'use strict'; async function getdep(ctx) { try { const { fs: { api: { userInfo } } } = ctx const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; let depLevel0 = await models.Department.findAll({ order: [['id', 'asc']], where: { // id: userInfo.departmentId dependence: null, delete: false, id: { $ne: 1 } }, }) let depRslt = [] const getDep = async (d) => { let subordinate = [] let depRes = await models.Department.findAll({ order: [['id', 'asc']], where: { dependence: d.id, delete: false, id: { $ne: 1 } }, }) if (depRes.length) for (let d of depRes) { let dep = d.dataValues dep.subordinate = await getDep(d.dataValues) subordinate.push(dep) } return subordinate } for (let d of depLevel0) { let dep0 = d.dataValues dep0.subordinate = await getDep(d.dataValues) depRslt.push(dep0) } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = depRslt } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = {} } } async function editDep(ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { depId, name, dependence, areaCode, area } = ctx.request.body //console.log(ctx.request.body, '111111wed') if (dependence) { let dep = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: dependence, delete: false }, }) if (!dep) { throw "上级部门不存在" } } if (depId) { const repeatNameCount = await models.Department.count({ where: { dependence: dependence || null, name: name, id: { $ne: depId }, delete: false } }) if (repeatNameCount) { throw "部门名称重复" } await models.Department.update({ name: name, dependence: dependence || null, areaCode: areaCode || null }, { where: { id: depId } }) } else { const repeatNameCount = await models.Department.count({ where: { dependence: dependence || null, name: name, delete: false, } }) if (repeatNameCount) { throw '部门名称重复' } await models.Department.create({ name: name, delete: false, dependence: dependence || null, areaCode: area || null }) } ctx.status = 204; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function delDep(ctx) { const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { depId } = ctx.params; let depIds = [] let depLevel0 = await models.Department.findAll({ where: { id: depId }, }) const getDep = async (d) => { let depRes = await models.Department.findAll({ where: { dependence: d.id, delete: false }, }) if (depRes.length) for (let d of depRes) { depIds.push(d.dataValues.id) await getDep(d.dataValues) } } for (let d of depLevel0) { depIds.push(d.id) getDep(d.dataValues) } const undeleteUserCount = await models.User.count({ where: { departmentId: { $in: depIds }, delete: false } }) if (undeleteUserCount) { throw '该部门下有用户,不能删除' } await models.Department.update({ delete: true, }, { where: { id: { $in: depIds }, }, transaction }) await models.User.update({ delete: true, }, { where: { departmentId: { $in: depIds }, }, transaction }) await transaction.commit(); ctx.status = 204; } catch (error) { await transaction.rollback(); ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } module.exports = { getdep, editDep, delDep, };