You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

277 lines
11 KiB

"use strict";
var to_ascii, to_base64;
if (typeof Buffer == "undefined") {
to_ascii = atob;
to_base64 = btoa;
} else if (typeof Buffer.alloc == "undefined") {
to_ascii = function(b64) {
return new Buffer(b64, "base64").toString();
to_base64 = function(str) {
return new Buffer(str).toString("base64");
} else {
to_ascii = function(b64) {
return Buffer.from(b64, "base64").toString();
to_base64 = function(str) {
return Buffer.from(str).toString("base64");
function read_source_map(name, toplevel) {
var comments = toplevel.end.comments_after;
for (var i = comments.length; --i >= 0;) {
var comment = comments[i];
if (comment.type != "comment1") break;
var match = /^# ([^\s=]+)=(\S+)\s*$/.exec(comment.value);
if (!match) break;
if (match[1] == "sourceMappingURL") {
match = /^data:application\/json(;.*?)?;base64,([^,]+)$/.exec(match[2]);
if (!match) break;
return to_ascii(match[2]);
AST_Node.warn("inline source map not found: {name}", {
name: name,
function parse_source_map(content) {
try {
return JSON.parse(content);
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error("invalid input source map: " + content);
function set_shorthand(name, options, keys) {
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (options[key]) {
if (typeof options[key] != "object") options[key] = {};
if (!(name in options[key])) options[key][name] = options[name];
function init_cache(cache) {
if (!cache) return;
if (!("props" in cache)) {
cache.props = new Dictionary();
} else if (!(cache.props instanceof Dictionary)) {
cache.props = Dictionary.fromObject(cache.props);
function to_json(cache) {
return {
props: cache.props.toObject()
function minify(files, options) {
try {
options = defaults(options, {
annotations: undefined,
compress: {},
enclose: false,
ie: false,
ie8: false,
keep_fargs: false,
keep_fnames: false,
mangle: {},
module: false,
nameCache: null,
output: {},
parse: {},
rename: undefined,
sourceMap: false,
timings: false,
toplevel: !!(options && options["module"]),
v8: false,
validate: false,
warnings: false,
webkit: false,
wrap: false,
}, true);
if (options.validate) AST_Node.enable_validation();
var timings = options.timings && { start: Date.now() };
if (options.annotations !== undefined) set_shorthand("annotations", options, [ "compress", "output" ]);
if (options.ie8) options.ie = options.ie || options.ie8;
if (options.ie) set_shorthand("ie", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "output", "rename" ]);
if (options.keep_fargs) set_shorthand("keep_fargs", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "rename" ]);
if (options.keep_fnames) set_shorthand("keep_fnames", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "rename" ]);
if (options.module) set_shorthand("module", options, [ "compress", "parse" ]);
if (options.toplevel) set_shorthand("toplevel", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "rename" ]);
if (options.v8) set_shorthand("v8", options, [ "mangle", "output", "rename" ]);
if (options.webkit) set_shorthand("webkit", options, [ "compress", "mangle", "output", "rename" ]);
var quoted_props;
if (options.mangle) {
options.mangle = defaults(options.mangle, {
cache: options.nameCache && (options.nameCache.vars || {}),
eval: false,
ie: false,
keep_fargs: false,
keep_fnames: false,
properties: false,
reserved: [],
toplevel: false,
v8: false,
webkit: false,
}, true);
if (options.mangle.properties) {
if (typeof options.mangle.properties != "object") {
options.mangle.properties = {};
if (options.mangle.properties.keep_quoted) {
quoted_props = options.mangle.properties.reserved;
if (!Array.isArray(quoted_props)) quoted_props = [];
options.mangle.properties.reserved = quoted_props;
if (options.nameCache && !("cache" in options.mangle.properties)) {
options.mangle.properties.cache = options.nameCache.props || {};
if (options.rename === undefined) options.rename = options.compress && options.mangle;
if (options.sourceMap) {
