You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
924 B

3 years ago
var assert = require('better-assert');
var expect = require('expect.js');
var util = require('./index.js');
describe('querystring test suite', function(){
it('should parse a querystring and return an object', function () {
// Single assignment
var queryObj = util.decode("foo=bar");
// Multiple assignments
queryObj = util.decode("france=paris&germany=berlin");
// Assignments containing non-alphanumeric characters
queryObj = util.decode("india=new%20delhi");
expect(queryObj.india).to.be("new delhi");
it('should construct a query string from an object', function () {
expect(util.encode({ a: 'b' })).to.be('a=b');
expect(util.encode({ a: 'b', c: 'd' })).to.be('a=b&c=d');
expect(util.encode({ a: 'b', c: 'tobi rocks' })).to.be('a=b&c=tobi%20rocks');