2 years ago
8 changed files with 419 additions and 80 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import { ApiTable, basicAction } from '$utils' |
export function getContinuityType () { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'get', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
url: `${ApiTable.getDataContinuityType}`, |
msg: { error: '获取数据类型失败' }, |
reducer: { name: 'dataContinuityType' } |
}); |
} |
export function getContinuityList (query) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'get', |
query: query, |
dispatch: dispatch, |
actionType: 'GET_DATA_CONTINUITY', |
url: `${ApiTable.getDataContinuity}`, |
msg: { error: '获取数据列表失败' }, |
reducer: { name: 'dataContinuity' } |
}); |
} |
export function getContinuityDetail (continuityId) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'get', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
url: `${ApiTable.getDataContinuityDetail.replace('{continuityId}', continuityId)}`, |
msg: { error: '获取数据详情失败' }, |
}); |
} |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import * as console from './console' |
import * as dataQuery from './dataQuery' |
export default { |
...console |
...dataQuery |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import SimpleBar from 'simplebar-react'; |
import { SkeletonScreen, } from "$components"; |
import { IconSearch } from '@douyinfe/semi-icons'; |
import { Form, Button, Skeleton, Table, Pagination, SideSheet } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui'; |
import '../style.less' |
function DataQueryCkeck (props) { |
const { clientWidth, visible, onCancel, checkData, actions, dispatch } = props |
const { data: sectionData } = actions |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); |
const [htmlCode, setHtmlCode] = useState(''); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (checkData.id) { |
setLoading(true) |
setHtmlCode('') |
dispatch(sectionData.getContinuityDetail(checkData.id)).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
setHtmlCode(res.payload?.data?.file || '') |
} |
setLoading(false) |
}) |
} |
}, [checkData]) |
return ( |
<SideSheet |
title={`${checkData?.alarmDataContinuityType?.name} ${moment(checkData.createTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}`} |
visible={visible} |
onCancel={() => { |
onCancel() |
setHtmlCode('') |
}} |
width={clientWidth - 200} |
> |
<SimpleBar style={{ height: 'calc(100vh - 82px)', }} forceVisible="y" > |
<Skeleton |
loading={loading} |
active={true} |
placeholder={SkeletonScreen()} |
> |
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: htmlCode }} /> |
</Skeleton> |
</SimpleBar> |
</SideSheet> |
) |
} |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
const { auth, global } = state; |
return { |
user: auth.user, |
actions: global.actions, |
clientWidth: global.clientWidth, |
}; |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(DataQueryCkeck); |
@ -1,49 +1,197 @@ |
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; |
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import { Spin, Card } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import { exportWord } from 'mhtml-to-word' |
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; |
import { SkeletonScreen, } from "$components"; |
import { IconSearch } from '@douyinfe/semi-icons'; |
import DataQueryCkeck from '../components/dataQueryCheck' |
import { Form, Button, Skeleton, Table, Pagination, Space } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui'; |
import '../style.less' |
const { Meta } = Card; |
const Console = (props) => { |
const { dispatch, actions, user, loading, socket } = props |
useEffect(() => { |
// ACTION 示例 |
// dispatch(actions.example.getMembers(user.orgId)) |
}, []) |
// websocket 使用测试 |
// useEffect(() => { |
// console.log(socket) |
// if (socket) { |
// socket.on('TEST', function (msg) { |
// console.info(msg); |
// }); |
// return () => { |
// socket.off("TEST"); |
// } |
// } |
// }, [socket]) |
return ( |
<> |
<div> |
<img src="/assets/images/install/watting.png" alt="" style={{ width: 'calc(100% + 16px)', position: "relative",top: -12, left: -8, }} /> |
const { dispatch, actions, user, dataContinuityType, dataContinuity } = props |
const { data: sectionData } = actions |
const [query, setQuery] = useState({ limit: 10, page: 0 }); //页码信息 |
const [limits, setLimits] = useState(0)//每页实际条数 |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); |
const [params, setParams] = useState({}) |
const [checkVis, setCheckVis] = useState(false) |
const [checkData, setCheckData] = useState({}) |
useEffect(() => { |
dispatch(sectionData.getContinuityType()) |
getData() |
}, []) |
const getData = (queryParams = {}) => { |
setLoading(true); |
dispatch(sectionData.getContinuityList({ ...params, ...query, ...queryParams, })).then(res => [ |
setLoading(false) |
]) |
} |
const downloadWord = (html = '', name = '数据查询 ' + moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')) => { |
exportWord({ |
mhtml: html, |
filename: name, |
}) |
// let blob = new Blob([html], { type: "application/msword;charset=utf-8" }); |
// saveAs(blob, name + '.doc'); |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<div style={{ background: '#FFFFFF', margin: '8px 12px', padding: '20px 20px 0px 20px' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}> |
<div style={{ width: 0, height: 20, borderLeft: '3px solid #005ABD', borderTop: '3px solid transparent', borderBottom: '3px solid transparent' }}></div> |
<div style={{ fontFamily: "YouSheBiaoTiHei", fontSize: 24, color: '#101531', marginLeft: 8 }}>数据查询</div> |