options.sourceMap = defaults(options.sourceMap, {
content: null,
filename: null,
includeSources: false,
names: true,
root: null,
url: null,
}, true);
var warnings = [];
if (options.warnings) AST_Node.log_function(function(warning) {
}, options.warnings == "verbose");
if (timings) timings.parse = Date.now();
var toplevel;
if (files instanceof AST_Toplevel) {
toplevel = files;
} else {
if (typeof files == "string") {
files = [ files ];
options.parse = options.parse || {};
options.parse.toplevel = null;
var source_map_content = options.sourceMap && options.sourceMap.content;
if (typeof source_map_content == "string" && source_map_content != "inline") {
source_map_content = parse_source_map(source_map_content);
if (source_map_content) options.sourceMap.orig = Object.create(null);
for (var name in files) if (HOP(files, name)) {
options.parse.filename = name;
options.parse.toplevel = toplevel = parse(files[name], options.parse);
if (source_map_content == "inline") {
var inlined_content = read_source_map(name, toplevel);
if (inlined_content) {
options.sourceMap.orig[name] = parse_source_map(inlined_content);
} else if (source_map_content) {
options.sourceMap.orig[name] = source_map_content;
if (quoted_props) {
reserve_quoted_keys(toplevel, quoted_props);
[ "enclose", "wrap" ].forEach(function(action) {
var option = options[action];
if (!option) return;
var orig = toplevel.print_to_string().slice(0, -1);
toplevel = toplevel[action](option);
files[toplevel.start.file] = toplevel.print_to_string().replace(orig, "");
if (options.validate) toplevel.validate_ast();
if (timings) timings.rename = Date.now();
if (options.rename) {
if (timings) timings.compress = Date.now();
if (options.compress) {
toplevel = new Compressor(options.compress).compress(toplevel);
if (options.validate) toplevel.validate_ast();
if (timings) timings.scope = Date.now();
if (options.mangle) toplevel.figure_out_scope(options.mangle);
if (timings) timings.mangle = Date.now();
if (options.mangle) {
if (timings) timings.properties = Date.now();
if (options.mangle && options.mangle.properties) mangle_properties(toplevel, options.mangle.properties);
if (timings) timings.output = Date.now();
var result = {};
var output = defaults(options.output, {
ast: false,
code: true,
if (output.ast) result.ast = toplevel;
if (output.code) {
if (options.sourceMap) {
output.source_map = SourceMap(options.sourceMap);
if (options.sourceMap.includeSources) {
if (files instanceof AST_Toplevel) {
throw new Error("original source content unavailable");
} else for (var name in files) if (HOP(files, name)) {
output.source_map.setSourceContent(name, files[name]);
delete output.ast;
delete output.code;
var stream = OutputStream(output);
result.code = stream.get();
if (options.sourceMap) {
result.map = output.source_map.toString();
var url = options.sourceMap.url;
if (url) {
result.code = result.code.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=\S+\s*$/, "");
if (url == "inline") {
result.code += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + to_base64(result.map);
} else {
result.code += "\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + url;
if (options.nameCache && options.mangle) {
if (options.mangle.cache) options.nameCache.vars = to_json(options.mangle.cache);
if (options.mangle.properties && options.mangle.properties.cache) {
options.nameCache.props = to_json(options.mangle.properties.cache);
if (timings) {
timings.end = Date.now();
result.timings = {
parse: 1e-3 * (timings.rename - timings.parse),
rename: 1e-3 * (timings.compress - timings.rename),
compress: 1e-3 * (timings.scope - timings.compress),
scope: 1e-3 * (timings.mangle - timings.scope),
mangle: 1e-3 * (timings.properties - timings.mangle),
properties: 1e-3 * (timings.output - timings.properties),
output: 1e-3 * (timings.end - timings.output),
total: 1e-3 * (timings.end - timings.start)
if (warnings.length) {
result.warnings = warnings;
return result;
} catch (ex) {
return { error: ex };
} finally {