'use strict' ;
const moment = require ( 'moment' )
async function inspection ( ctx ) {
// 巡查
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { projectAppId , screenshot = [ ] , } = ctx . request . body
const now = moment ( ) . format ( )
const storageData = screenshot . map ( s => {
return {
projectAppId ,
screenshot : s . url ,
createTime : now ,
description : s . description ,
} )
await models . AppInspection . bulkCreate ( storageData )
ctx . status = 204 ;
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function inspectionList ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { timeStart , timeEnd , projectId , appId , noted } = ctx . query
let findOption = {
where : {
} ,
order : [ [ 'id' , 'DESC' ] ] ,
include : [ {
model : models . App ,
required : true ,
where : appId ? {
id : appId
} : undefined ,
include : {
model : models . ProjectCorrelation ,
required : true ,
where : Object . assign ( { } ,
del : false
} ,
projectId ?
id : projectId
} :
{ }
) ,
attributes : {
exclude : [ 'anxinProjectId' , 'createTime' , 'createUser' ]
} ]
if ( timeStart && timeEnd ) {
findOption . where . createTime = { $between : [ moment ( timeStart ) . format ( ) , moment ( timeEnd ) . format ( ) ] }
if ( noted ) {
if ( noted == 'noted' ) {
findOption . where . notedTime = { $ne : null }
} else if ( noted == 'unnote' ) {
findOption . where . notedTime = null
const inspectionRes = await models . AppInspection . findAll ( findOption )
let notedUserIds = new Set ( )
for ( let ins of inspectionRes ) {
if ( ins . notedPepUserId ) {
notedUserIds . add ( ins . notedPepUserId )
let userPepRes = notedUserIds . size ?
await clickHouse . pepEmis . query ( ` SELECT DISTINCT user.id AS id, "user"."name" AS name FROM user WHERE user.id IN ( ${ [ ... notedUserIds ] . join ( ',' ) } ) ` ) . toPromise ( ) :
[ ]
for ( let ins of inspectionRes ) {
if ( ins . notedPepUserId ) {
const corUser = userPepRes . find ( up => up . id == ins . notedPepUserId )
ins . dataValues . notedPepUser = corUser ? corUser . name : ''
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = inspectionRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function notedInspection ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { inspectionId } = ctx . request . body
const { userId , pepUserId } = ctx . fs . api
await models . AppInspection . update ( {
notedPepUserId : pepUserId ,
notedTime : moment ( ) . format ( )
} , {
where : {
id : inspectionId
} )
ctx . status = 204 ;
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function apiError ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { projectAppId , alarmContent , router , statusCode , screenshot = '' } = ctx . request . body
const now = moment ( ) . format ( )
let storageData = {
projectAppId , alarmContent , router , statusCode
const existRes = await models . AppAlarm . findOne ( {
where : {
projectAppId , alarmContent , router , statusCode ,
confirm : null
} )
if ( existRes ) {
await models . AppAlarm . update ( {
updateTime : now
} , {
where : {
id : existRes . id
} )
} else {
const existCount = await models . AppAlarm . count ( {
where : {
} )
storageData . serialNumber = 'WEB' + ( existCount < 9 ? '0' + ( existCount + 1 ) : existCount )
storageData . createTime = now
storageData . screenshot = screenshot
await models . AppAlarm . create ( storageData )
ctx . status = 200 ;
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function apiErrorList ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { keyword , errType , confirmState , sustainTimeStart , sustainTimeEnd , limit , page } = ctx . query
const pepProjectSql = `
t_pim_project . id AS id ,
t_pim_project . project_name AS project_name ,
t_pim_project_construction . construction_status_id AS construction_status_id ,
t_pim_project_state . construction_status AS construction_status
FROM t_pim_project
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_construction
ON t_pim_project . id = t_pim_project_construction . project_id
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_state
ON t_pim_project_construction . construction_status_id = t_pim_project_state . id
let findOption = {
where : {
$or : [ ]
} ,
include : [ {
model : models . App ,
where : {
} ,
attributes : {
exclude : [ 'projectId' ]
} ,
include : [ {
model : models . ProjectCorrelation ,
where : {
} ,
attributes : {
exclude : [ 'createTime' , 'createUser' , 'anxinProjectId' , ]
} ,
} ]
} ]
let projectRes = [ ]
if ( keyword ) {
projectRes = await clickHouse . projectManage . query ( `
$ { pepProjectSql }
WHERE project_name LIKE '%${keyword}%' `
) . toPromise ( )
if ( projectRes . length ) {
findOption . where . $or . push (
'$app->projectCorrelations.pep_project_id$' : {
$in : projectRes . map ( p => p . id )
} ,
'$app.name$' : { $like : ` % ${ keyword } % ` }
if ( errType ) {
if ( errType == 'element' ) {
findOption . where . screenshot = { $ne : null }
} else if ( errType == 'timeout' ) {
} else if ( errType == 'apiError' ) {
findOption . where . screenshot = null
if ( confirmState ) {
if ( confirmState == 'confirmd' ) {
findOption . where . confirmTime = { $ne : null }
} else if ( confirmState == 'unconfirmed' ) {
findOption . where . confirmTime = null
if ( sustainTimeStart && sustainTimeEnd ) {
findOption . where . $or = findOption . where . $or . concat ( [
createTime : { $between : [ moment ( sustainTimeStart ) . format ( ) , moment ( sustainTimeEnd ) . format ( ) ] } ,
} ,
updateTime : { $between : [ moment ( sustainTimeStart ) . format ( ) , moment ( sustainTimeEnd ) . format ( ) ] }
} ,
createTime : { $lte : moment ( sustainTimeStart ) . format ( ) } ,
updateTime : { $gte : moment ( sustainTimeEnd ) . format ( ) } ,
] )
if ( limit ) {
findOption . limit = limit
if ( page && limit ) {
findOption . offset = page * limit
if ( ! findOption . where . $or . length ) {
delete findOption . where . $or
const listRes = await models . AppAlarm . findAndCountAll ( findOption )
if ( ! keyword ) {
// 没有关键字筛选 查询关联的项目信息
let pepProjectIds = new Set ( )
for ( let lr of listRes . rows ) {
if ( lr . app && lr . app . projectCorrelations ) {
for ( let p of lr . app . projectCorrelations ) {
if ( p . pepProjectId ) {
pepProjectIds . add ( p . pepProjectId )
if ( pepProjectIds . size ) {
projectRes = await clickHouse . projectManage . query ( `
$ { pepProjectSql }
WHERE id IN ( $ { [ ... pepProjectIds ] . join ( ',' ) } ) `
) . toPromise ( )
for ( let lr of listRes . rows ) {
if ( lr . app && lr . app . projectCorrelations ) {
for ( let p of lr . app . projectCorrelations ) {
let corPepProject = projectRes . find ( pr => pr . id == p . pepProjectId )
if ( corPepProject ) {
p . dataValues . pepProject = corPepProject
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = listRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function confirmApiError ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { confirm , appAlarmId = [ ] } = ctx . request . body
await models . AppAlarm . update ( {
confirm ,
confirmTime : moment ( ) . format ( )
} , {
where : {
id : { $in : appAlarmId }
} )
ctx . status = 204 ;
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
module . exports = {
inspection ,
inspectionList ,
notedInspection ,
apiError ,
apiErrorList ,
confirmApiError ,
} ;