2 years ago
4 changed files with 367 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import moment from 'moment' |
import { Select, Input, Button, Popconfirm, Radio, Tooltip, Table, Pagination, Skeleton } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui'; |
// import SalesMemberModal from './salesMemberModal' |
// import ImportSalersModal from './importSalersModal' |
import { IconSearch } from '@douyinfe/semi-icons'; |
import { SkeletonScreen } from "$components"; |
import '../../style.less' |
const EmployeeCommunication = (props) => { |
const { dispatch, actions } = props |
const { humanAffairs } = actions; |
const [keywordTarget, setKeywordTarget] = useState('dep'); |
const [keyword, setKeyword] = useState('');//搜索内容 |
const [limits, setLimits] = useState()//每页实际条数 |
const [query, setQuery] = useState({ limit: 10, page: 0 }); //页码信息 |
// const [modalV, setModalV] = useState(false); |
// const [dataToEdit, setDataToEdit] = useState(null); |
const [tableData, setTableData] = useState([]); |
// const [importModalV, setImportModalV] = useState(false); |
const page = useRef(; |
function seachValueChange(value) { |
setKeyword(value) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
// dispatch(humanAffairs.getMemberList()) |
// getMemberSearchList() |
}, []); |
useEffect(() => { |
// getMemberSearchList()//查询人员列表 |
}, [query]) |
// function getMemberSearchList() { |
// let kt = keywordTarget == 'place' ? '' : keywordTarget; |
// let k = keywordTarget == 'place' ? '' : keyword; |
// let placeSearch = keywordTarget == 'place' ? keyword : ''; |
// dispatch(humanAffairs.getSalesList({ keywordTarget: kt, keyword: k, placeSearch, ...query })).then(r => { |
// if (r.success) { |
// setTableData(r.payload?.data?.rows); |
// setLimits(r.payload?.data?.count) |
// } |
// }) |
// } |
function handleRow(record, index) {// 给偶数行设置斑马纹 |
if (index % 2 === 0) { |
return { |
style: { |
background: '#FAFCFF', |
} |
}; |
} else { |
return {}; |
} |
} |
// const closeAndFetch = () => { |
// setModalV(false) |
// getMemberSearchList(); |
// } |
// const starHeader = (header) => { |
// return <div> |
// <img src="/assets/images/hrImg/V.png" style={{ width: 14, height: 14 }} /> {header} |
// </div> |
// } |
// const getMultis = (arrStr) => {//默认展示2个 |
// return <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}> |
// { |
// arrStr.length ? |
//, idx) => { |
// return ( |
// <div key={idx} style={{ display: 'flex' }}> |
// {idx < 2 ? |
// <div style={{ padding: '0px 4px 1px 4px', color: '#FFF', fontSize: 12, background: 'rgba(0,90,189,0.8)', borderRadius: 2, marginRight: 4 }}> |
// {ite} |
// </div> : '' |
// } |
// { |
// arrStr.length > 2 && idx == 2 ? |
// <Tooltip content={arrStr.join(',')} trigger="click" style={{ lineHeight: 2 }}> |
// <div style={{ padding: '0px 4px 1px 4px ', color: 'rgba(0,90,189,0.8)', fontSize: 12, marginRight: 4, cursor: "pointer" }}> |
// +{arrStr.length - 2} |
// </div> |
// </Tooltip> |
// : '' |
// } |
// </div> |
// ) |
// }) : '-' |
// } |
// </div> |
// } |
// const columns = [{ |
// title: '序号', |
// dataIndex: 'id', |
// key: 'id', |
// width: 60, |
// render: (text, record, index) => index + 1 |
// }, { |
// title: starHeader('姓名'), |
// dataIndex: 'name', |
// key: 'name', |
// width: 80 |
// }, |
// { |
// title: starHeader('部门名称'), |
// dataIndex: 'department', |
// key: 'department', |
// width: 200, |
// render: (text, r, index) => { |
// let arrStr = =>; |
// return getMultis(arrStr); |
// } |
// }, { |
// title: '销售区域(省/直辖市)', |
// dataIndex: 'provinces', |
// key: 'provinces', |
// width: 160, |
// render: (text, record, index) => { |
// return getMultis(text?.split('、') || []); |
