$id: 'https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/schema/2021-04-15' $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema' type: object properties: openapi: type: string pattern: '^3\.1\.\d+(-.+)?$' info: $ref: '#/$defs/info' jsonSchemaDialect: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' default: 'https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base' servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/server' paths: $ref: '#/$defs/paths' webhooks: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/path-item-or-reference' components: $ref: '#/$defs/components' security: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/security-requirement' tags: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/tag' externalDocs: $ref: '#/$defs/external-documentation' required: - openapi - info anyOf: - required: - paths - required: - components - required: - webhooks $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false $defs: info: type: object properties: title: type: string summary: type: string description: type: string termsOfService: type: string contact: $ref: '#/$defs/contact' license: $ref: '#/$defs/license' version: type: string required: - title - version $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false contact: type: object properties: name: type: string url: type: string email: type: string $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false license: type: object properties: name: type: string identifier: type: string url: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' required: - name oneOf: - required: - identifier - required: - url $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false server: type: object properties: url: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' description: type: string variables: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/server-variable' required: - url $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false server-variable: type: object properties: enum: type: array items: type: string minItems: 1 default: type: string descriptions: type: string required: - default $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false components: type: object properties: schemas: type: object additionalProperties: $dynamicRef: '#meta' responses: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/response-or-reference' parameters: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/parameter-or-reference' examples: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/example-or-reference' requestBodies: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/request-body-or-reference' headers: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/header-or-reference' securitySchemes: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme-or-reference' links: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/link-or-reference' callbacks: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/callbacks-or-reference' pathItems: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/path-item-or-reference' patternProperties: '^(schemas|responses|parameters|examples|requestBodies|headers|securitySchemes|links|callbacks|pathItems)$': $comment: Enumerating all of the property names in the regex above is necessary for unevaluatedProperties to work as expected propertyNames: pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false paths: type: object patternProperties: '^/': $ref: '#/$defs/path-item' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false path-item: type: object properties: summary: type: string description: type: string servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/server' parameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/parameter-or-reference' patternProperties: '^(get|put|post|delete|options|head|patch|trace)$': $ref: '#/$defs/operation' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false path-item-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/path-item' operation: type: object properties: tags: type: array items: type: string summary: type: string description: type: string externalDocs: $ref: '#/$defs/external-documentation' operationId: type: string parameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/parameter-or-reference' requestBody: $ref: '#/$defs/request-body-or-reference' responses: $ref: '#/$defs/responses' callbacks: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/callbacks-or-reference' deprecated: default: false type: boolean security: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/security-requirement' servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/server' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false external-documentation: type: object properties: description: type: string url: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' required: - url $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false parameter: type: object properties: name: type: string in: enum: - query - header - path - cookie description: type: string required: default: false type: boolean deprecated: default: false type: boolean allowEmptyValue: default: false type: boolean schema: $dynamicRef: '#meta' content: $ref: '#/$defs/content' required: - in oneOf: - required: - schema - required: - content dependentSchemas: schema: properties: style: type: string explode: type: boolean allowReserved: default: false type: boolean allOf: - $ref: '#/$defs/examples' - $ref: '#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-path' - $ref: '#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-header' - $ref: '#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-query' - $ref: '#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-cookie' - $ref: '#/$defs/parameter/dependentSchemas/schema/$defs/styles-for-form' $defs: styles-for-path: if: properties: in: const: path required: - in then: properties: style: default: simple enum: - matrix - label - simple required: const: true required: - required styles-for-header: if: properties: in: const: header required: - in then: properties: style: default: simple enum: - simple styles-for-query: if: properties: in: const: query required: - in then: properties: style: default: form enum: - form - spaceDelimited - pipeDelimited - deepObject styles-for-cookie: if: properties: in: const: cookie required: - in then: properties: style: default: form enum: - form styles-for-form: if: properties: style: const: form required: - style then: properties: explode: default: true else: properties: explode: default: false $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false parameter-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/parameter' request-body: type: object properties: description: type: string content: $ref: '#/$defs/content' required: default: false type: boolean required: - content $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false request-body-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/request-body' content: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/media-type' propertyNames: format: media-range media-type: type: object properties: schema: $dynamicRef: '#meta' encoding: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/encoding' allOf: - $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' - $ref: '#/$defs/examples' unevaluatedProperties: false encoding: type: object properties: contentType: type: string format: media-range headers: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/header-or-reference' style: default: form enum: - form - spaceDelimited - pipeDelimited - deepObject explode: type: boolean allowReserved: default: false type: boolean allOf: - $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' - $ref: '#/$defs/encoding/$defs/explode-default' unevaluatedProperties: false $defs: explode-default: if: properties: style: const: form required: - style then: properties: explode: default: true else: properties: explode: default: false responses: type: object properties: default: $ref: '#/$defs/response-or-reference' patternProperties: '^[1-5][0-9X]{2}$': $ref: '#/$defs/response-or-reference' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false response: type: object properties: description: type: string headers: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/header-or-reference' content: $ref: '#/$defs/content' links: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/link-or-reference' required: - description $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false response-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/response' callbacks: type: object $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/path-item-or-reference' callbacks-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/callbacks' example: type: object properties: summary: type: string description: type: string value: true externalValue: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false example-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/example' link: type: object properties: operationRef: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' operationId: true parameters: $ref: '#/$defs/map-of-strings' requestBody: true description: type: string body: $ref: '#/$defs/server' oneOf: - required: - operationRef - required: - operationId $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false link-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/link' header: type: object properties: description: type: string required: default: false type: boolean deprecated: default: false type: boolean allowEmptyValue: default: false type: boolean dependentSchemas: schema: properties: style: default: simple enum: - simple explode: default: false type: boolean allowReserved: default: false type: boolean schema: $dynamicRef: '#meta' $ref: '#/$defs/examples' content: properties: content: $ref: '#/$defs/content' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false header-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/header' tag: type: object properties: name: type: string description: type: string externalDocs: $ref: '#/$defs/external-documentation' required: - name $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false reference: type: object properties: $ref: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' summary: type: string description: type: string unevaluatedProperties: false schema: $dynamicAnchor: meta type: - object - boolean security-scheme: type: object properties: type: enum: - apiKey - http - mutualTLS - oauth2 - openIdConnect description: type: string required: - type allOf: - $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' - $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme/$defs/type-apikey' - $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme/$defs/type-http' - $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme/$defs/type-http-bearer' - $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme/$defs/type-oauth2' - $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme/$defs/type-oidc' unevaluatedProperties: false $defs: type-apikey: if: properties: type: const: apiKey required: - type then: properties: name: type: string in: enum: - query - header - cookie required: - name - in type-http: if: properties: type: const: http required: - type then: properties: scheme: type: string required: - scheme type-http-bearer: if: properties: type: const: http scheme: const: bearer required: - type - scheme then: properties: bearerFormat: type: string required: - scheme type-oauth2: if: properties: type: const: oauth2 required: - type then: properties: flows: $ref: '#/$defs/oauth-flows' required: - flows type-oidc: if: properties: type: const: openIdConnect required: - type then: properties: openIdConnectUrl: $ref: '#/$defs/uri' required: - openIdConnectUrl security-scheme-or-reference: if: required: - $ref then: $ref: '#/$defs/reference' else: $ref: '#/$defs/security-scheme' oauth-flows: type: object properties: implicit: $ref: '#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/implicit' password: $ref: '#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/password' clientCredentials: $ref: '#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/client-credentials' authorizationCode: $ref: '#/$defs/oauth-flows/$defs/authorization-code' $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false $defs: implicit: type: object properties: authorizationUrl: type: string refreshUrl: type: string scopes: $ref: '#/$defs/map-of-strings' required: - authorizationUrl - scopes $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false password: type: object properties: tokenUrl: type: string refreshUrl: type: string scopes: $ref: '#/$defs/map-of-strings' required: - tokenUrl - scopes $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false client-credentials: type: object properties: tokenUrl: type: string refreshUrl: type: string scopes: $ref: '#/$defs/map-of-strings' required: - tokenUrl - scopes $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false authorization-code: type: object properties: authorizationUrl: type: string tokenUrl: type: string refreshUrl: type: string scopes: $ref: '#/$defs/map-of-strings' required: - authorizationUrl - tokenUrl - scopes $ref: '#/$defs/specification-extensions' unevaluatedProperties: false security-requirement: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string specification-extensions: patternProperties: '^x-': true examples: properties: example: true examples: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/$defs/example-or-reference' uri: type: string format: uri map-of-strings: type: object additionalProperties: type: string