You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
859 lines
25 KiB
859 lines
25 KiB
3 years ago
'use strict';
var net = require('net');
var assert = require('assert');
var tls = require('tls');
var util = require('util');
var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var retry = require('retry');
var EventEmitter = require('events');
var errors = require('./errors');
var getCodec = require('./codec');
var protocol = require('./protocol');
var BrokerWrapper = require('./wrapper/BrokerWrapper');
var encodeMessageSet = protocol.encodeMessageSet;
var Message = protocol.Message;
var zk = require('./zookeeper');
var Zookeeper = zk.Zookeeper;
var url = require('url');
var logger = require('./logging')('kafka-node:Client');
var validateConfig = require('./utils').validateConfig;
var validateKafkaTopics = require('./utils').validateTopicNames;
var BufferList = require('bl');
const MAX_INT32 = 2147483647;
* Communicates with kafka brokers
* Uses zookeeper to discover all the kafka brokers to connect to
* @example <caption>Non chrooted connection to a single zookeeper host</caption>
* var client = new Client('localhost:2181')
* @example <caption>Chrooted connection to multiple zookeeper hosts</caption>
* var client = new Client('localhost:2181,localhost:2182/exmaple/chroot
* @param {String} [connectionString='localhost:2181/kafka0.8'] A string containing a list of zookeeper hosts:port
* and the zookeeper chroot
* @param {String} [clientId='kafka-node-client'] The client id to register with zookeeper, helpful for debugging
* @param {Object} zkOptions Pass through options to the zookeeper client library
* @param {Object} noAckBatchOptions Batch buffer options for no ACK requirement producers
* - noAckBatchOptions.noAckBatchSize Max batch size in bytes for the buffer before sending all data to broker
* - noAckBatchOptions.noAckBatchAge Timeout max for the buffer to retain data before sending all data to broker
* @param {Object} sslOptions options for TLS Socket
* @constructor
function Client (connectionString, clientId, zkOptions, noAckBatchOptions, sslOptions) {
if (this instanceof Client === false) {
return new Client(connectionString, clientId, zkOptions, noAckBatchOptions, sslOptions);
this.setMaxListeners(20); // waitUntilReady can trigger lots of listeners under high activity, so increase threshold
this.sslOptions = sslOptions;
this.ssl = !!sslOptions;
if (clientId) {
validateConfig('clientId', clientId);
this.connectionString = connectionString || 'localhost:2181/';
this.clientId = clientId || 'kafka-node-client';
this.zkOptions = zkOptions;
this.noAckBatchOptions = noAckBatchOptions;
this.brokers = {};
this.longpollingBrokers = {};
this.topicMetadata = {};
this.topicPartitions = {};
this.correlationId = 0;
this._socketId = 0;
this.cbqueue = {};
this.brokerMetadata = {};
this.ready = false;
util.inherits(Client, EventEmitter);
Client.prototype.connect = function () {
var zk = (this.zk = new Zookeeper(this.connectionString, this.zkOptions));
var self = this;
zk.once('init', function (brokers) {
try {
self.ready = true;
self.brokerMetadata = brokers;
Object.keys(self.brokerProfiles).some(function (key, index) {
var broker = self.brokerProfiles[key];
self.setupBroker(, broker.port, false, self.brokers);
// Only connect one broker
return !index;
} catch (error) {
self.ready = false;
self.emit('error', error);
zk.on('brokersChanged', function (brokerMetadata) {
try {
self.brokerMetadata = brokerMetadata;
logger.debug('brokersChanged', brokerMetadata);
// Emit after a 3 seconds
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
} catch (error) {
self.emit('error', error);
zk.once('disconnected', function () {
if (!zk.closed) {
zk.on('error', function (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
Client.prototype.setupBrokerProfiles = function (brokers) {
this.brokerProfiles = Object.create(null);
var self = this;
var protocol = self.ssl ? 'SSL' : 'PLAINTEXT';
Object.keys(brokers).forEach(function (key) {
var brokerProfile = brokers[key];
var addr;
if (brokerProfile.endpoints && brokerProfile.endpoints.length) {
var endpoint = _.find(brokerProfile.endpoints, function (endpoint) {
var securityProtocolMap = brokerProfile.listener_security_protocol_map;
var listenerName = url.parse(endpoint).protocol.replace(':', '').toUpperCase();
if (securityProtocolMap !== undefined) {
