You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

501 lines
16 KiB

// Typescript definitions for winston 2.4
/// <reference types="node" />
import { Agent } from 'http';
declare namespace winston {
interface AbstractConfigSetLevels {
[key: string]: number;
interface AbstractConfigSetColors {
[key: string]: string | string[];
interface AbstractConfigSet {
levels: AbstractConfigSetLevels;
colors: AbstractConfigSetColors;
interface CliConfigSetLevels extends AbstractConfigSetLevels {
error: number;
warn: number;
help: number;
data: number;
info: number;
debug: number;
prompt: number;
verbose: number;
input: number;
silly: number;
interface CliConfigSetColors extends AbstractConfigSetColors {
error: string | string[];
warn: string | string[];
help: string | string[];
data: string | string[];
info: string | string[];
debug: string | string[];
prompt: string | string[];
verbose: string | string[];
input: string | string[];
silly: string | string[];
interface NpmConfigSetLevels extends AbstractConfigSetLevels {
error: number;
warn: number;
info: number;
verbose: number;
debug: number;
silly: number;
interface NpmConfigSetColors extends AbstractConfigSetColors {
error: string | string[];
warn: string | string[];
info: string | string[];
verbose: string | string[];
debug: string | string[];
silly: string | string[];
interface SyslogConfigSetLevels extends AbstractConfigSetLevels {
emerg: number;
alert: number;
crit: number;
error: number;
warning: number;
notice: number;
info: number;
debug: number;
interface SyslogConfigSetColors extends AbstractConfigSetColors {
emerg: string | string[];
alert: string | string[];
crit: string | string[];
error: string | string[];
warning: string | string[];
notice: string | string[];
info: string | string[];
debug: string | string[];
interface Winston {
config: Config;
transports: Transports;
Transport: TransportStatic;
Logger: LoggerStatic;
Container: ContainerStatic;
loggers: ContainerInstance;
default: LoggerInstance;
exception: Exception;
exitOnError: boolean;
level: string;
log: LogMethod;
silly: LeveledLogMethod;
debug: LeveledLogMethod;
verbose: LeveledLogMethod;
info: LeveledLogMethod;
warn: LeveledLogMethod;
error: LeveledLogMethod;
query(options: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: Error, results: any) => void): any;
query(callback: (err: Error, results: any) => void): any;
stream(options?: any): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
handleExceptions(...transports: TransportInstance[]): void;
unhandleExceptions(...transports: TransportInstance[]): void;
add(transport: TransportInstance, options?: TransportOptions, created?: boolean): LoggerInstance;
clear(): void;
remove(transport: string | TransportInstance): LoggerInstance;
startTimer(): ProfileHandler;
profile(id: string, msg?: string, meta?: any, callback?: (err: Error, level: string, msg: string, meta: any) => void): LoggerInstance;
addColors(target: AbstractConfigSetColors): any;
setLevels(target: AbstractConfigSetLevels): any;
cli(): LoggerInstance;
close(): void;
configure(options: LoggerOptions): void;
type CLILoggingLevel = 'error' | 'warn' | 'help' | 'data' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'prompt' | 'verbose' | 'input' | 'silly';
type NPMLoggingLevel = 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'verbose' | 'debug' | 'silly';
type SyslogLoggingLevel = 'emerg' | 'alert' | 'crit' | 'error' | 'warning' | 'notice' | 'info' | 'debug';
interface Config {
allColors: AbstractConfigSetColors;
cli: {levels: CliConfigSetLevels, colors: CliConfigSetColors};
npm: {levels: NpmConfigSetLevels, colors: NpmConfigSetColors};
syslog: {levels: SyslogConfigSetLevels, colors: SyslogConfigSetColors};
addColors(colors: AbstractConfigSetColors): void;
colorize(level: number, message?: string): string;
interface ExceptionProcessInfo {
pid: number;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
cwd: string;
execPath: string;
version: string;
argv: string;
memoryUsage: NodeJS.MemoryUsage;
interface ExceptionOsInfo {
loadavg: [number, number, number];
uptime: number;
interface ExceptionTrace {
column: number;
file: string;
"function": string;
line: number;
method: string;
native: boolean;
interface ExceptionAllInfo {
date: Date;
process: ExceptionProcessInfo;
os: ExceptionOsInfo;
trace: ExceptionTrace[];
stack: string[];
interface Exception {
