You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
276 lines
18 KiB
276 lines
18 KiB
try {
const { Pool, Client } = require('pg')
const XLSX = require('xlsx')
const path = require('path')
const fs = require("fs");
// const pool = new Pool({
// user: 'postgres',
// host: '',
// database: 'highways4good',
// password: '123',
// port: 5432,
// })
// 测试环境
const pool = new Pool({
user: 'highwayadmin',
host: '',
database: 'highwaytest',
password: 'highway123',
port: 5432,
// 商用环境
// const pool = new Pool({
// user: 'highwayadmin',
// host: '',
// database: 'highway4good',
// password: 'highway123',
// port: 5432,
// })
// const userId = ''
const fun = async () => {
const client = await pool.connect()
try {
await client.query('BEGIN')
let allVillageRes = (await client.query(`SELECT * FROM village`)).rows
let allRoads = (await client.query(`SELECT * FROM road`)).rows
let towns = (await client.query(`SELECT * FROM town`)).rows
// 读取数据文件
let workbook = XLSX.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './data/sihao.xlsx'));
let firstSheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0];
let worksheet = workbook.Sheets[firstSheetName];
let res = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, {
defval: ''
let villageSql = ''
let noExistVillage = ''
let noExistVillageObj = {}
let delSql = ''
allRoads.forEach(r => {
let isExit = res.find(s => s.route_code == r.route_code && s.section_no == r.section_no && s.route_name == r.route_name)
if (!isExit) {
delSql += `UPDATE road SET del = true WHERE id = ${};\n`
if (delSql) fs.writeFileSync('delete_road.sql', delSql, 'utf-8');
for (let r of [...res]) {
// if ( == 3259) {
// console.log(r);
// }
let villageId = null
if (r['所属行政村']) {
let v = r['所属行政村']
v = v.split(' ')[0]
v = v.trim()
if (v) {
let noExist = false
let corV = allVillageRes.find(village => === v)
if (corV) {
villageId =
} else {
if (!v.endsWith('村')) {
v += '村'
let corV = allVillageRes.find(village => === v)
if (corV) {
villageId =
} else {
noExist = true
} else {
noExist = true
if (noExist) {
if (!noExistVillageObj[v]) {
noExistVillage += `${v}\n`
noExistVillageObj[v] = true
let del = false
let spot = false
let isDel = r['isdelete']
if (isDel) {
isDel = isDel.toString()
isDel = isDel.trim()
if (isDel) {
if (isDel == 1) {
del = true
let mark = r['mark']
if (mark) {
spot = true
} else {
spot = false
let rId =
if (rId) {
rId = rId.toString()
rId = rId.trim()
if (rId) {
| = rId
let town = towns.find(x => == r['乡镇定稿'])
let township_code = town ? town.code : ''
const arr = []
Object.keys(r).forEach(key => {
if (r.route_name == '中心路—山上村四组路') {
let isExit = allRoads.find(s => s.route_code == r.route_code && (s.section_no == r.section_no || !s.section_no) && s.route_name == r.route_name)
if (isExit) {
if (del != r.del && spot != && township_code != isExit.township_code) {
villageSql += `UPDATE road SET village_id = ${villageId}, "del" = ${del}, spot = ${spot}, "township_code" = ${township_code ? township_code : `null`} WHERE id = ${};\n`
} else {
const {
route_name = `null`, route_code = `null`, section_no = `null`, starting_place_name = `null`,
start_station = `null`, category_of_starting_point_and_dividing_point = `null`, stop_place_name = `null`,
category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point = `null`, stop_station = `null`, section_type = `null`,
route_code_before_road_network_adjustment = `null`, serial_number_of_original_section = `null`,
starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section = `null`, ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section = `null`,
route_level = `null`, nature_of_road_section = `null`, completion_time = `null`, reconstruction_time = `null`, nature_of_construction = `null`,
gbm_and_civilized_model_road = `null`, landforms = `null`, nature_of_charges = `null`, toll_station = `null`, number_of_culverts = `null`,
technical_level = `null`, pavement_type = `null`, pavement_width = `null`, subgrade_width = `null`, lane_characteristics = `null`,
whether_it_is_open_to_traffic_in_sunny_or_rainy_days = `null`, design_speed_per_hour = `null`, urban_management_section_or_not = `null`,
management_and_maintenance_unit = `null`, road_administration_unit = `null`, alimentation = `null`, source_of_listed_maintenance_funds = `null`,
curing_time = `null`, greening_mileage = `null`, greening_mileaged = `null`, type_of_repeated_road_section = `null`,
