import { ErrorLike } from "./types"; /** * The Property Descriptor of a lazily-computed `stack` property. */ interface LazyStack { configurable: true; /** * Lazily computes the error's stack trace. */ get(): string | undefined; } /** * Is the property lazily computed? */ export declare function isLazyStack(stackProp: PropertyDescriptor | undefined): stackProp is LazyStack; /** * Is the stack property writable? */ export declare function isWritableStack(stackProp: PropertyDescriptor | undefined): boolean; /** * Appends the original `Error.stack` property to the new Error's stack. */ export declare function joinStacks(newError: ErrorLike, originalError?: ErrorLike): string | undefined; /** * Calls `joinStacks` lazily, when the `Error.stack` property is accessed. */ export declare function lazyJoinStacks(lazyStack: LazyStack, newError: ErrorLike, originalError?: ErrorLike): void; export {};