// } |
// }, { |
// title: '销售区域(市)', |
// dataIndex: 'cities', |
// key: 'cities', |
// width: 160, |
// render: (text, record, index) => { |
// return text ? getMultis(text?.split('、') || []) : '-'; |
// } |
// }, { |
// title: '业务线', |
// dataIndex: 'businessLines', |
// key: 'businessLines', |
// width: 140, |
// render: (text, record, index) => { |
// return text ? getMultis(text?.split('、') || []) : '-'; |
// } |
// }, { |
// title: starHeader('岗位'), |
// dataIndex: 'post', |
// key: 'post', |
// width: 120, |
// render: (text, record) => <span>{text || '-'}</span> |
// }, { |
// title: starHeader('入职时间'), |
// dataIndex: 'hireDate', |
// key: 'hireDate', |
// width: 120, |
// render: (text, record) => <span>{text || '-'}</span> |
// }, { |
// title: starHeader('转正时间'), |
// dataIndex: 'regularDate', |
// key: 'regularDate', |
// width: 120, |
// render: (text, record) => <span>{text || '-'}</span> |
// }, { |
// title: starHeader('工龄'), |
// dataIndex: 'workYears', |
// key: 'workYears', |
// width: 120, |
// render: (_, r, index) => { |
// return (r.hireDate ? <span style={{ color: '#1890FF' }}>{String(moment(new Date()).diff(r.hireDate, 'years', true)).substring(0, 3) + '年'}</span> : '-') |
// }, |
// }, { |
// title: '操作', |
// dataIndex: 'action', |
// width: 120, |
// render: (text, record) => { |
// return <div> |
// <span style={{ color: '#1890FF', cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => onEdit(record)}>编辑</span> |
// <Popconfirm |
// title='提示' content="确认删除该销售人员信息?" position='topLeft' |
// onConfirm={() => confirmDelete(record.pepUserId)} style={{ width: 330 }} |
// > <span style={{ color: '#1890FF', cursor: 'pointer' }}>删除</span></Popconfirm> |
// </div> |
// } |
// }]; |
// const onEdit = (data) => { |
// setModalV(true); |
// setDataToEdit(data); |
// } |
// const confirmDelete = (pepUserId) => { |
// dispatch(humanAffairs.delSalesMember({ pepUserId, msg: '删除销售人员信息' })).then(res => { |
// if (res.success) { |
// getMemberSearchList(); |
// } |
// }); |
// } |
const scroll = useMemo(() => ({}), []); |
return (<div style={{ padding: '0px 12px' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}> |
<div style={{ color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)', fontSize: 14 }}>员工关系</div> |
<div style={{ color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)', fontSize: 14, margin: '0px 8px' }}>/</div> |
<div style={{ color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)', fontSize: 14 }}>员工沟通</div> |
<div style={{ color: '#033C9A', fontSize: 14, margin: '0px 8px' }}>/</div> |
<div style={{ color: '#033C9A', fontSize: 14 }}>员工沟通统计</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ background: '#FFFFFF', boxShadow: '0px 0px 12px 2px rgba(220,222,224,0.2)', borderRadius: 2, padding: '20px 0px 20px 19px ', marginTop: 12 }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'baseline' }}> |
<div style={{ width: 0, height: 20, borderLeft: '3px solid #0F7EFB', borderTop: '3px solid transparent', borderBottom: '3px solid transparent' }}></div> |
<div style={{ fontFamily: "YouSheBiaoTiHei", fontSize: 24, color: '#033C9A', marginLeft: 8 }}>员工沟通统计</div> |
<div style={{ marginLeft: 6, fontSize: 12, color: '#969799', fontFamily: "DINExp", }}>EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{/* <div style={{ margin: '18px 0px' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', margin: '16px 0px', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}> |
<div style={{ padding: '6px 20px', background: '#0F7EFB', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: 14, cursor: "pointer", marginRight: 18 }} |
onClick={() => { |
