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2 years ago
create table if not exists member
pep_user_id integer not null,
id_number varchar(32),
id_photo varchar(1024),
gender varchar(32),
birthday date,
native_place varchar(128),
marital varchar(32),
politics_status varchar(32),
phone_number varchar(32),
work_place varchar(128),
graduated_from varchar(128),
education_background varchar(32),
specialty varchar(64),
graduation_date date,
hiredate date,
turn_probation_period date,
regular_date date,
dimission_date date,
experience_year double precision,
occupational_history text,
vitae varchar(1024),
del boolean default false,
constraint member_pk
primary key (pep_user_id)
comment on column member.pep_user_id is '项企用户id';
comment on column member.id_number is '证件号';
comment on column member.id_photo is '证件照';
comment on column member.gender is '性别';
comment on column member.birthday is '出生年月';
comment on column member.native_place is '籍贯';
comment on column member.marital is '婚育状态';
comment on column member.politics_status is '整治面貌';
comment on column member.work_place is '工作地点';
comment on column member.graduated_from is '毕业院校';
comment on column member.education_background is '学历';
comment on column member.specialty is '专业';
comment on column member.graduation_date is '毕业时间';
comment on column member.hiredate is '入职时间';
comment on column member.turn_probation_period is '转试用期时间';
comment on column member.regular_date is '转正时间';
comment on column member.dimission_date is '离职时间';
comment on column member.experience_year is '工作经验/年';
comment on column member.occupational_history is '工作经历';
comment on column member.vitae is '简历';
create unique index if not exists member_pep_user_id_uindex
on member (pep_user_id);
create table if not exists vacate
id serial not null,
pep_user_id integer not null,
start_time timestamp not null,
end_time timestamp not null,
type varchar(32),
duration integer,
pep_process_story_id integer not null,
wf_process_state varchar(32),
reason varchar(1024),
constraint vacate_pk
primary key (id)
comment on table vacate is '假勤之休假申请工作流一维展开数据';
comment on column vacate.type is '请假类别';
comment on column vacate.duration is '时长 s';
comment on column vacate.pep_process_story_id is '和 项企 workflow_process_history 关联';
comment on column vacate.wf_process_state is '流程状态';
comment on column vacate.reason is '原因';
create unique index if not exists vacate_id_uindex
on vacate (id);
create table if not exists holiday
day date not null,
holiday jsonb,
type varchar(32),
constraint holiday_pk
primary key (day)
comment on column holiday.type is 'workday 工作日 / dayoff 休息日 / festivals 节假日';
create unique index if not exists holiday_day_uindex
on holiday (day);
create table if not exists overtime
id serial not null,
pep_user_id integer not null,
start_time timestamp not null,
end_time timestamp not null,
duration integer,
pep_process_story_id integer not null,
wf_process_state varchar(32),
take_rest_workday integer default 0,
take_rest_dayoff integer default 0,
take_rest_festivals integer default 0,
pay_workday integer default 0,
pay_dayoff integer default 0,
pay_festivals integer default 0,
compensate varchar(32),
reason varchar(1024),
constraint overtime_pk
primary key (id)
comment on table overtime is '假勤之加班申请工作流一维展开数据';
comment on column overtime.take_rest_workday is '工作日调休';
comment on column overtime.take_rest_dayoff is '普假调休';
comment on column overtime.take_rest_festivals is '节假日调休';
comment on column overtime.pay_workday is '工作日补偿';
comment on column overtime.pay_dayoff is '普假补偿';
comment on column overtime.pay_festivals is '节假日补偿';
comment on column overtime.compensate is '补偿方式';
comment on column overtime.reason is '原因';
create unique index if not exists overtime_id_uindex
on overtime (id);
create table if not exists overtime_day
id serial not null,
day date not null,
duration integer,
overtime_id integer,
constraint overtime_day_pk
primary key (id)
create unique index if not exists overtime_day_id_uindex
on overtime_day (id);
create table if not exists vacate_day
id serial not null,
day date not null,
duration integer not null,
vacate_id integer,
constraint vacate_day_pk
primary key (id)
create unique index if not exists vacate_day_id_uindex
on vacate_day (id);