CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS report_configuration ( id serial constraint "report_configuration_pk" primary key, name varchar(300), type integer, structure integer[], start_time timestamp with time zone, end_time timestamp with time zone, reportPic text[] ); comment on column is '报表名字'; comment on column report_configuration.type is '1 周报,2月报'; comment on column report_configuration.structure is '结构物id'; comment on column report_configuration.start_time is '生成时间起'; comment on column report_configuration.end_time is '生成时间止'; comment on column report_configuration.reportpic is '上传的图片地址'; alter table report_configuration alter column name set not null; alter table report_configuration alter column type set not null; alter table report_configuration alter column structure set not null; alter table report_configuration alter column start_time set not null; alter table report_configuration alter column end_time set not null; alter table report_configuration alter column reportpic set not null; alter table report_configuration add system integer; comment on column public.report_configuration.system is '系统,/1.动力系统,2.网络系统/';