3 years ago
4 changed files with 379 additions and 15 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,164 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import './style.less' |
import './style.less' |
export default function Leftbottom() { |
import { Col, Progress, Row } from 'antd'; |
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; |
// import ReactEcharts from 'echarts-for-react';
import * as echarts from 'echarts'; |
function Leftbottom() { |
// const {
// safetyData, chartTitle, title, number, leftLegend, rightLegend, legendColor, width, height,
// } = props;
const chartRef = useRef(null); |
const safetyData = [ |
{name: '县道', value: 72}, |
{name: '乡道', value: 17}, |
{name: '村道', value: 4}, |
] |
const chartTitle = '道路总公里'; |
const title = '基础设施安全监测版块'; |
// const number = 2738;
// const leftLegend = ['地灾', '桥梁', '基坑', '边坡', '水库大坝']
const rightLegend = ['县道', '乡道', '村道'] |
const legendColor = undefined; |
const width = undefined |
const height = undefined |
var titleNum = 15 |
let safetyOption = { |
tooltip: { |
show: true, |
trigger: 'item', |
position: 'right', |
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)', |
textStyle: { |
color: '#fff', |
}, |
formatter: (values) => `${values.seriesName}<br /> ${values.marker} ${} <b>${values.value}</b>个(${values.percent}%)`, |
}, |
title: { |
left:'center', |
top:'35%', |
textStyle:{ |
fontFamily : "YouSheBiaoTiHei", |
fontSize: 20, |
color:'#FFFFFF', |
// align:'center'
}, |
subtextStyle:{ |
fontFamily : "PingFangSC-Medium PingFang SC", |
fontSize: 12, |
fontWeight:500, |
color:'#E9F7FF', |
} |
}, |
legend: [ |
{ |
orient: 'vertical', |
textStyle: { |
color: '#DDEFFF', |
fontFamily: 'SourceHanSansCN-Regular', |
fontSize: 12, |
}, |
right: 0, |
top: 'center', |
align: 'left', |
itemWidth: 10, |
itemHeight: 10, |
data: rightLegend || ['地灾', '隧道', '尾矿库', '水库大坝', '智慧消防'], |
formatter: (name) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < safetyOption.series[0].data.length; i += 1) { |
if (name === safetyOption.series[0].data[i].name) { |
return `${name} \t ${safetyOption.series[0].data[i].value}`; |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
], |
series: [ |
{ |
name: '道路统计', |
type: 'pie', |
radius: ['50%', '65%'], |
// emphasis: { // 设置高亮时显示标签
// label: {
// show: true
// },
// // scale: true, // 设置高亮时放大图形
// // scaleSize: 20
// },
label: { |
show: false, |
}, |
// selectedMode: 'single',
data: safetyData, |
itemStyle: { |
normal: { |
color: (color) => { |
const colorList = legendColor || [ |
'#98D8CA', |
'#9494FF', |
'#2A43FF', |
'#FFD39F', |
'#9D5F8B', |
'#ADDE81', |
'#F8EBA2', |
'#5F8EFD', |
'#2BB4D3', |
'#1488C8', |
]; |
return colorList[color.dataIndex]; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}; |
let currentIndex = -1; // 当前高亮图形在饼图数据中的下标
useEffect(() => { |
let myChart = echarts.init(chartRef.current); |
const highlightPie = () =>{ // 取消所有高亮并高亮当前图形
for(var idx in safetyOption.series[0].data) |
// 遍历饼图数据,取消所有图形的高亮效果
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'downplay', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: idx |
}); |
// 高亮当前图形
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'highlight', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: currentIndex |
}); |
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'showTip', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: currentIndex, |
}); |
} |
const selectPie=() =>{ // 高亮效果切换到下一个图形
var dataLen = safetyOption.series[0].data.length; |
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataLen; |
highlightPie(); |
} |
let changePieInterval = setInterval(selectPie, 1000); |
myChart.onChartReady = (instance) => { |
chartRef.current.safetyChart = instance; |
} |
myChart.setOption(safetyOption); |
return ()=>{ |
clearInterval(changePieInterval) |
} |
}, []); |
return ( |
return ( |
<div className='build-left-bottom'>Leftbottom</div> |
<div className='build-left-bottom'> |
) |
<div ref={chartRef} style={{ width: width || 400, height: height || 200 }} id="ech"></div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
} |
export default Leftbottom |
@ -1,7 +1,205 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import './style.less' |
import './style.less' |
export default function Rightbottom() { |
import { Col, Progress, Row } from 'antd'; |
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; |
// import ReactEcharts from 'echarts-for-react';
import * as echarts from 'echarts'; |