serial_number_of_repeated_section = `null`, repeated_section_route_code = `null`, planned_fund_category = `null`,
planned_year = `null`, plan_document_no = `null`, plan_item_unique_code = `null`, planned_project_route_code = `null`,
plan_project_name = `null`, planned_project_type = `null`, completion_status = `null`, year_of_completion = `null`, planned_fund_category__one = `null`,
planned_year__one = `null`, plan_document_no__one = `null`, plan_item_unique_code__one = `null`, plan_project_name__one = `null`,
completion_status__one = `null`, year_of_completion__one = `null`, station_range = `null`, reporting_unit = `null`, reason_for_change = `null`,
change_time = `null`, last_repair_and_maintenance_year = `null`, whether_maintenance_managed_highway = `null`, remarks = `null`,
route_code_of_last_year = `null`, route_name_of_last_year = `null`, starting_station_of_last_year = `null`,
last_years_ending_point_stake_number = `null`, graphic_mileage = `null`, chainage_mileage = `null`, districtcounty = `null`,
location_city = `null`, level = `null`, surface_thickness = `null`,
} = r;
villageSql += `
route_name, route_code, section_no, township_code, starting_place_name,
start_station, category_of_starting_point_and_dividing_point, stop_place_name,
category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point, stop_station, section_type,
route_code_before_road_network_adjustment, serial_number_of_original_section,
starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section, ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section,
route_level, nature_of_road_section, completion_time, reconstruction_time, nature_of_construction,
gbm_and_civilized_model_road, landforms, nature_of_charges, toll_station, number_of_culverts,
technical_level, pavement_type, pavement_width, subgrade_width, lane_characteristics,
whether_it_is_open_to_traffic_in_sunny_or_rainy_days, design_speed_per_hour, urban_management_section_or_not,
management_and_maintenance_unit, road_administration_unit, alimentation, source_of_listed_maintenance_funds,
curing_time, greening_mileage, greening_mileaged, type_of_repeated_road_section,
serial_number_of_repeated_section, repeated_section_route_code, planned_fund_category,
planned_year, plan_document_no, plan_item_unique_code, planned_project_route_code,
plan_project_name, planned_project_type, completion_status, year_of_completion, planned_fund_category__one,
planned_year__one, plan_document_no__one, plan_item_unique_code__one, plan_project_name__one,
completion_status__one, year_of_completion__one, station_range, reporting_unit, reason_for_change,
change_time, last_repair_and_maintenance_year, whether_maintenance_managed_highway, remarks,
route_code_of_last_year, route_name_of_last_year, starting_station_of_last_year,
last_years_ending_point_stake_number, graphic_mileage, chainage_mileage, districtcounty,
location_city, level, surface_thickness
${villageId || `null`},
${route_name ? `'${r.route_name}'` : `null`}, ${route_code ? `'${r.route_code}'` : `null`},
${section_no ? `'${r.section_no}'` : `null`}, ${township_code ? `'${township_code}'` : `null`},
${starting_place_name ? `'${r.starting_place_name}'` : `null`},
${start_station ? `'${r.start_station}'` : `null`}, ${category_of_starting_point_and_dividing_point ? `'${r.category_of_starting_point_and_dividing_point}'` : `null`},
${stop_place_name ? `'${r.stop_place_name}'` : `null`},
${category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point ? `'${r.category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point}'` : `null`}, ${stop_station ? `'${r.stop_station}'` : `null`},
${section_type ? `'${r.section_type}'` : `null`},
${route_code_before_road_network_adjustment ? `'${r.route_code_before_road_network_adjustment}'` : `null`}, ${serial_number_of_original_section ? `'${r.serial_number_of_original_section}'` : `null`},
${starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section ? `'${r.starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section}'` : `null`},
${ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section ? `'${r.ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section}'` : `null`},
${route_level ? `'${r.route_level}'` : `null`}, ${nature_of_road_section ? `'${r.nature_of_road_section}'` : `null`},