return securityProtocolMap[listenerName] === protocol;
} else {
return listenerName === protocol;
if (endpoint == null) {
throw new Error(['No kafka endpoint found for broker: ', key, ' with protocol ', protocol].join(''));
var endpointUrl = url.parse(endpoint);
addr = endpointUrl.hostname + ':' + endpointUrl.port;
| = endpointUrl.hostname;
brokerProfile.port = endpointUrl.port;
} else {
addr = + ':' + brokerProfile.port;
assert( && brokerProfile.port, 'kafka host or port is empty');
self.brokerProfiles[addr] = brokerProfile;
self.brokerProfiles[addr].id = key;
Client.prototype.close = function (cb) {
cb && cb();
Client.prototype.closeBrokers = function (brokers) {
_.each(brokers, function (broker) {
broker.socket.closing = true;
setImmediate(function () {
function decodeValue (encoding, value) {
if (encoding !== 'buffer' && value != null) {
return value.toString(encoding);
return value;
Client.prototype._createMessageHandler = function (consumer) {
return (err, type, message) => {
if (err) {
if (err.message === 'OffsetOutOfRange') {
return consumer.emit('offsetOutOfRange', err);
} else if (err.message === 'NotLeaderForPartition' || err.message === 'UnknownTopicOrPartition') {
return this.emit('brokersChanged');
return consumer.emit('error', err);
var encoding = consumer.options.encoding;
const keyEncoding = consumer.options.keyEncoding;
if (type === 'message') {
message.value = decodeValue(encoding, message.value);
message.key = decodeValue(keyEncoding || encoding, message.key);
consumer.emit('message', message);
} else {
consumer.emit('done', message);
Client.prototype.sendFetchRequest = function (consumer, payloads, fetchMaxWaitMs, fetchMinBytes, maxTickMessages) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeFetchRequest(fetchMaxWaitMs, fetchMinBytes);
var decoder = protocol.decodeFetchResponse(this._createMessageHandler(consumer), maxTickMessages);
this.send(payloads, encoder, decoder, function (err) {
if (err) {
|, 'error');
consumer.emit.apply(consumer, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendProduceRequest = function (payloads, requireAcks, ackTimeoutMs, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeProduceRequest(requireAcks, ackTimeoutMs);
var decoder = protocol.decodeProduceResponse;
var self = this;
decoder.requireAcks = requireAcks;
async.each(payloads, buildRequest, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
self.send(payloads, encoder, decoder, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
if (err.message === 'NotLeaderForPartition') {
} else {
cb(null, result);
function buildRequest (payload, cb) {
var attributes = payload.attributes;
var codec = getCodec(attributes);
if (!codec) return cb();
var innerSet = encodeMessageSet(payload.messages);
codec.encode(innerSet, function (err, message) {
if (err) return cb(err);
payload.messages = [new Message(0, attributes, '', message)];
Client.prototype.sendOffsetCommitRequest = function (group, payloads, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeOffsetCommitRequest(group);
var decoder = protocol.decodeOffsetCommitResponse;
this.send(payloads, encoder, decoder, cb);
Client.prototype.sendOffsetCommitV2Request = function (group, generationId, memberId, payloads, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeOffsetCommitV2Request;
var decoder = protocol.decodeOffsetCommitResponse;
this.sendGroupRequest(encoder, decoder, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendOffsetFetchV1Request = function (group, payloads, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeOffsetFetchV1Request;
var decoder = protocol.decodeOffsetFetchV1Response;
this.sendGroupRequest(encoder, decoder, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendOffsetFetchRequest = function (group, payloads, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeOffsetFetchRequest(group);
var decoder = protocol.decodeOffsetFetchResponse;
this.send(payloads, encoder, decoder, cb);
Client.prototype.sendOffsetRequest = function (payloads, cb) {
var encoder = protocol.encodeOffsetRequest;
var decoder = protocol.decodeOffsetResponse;
this.send(payloads, encoder, decoder, cb);
Client.prototype.refreshBrokerMetadata = function () {};
Client.prototype.sendGroupRequest = function (encode, decode, requestArgs) {
requestArgs = _.values(requestArgs);
var cb = requestArgs.pop();
var correlationId = this.nextId();
