'use strict'; /** * Main entry point for handling filesystem-based configuration, * whether that's `mocha.opts` or a config file or `package.json` or whatever. * @module */ const fs = require('fs'); const ansi = require('ansi-colors'); const yargsParser = require('yargs-parser'); const {types, aliases} = require('./run-option-metadata'); const {ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS} = require('./one-and-dones'); const mocharc = require('../mocharc.json'); const {list} = require('./run-helpers'); const {loadConfig, findConfig} = require('./config'); const findUp = require('find-up'); const {deprecate} = require('../utils'); const debug = require('debug')('mocha:cli:options'); const {isNodeFlag} = require('./node-flags'); /** * The `yargs-parser` namespace * @external yargsParser * @see {@link https://npm.im/yargs-parser} */ /** * An object returned by a configured `yargs-parser` representing arguments * @memberof external:yargsParser * @interface Arguments */ /** * Base yargs parser configuration * @private */ const YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG = { 'combine-arrays': true, 'short-option-groups': false, 'dot-notation': false }; /** * This is the config pulled from the `yargs` property of Mocha's * `package.json`, but it also disables camel case expansion as to * avoid outputting non-canonical keynames, as we need to do some * lookups. * @private * @ignore */ const configuration = Object.assign({}, YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG, { 'camel-case-expansion': false }); /** * This is a really fancy way to: * - ensure unique values for `array`-type options * - use its array's last element for `boolean`/`number`/`string`- options given multiple times * This is passed as the `coerce` option to `yargs-parser` * @private * @ignore */ const coerceOpts = Object.assign( types.array.reduce( (acc, arg) => Object.assign(acc, {[arg]: v => Array.from(new Set(list(v)))}), {} ), types.boolean .concat(types.string, types.number) .reduce( (acc, arg) => Object.assign(acc, {[arg]: v => (Array.isArray(v) ? v.pop() : v)}), {} ) ); /** * We do not have a case when multiple arguments are ever allowed after a flag * (e.g., `--foo bar baz quux`), so we fix the number of arguments to 1 across * the board of non-boolean options. * This is passed as the `narg` option to `yargs-parser` * @private * @ignore */ const nargOpts = types.array .concat(types.string, types.number) .reduce((acc, arg) => Object.assign(acc, {[arg]: 1}), {}); /** * Wrapper around `yargs-parser` which applies our settings * @param {string|string[]} args - Arguments to parse * @param {Object} defaultValues - Default values of mocharc.json * @param {...Object} configObjects - `configObjects` for yargs-parser * @private * @ignore */ const parse = (args = [], defaultValues = {}, ...configObjects) => { // save node-specific args for special handling. // 1. when these args have a "=" they should be considered to have values // 2. if they don't, they just boolean flags // 3. to avoid explicitly defining the set of them, we tell yargs-parser they // are ALL boolean flags. // 4. we can then reapply the values after yargs-parser is done. const nodeArgs = (Array.isArray(args) ? args : args.split(' ')).reduce( (acc, arg) => { const pair = arg.split('='); let flag = pair[0]; if (isNodeFlag(flag, false)) { flag = flag.replace(/^--?/, ''); return arg.includes('=') ? acc.concat([[flag, pair[1]]]) : acc.concat([[flag, true]]); } return acc; }, [] ); const result = yargsParser.detailed(args, { configuration, configObjects, default: defaultValues, coerce: coerceOpts, narg: nargOpts, alias: aliases, string: types.string, array: types.array, number: types.number, boolean: types.boolean.concat(nodeArgs.map(pair => pair[0])) }); if (result.error) { console.error(ansi.red(`Error: ${result.error.message}`)); process.exit(1); } // reapply "=" arg values from above nodeArgs.forEach(([key, value]) => { result.argv[key] = value; }); return result.argv; }; /** * - Replaces comments with empty strings * - Replaces escaped spaces (e.g., 'xxx\ yyy') with HTML space * - Splits on whitespace, creating array of substrings * - Filters empty string elements from array * - Replaces any HTML space with space * @summary Parses options read from run-control file. * @private * @param {string} content - Content read from run-control file. * @returns {string[]} cmdline options (and associated arguments) * @ignore */ const parseMochaOpts = content => content .replace(/^#.