${completion_time ? `'${r.completion_time}'` : `null`},
${reconstruction_time ? `'${r.reconstruction_time}'` : `null`}, ${nature_of_construction ? `'${r.nature_of_construction}'` : `null`},
${gbm_and_civilized_model_road ? `'${r.gbm_and_civilized_model_road}'` : `null`}, ${landforms ? `'${r.landforms}'` : `null`},
${nature_of_charges ? `'${r.nature_of_charges}'` : `null`},
${toll_station ? `'${r.toll_station}'` : `null`}, ${number_of_culverts ? `'${r.number_of_culverts}'` : `null`},
${technical_level ? `'${r.technical_level}'` : `null`}, ${pavement_type ? `'${r.pavement_type}'` : `null`},
${pavement_width ? `'${r.pavement_width}'` : `null`},
${subgrade_width ? `'${r.subgrade_width}'` : `null`}, ${lane_characteristics ? `'${r.lane_characteristics}'` : `null`},
${whether_it_is_open_to_traffic_in_sunny_or_rainy_days ? `'${r.whether_it_is_open_to_traffic_in_sunny_or_rainy_days}'` : `null`},
${design_speed_per_hour ? `'${r.design_speed_per_hour}'` : `null`}, ${urban_management_section_or_not ? `'${r.urban_management_section_or_not}'` : `null`},
${management_and_maintenance_unit ? `'${r.management_and_maintenance_unit}'` : `null`}, ${road_administration_unit ? `'${r.road_administration_unit}'` : `null`},
${alimentation ? `'${r.alimentation}'` : `null`}, ${source_of_listed_maintenance_funds ? `'${r.source_of_listed_maintenance_funds}'` : `null`},
${curing_time ? `'${r.curing_time}'` : `null`}, ${greening_mileage ? `'${r.greening_mileage}'` : `null`},
${greening_mileaged ? `'${r.greening_mileaged}'` : `null`},
${type_of_repeated_road_section ? `'${r.type_of_repeated_road_section}'` : `null`},
${serial_number_of_repeated_section ? `'${r.serial_number_of_repeated_section}'` : `null`},
${repeated_section_route_code ? `'${r.repeated_section_route_code}'` : `null`},
${planned_fund_category ? `'${r.planned_fund_category}'` : `null`},
${planned_year ? `'${r.planned_year}'` : `null`}, ${plan_document_no ? `'${r.plan_document_no}'` : `null`},
${plan_item_unique_code ? `'${r.plan_item_unique_code}'` : `null`},
${planned_project_route_code ? `'${r.planned_project_route_code}'` : `null`},
${plan_project_name ? `'${r.plan_project_name}'` : `null`}, ${planned_project_type ? `'${r.planned_project_type}'` : `null`},
${completion_status ? `'${r.completion_status}'` : `null`},
${year_of_completion ? `'${r.year_of_completion}'` : `null`}, ${planned_fund_category__one ? `'${r.planned_fund_category__one}'` : `null`},
${planned_year__one ? `'${r.planned_year__one}'` : `null`}, ${plan_document_no__one ? `'${r.plan_document_no__one}'` : `null`},
${plan_item_unique_code__one ? `'${r.plan_item_unique_code__one}'` : `null`},
${plan_project_name__one ? `'${r.plan_project_name__one}'` : `null`},
${completion_status__one ? `'${r.completion_status__one}'` : `null`}, ${year_of_completion__one ? `'${r.year_of_completion__one}'` : `null`},
${station_range ? `'${r.station_range}'` : `null`}, ${reporting_unit ? `'${r.reporting_unit}'` : `null`},
${reason_for_change ? `'${r.reason_for_change}'` : `null`},
${change_time ? `'${r.change_time}'` : `null`}, ${last_repair_and_maintenance_year ? `'${r.last_repair_and_maintenance_year}'` : `null`},
${whether_maintenance_managed_highway ? `'${r.whether_maintenance_managed_highway}'` : `null`}, ${remarks ? `'${r.remarks}'` : `null`},
${route_code_of_last_year ? `'${r.route_code_of_last_year}'` : `null`}, ${route_name_of_last_year ? `'${r.route_name_of_last_year}'` : `null`},
${starting_station_of_last_year ? `'${r.starting_station_of_last_year}'` : `null`},
${last_years_ending_point_stake_number ? `'${r.last_years_ending_point_stake_number}'` : `null`}, ${graphic_mileage ? `'${r.graphic_mileage}'` : `null`},
${chainage_mileage ? `'${r.chainage_mileage}'` : `null`}, ${districtcounty ? `'${r.districtcounty}'` : `null`},
${location_city ? `'${r.location_city}'` : `null`}, ${level ? `'${r.level}'` : `null`},
${surface_thickness ? `'${r.surface_thickness}'` : `null`}
// fs.writeFileSync('road_update.sql', villageSql, 'utf-8');
// fs.writeFileSync('no_exist_village.txt', noExistVillage, 'utf-8');
// await client.query('ROLLBACK')
await client.query(delSql);
await client.query(villageSql);
await client.query('COMMIT')
} catch (e) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
console.log('执行错误~' + JSON.stringify(e))
throw e
} finally {
} catch (error) {