<div style={{ marginLeft: 6, fontSize: 12, color: '#969799', fontFamily: "DINExp", }}>DATA QUERY</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ marginRight: 20, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }} className='myempush'> |
<Form |
layout="horizontal" |
style={{ position: "relative", width: "100%", flex: 1 }} |
onSubmit={(values) => { |
console.log(values); |
if (values?.createTimes?.length) { |
values.createTimes = [moment(values?.createTimes[0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), moment(values?.createTimes[1]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')] |
} |
setParams({ ...values }) |
getData({ createTimes: '', typeNo: '', ...values }) |
}} |
> |
<Form.DatePicker |
pure |
field="createTimes" |
label="产生时间" |
style={{ width: 268 }} |
type="dateRange" density="compact" |
/> |
<Form.Select |
pure |
label="数据查询类型" |
field="typeNo" |
placeholder="数据查询类型" |
style={{ width: 260, marginLeft: 12, marginRight: 12 }} |
showClear |
> |
{ |
dataContinuityType.map((item, index) => { |
return ( |
<Form.Select.Option key={index} value={item.id}> |
{item.name} |
</Form.Select.Option> |
) |
}) |
} |
</Form.Select> |
<Button theme='solid' type="primary" htmlType="submit"> |
查询 |
</Button> |
</Form> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}> |
<Skeleton |
loading={loading} |
// loading={false} |
active={true} |
placeholder={SkeletonScreen()} |
> |
<Table |
rowKey="id" |
columns={[{ |
title: '数据类型', |
dataIndex: 'typeName', |
render: (text, record, index) => { |
console.log(record); |
return record?.alarmDataContinuityType?.name || '' |
} |
}, { |
title: '产生时间', |
dataIndex: 'createTime', |
render: (text, record, index) => { |
return record?.createTime ? moment(record.createTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : '' |
} |
}, { |
title: '操作', |
dataIndex: 'option', |
render: (text, record, index) => { |
return ( |
<Space> |
<Button theme='borderless' type="primary" onClick={() => { |
dispatch(sectionData.getContinuityDetail(record.id)).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
downloadWord(res.payload?.data?.file || '', record?.alarmDataContinuityType?.name + moment(record.createTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')) |
} |
setLoading(false) |
}) |
}}> |
下载 |
</Button> |
<Button theme='borderless' type="primary" onClick={() => { |
setCheckData(record); |
setCheckVis(true); |
}}> |
查看 |
</Button> |
</Space> |
) |
} |
}]} |
dataSource={dataContinuity?.rows} |
bordered={false} |
hideExpandedColumn={false} |
empty="暂无数据" |
pagination={false} |
/> |
</Skeleton> |
<div |
style={{ |
display: "flex", |
justifyContent: "flex-end", |
padding: "20px 20px", |
}} |
> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', }}> |
<span style={{ lineHeight: "30px", fontSize: 13, color: 'rgba(0,90,189,0.8)' }}> |
共{dataContinuity?.count}条数据 |
</span> |
<Pagination |
total={dataContinuity?.count} |
showSizeChanger |
currentPage={query.page + 1} |
pageSizeOpts={[10, 20, 30, 40]} |
onChange={(currentPage, pageSize) => { |
setQuery({ limit: pageSize, page: currentPage - 1 }); |
getData({ limit: pageSize, page: currentPage - 1 }) |
}} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</> |
) |
<DataQueryCkeck visible={checkVis} onCancel={() => { |
setCheckVis(false); |
setCheckData({}) |
}} checkData={checkData} /> |
</div> |
</> |
) |
} |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
const { auth, global, members, webSocket } = state; |
return { |
// loading: members.isRequesting, |
// user: auth.user, |
// actions: global.actions, |
// members: members.data, |
// socket: webSocket.socket |
}; |
const { auth, global, dataContinuityType, dataContinuity } = state; |
return { |
user: auth.user, |
actions: global.actions, |
dataContinuityType: dataContinuityType.data || [], |
dataContinuity: dataContinuity.data || [] |
}; |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Console); |
@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ |
import { DataQuery, DataComparison, DataAssociation,Notebook } from './containers'; |
import { DataQuery, DataComparison, DataAssociation, Notebook } from './containers'; |
export default [{ |
type: 'inner', |
route: { |
path: '/data', |
key: 'data', |
breadcrumb: '数据', |
// 不设置 component 则面包屑禁止跳转
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataMonitoring', |
key: 'dataMonitoring', |
breadcrumb: '数据监控', |
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataQuery', |
key: 'dataQuery', |
component: DataQuery, |
breadcrumb: '数据查询', |
}] |
}, { |
path: '/dataAnalysis', |
key: 'dataAnalysis', |
breadcrumb: '数据分析', |
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataComparison', |
key: 'dataComparison', |
component: DataComparison, |
breadcrumb: '数据对比', |
},{ |
path: '/dataAssociation', |
key: 'dataAssociation', |
component: DataAssociation, |
breadcrumb: '数据关联', |
},{ |
path: '/notebook', |
key: 'notebook', |
component: Notebook, |
breadcrumb: 'notebook', |
}] |
}] |
} |
type: 'inner', |
route: { |
path: '/data', |
key: 'data', |
breadcrumb: '数据', |
// 不设置 component 则面包屑禁止跳转
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataMonitoring', |
key: 'dataMonitoring', |
breadcrumb: '数据监控', |
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataQuery', |
key: 'dataQuery', |
component: DataQuery, |
breadcrumb: '数据查询', |
}] |
}, { |
path: '/dataAnalysis', |
key: 'dataAnalysis', |
breadcrumb: '数据分析', |
childRoutes: [{ |
path: '/dataComparison', |
key: 'dataComparison', |
component: DataComparison, |
breadcrumb: '数据对比', |
}, { |
path: '/dataAssociation', |
key: 'dataAssociation', |
component: DataAssociation, |
breadcrumb: '数据关联', |
}, { |
path: '/notebook', |
key: 'notebook', |
component: Notebook, |
breadcrumb: 'notebook', |
}] |
}] |
} |
}]; |
Reference in new issue