create table if not exists road_spot_check_preview ( id serial not null constraint report_spot_check_preview_v2_pk primary key, county_percentage integer not null, date timestamp with time zone, county_road_id integer[], township_road_id integer[], checked boolean default false not null, village_road_id integer[], village_id integer[] ); comment on table road_spot_check_preview is '道路抽查预览表'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.county_percentage is '县道抽查比例'; comment on column is '抽取时间'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.county_road_id is '抽到的县道id'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.township_road_id is '乡道id'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.checked is '是否应用'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.village_road_id is '村道id'; comment on column road_spot_check_preview.village_id is '抽到的村庄的id'; create unique index if not exists report_spot_check_preview_v2_id_uindex on road_spot_check_preview (id); create table if not exists road_spot_check ( id serial not null constraint report_spot_check_v2_pk primary key, road_id integer not null, maintenance_count integer, prepare_id integer not null ); comment on table road_spot_check is '抽查结果表'; comment on column road_spot_check.maintenance_count is '抽查时养护次数'; comment on column road_spot_check.prepare_id is '抽查预览id'; create unique index if not exists report_spot_check_v2_id_uindex on road_spot_check (id); create table if not exists road_spot_check_change_log ( id serial not null constraint road_spot_check_change_log_pk primary key, user_id integer not null, time timestamp with time zone not null, content varchar(1024), origin_road_id integer not null, change_road_id integer not null, prepare_id integer constraint road_spot_check_change_log_road_spot_check_preview_id_fk references road_spot_check_preview ); comment on table road_spot_check_change_log is '道路养护抽查调整日志'; comment on column road_spot_check_change_log.user_id is '修改者'; comment on column road_spot_check_change_log.content is '修改内容描述'; comment on column road_spot_check_change_log.origin_road_id is '原本的道路'; comment on column road_spot_check_change_log.change_road_id is '更改后的道路'; comment on column road_spot_check_change_log.prepare_id is '抽查预览id'; create unique index if not exists road_spot_check_change_log_id_uindex on road_spot_check_change_log (id);