requestArgs.unshift(this.clientId, correlationId);
var request = encode.apply(null, requestArgs);
var broker = this.brokerForLeader(this.coordinatorId);
if (!broker || !broker.socket || broker.socket.error || broker.socket.destroyed) {
return cb(new errors.BrokerNotAvailableError('Broker not available'));
this.queueCallback(broker.socket, correlationId, [decode, cb]);
Client.prototype.sendGroupCoordinatorRequest = function (groupId, cb) {
this.sendGroupRequest(protocol.encodeGroupCoordinatorRequest, protocol.decodeGroupCoordinatorResponse, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendJoinGroupRequest = function (groupId, memberId, sessionTimeout, groupProtocol, cb) {
this.sendGroupRequest(protocol.encodeJoinGroupRequest, protocol.decodeJoinGroupResponse, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendSyncGroupRequest = function (groupId, generationId, memberId, groupAssignment, cb) {
this.sendGroupRequest(protocol.encodeSyncGroupRequest, protocol.decodeSyncGroupResponse, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendHeartbeatRequest = function (groupId, generationId, memberId, cb) {
this.sendGroupRequest(protocol.encodeGroupHeartbeatRequest, protocol.decodeGroupHeartbeatResponse, arguments);
Client.prototype.sendLeaveGroupRequest = function (groupId, memberId, cb) {
this.sendGroupRequest(protocol.encodeLeaveGroupRequest, protocol.decodeLeaveGroupResponse, arguments);
* Helper method
* topic in paylods may send to different broker, so we cache data util all request came back
function wrap (payloads, cb) {
var out = {};
var count = Object.keys(payloads).length;
return function (err, data) {
// data: { topicName1: {}, topicName2: {} }
if (err) return cb && cb(err);
_.merge(out, data);
count -= 1;
// Waiting for all request return
if (count !== 0) return;
cb && cb(null, out);
* Fetches metadata information for a topic
* This includes an array containing a each zookeeper node, their nodeId, host name, and port. As well as an object
* containing the topic name, partition, leader number, replica count, and in sync replicas per partition.
* @param {Array} topics An array of topics to load the metadata for
* @param {Client~loadMetadataForTopicsCallback} cb Function to call once all metadata is loaded
Client.prototype.loadMetadataForTopics = function (topics, cb) {
var correlationId = this.nextId();
var request = protocol.encodeMetadataRequest(this.clientId, correlationId, topics);
var broker = this.brokerForLeader();
if (!broker || !broker.socket || broker.socket.error || broker.socket.destroyed) {
return cb(new errors.BrokerNotAvailableError('Broker not available'));
this.queueCallback(broker.socket, correlationId, [protocol.decodeMetadataResponse, cb]);
Client.prototype.createTopics = function (topics, isAsync, cb) {
topics = typeof topics === 'string' ? [topics] : topics;
if (typeof isAsync === 'function' && typeof cb === 'undefined') {
cb = isAsync;
isAsync = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (isAsync) return cb(e);
throw e;
cb = _.once(cb);
const getTopicsFromKafka = (topics, callback) => {
this.loadMetadataForTopics(topics, function (error, resp) {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
callback(null, Object.keys(resp[1].metadata));
const operation = retry.operation({ minTimeout: 200, maxTimeout: 2000 });
operation.attempt(currentAttempt => {
logger.debug('create topics currentAttempt', currentAttempt);
getTopicsFromKafka(topics, function (error, kafkaTopics) {
if (error) {
if (operation.retry(error)) {
logger.debug('kafka reported topics', kafkaTopics);
const left = _.difference(topics, kafkaTopics);
if (left.length === 0) {
logger.debug(`Topics created ${kafkaTopics}`);
return cb(null, kafkaTopics);
logger.debug(`Topics left ${left.join(', ')}`);
if (!operation.retry(new Error(`Topics not created ${left}`))) {
if (!isAsync) {
* Checks to see if a given array of topics exists
* @param {Array} topics An array of topic names to check
* @param {Client~topicExistsCallback} cb A function to call after all topics have been checked
Client.prototype.topicExists = function (topics, cb) {
var notExistsTopics = [];
var self = this;
async.each(topics, checkZK, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (notExistsTopics.length) return cb(new errors.TopicsNotExistError(notExistsTopics));
function checkZK (topic, cb) {