*$/gm, '') .replace(/\\\s/g, '%20') .split(/\s/) .filter(Boolean) .map(value => value.replace(/%20/g, ' ')); /** * Prepends options from run-control file to the command line arguments. * * @deprecated Deprecated in v6.0.0; This function is no longer used internally and will be removed in a future version. * @public * @alias module:lib/cli/options * @see {@link https://mochajs.org/#mochaopts|mocha.opts} */ module.exports = function getOptions() { deprecate( 'getOptions() is DEPRECATED and will be removed from a future version of Mocha. Use loadOptions() instead' ); if (process.argv.length === 3 && ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS.has(process.argv[2])) { return; } const optsPath = process.argv.indexOf('--opts') === -1 ? mocharc.opts : process.argv[process.argv.indexOf('--opts') + 1]; try { const options = parseMochaOpts(fs.readFileSync(optsPath, 'utf8')); process.argv = process.argv .slice(0, 2) .concat(options.concat(process.argv.slice(2))); } catch (ignore) { // NOTE: should console.error() and throw the error } process.env.LOADED_MOCHA_OPTS = true; }; /** * Given filepath in `args.opts`, attempt to load and parse a `mocha.opts` file. * @param {Object} [args] - Arguments object * @param {string|boolean} [args.opts] - Filepath to mocha.opts; defaults to whatever's in `mocharc.opts`, or `false` to skip * @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments|void} If read, object containing parsed arguments * @memberof module:lib/cli/options * @see {@link /#mochaopts|mocha.opts} * @public */ const loadMochaOpts = (args = {}) => { let result; let filepath = args.opts; // /dev/null is backwards compat if (filepath === false || filepath === '/dev/null') { return result; } filepath = filepath || mocharc.opts; result = {}; let mochaOpts; try { mochaOpts = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'); debug(`read ${filepath}`); } catch (err) { if (args.opts) { throw new Error(`Unable to read ${filepath}: ${err}`); } // ignore otherwise. we tried debug(`No mocha.opts found at ${filepath}`); } // real args should override `mocha.opts` which should override defaults. // if there's an exception to catch here, I'm not sure what it is. // by attaching the `no-opts` arg, we avoid re-parsing of `mocha.opts`. if (mochaOpts) { result = parse(parseMochaOpts(mochaOpts)); debug(`${filepath} parsed succesfully`); } return result; }; module.exports.loadMochaOpts = loadMochaOpts; /** * Given path to config file in `args.config`, attempt to load & parse config file. * @param {Object} [args] - Arguments object * @param {string|boolean} [args.config] - Path to config file or `false` to skip * @public * @memberof module:lib/cli/options * @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments|void} Parsed config, or nothing if `args.config` is `false` */ const loadRc = (args = {}) => { if (args.config !== false) { const config = args.config || findConfig(); return config ? loadConfig(config) : {}; } }; module.exports.loadRc = loadRc; /** * Given path to `package.json` in `args.package`, attempt to load config from `mocha` prop. * @param {Object} [args] - Arguments object * @param {string|boolean} [args.config] - Path to `package.json` or `false` to skip * @public * @memberof module:lib/cli/options * @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments|void} Parsed config, or nothing if `args.package` is `false` */ const loadPkgRc = (args = {}) => { let result; if (args.package === false) { return result; } result = {}; const filepath = args.package || findUp.sync(mocharc.package); if (filepath) { try { const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')); if (pkg.mocha) { debug(`'mocha' prop of package.json parsed:`, pkg.mocha); result = pkg.mocha; } else { debug(`no config found in ${filepath}`); } } catch (err) { if (args.package) { throw new Error(`Unable to read/parse ${filepath}: ${err}`); } debug(`failed to read default package.json at ${filepath}; ignoring`); } } return result; }; module.exports.loadPkgRc = loadPkgRc; /** * Priority list: * * 1. Command-line args * 2. RC file (`.mocharc.js`, `.mocharc.ya?ml`, `mocharc.json`) * 3. `mocha` prop of `package.json` * 4. `mocha.opts` * 5. default configuration (`lib/mocharc.json`) * * If a {@link module:lib/cli/one-and-dones.ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS "one-and-done" option} is present in the `argv` array, no external config files will be read. * @summary Parses options read from `mocha.opts`, `.mocharc.*` and `package.json`. * @param {string|string[]} [argv] - Arguments to parse * @public * @memberof module:lib/cli/options * @returns {external:yargsParser.Arguments} Parsed args from everything */ const loadOptions = (argv = []) => { let args = parse(argv); // short-circuit: look for a flag that would abort loading of mocha.opts if ( Array.from(ONE_AND_DONE_ARGS).reduce( (acc, arg) => acc || arg in args, false ) ) { return args; } const rcConfig = loadRc(args); const pkgConfig = loadPkgRc(args); const optsConfig = loadMochaOpts(args); if (rcConfig) { args.config = false; args._ = args._.concat(rcConfig._ || []); } if (pkgConfig) { args.package = false; args._ = args._.concat(pkgConfig._ || []); } if (optsConfig) { args.opts = false; args._ = args._.concat(optsConfig._ || []); } args = parse( args._, mocharc, args, rcConfig || {}, pkgConfig || {}, optsConfig || {} ); // recombine positional arguments and "spec" if (args.spec) { args._ = args._.concat(args.spec); delete args.spec; } // make unique args._ = Array.from(new Set(args._)); return args; }; module.exports.loadOptions = loadOptions; module.exports.YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG = YARGS_PARSER_CONFIG;