setModalV(true); |
setDataToEdit(null); |
}}> |
新增 |
</div> |
<div> |
<Select value={keywordTarget} onChange={setKeywordTarget} style={{ width: 100 }} > |
<Select.Option value='dep'>部门</Select.Option> |
<Select.Option value='place'>地区</Select.Option> |
</Select> |
</div> |
<div style={{ margin: '0px 18px' }}> |
<Input suffix={<IconSearch />} |
showClear |
placeholder='请输入关键词搜索' |
value={keyword} |
style={{ width: 346 }} |
onChange={seachValueChange}> |
</Input> |
</div> |
<Button theme='solid' type='primary' style={{ width: 80, borderRadius: 2, height: 32, background: '#DBECFF', color: '#005ABD' }} |
onClick={() => { |
setQuery({ limit: 10, page: 0 }) |
}}>查询</Button> |
</div> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', marginRight: 20 }}> |
<div style={{ padding: '6px 20px', background: '#00BA85', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: 14, marginLeft: 18 }}> |
导出 |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ border: '1px solid #C7E1FF', background: '#F4F8FF', borderRadius: 2, height: 32, width: 669, padding: '8px 0px 7px 12px', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', color: '#0F7EFB', fontSize: 12 }}> |
<img src="/assets/images/hrImg/!.png" alt="" style={{ width: 14, height: 14, marginRight: 8 }} /> |
表格中带有认证标识" |
<img src="/assets/images/hrImg/V.png" alt="" style={{ width: 14, height: 14 }} /> |
"信息的为系统基础数据,来源于项企PEP、钉钉等系统,其他数据均为导入或自定义数据 |
</div> |
<div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}> |
<Skeleton |
// loading={loading} |
loading={false} |
active={true} |
placeholder={SkeletonScreen()} |
> |
<Table |
columns={columns} |
dataSource={tableData} |
bordered={false} |
empty="暂无数据" |
pagination={false} |
onChange={({ sorter }) => { |
if (sorter.key == 'userCode') { |
if (sorter.sortOrder == 'descend') { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'code', orderDirection: 'DESC' }) |
} else { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'code', orderDirection: 'ASC' }) |
} |
} else if (sorter.key == 'age') { |
if (sorter.sortOrder == 'descend') { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'age', orderDirection: 'DESC' }) |
} else { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'age', orderDirection: 'ASC' }) |
} |
} else { |
if (sorter.sortOrder == 'descend') { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'hiredate', orderDirection: 'DESC' }) |
} else { |
setOrder({ orderBy: 'hiredate', orderDirection: 'ASC' }) |
} |
} |
}} |
onRow={handleRow} |
scroll={scroll} |
/> |
</Skeleton> |
<div style={{ |
display: "flex", |
justifyContent: "space-between", |
padding: "20px 20px", |
}}> |
<div></div> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', }}> |
<span style={{ lineHeight: "30px", fontSize: 13, color: 'rgba(0,90,189,0.8)' }}> |
共{limits}条信息 |
</span> |
<Pagination |
total={limits} |
showSizeChanger |
currentPage={ + 1} |
pageSizeOpts={[10, 20, 30, 40]} |
onChange={(currentPage, pageSize) => { |
setQuery({ limit: pageSize, page: currentPage - 1 }); |
page.current = currentPage - 1 |
}} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> */} |
</div> |
{/* { |
modalV ? <SalesMemberModal |
dataToEdit={dataToEdit} getMultis={getMultis} |
close={() => closeAndFetch()} |
onCancel={() => setModalV(false)} /> : '' |
} |
{ |
importModalV ? <ImportSalersModal |
onCancel={() => { |
setImportModalV(false); |
getMemberSearchList(); |
}} /> : '' |
} */} |
</div>) |
} |
function mapStateToProps(state) { |
const { auth, global, SalesMemberList } = state; |
return { |
user: auth.user, |
actions: global.actions, |
}; |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(EmployeeCommunication); |
Reference in new issue