"use strict"; const { ono } = require("@jsdevtools/ono"); const $Ref = require("./ref"); const url = require("./util/url"); module.exports = $Refs; /** * This class is a map of JSON references and their resolved values. */ function $Refs () { /** * Indicates whether the schema contains any circular references. * * @type {boolean} */ this.circular = false; /** * A map of paths/urls to {@link $Ref} objects * * @type {object} * @protected */ this._$refs = {}; /** * The {@link $Ref} object that is the root of the JSON schema. * * @type {$Ref} * @protected */ this._root$Ref = null; } /** * Returns the paths of all the files/URLs that are referenced by the JSON schema, * including the schema itself. * * @param {...string|string[]} [types] - Only return paths of the given types ("file", "http", etc.) * @returns {string[]} */ $Refs.prototype.paths = function (types) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars let paths = getPaths(this._$refs, arguments); return paths.map((path) => { return path.decoded; }); }; /** * Returns the map of JSON references and their resolved values. * * @param {...string|string[]} [types] - Only return references of the given types ("file", "http", etc.) * @returns {object} */ $Refs.prototype.values = function (types) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars let $refs = this._$refs; let paths = getPaths($refs, arguments); return paths.reduce((obj, path) => { obj[path.decoded] = $refs[path.encoded].value; return obj; }, {}); }; /** * Returns a POJO (plain old JavaScript object) for serialization as JSON. * * @returns {object} */ $Refs.prototype.toJSON = $Refs.prototype.values; /** * Determines whether the given JSON reference exists. * * @param {string} path - The path being resolved, optionally with a JSON pointer in the hash * @param {$RefParserOptions} [options] * @returns {boolean} */ $Refs.prototype.exists = function (path, options) { try { this._resolve(path, "", options); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; /** * Resolves the given JSON reference and returns the resolved value. * * @param {string} path - The path being resolved, with a JSON pointer in the hash * @param {$RefParserOptions} [options] * @returns {*} - Returns the resolved value */ $Refs.prototype.get = function (path, options) { return this._resolve(path, "", options).value; }; /** * Sets the value of a nested property within this {@link $Ref#value}. * If the property, or any of its parents don't exist, they will be created. * * @param {string} path - The path of the property to set, optionally with a JSON pointer in the hash * @param {*} value - The value to assign */ $Refs.prototype.set = function (path, value) { let absPath = url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path, path); let withoutHash = url.stripHash(absPath); let $ref = this._$refs[withoutHash]; if (!$ref) { throw ono(`Error resolving $ref pointer "${path}". \n"${withoutHash}" not found.`); } $ref.set(absPath, value); }; /** * Creates a new {@link $Ref} object and adds it to this {@link $Refs} object. * * @param {string} path - The file path or URL of the referenced file */ $Refs.prototype._add = function (path) { let withoutHash = url.stripHash(path); let $ref = new $Ref(); $ref.path = withoutHash; $ref.$refs = this; this._$refs[withoutHash] = $ref; this._root$Ref = this._root$Ref || $ref; return $ref; }; /** * Resolves the given JSON reference. * * @param {string} path - The path being resolved, optionally with a JSON pointer in the hash * @param {string} pathFromRoot - The path of `obj` from the schema root * @param {$RefParserOptions} [options] * @returns {Pointer} * @protected */ $Refs.prototype._resolve = function (path, pathFromRoot, options) { let absPath = url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path, path); let withoutHash = url.stripHash(absPath); let $ref = this._$refs[withoutHash]; if (!$ref) { throw ono(`Error resolving $ref pointer "${path}". \n"${withoutHash}" not found.`); } return $ref.resolve(absPath, options, path, pathFromRoot); }; /** * Returns the specified {@link $Ref} object, or undefined. * * @param {string} path - The path being resolved, optionally with a JSON pointer in the hash * @returns {$Ref|undefined} * @protected */ $Refs.prototype._get$Ref = function (path) { path = url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path, path); let withoutHash = url.stripHash(path); return this._$refs[withoutHash]; }; /** * Returns the encoded and decoded paths keys of the given object. * * @param {object} $refs - The object whose keys are URL-encoded paths * @param {...string|string[]} [types] - Only return paths of the given types ("file", "http", etc.) * @returns {object[]} */ function getPaths ($refs, types) { let paths = Object.keys($refs); // Filter the paths by type types = Array.isArray(types[0]) ? types[0] : Array.prototype.slice.call(types); if (types.length > 0 && types[0]) { paths = paths.filter((key) => { return types.indexOf($refs[key].pathType) !== -1; }); } // Decode local filesystem paths return paths.map((path) => { return { encoded: path, decoded: $refs[path].pathType === "file" ? url.toFileSystemPath(path, true) : path }; }); }