'use strict' ;
async function appList ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const appRes = await models . App . findAll ( {
} )
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = appRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function pomsProject ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { userId , pepUserId , userInfo , pepUserInfo } = ctx . fs . api
const { limit , page , global , pepId } = ctx . query
let findOption = {
where : {
del : false
} ,
order : [ [ 'updateTime' , 'desc' ] ] ,
distinct : true ,
include : {
model : models . App ,
if ( global && ! userInfo . role . includes ( 'SuperAdmin' ) && ! userInfo . role . includes ( 'admin' ) ) {
findOption . where . id = { $in : userInfo . correlationProject }
if ( pepId ) {
findOption . where . id = pepId
if ( limit ) {
findOption . limit = limit
if ( page && limit ) {
findOption . offset = page * limit
const proRes = await models . ProjectCorrelation . findAndCountAll ( findOption )
let pepProjectIds = new Set ( )
let anxinProjectIds = new Set ( )
let createUsers = new Set ( )
for ( let p of proRes . rows ) {
if ( p . pepProjectId ) {
pepProjectIds . add ( p . pepProjectId )
if ( p . createUser ) {
createUsers . add ( p . createUser )
for ( let ap of p . anxinProjectId ) {
if ( ap ) {
anxinProjectIds . add ( ap )
const pomsUser = await models . User . findAll ( {
where : {
id : { $in : [ ... createUsers ] }
} )
let pepUserIds = new Set ( )
for ( let p of pomsUser ) {
if ( p . pepUserId ) {
pepUserIds . add ( p . pepUserId )
const pepcaUser = pepUserIds . size ?
await clickHouse . pepEmis . query (
WHERE id IN ( $ { [ ... pepUserIds ] . join ( ',' ) } , - 1 )
) . toPromise ( ) :
[ ]
const pepProjectRes = pepProjectIds . size ?
await clickHouse . projectManage . query (
t_pim_project . id AS id ,
t_pim_project . project_name AS project_name ,
t_pim_project . isdelete AS isdelete ,
t_pim_project_construction . construction_status_id AS construction_status_id ,
t_pim_project_state . construction_status AS construction_status
FROM t_pim_project
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_construction
ON t_pim_project . id = t_pim_project_construction . project_id
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_state
ON t_pim_project_construction . construction_status_id = t_pim_project_state . id
WHERE id IN ( $ { [ ... pepProjectIds ] . join ( ',' ) } , - 1 )
) . toPromise ( ) :
[ ]
const anxinProjectRes = anxinProjectIds . size ?
await clickHouse . anxinyun . query ( ` SELECT id,"name",project_state AS projectState FROM t_project WHERE id IN ( ${ [ ... anxinProjectIds ] . join ( ',' ) } ,-1) ` ) . toPromise ( ) :
[ ]
for ( let p of proRes . rows ) {
const corPro = pepProjectRes . find ( pp => pp . id == p . pepProjectId ) || { }
const pepUserName = ( pepcaUser . find ( qq => qq . id == ( pomsUser . find ( oo => oo . id == p . createUser ) || { } ) . pepUserId ) || { } ) . name || ''
p . dataValues . pepProjectName = corPro . project_name
p . dataValues . pepProjectIsDelete = corPro . isdelete
p . dataValues . constructionStatusId = corPro . construction_status_id
p . dataValues . constructionStatus = corPro . construction_status
let nextAnxinProject = anxinProjectRes . filter ( ap => p . anxinProjectId . includes ( ap . id ) )
p . dataValues . anxinProject = nextAnxinProject
p . dataValues . pepUserName = pepUserName
delete p . dataValues . anxinProjectId
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = proRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function projectAnxincloud ( ctx ) {
try {
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { includeDelete } = ctx . query
const projectRes = await clickHouse . anxinyun . query ( ` SELECT * FROM t_project WHERE project_state = 4 ${ includeDelete == 1 ? 'OR project_state = -1' : '' } ORDER BY id DESC ` ) . toPromise ( )
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = projectRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function projectPManage ( ctx ) {
try {
const models = ctx . fs . dc . models ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { includeDelete } = ctx . query
const projectRes = await clickHouse . projectManage . query ( ` SELECT id, project_name, isdelete FROM t_pim_project WHERE isdelete=0 ${ includeDelete == 1 ? 'OR isdelete=1' : '' } ORDER BY id DESC ` ) . toPromise ( )
const bindedPRes = await models . ProjectCorrelation . findAll ( {
where : {
pepProjectId : { $ne : null } ,
del : false
} )
for ( let p of projectRes ) {
if ( bindedPRes . some ( bp => bp . pepProjectId == p . id ) ) {
p . binded = true
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = projectRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: ${ error } ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function pepProjectConstrictionState ( ctx ) {
try {
const { models } = ctx . fs . dc ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const cRes = await clickHouse . projectManage . query ( `
SELECT * FROM t_pim_project_state ORDER BY id
` ).toPromise()
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = cRes
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: error ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function strucWithPomsProject ( ctx ) {
try {
const { models } = ctx . fs . dc ;
const { clickHouse } = ctx . app . fs
const { pomsProjectId } = ctx . query
const bindRes = await models . ProjectCorrelation . findAll ( {
where : {
id : { $in : pomsProjectId . split ( ',' ) }
} )
let anxinProjectIds = new Set ( )
for ( let b of bindRes ) {
if ( b . anxinProjectId . length ) {
for ( let aid of b . anxinProjectId ) {
anxinProjectIds . add ( aid )
let undelStruc = [ ]
if ( bindRes ) {
const undelStrucRes = anxinProjectIds . size ?
await clickHouse . anxinyun . query (
t_structure . id AS strucId ,
t_structure . name AS strucName ,
t_factor . id AS factorId ,
t_factor . name AS factorName
ON t_project_structure . project = t_project . id
ON t_project_structuregroup . project = t_project . id
ON t_structuregroup_structure . structuregroup = t_project_structuregroup . structuregroup
ON t_project_construction . project = t_project . id
ON t_structure_site . siteid = t_project_construction . construction
ON t_structure . id = t_project_structure . structure
OR t_structure . id = t_structuregroup_structure . structure
OR t_structure . id = t_structure_site . structid
LEFT JOIN t_structure_factor
ON t_structure_factor . structure = t_structure . id
LEFT JOIN t_factor
ON t_structure_factor . factor = t_factor . id
project_state != - 1
t_project . id IN ( $ { [ ... anxinProjectIds ] . join ( ',' ) } , - 1 )
ORDER BY strucId
) . toPromise ( ) :
[ ]
for ( let s of undelStrucRes ) {
let corStrut = undelStruc . find ( us => us . id == s . strucId )
if ( ! corStrut ) {
let nextFacor = [ ]
if ( s . factorId ) {
nextFacor . push ( {
id : s . factorId ,
name : s . factorName
} )
undelStruc . push ( {
id : s . strucId ,
name : s . strucName ,
factor : nextFacor
} )
} else {
if ( s . factorId ) {
corStrut . factor . push ( {
id : s . factorId ,
name : s . factorName
} )
ctx . status = 200 ;
ctx . body = undelStruc
} catch ( error ) {
ctx . fs . logger . error ( ` path: ${ ctx . path } , error: error ` ) ;
ctx . status = 400 ;
ctx . body = {
message : typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
module . exports = {
appList ,
projectAnxincloud ,
projectPManage ,
pomsProject ,
pepProjectConstrictionState ,
strucWithPomsProject ,
} ;