You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<!-- package/bindTroubleshooting/index.wxml -->
<view class="page">
<!-- 顶部tab切换 -->
2 years ago
<van-tabs active="{{ currentTab }}" bind:change="clickTab" color="#006BE3">
<van-tab title="待办事项"></van-tab>
<van-tab title="已办事项"></van-tab>
<van-dropdown-item title="{{ '结构物' }}" bind:close="onDropDownClose">
<view style="max-height:888rpx">
<van-checkbox-group value="{{ structResult }}" bind:change="onStructChange">
<van-cell wx:for="{{ structList }}" wx:key="index" title="{{ }}" value-class="value-class" clickable data-id="{{ }}" data-index="{{index}}" bind:click="structToggle">
<van-checkbox catch:tap="noop" class="checkboxes-struct-{{ index }}" name="{{ }}" />
<van-dropdown-item title="{{ '点位' }}" bind:close="onDropDownClose">
<view style="max-height:888rpx">
<!-- <van-checkbox-group value="{{ pointResult }}" bind:change="onPointChange"> -->
<van-cell wx:for="{{ pointList }}" wx:key="index" title="{{ }}" value-class="value-class" clickable data-index="{{ index }}"
data-id="{{ }}" bind:click="pointToggle">
<van-checkbox catch:tap="pointToggle"
data-index="{{ index }}"
data-id="{{ }}"
class="checkboxes-point-{{ }}" name="{{ }}" value="{{item.selected}}"/>
<!-- </van-checkbox-group> -->
<van-dropdown-item title="{{ '时间' }}" bind:close="onDropDownClose">
<view style="max-height:60%; display:flex" class="time-option">
<van-datetime-picker show-toolbar="{{false}}" type="date" value="{{ startTime }}" bind:input="onStartTimeChange" min-date="{{1640966400000}}"/>
<view style="display:flex; align-items:center">至</view>
<van-datetime-picker show-toolbar="{{false}}" type="date" value="{{ endTime }}" bind:input="onEndTimeChange" min-date="{{1640966400000}}"/>
2 years ago
<view style="height:100vh - 98rpx; overflow:auto; padding: 0rpx 30rpx 20rpx">
<view wx:for="{{dataList}}" class="mission-card">
<view class="mission-card-title">
<image class="icon" src="../../images/title_icon.svg"></image>
<view class="title">{{}}</view>
2 years ago
<view style="width: 630rpx; margin: 0 auto;">
<text class="text-key">点位名称:</text><text class="text-value">{{}}</text>
<view style="width: 630rpx; margin: 8px auto 0;">
<text class="text-key">异常等级:</text><text class="text-value">{{}}</text>
<view style="width: 630rpx; margin: 8px auto 0;">
<text class="text-key">任务下发时间:</text><text class="text-value">{{item.createTime}}</text>
<view class="divider"></view>
<van-button class="btn" wx:if="{{powerCheckDetail || currentTab == 0}}" size="small" type="info" round bind:tap="toShootingForm" data-shootingid="{{}}">
currentTab == 0?
item.state == 1 ?'制定计划':
item.state == 2 ?'审批计划':
item.state == 3 ?'修改计划':
item.state == 4 ?'维修处理':
item.state == 5 ?'质检验收':
item.state == 6 ?'查看详情':'驳回重修'
item.state == 1 ?'制定计划':
item.state == 2 ?'计划已提交待审批':
item.state == 3 ?'计划审批驳回':
item.state == 4 ?'计划审批通过待维修':
item.state == 5 ?'维修完成待验收':
item.state == 6 ?'验收通过':'驳回重修'
<span wx:elif="{{!powerCheckDetail}}">
item.state == 1 ?'制定计划':
item.state == 2 ?'计划已提交待审批':
item.state == 3 ?'计划审批驳回':
item.state == 4 ?'计划审批通过待维修':
item.state == 5 ?'维修完成待验收':
item.state == 6 ?'验收通过':'驳回重修'
<view style="height:128rpx"/>
<!-- 暂无数据 -->
<view wx:if="{{!dataList.length}}">
<image class="noData" src="../../images/noData.png"></image>
<view class="noTxt">暂无数据~</view>