getAllInfo(err: Error): ExceptionAllInfo;
getProcessInfo(): ExceptionProcessInfo;
getOsInfo(): ExceptionOsInfo;
getTrace(err: Error): ExceptionTrace[];
type MetadataRewriter = (level: string, msg: string, meta: any) => any;
type MetadataFilter = (level: string, msg: string, meta: any) => string | { msg: any; meta: any; };
interface LoggerStatic {
new (options?: LoggerOptions): LoggerInstance;
interface LoggerInstance extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
rewriters: MetadataRewriter[];
filters: MetadataFilter[];
transports: {[key: string]: TransportInstance};
extend(target: any): LoggerInstance;
log: LogMethod;
// for cli levels
error: LeveledLogMethod;
warn: LeveledLogMethod;
help: LeveledLogMethod;
data: LeveledLogMethod;
info: LeveledLogMethod;
debug: LeveledLogMethod;
prompt: LeveledLogMethod;
verbose: LeveledLogMethod;
input: LeveledLogMethod;
silly: LeveledLogMethod;
// for syslog levels only
emerg: LeveledLogMethod;
alert: LeveledLogMethod;
crit: LeveledLogMethod;
warning: LeveledLogMethod;
notice: LeveledLogMethod;
query(options: QueryOptions, callback?: (err: Error, results: any) => void): any;
query(callback: (err: Error, results: any) => void): any;
stream(options?: any): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
close(): void;
handleExceptions(...transports: TransportInstance[]): void;
unhandleExceptions(...transports: TransportInstance[]): void;
add(transport: TransportInstance, options?: TransportOptions, created?: boolean): LoggerInstance;
clear(): void;
remove(transport: string | TransportInstance): LoggerInstance;
startTimer(): ProfileHandler;
profile(id: string, msg?: string, meta?: any, callback?: (err: Error, level: string, msg: string, meta: any) => void): LoggerInstance;
configure(options: LoggerOptions): void;
setLevels(target: AbstractConfigSetLevels): any;
cli(): LoggerInstance;
level: string;
interface LoggerOptions {
transports?: TransportInstance[];
rewriters?: MetadataRewriter[];
filters?: MetadataFilter[];
exceptionHandlers?: TransportInstance[];
handleExceptions?: boolean;
level?: string;
levels?: AbstractConfigSetLevels;
exitOnError?: boolean | ((err: Error) => void);
// TODO: Need to make instances specific,
// and need to get options for each instance.
// Unfortunately, the documentation is unhelpful.
[optionName: string]: any;
interface TransportStatic {
new(options?: TransportOptions): TransportInstance;
interface TransportInstance extends TransportStatic, NodeJS.EventEmitter {
silent: boolean;
raw: boolean;
name: string;
level?: string;
handleExceptions: boolean;
exceptionsLevel: string;
humanReadableUnhandledException: boolean;
formatQuery(query: (string | Object)): (string | Object);
formatter?(options?: any): string;
normalizeQuery(options: QueryOptions): QueryOptions;
formatResults(results: (Object | any[]), options?: Object): (Object | any[]);
logException(msg: string, meta: Object, callback: () => void): void;
interface ConsoleTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
json: boolean;
colorize: boolean | 'all' | 'level' | 'message';
prettyPrint: boolean;
timestamp: boolean | (() => string | boolean);
showLevel: boolean;
label: string|null;
logstash: boolean;
depth: string|null;
align: boolean;
stderrLevels: { [key: string]: LeveledLogMethod; };
eol: string;
new(options?: ConsoleTransportOptions): ConsoleTransportInstance;
stringify?(obj: Object): string;
interface DailyRotateFileTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
new(options?: DailyRotateFileTransportOptions): DailyRotateFileTransportInstance;
interface FileTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
json: boolean;
logstash: boolean;
colorize: boolean | 'all' | 'level' | 'message';
maxsize: number|null;
rotationFormat: boolean;
zippedArchive: boolean;
maxFiles: number|null;
prettyPrint: boolean;
label: string|null;
timestamp: boolean | (() => string | boolean);
eol: string;
tailable: boolean;
depth: string|null;
showLevel: boolean;
maxRetries: number;
close(): void;
new(options?: FileTransportOptions): FileTransportInstance;
stringify?(obj: Object): string;
interface HttpTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
name: string;
ssl: boolean;
host: string;
port: number;
auth?: {username: string, password: string};
path: string;
agent?: Agent|null;
new(options?: HttpTransportOptions): HttpTransportInstance;
interface MemoryTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