self.zk.topicExists(topic, function (err, existed, topic) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (!existed) notExistsTopics.push(topic);
Client.prototype.addTopics = function (topics, cb) {
var self = this;
this.topicExists(topics, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
self.loadMetadataForTopics(topics, function (err, resp) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, topics);
Client.prototype.nextId = function () {
if (this.correlationId >= MAX_INT32) {
this.correlationId = 0;
return this.correlationId++;
Client.prototype.nextSocketId = function () {
return this._socketId++;
Client.prototype.refreshBrokers = function () {
var self = this;
var validBrokers = Object.keys(this.brokerProfiles);
function closeDeadBrokers (brokers) {
var deadBrokerKeys = _.difference(Object.keys(brokers), validBrokers);
if (deadBrokerKeys.length) {
| (key) {
var broker = brokers[key];
delete brokers[key];
return broker;
Client.prototype.refreshMetadata = function (topicNames, cb) {
var self = this;
if (!topicNames.length) return cb();
attemptRequestMetadata(topicNames, cb);
function attemptRequestMetadata (topics, cb) {
var operation = retry.operation({ minTimeout: 200, maxTimeout: 1000 });
operation.attempt(function (currentAttempt) {
logger.debug('refresh metadata currentAttempt', currentAttempt);
self.loadMetadataForTopics(topics, function (err, resp) {
err = err || resp[1].error;
if (operation.retry(err)) {
if (err) {
logger.debug('refresh metadata error', err.message);
return cb(err);
Client.prototype.send = function (payloads, encoder, decoder, cb) {
var self = this;
var _payloads = payloads;
// payloads: [ [metadata exists], [metadata not exists] ]
payloads = this.checkMetadatas(payloads);
if (payloads[0].length && !payloads[1].length) {
this.sendToBroker(_.flatten(payloads), encoder, decoder, cb);
if (payloads[1].length) {
var topicNames = payloads[1].map(function (p) {
return p.topic;
this.loadMetadataForTopics(topicNames, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var error = resp[1].error;
if (error) {
return cb(error);
// check payloads again
payloads = self.checkMetadatas(_payloads);
if (payloads[1].length) {
return cb(new errors.BrokerNotAvailableError('Could not find the leader'));
self.sendToBroker(payloads[1].concat(payloads[0]), encoder, decoder, cb);
Client.prototype.sendToBroker = function (payloads, encoder, decoder, cb) {
var longpolling = === 'encodeFetchRequest';
payloads = this.payloadsByLeader(payloads);
if (!longpolling) {
cb = wrap(payloads, cb);
for (var leader in payloads) {
if (!payloads.hasOwnProperty(leader)) {
var correlationId = this.nextId();
var request = encoder(this.clientId, correlationId, payloads[leader]);
var broker = this.brokerForLeader(leader, longpolling);
if (!broker || !broker.socket || broker.socket.error || broker.socket.closing || broker.socket.destroyed) {
return cb(new errors.BrokerNotAvailableError('Could not find the leader'), payloads[leader]);
if (longpolling) {
if (broker.socket.waiting) {
broker.socket.waiting = true;
if (decoder.requireAcks === 0) {
cb(null, { result: 'no ack' });
} else {
this.queueCallback(broker.socket, correlationId, [decoder, cb]);
Client.prototype.checkMetadatas = function (payloads) {
if (_.isEmpty(this.topicMetadata)) return [[], payloads];
// out: [ [metadata exists], [metadata not exists] ]
var out = [[], []];
function (p) {
if (this.hasMetadata(p.topic, p.partition)) out[0].push(p);
else out[1].push(p);
return out;
Client.prototype.hasMetadata = function (topic, partition) {
var brokerMetadata = this.brokerMetadata;
var leader = this.leaderByPartition(topic, partition);
return leader !== undefined && brokerMetadata[leader];
Client.prototype.updateMetadatas = function (metadatas) {
// _.extend(this.brokerMetadata, metadatas[0])
_.extend(this.topicMetadata, metadatas[1].metadata);
for (var topic in this.topicMetadata) {
if (!this.topicMetadata.hasOwnProperty(topic)) {
this.topicPartitions[topic] = Object.keys(this.topicMetadata[topic]).map(function (val) {
return parseInt(val, 10);
Client.prototype.removeTopicMetadata = function (topics, cb) {
function (t) {
if (this.topicMetadata[t]) delete this.topicMetadata[t];
cb(null, topics.length);
Client.prototype.payloadsByLeader = function (payloads) {
return payloads.reduce(
function (out, p) {
var leader = this.leaderByPartition(p.topic, p.partition);
