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A body parser for koa, base on [co-body](https://github.com/tj/co-body). support `json`, `form` and `text` type body.
## Install
## Usage
var koa = require('koa');
var bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser');
var app = koa();
app.use(function *() {
// the parsed body will store in this.request.body
// if nothing was parsed, body will be an empty object {}
this.body = this.request.body;
## Options
* **enableTypes**: parser will only parse when request type hits enableTypes, default is `['json', 'form']`.
* **encode**: requested encoding. Default is `utf-8` by `co-body`.
* **formLimit**: limit of the `urlencoded` body. If the body ends up being larger than this limit, a 413 error code is returned. Default is `56kb`.
* **jsonLimit**: limit of the `json` body. Default is `1mb`.
* **textLimit**: limit of the `text` body. Default is `1mb`.
* **strict**: when set to true, JSON parser will only accept arrays and objects. Default is `true`. See [strict mode](https://github.com/cojs/co-body#options) in `co-body`. In strict mode, `this.request.body` will always be an object(or array), this avoid lots of type judging. But text body will always return string type.
* **detectJSON**: custom json request detect function. Default is `null`.
detectJSON: function (ctx) {
return /\.json$/i.test(ctx.path);
* **extendTypes**: support extend types:
extendTypes: {
json: ['application/x-javascript'] // will parse application/x-javascript type body as a JSON string
* **onerror**: support custom error handle, if `koa-bodyparser` throw an error, you can customize the response like:
onerror: function (err, ctx) {
ctx.throw('body parse error', 422);
* **disableBodyParser**: you can dynamic disable body parser by set `this.disableBodyParser = true`.
app.use(function* disableBodyParser(next) {
if (this.path === '/disable') this.disableBodyParser = true;
return yield next;
## Raw Body
You can access raw request body by `this.request.rawBody` after `koa-bodyparser` when:
1. `koa-bodyparser` parsed the request body.
2. `this.request.rawBody` is not present before `koa-bodyparser`.
## Licences