const {Parser: AcornParser, isNewLine: acornIsNewLine, getLineInfo: acornGetLineInfo} = require('acorn'); const {full: acornWalkFull} = require('acorn-walk'); const INTERNAL_STATE_NAME = 'VM2_INTERNAL_STATE_DO_NOT_USE_OR_PROGRAM_WILL_FAIL'; function assertType(node, type) { if (!node) throw new Error(`None existent node expected '${type}'`); if (node.type !== type) throw new Error(`Invalid node type '${node.type}' expected '${type}'`); return node; } function makeNiceSyntaxError(message, code, filename, location, tokenizer) { const loc = acornGetLineInfo(code, location); let end = location; while (end < code.length && !acornIsNewLine(code.charCodeAt(end))) { end++; } let markerEnd = tokenizer.start === location ? tokenizer.end : location + 1; if (!markerEnd || markerEnd > end) markerEnd = end; let markerLen = markerEnd - location; if (markerLen <= 0) markerLen = 1; if (message === 'Unexpected token') { const type = tokenizer.type; if (type.label === 'name' || type.label === 'privateId') { message = 'Unexpected identifier'; } else if (type.label === 'eof') { message = 'Unexpected end of input'; } else if (type.label === 'num') { message = 'Unexpected number'; } else if (type.label === 'string') { message = 'Unexpected string'; } else if (type.label === 'regexp') { message = 'Unexpected token \'/\''; markerLen = 1; } else { const token = tokenizer.value || type.label; message = `Unexpected token '${token}'`; } } const error = new SyntaxError(message); if (!filename) return error; const line = code.slice(location - loc.column, end); const marker = line.slice(0, loc.column).replace(/\S/g, ' ') + '^'.repeat(markerLen); error.stack = `${filename}:${loc.line}\n${line}\n${marker}\n\n${error.stack}`; return error; } function transformer(args, body, isAsync, isGenerator, filename) { let code; let argsOffset; if (args === null) { code = body; // Note: Keywords are not allows to contain u escapes if (!/\b(?:catch|import|async)\b/.test(code)) { return {__proto__: null, code, hasAsync: false}; } } else { code = isAsync ? '(async function' : '(function'; if (isGenerator) code += '*'; code += ' anonymous('; code += args; argsOffset = code.length; code += '\n) {\n'; code += body; code += '\n})'; } const parser = new AcornParser({ __proto__: null, ecmaVersion: 2022, allowAwaitOutsideFunction: args === null && isAsync, allowReturnOutsideFunction: args === null }, code); let ast; try { ast = parser.parse(); } catch (e) { // Try to generate a nicer error message. if (e instanceof SyntaxError && e.pos !== undefined) { let message = e.message; const match = message.match(/^(.*) \(\d+:\d+\)$/); if (match) message = match[1]; e = makeNiceSyntaxError(message, code, filename, e.pos, parser); } throw e; } if (args !== null) { const pBody = assertType(ast, 'Program').body; if (pBody.length !== 1) throw new SyntaxError('Single function literal required'); const expr = pBody[0]; if (expr.type !== 'ExpressionStatement') throw new SyntaxError('Single function literal required'); const func = expr.expression; if (func.type !== 'FunctionExpression') throw new SyntaxError('Single function literal required'); if (func.body.start !== argsOffset + 3) throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected end of arg string'); } const insertions = []; let hasAsync = false; const TO_LEFT = -100; const TO_RIGHT = 100; let internStateValiable = undefined; acornWalkFull(ast, (node, state, type) => { if (type === 'Function') { if (node.async) hasAsync = true; } const nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === 'CatchClause') { const param = node.param; if (param) { const name = assertType(param, 'Identifier').name; const cBody = assertType(node.body, 'BlockStatement'); if (cBody.body.length > 0) { insertions.push({ __proto__: null, pos: cBody.body[0].start, order: TO_LEFT, code: `${name}=${INTERNAL_STATE_NAME}.handleException(${name});` }); } } } else if (nodeType === 'WithStatement') { insertions.push({ __proto__: null, pos: node.object.start, order: TO_LEFT, code: INTERNAL_STATE_NAME + '.wrapWith(' }); insertions.push({ __proto__: null, pos: node.object.end, order: TO_RIGHT, code: ')' }); } else if (nodeType === 'Identifier') { if ( === INTERNAL_STATE_NAME) { if (internStateValiable === undefined || internStateValiable.start > node.start) { internStateValiable = node; } } } else if (nodeType === 'ImportExpression') { insertions.push({ __proto__: null, pos: node.start, order: TO_RIGHT, code: INTERNAL_STATE_NAME + '.' }); } }); if (internStateValiable) { throw makeNiceSyntaxError('Use of internal vm2 state variable', code, filename, internStateValiable.start, { __proto__: null, start: internStateValiable.start, end: internStateValiable.end }); } if (insertions.length === 0) return {__proto__: null, code, hasAsync}; insertions.sort((a, b) => (a.pos == b.pos ? a.order - b.order : a.pos - b.pos)); let ncode = ''; let curr = 0; for (let i = 0; i < insertions.length; i++) { const change = insertions[i]; ncode += code.substring(curr, change.pos) + change.code; curr = change.pos; } ncode += code.substring(curr); return {__proto__: null, code: ncode, hasAsync}; } exports.INTERNAL_STATE_NAME = INTERNAL_STATE_NAME; exports.transformer = transformer;