out[leader] = out[leader] || [];
return out;
Client.prototype.leaderByPartition = function (topic, partition) {
var topicMetadata = this.topicMetadata;
return topicMetadata[topic] && topicMetadata[topic][partition] && topicMetadata[topic][partition].leader;
Client.prototype.brokerForLeader = function (leader, longpolling) {
var addr;
var brokers = this.getBrokers(longpolling);
// If leader is not give, choose the first broker as leader
if (typeof leader === 'undefined') {
if (!_.isEmpty(brokers)) {
addr = Object.keys(brokers)[0];
return brokers[addr];
} else if (!_.isEmpty(this.brokerMetadata)) {
leader = Object.keys(this.brokerMetadata)[0];
} else {
var broker = _.find(this.brokerProfiles, { id: leader });
if (!broker) {
addr = + ':' + broker.port;
return brokers[addr] || this.setupBroker(, broker.port, longpolling, brokers);
Client.prototype.getBrokers = function (longpolling) {
return longpolling ? this.longpollingBrokers : this.brokers;
Client.prototype.setupBroker = function (host, port, longpolling, brokers) {
var brokerKey = host + ':' + port;
brokers[brokerKey] = this.createBroker(host, port, longpolling);
return brokers[brokerKey];
Client.prototype.createBroker = function (host, port, longpolling) {
var self = this;
var socket;
if (self.ssl) {
socket = tls.connect(port, host, self.sslOptions);
} else {
socket = net.createConnection(port, host);
socket.addr = host + ':' + port;
| = host;
socket.port = port;
socket.socketId = this.nextSocketId();
if (longpolling) socket.longpolling = true;
socket.on('connect', function () {
var lastError = this.error;
this.error = null;
if (lastError) {
this.waiting = false;
} else {
socket.on('error', function (err) {
this.error = err;
self.emit('error', err);
socket.on('close', function (hadError) {
self.emit('close', this);
if (hadError && this.error) {
self.clearCallbackQueue(this, this.error);
} else {
self.clearCallbackQueue(this, new errors.BrokerNotAvailableError('Broker not available'));
socket.on('end', function () {
socket.buffer = new BufferList();
socket.on('data', function (data) {
socket.setKeepAlive(true, 60000);
function retry (s) {
if (s.retrying || s.closing) return;
s.retrying = true;
s.retryTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (s.closing) return;
}, 1000);
return new BrokerWrapper(socket, this.noAckBatchOptions);
Client.prototype.reconnectBroker = function (oldSocket) {
oldSocket.retrying = false;
if (oldSocket.error) {
var brokers = this.getBrokers(oldSocket.longpolling);
var newBroker = this.setupBroker(, oldSocket.port, oldSocket.longpolling, brokers);
newBroker.socket.error = oldSocket.error;
Client.prototype.handleReceivedData = function (socket) {
var buffer = socket.buffer;
if (!buffer.length || buffer.length < 4) {
var size = buffer.readUInt32BE(0) + 4;
if (buffer.length >= size) {
if (socket.longpolling) {
socket.waiting = false;
var resp = buffer.shallowSlice(0, size);
var correlationId = resp.readUInt32BE(4);
var handlers = this.unqueueCallback(socket, correlationId);
if (handlers) {
var decoder = handlers[0];
var cb = handlers[1];
var result = decoder(resp);
result instanceof Error ?, result) :, null, result);
} else {
logger.error(`missing handlers for Correlation ID: ${correlationId}`);
} else {
if (socket.buffer.length) {
function () {
Client.prototype.queueCallback = function (socket, id, data) {
var socketId = socket.socketId;
var queue;
if (this.cbqueue.hasOwnProperty(socketId)) {
queue = this.cbqueue[socketId];
} else {
queue = {};
this.cbqueue[socketId] = queue;
queue[id] = data;
Client.prototype.unqueueCallback = function (socket, id) {
var socketId = socket.socketId;
if (!this.cbqueue.hasOwnProperty(socketId)) {
return null;
var queue = this.cbqueue[socketId];
if (!queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
return null;
var result = queue[id];
// cleanup socket queue
delete queue[id];
if (!Object.keys(queue).length) {
delete this.cbqueue[socketId];
return result;
Client.prototype.clearCallbackQueue = function (socket, error) {
var socketId = socket.socketId;
var longpolling = socket.longpolling;
if (!this.cbqueue.hasOwnProperty(socketId)) {
var queue = this.cbqueue[socketId];
if (!longpolling) {
Object.keys(queue).forEach(function (key) {
var handlers = queue[key];
var cb = handlers[1];
delete this.cbqueue[socketId];
module.exports = Client;