3 years ago | |
.. | ||
benchmark | 3 years ago | |
build | 3 years ago | |
.eslintrc | 3 years ago | |
.gitattributes | 3 years ago | |
.npmignore | 3 years ago | |
LICENSE | 3 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
index.js | 3 years ago | |
package.json | 3 years ago |
Sorting directed acyclic graphs, for Node.js, io.js and the browser This was originally done by Marcel Klehr. Why not checkout his original repo?
There are a few ways for installing Toposort. Here are them:
- Via NPM:
npm install toposort-class
- Via Bower:
bower install toposort
- Via Git:
git clone git://github.com/gustavohenke/toposort.git
- Direct download (Minified) for use in the browser
Let's say you have the following dependency graph:
- Plugin depends on Backbone and jQuery UI Button;
- Backbone depends on jQuery and Underscore;
- jQuery UI Button depends on jQuery UI Core and jQuery UI Widget;
- jQuery UI Widget and jQuery UI Core depend on jQuery;
- jQuery and Underscore don't depend on anyone.
Now, how would you sort this in a way that each asset will be correctly placed? You'll probably need the following sorting:
,jQuery UI Core
,jQuery UI Widget
,jQuery UI Button
You can achieve it with the following code, using toposort-class
var Toposort = require('toposort-class'),
t = new Toposort();
t.add("jquery-ui-core", "jquery")
.add("jquery-ui-widget", "jquery")
.add("jquery-ui-button", ["jquery-ui-core", "jquery-ui-widget"])
.add("plugin", ["backbone", "jquery-ui-button"])
.add("backbone", ["underscore", "jquery"]);
/* Will output:
* ['jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-button', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'plugin']
* And you're done.
CommonJS (Node.js and io.js):
var Toposort = require('toposort-class'),
t = new Toposort();
Browser with AMD:
define("myModule", ["Toposort"], function(Toposort) {
var t = new Toposort();
Browser without AMD:
var t = new window.Toposort();
or whatever global object there is instead of window
.add(item, deps)
- {String}
- The name of the dependent item that is being added - {Array|String}
- A dependency or list of dependencies ofitem
Returns: {Toposort} The Toposort instance, for chaining.
Returns: {Array} The list of dependencies topologically sorted.
This method will check for cyclic dependencies, like "A is dependent of A".
Returns: {Toposort} The Toposort instance, for chaining.
Clears all edges, effectively resetting the instance.
Reference to the Toposort constructor.
MIT License