const moment = require('moment'); const { QueryTypes } = require('sequelize'); async function reportDailyStatistic (ctx, next) { const rslt = { added: 0, //今日新增 checked: 0, //今日已审填报 unChecked: 0, //未审填报 danger_place: 0, //隐患场所总数 history: 0, //历史填报 date: {} }; try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const curDay_ = moment(); const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; rslt.added = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ where: { time: { $between: [ curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') ] } } }) rslt.unChecked = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ where: { $or: [ { audit2ManId: { $eq: null }, rejectManId: { $eq: null }, }, // { // audit2ManId: { $ne: null }, // rejectManId: { $eq: null }, // }, { audit1ManId: { $eq: null }, rejectManId: { $eq: null }, } ] } }); rslt.checked = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ where: { $or: [ { audit2ManId: { $ne: null }, audit2ManIdTime: { $between: [ curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') ] } }, { rejectManId: { $ne: null }, rejectTime: { $between: [ curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') ] } } ] } }); const list = await sequelize.query(`SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "user_placeSecurityRecord" AS "userPlaceSecurityRecord" WHERE ("userPlaceSecurityRecord"."correctiveAction" IS NOT NULL AND "userPlaceSecurityRecord"."punishment" IS NOT NULL) AND "audit2ManId" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "placeId";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) rslt.danger_place = list.length; rslt.history = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count(); // seven days data const startDay = moment().startOf('day'); for (let d = 1; d <= 7; d++) { const START_DAY = moment(startDay).add(-d, 'day'); const date = START_DAY.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); const num = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ where: { time: { $between: [ START_DAY.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), START_DAY.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') ] } } })[date] = num; } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = rslt; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { "message": "获取数据中台数据失败" } } } async function reportAreaStatistic (ctx, next) { let rslt = [], relationRegion = {}; try { const { startDate, endDate } = ctx.query; const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; const list = await sequelize.query(`select "regionId", count("regionId") from "user_placeSecurityRecord" WHERE "time" BETWEEN '${moment(startDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' AND '${moment(endDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' AND "hiddenDangerItem12" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "regionId" `, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) // let regionIds = [] // => { // if (item.regionId && item.regionId != '') { // regionIds.push(item.regionId); // } // }); // const depts = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department" WHERE "department"."id" IN (${regionIds.toString()});`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); const deptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); const quArea = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 2); => { relationRegion[] = {}; const xiang = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 3 && f.dependence == =>; const cun = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 4 && xiang.some(ss => ss == f.dependence)).map(item =>; relationRegion[]['regionIds'] = [, ...xiang, ...cun]; relationRegion[]['name'] =; }) Object.keys(relationRegion).map(key => { const { regionIds, name } = relationRegion[key]; let data = list.filter(item => regionIds.some(id => id == item.regionId)) let obj = {}; obj['name'] = name; obj['count'] = 0; obj['regionId'] = key; => { obj['count'] += Number(item.count) }) rslt.push(obj) }) ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = rslt; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { "message": "获取数据中台数据失败" } } } async function dangerAreaQuery (ctx, next) { const { userId } = ctx.fs.api let rslt = { rows: [], count: 0, ids: [] }, relationRegion = {}; try { const { startDate, endDate, placeType, regionId, placeName, offset = 0, limit = 20 } = ctx.query; const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; let options = { audit2ManId: { $ne: null }, }, places = [], dep4Ids = []; if (startDate && endDate) { options.time = { $between: [ moment(startDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), moment(endDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') ] } } if (placeName) { places = await models.Places.findAll({ where: { name: { $like: `%${placeName}%` } } }) options.placeId = { $in: => } } else { places = await models.Places.findAll() } if (regionId && regionId != -1) { let idList = []; const curDeptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" WHERE "id" in (${regionId});`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); const type = curDeptRelation[0].type if (type != 1) { const deptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); const quArea = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 2); => { relationRegion[] = {}; deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 3 && f.dependence == => { relationRegion[][] = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 4 && == f.dependence).map(cun =>; }); }) if (type == 2) { const quList = [regionId]; const xiangList = Object.keys(relationRegion[regionId]) let cunList = => { return relationRegion[regionId][key] }) idList = quList.concat(xiangList).concat(cunList.flat(Infinity)) options.regionId = { $in: idList }; } if (type == 3) { Object.keys(relationRegion).map(quKey => { Object.keys(relationRegion[quKey]).map(xiangKey => { if (xiangKey == regionId) { const xiangList = [xiangKey]; const cunList = relationRegion[quKey][xiangKey] idList = xiangList.concat(cunList); } }) }) dep4Ids = idList } if (type == 4) { const curUser = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) const corUserDepId = curUser.departmentId const corUseUserDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: corUserDepId } }) if(corUseUserDepRes.type < 4){ dep4Ids = [regionId] } else { options.userId = userId } // idList = [regionId] // options.userId = userId } // options.departmentId = { $in: idList }; } } if (placeType != null && placeType != -1) { if (placeType == 0) { options = Object.assign({}, options, { $or: [ { correctiveAction: { $ne: null }, }, { punishment: { $ne: null }, } ] }) } if (placeType == 1) options = Object.assign({}, options, { $or: [ { correctiveAction: { $eq: null }, }, { punishment: { $eq: null }, } ], hiddenDangerItem12: { $ne: null } }) if (placeType == 2) options.hiddenDangerItem12 = { $eq: null } } let findOption = { where: options, offset: offset, limit: limit, order: [['time', 'DESC']], } if (dep4Ids.length) { findOption.include = [{ required: true, model: models.User, as: 'user', where: { departmentId: { $in: dep4Ids } } }] } const list = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAll(findOption) for (let item of list) { const { name } = places.filter(p => == item.placeId)[0] || {}; const checkAreaName = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "dpt"."name" FROM "department" as "dpt" WHERE "dpt"."id" in (SELECT "department_id" FROM "user" WHERE "id" = ${item.userId} );`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) const checkUser = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "name", "phone" FROM "user" WHERE "id" = ${item.userId}`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) rslt.rows.push(Object.assign({}, item.dataValues, { placeName: name, checkAreaName: (checkAreaName[0] || {}).name || '', checkUserName: (checkUser[0] || {}).name || '', checkUserPhone: (checkUser[0] || {}).phone })) } delete findOption.offset delete findOption.limit delete findOption.order findOption.attributes = ['id'] const dataAll = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAll( findOption // { // attributes: ['id'], // where: options, // } ); rslt.count = dataAll.length; rslt.ids = =>; ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = rslt; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { "message": "获取数据中台数据失败" } } } module.exports = { reportDailyStatistic, reportAreaStatistic, dangerAreaQuery, }