errorOutput: GenericTextTransportOptions[];
writeOutput: GenericTextTransportOptions[];
json: boolean;
colorize: boolean | 'all' | 'level' | 'message';
prettyPrint: boolean;
timestamp: boolean | (() => string | boolean);
showLevel: boolean;
label: string|null;
depth: string|null;
new(options?: MemoryTransportOptions): MemoryTransportInstance;
stringify?(obj: Object): string;
interface WebhookTransportInstance extends TransportInstance {
new(options?: WebhookTransportOptions): WebhookTransportInstance;
interface WinstonModuleTrasportInstance extends TransportInstance {
new(options?: WinstonModuleTransportOptions): WinstonModuleTrasportInstance;
interface ContainerStatic {
new(options: LoggerOptions): ContainerInstance;
interface ContainerInstance extends ContainerStatic {
get(id: string, options?: LoggerOptions): LoggerInstance;
add(id: string, options: LoggerOptions): LoggerInstance;
has(id: string): boolean;
close(id: string): void;
options: LoggerOptions;
loggers: {[key: string]: LoggerInstance};
default: LoggerOptions;
interface Transports {
File: FileTransportInstance;
Console: ConsoleTransportInstance;
Loggly: WinstonModuleTrasportInstance;
DailyRotateFile: DailyRotateFileTransportInstance;
Http: HttpTransportInstance;
Memory: MemoryTransportInstance;
Webhook: WebhookTransportInstance;
type TransportOptions = ConsoleTransportOptions | DailyRotateFileTransportOptions | FileTransportOptions
| HttpTransportOptions | MemoryTransportOptions | WebhookTransportOptions | WinstonModuleTransportOptions;
interface GenericTransportOptions {
level?: string;
silent?: boolean;
raw?: boolean;
name?: string;
handleExceptions?: boolean;
exceptionsLevel?: string;
humanReadableUnhandledException?: boolean;
formatter?(options?: any): string;
interface GenericTextTransportOptions {
json?: boolean;
colorize?: boolean | 'all' | 'level' | 'message';
colors?: any;
prettyPrint?: boolean;
showLevel?: boolean;
label?: string;
depth?: number;
timestamp?: boolean | (() => string | boolean);
stringify?(obj: any): string;
interface GenericNetworkTransportOptions {
host?: string;
port?: number;
auth?: {
username: string;
password: string;
path?: string;
interface ConsoleTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericTextTransportOptions {
logstash?: boolean;
debugStdout?: boolean;
interface DailyRotateFileTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericTextTransportOptions {
logstash?: boolean;
maxsize?: number;
maxFiles?: number;
eol?: string;
maxRetries?: number;
datePattern?: string;
filename?: string;
dirname?: string;
options?: {
flags?: string;
highWaterMark?: number;
stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
interface FileTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericTextTransportOptions {
logstash?: boolean;
maxsize?: number;
rotationFormat?: boolean;
zippedArchive?: boolean;
maxFiles?: number;
eol?: string;
tailable?: boolean;
maxRetries?: number;
filename?: string;
dirname?: string;
options?: {
flags?: string;
highWaterMark?: number;
stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
interface HttpTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericNetworkTransportOptions {
ssl?: boolean;
interface MemoryTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericTextTransportOptions {
interface WebhookTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions, GenericNetworkTransportOptions {
method?: string;
ssl?: {
key?: any;
cert?: any;
ca: any;
interface WinstonModuleTransportOptions extends GenericTransportOptions {
[optionName: string]: any;
interface QueryOptions {
rows?: number;
limit?: number;
start?: number;
from?: Date;
until?: Date;
order?: "asc" | "desc";
fields: any;
interface ProfileHandler {
logger: LoggerInstance;
start: Date;
done(msg: string): LoggerInstance;
interface LogMethod {
(level: string, msg: string, callback: LogCallback): LoggerInstance;
(level: string, msg: string, meta: any, callback: LogCallback): LoggerInstance;
(level: string, msg: string, ...meta: any[]): LoggerInstance;
interface LeveledLogMethod {
(msg: string, callback: LogCallback): LoggerInstance;
(msg: string, meta: any, callback: LogCallback): LoggerInstance;
(msg: string, ...meta: any[]): LoggerInstance;
type LogCallback = (error?: any, level?: string, msg?: string, meta?: any) => void;
declare const winston: winston.Winston;
export = winston;