ |
...values, |
})).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
queryData(); |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
}); |
}; |
return <Spin spinning={loading}> |
<Row className='protable-title'> |
<Col span={12}> |
<OrganizationModal |
triggerRender={<Button type='primary'>新建</Button>} |
title="新建机构" |
onFinish={onFinish} |
key="addOrganization" |
/> |
</Col> |
<Col span={12} style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', alignItems: 'center' }}> |
<span>机构名称: </span> <Input |
value={searchValue} onChange={e => { setSearchValue( }} |
style={{ width: 220, marginRight: 15 }} placeholder="请输入" /> |
<Button onClick={() => { |
setCurrentPage(1) |
setPageSize(10) |
queryData(true) |
}} type='primary'>查询</Button></Col> |
</Row> |
<ProTable |
columns={columns} |
dateFormatter="string" |
search={false} |
scroll={ |
{ |
scrollToFirstRowOnChange: true, |
y: clientHeight - 260 |
} |
} |
pagination={{ |
size: 'large', |
total: organization?.count, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
showQuickJumper: true, |
current: currentPage, |
pageSize: pageSize || 10, |
defaultPageSize: 10, |
pageSizeOptions: [10, 20, 50], |
showTotal: (total) => { |
return <span style={{ fontSize: 15 }}>{`共${Math.ceil(total / pageSize)}页,${total}项`}</span> |
}, |
onShowSizeChange: (currentPage, pageSize) => { |
setCurrentPage(currentPage); |
setPageSize(pageSize); |
}, |
onChange: (page, pageSize) => { |
setCurrentPage(page); |
setPageSize(pageSize); |
} |
}} |
dataSource={organization?.rows || []} |
options={false} |
/> |
</Spin> |
} |
function mapStateToProps(state) { |
const { |
auth, global, datasources, organization |
} = state; |
return { |
loading: datasources.isRequesting, |
clientHeight: global.clientHeight, |
actions: global.actions, |
organization: organization?.data || {}, |
}; |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(organization); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
.protable-title { |
margin-bottom: 16px; |
padding-left: 24px; |
padding-right: 24px; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import reducers from './reducers'; |
import routes from './routes'; |
import actions from './actions'; |
import { getNavItem } from './nav-item'; |
export default { |
key: 'organization', |
name: '机构管理', |
reducers: reducers, |
routes: routes, |
actions: actions, |
getNavItem: getNavItem |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { Menu } from 'antd'; |
import { UserOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
const SubMenu = Menu.SubMenu; |
export function getNavItem(user) { |
return ( |
user?.role == '系统管理员' && <Menu.Item icon={<UserOutlined />} key="organization"> |
<Link to="/organization">机构管理</Link> |
</Menu.Item> |
// user?.role == '系统管理员' && <SubMenu key="memberManagement" icon={<UserOutlined />} title='用户管理'>
// <Menu.Item key="auth">
// <Link to="/memberManagement/auth">用户权限</Link>
// </Menu.Item>
// </ SubMenu >
) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
'use strict'; |
export default { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import { Organization } from './containers'; |
export default [{ |
type: 'inner', |
route: { |
path: '/organization', |
key: 'organization', |
breadcrumb: '机构管理', |
component: Organization, |
} |
}]; |
Reference in new issue