string-similarity ================= Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on [Dice's Coefficient](, which is mostly better than [Levenshtein distance]( ## Usage Install using: ```shell npm install string-similarity --save ``` In your code: ```javascript var stringSimilarity = require('string-similarity'); var similarity = stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('healed', 'sealed'); var matches = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch('healed', ['edward', 'sealed', 'theatre']); ``` ## API Requiring the module gives an object with two methods: ### compareTwoStrings(string1, string2) Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, which indicates the degree of similarity between the two strings. 0 indicates completely different strings, 1 indicates identical strings. The comparison is case-insensitive. ##### Arguments 1. string1 (string): The first string 2. string2 (string): The second string Order does not make a difference. ##### Returns (number): A fraction from 0 to 1, both inclusive. Higher number indicates more similarity. ##### Examples ```javascript stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('healed', 'sealed'); // → 0.8 stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.', 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.'); // → 0.7073170731707317 stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.', 'For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles'); // → 0.3013698630136986 stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.', 'Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.'); // → 0.11267605633802817 ``` ### findBestMatch(mainString, targetStrings) Compares `mainString` against each string in `targetStrings`. ##### Arguments 1. mainString (string): The string to match each target string against. 2. targetStrings (Array): Each string in this array will be matched against the main string. ##### Returns (Object): An object with a `ratings` property, which gives a similarity rating for each target string, and a `bestMatch` property, which specifies which target string was most similar to the main string. ##### Examples ```javascript stringSimilarity.findBestMatch('Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.', [ 'For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles', 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.', 'Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.' ]); // → { ratings: [ { target: 'For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles', rating: 0.3013698630136986 }, { target: 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.', rating: 0.7073170731707317 }, { target: 'Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.', rating: 0.11267605633802817 } ], bestMatch: { target: 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.', rating: 0.7073170731707317 } } ``` ##Build Status ![Build status](