function Leftbottom() { |
// const {
// safetyData, chartTitle, title, number, leftLegend, rightLegend, legendColor, width, height,
// } = props;
const chartRef = useRef(null); |
const safetyData = [ |
{name: '一级公路', value: 42}, |
{name: '二级公路', value: 17}, |
{name: '三级公路', value: 17}, |
{name: '四级公路', value: 30}, |
{name: '等外公路', value: 30}, |
] |
const chartTitle = '道路总公里'; |
const title = '基础设施安全监测版块'; |
// const number = 2738;
// const leftLegend = ['地灾', '桥梁', '基坑', '边坡', '水库大坝']
const rightLegend = ['一级公路', '二级公路', '三级公路','四级公路','等外公路'] |
const legendColor = undefined; |
const width = undefined |
const height = undefined |
var titleNum = 15 |
let safetyOption = { |
tooltip: { |
show: true, |
trigger: 'item', |
position: 'right', |
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)', |
textStyle: { |
color: '#fff', |
}, |
formatter: (values) => `${values.seriesName}<br /> ${values.marker} ${} <b>${values.value}</b>个(${values.percent}%)`, |
}, |
title: { |
left:'center', |
top:'35%', |
textStyle:{ |
fontFamily : "YouSheBiaoTiHei", |
fontSize: 20, |
color:'#FFFFFF', |
// align:'center'
}, |
subtextStyle:{ |
fontFamily : "PingFangSC-Medium PingFang SC", |
fontSize: 12, |
fontWeight:500, |
color:'#E9F7FF', |
} |
}, |
// graphic: {
// elements: [
// {
// type: 'text',
// style: {
// text: chartTitle || '安全\n监测',
// align: 'center',
// fill: '#fff',
// z: -999,
// zlevel: -999,
// font: '20px "YouSheBiaoTiHei", sans-serif',
// },
// left: 'center',
// top: 'center',
// position: [100, 100],
// },
// ],
// },
legend: [ |
// {
// orient: 'vertical',
// left: 'left',
// top: 'center',
// textStyle: {
// color: '#DDEFFF',
// fontFamily: 'SourceHanSansCN-Regular',
// fontSize: 12,
// },
// itemWidth: 10,
// itemHeight: 10,
// data: leftLegend || ['基坑', '桥梁', '地铁', '边坡', '建筑物'],
// formatter: (name) => {
// for (let i = 0; i < safetyOption.series[0].data.length; i += 1) {
// if (name === safetyOption.series[0].data[i].name) {
// return `${name} \t ${safetyOption.series[0].data[i].value}`;
// }
// }
// },
// },
{ |
orient: 'vertical', |
textStyle: { |
color: '#DDEFFF', |
fontFamily: 'SourceHanSansCN-Regular', |
fontSize: 12, |
}, |
right: 0, |
top: 'center', |
align: 'left', |
itemWidth: 10, |
itemHeight: 10, |
data: rightLegend || ['地灾', '隧道', '尾矿库', '水库大坝', '智慧消防'], |
formatter: (name) => { |
for (let i = 0; i < safetyOption.series[0].data.length; i += 1) { |
if (name === safetyOption.series[0].data[i].name) { |
return `${name} \t ${safetyOption.series[0].data[i].value}`; |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
], |
series: [ |
{ |
name: '道路统计', |
type: 'pie', |
radius: ['50%', '65%'], |
// emphasis: { // 设置高亮时显示标签
// label: {
// show: true
// },
// // scale: true, // 设置高亮时放大图形
// // scaleSize: 20
// },
label: { |
show: false, |
}, |
// selectedMode: 'single',
data: safetyData, |
itemStyle: { |
normal: { |
color: (color) => { |
const colorList = legendColor || [ |
'#98D8CA', |
'#9494FF', |
'#2A43FF', |
'#FFD39F', |
'#9D5F8B', |
'#ADDE81', |
'#F8EBA2', |
'#5F8EFD', |
'#2BB4D3', |
'#1488C8', |
]; |
return colorList[color.dataIndex]; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}; |
let currentIndex = -1; // 当前高亮图形在饼图数据中的下标
useEffect(() => { |
let myChart = echarts.init(chartRef.current); |
const highlightPie = () =>{ // 取消所有高亮并高亮当前图形
for(var idx in safetyOption.series[0].data) |
// 遍历饼图数据,取消所有图形的高亮效果
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'downplay', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: idx |
}); |
// 高亮当前图形
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'highlight', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: currentIndex |
}); |
myChart.dispatchAction({ |
type: 'showTip', |
seriesIndex: 0, |
dataIndex: currentIndex, |
}); |
} |
const selectPie=() =>{ // 高亮效果切换到下一个图形
var dataLen = safetyOption.series[0].data.length; |
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataLen; |
highlightPie(); |
} |
let changePieInterval = setInterval(selectPie, 1000); |
myChart.onChartReady = (instance) => { |
chartRef.current.safetyChart = instance; |
} |
myChart.setOption(safetyOption); |
return ()=>{ |
clearInterval(changePieInterval) |
} |
}, []); |
return ( |
return ( |
<div className='build-right-bottom'>Rightbottom</div> |
<div className='build-right-bottom'> |
) |
<div ref={chartRef} style={{ width: width || 400, height: height || 200 }} id="ech"></div> |
</div> |
); |
} |
} |
export default Leftbottom |
Reference in new issue