/* global host, bridge, data, context */ 'use strict'; const { Object: localObject, Array: localArray, Error: LocalError, Reflect: localReflect, Proxy: LocalProxy, WeakMap: LocalWeakMap, Function: localFunction, Promise: localPromise, eval: localEval } = global; const { freeze: localObjectFreeze } = localObject; const { getPrototypeOf: localReflectGetPrototypeOf, apply: localReflectApply, deleteProperty: localReflectDeleteProperty, has: localReflectHas, defineProperty: localReflectDefineProperty, setPrototypeOf: localReflectSetPrototypeOf, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: localReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor } = localReflect; const { isArray: localArrayIsArray } = localArray; const { ensureThis, ReadOnlyHandler, from, fromWithFactory, readonlyFactory, connect, addProtoMapping, VMError, ReadOnlyMockHandler } = bridge; const { allowAsync, GeneratorFunction, AsyncFunction, AsyncGeneratorFunction } = data; const { get: localWeakMapGet, set: localWeakMapSet } = LocalWeakMap.prototype; function localUnexpected() { return new VMError('Should not happen'); } // global is originally prototype of host.Object so it can be used to climb up from the sandbox. if (!localReflectSetPrototypeOf(context, localObject.prototype)) throw localUnexpected(); Object.defineProperties(global, { global: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true}, globalThis: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true}, GLOBAL: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true}, root: {value: global, writable: true, configurable: true} }); if (!localReflectDefineProperty(global, 'VMError', { __proto__: null, value: VMError, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true })) throw localUnexpected(); // Fixes buffer unsafe allocation /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ class BufferHandler extends ReadOnlyHandler { apply(target, thiz, args) { if (args.length > 0 && typeof args[0] === 'number') { return LocalBuffer.alloc(args[0]); } return localReflectApply(LocalBuffer.from, LocalBuffer, args); } construct(target, args, newTarget) { if (args.length > 0 && typeof args[0] === 'number') { return LocalBuffer.alloc(args[0]); } return localReflectApply(LocalBuffer.from, LocalBuffer, args); } } /* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */ const LocalBuffer = fromWithFactory(obj => new BufferHandler(obj), host.Buffer); if (!localReflectDefineProperty(global, 'Buffer', { __proto__: null, value: LocalBuffer, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true })) throw localUnexpected(); addProtoMapping(LocalBuffer.prototype, host.Buffer.prototype, 'Uint8Array'); /** * * @param {*} size Size of new buffer * @this LocalBuffer * @return {LocalBuffer} */ function allocUnsafe(size) { return LocalBuffer.alloc(size); } connect(allocUnsafe, host.Buffer.allocUnsafe); /** * * @param {*} size Size of new buffer * @this LocalBuffer * @return {LocalBuffer} */ function allocUnsafeSlow(size) { return LocalBuffer.alloc(size); } connect(allocUnsafeSlow, host.Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow); /** * Replacement for Buffer inspect * * @param {*} recurseTimes * @param {*} ctx * @this LocalBuffer * @return {string} */ function inspect(recurseTimes, ctx) { // Mimic old behavior, could throw but didn't pass a test. const max = host.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; const actualMax = Math.min(max, this.length); const remaining = this.length - max; let str = this.hexSlice(0, actualMax).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim(); if (remaining > 0) str += ` ... ${remaining} more byte${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`; return `<${this.constructor.name} ${str}>`; } connect(inspect, host.Buffer.prototype.inspect); connect(localFunction.prototype.bind, host.Function.prototype.bind); connect(localObject.prototype.__defineGetter__, host.Object.prototype.__defineGetter__); connect(localObject.prototype.__defineSetter__, host.Object.prototype.__defineSetter__); connect(localObject.prototype.__lookupGetter__, host.Object.prototype.__lookupGetter__); connect(localObject.prototype.__lookupSetter__, host.Object.prototype.__lookupSetter__); /* * PrepareStackTrace sanitization */ const oldPrepareStackTraceDesc = localReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(LocalError, 'prepareStackTrace'); let currentPrepareStackTrace = LocalError.prepareStackTrace; const wrappedPrepareStackTrace = new LocalWeakMap(); if (typeof currentPrepareStackTrace === 'function') { wrappedPrepareStackTrace.set(currentPrepareStackTrace, currentPrepareStackTrace); } let OriginalCallSite; LocalError.prepareStackTrace = (e, sst) => { OriginalCallSite = sst[0].constructor; }; new LocalError().stack; if (typeof OriginalCallSite === 'function') { LocalError.prepareStackTrace = undefined; function makeCallSiteGetters(list) { const callSiteGetters = []; for (let i=0; i { return localReflectApply(func, thiz, []); } }; } return callSiteGetters; } function applyCallSiteGetters(thiz, callSite, getters) { for (let i=0; i { if (localArrayIsArray(sst)) { for (let i=0; i < sst.length; i++) { const cs = sst[i]; if (typeof cs === 'object' && localReflectGetPrototypeOf(cs) === OriginalCallSite.prototype) { sst[i] = new CallSite(cs); } } } return value(error, sst); }; localReflectApply(localWeakMapSet, wrappedPrepareStackTrace, [value, newWrapped]); localReflectApply(localWeakMapSet, wrappedPrepareStackTrace, [newWrapped, newWrapped]); currentPrepareStackTrace = newWrapped; } })) throw localUnexpected(); } else if (oldPrepareStackTraceDesc) { localReflectDefineProperty(LocalError, 'prepareStackTrace', oldPrepareStackTraceDesc); } else { localReflectDeleteProperty(LocalError, 'prepareStackTrace'); } /* * Exception sanitization */ const withProxy = localObjectFreeze({ __proto__: null, has(target, key) { if (key === host.INTERNAL_STATE_NAME) return false; return localReflectHas(target, key); } }); const interanState = localObjectFreeze({ __proto__: null, wrapWith(x) { if (x === null || x === undefined) return x; return new LocalProxy(localObject(x), withProxy); }, handleException: ensureThis, import(what) { throw new VMError('Dynamic Import not supported'); } }); if (!localReflectDefineProperty(global, host.INTERNAL_STATE_NAME, { __proto__: null, configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: interanState })) throw localUnexpected(); /* * Eval sanitization */ function throwAsync() { return new VMError('Async not available'); } function makeFunction(inputArgs, isAsync, isGenerator) { const lastArgs = inputArgs.length - 1; let code = lastArgs >= 0 ? `${inputArgs[lastArgs]}` : ''; let args = lastArgs > 0 ? `${inputArgs[0]}` : ''; for (let i = 1; i < lastArgs; i++) { args += `,${inputArgs[i]}`; } try { code = host.transformAndCheck(args, code, isAsync, isGenerator, allowAsync); } catch (e) { throw bridge.from(e); } return localEval(code); } const FunctionHandler = { __proto__: null, apply(target, thiz, args) { return makeFunction(args, this.isAsync, this.isGenerator); }, construct(target, args, newTarget) { return makeFunction(args, this.isAsync, this.isGenerator); } }; const EvalHandler = { __proto__: null, apply(target, thiz, args) { if (args.length === 0) return undefined; let code = `${args[0]}`; try { code = host.transformAndCheck(null, code, false, false, allowAsync); } catch (e) { throw bridge.from(e); } return localEval(code); } }; const AsyncErrorHandler = { __proto__: null, apply(target, thiz, args) { throw throwAsync(); }, construct(target, args, newTarget) { throw throwAsync(); } }; function makeCheckFunction(isAsync, isGenerator) { if (isAsync && !allowAsync) return AsyncErrorHandler; return { __proto__: FunctionHandler, isAsync, isGenerator }; } function overrideWithProxy(obj, prop, value, handler) { const proxy = new LocalProxy(value, handler); if (!localReflectDefineProperty(obj, prop, {__proto__: null, value: proxy})) throw localUnexpected(); return proxy; } const proxiedFunction = overrideWithProxy(localFunction.prototype, 'constructor', localFunction, makeCheckFunction(false, false)); if (GeneratorFunction) { if (!localReflectSetPrototypeOf(GeneratorFunction, proxiedFunction)) throw localUnexpected(); overrideWithProxy(GeneratorFunction.prototype, 'constructor', GeneratorFunction, makeCheckFunction(false, true)); } if (AsyncFunction) { if (!localReflectSetPrototypeOf(AsyncFunction, proxiedFunction)) throw localUnexpected(); overrideWithProxy(AsyncFunction.prototype, 'constructor', AsyncFunction, makeCheckFunction(true, false)); } if (AsyncGeneratorFunction) { if (!localReflectSetPrototypeOf(AsyncGeneratorFunction, proxiedFunction)) throw localUnexpected(); overrideWithProxy(AsyncGeneratorFunction.prototype, 'constructor', AsyncGeneratorFunction, makeCheckFunction(true, true)); } global.Function = proxiedFunction; global.eval = new LocalProxy(localEval, EvalHandler); /* * Promise sanitization */ if (localPromise && !allowAsync) { const PromisePrototype = localPromise.prototype; overrideWithProxy(PromisePrototype, 'then', PromisePrototype.then, AsyncErrorHandler); // This seems not to work, and will produce // UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver [object Object]. // This is likely caused since the host.Promise.prototype.then cannot use the VM Proxy object. // Contextify.connect(host.Promise.prototype.then, Promise.prototype.then); if (PromisePrototype.finally) { overrideWithProxy(PromisePrototype, 'finally', PromisePrototype.finally, AsyncErrorHandler); // Contextify.connect(host.Promise.prototype.finally, Promise.prototype.finally); } if (Promise.prototype.catch) { overrideWithProxy(PromisePrototype, 'catch', PromisePrototype.catch, AsyncErrorHandler); // Contextify.connect(host.Promise.prototype.catch, Promise.prototype.catch); } } function readonly(other, mock) { // Note: other@other(unsafe) mock@other(unsafe) returns@this(unsafe) throws@this(unsafe) if (!mock) return fromWithFactory(readonlyFactory, other); const tmock = from(mock); return fromWithFactory(obj=>new ReadOnlyMockHandler(obj, tmock), other); } return { __proto__: null, readonly, global };