You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
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3 years ago
'use strict';
const moment = require('moment')
3 years ago
module.exports = async function factory (app, opts) {
app.socket.on('connection', async (socket) => {
console.info('WEB_SOCKET token:' + socket.handshake.query.token + ' 已连接:id ' + socket.id + ' 时间:' + moment(socket.handshake.time).format());
3 years ago
socket.on('disconnecting', async (reason) => {
const connectSeconds = moment().diff(moment(socket.handshake.time), 'seconds')
console.info('WEB_SOCKET token:' + socket.handshake.query.token + ' 已断开连接:' + reason + ' 连接时长:' + connectSeconds + 's');
const { models } = app.fs.dc
await models.User.increment({
onlineDuration: connectSeconds
}, {
where: {
id: socket.handshake.query.pomsUserId
3 years ago
// 使用测试 保持链接
// setInterval(async () => {
// const { connected } = app.socket.sockets
// const roomId = 'ROOM_' + Math.random()
// // if (connected) {
// // for (let c in connected) {
// // connected[c].join(roomId)
// // }
// // app.socket.to(roomId).emit('TEST', { someProperty: `【星域 ROOM:${roomId}】呼叫自然选择号!!!`, })
// // }
// app.socket.emit('TEST', { someProperty: '【广播】呼叫青铜时代号!!!', })
// }, 3000)
3 years ago