diff --git a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/app.js b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/app.js
index 5959423..6010b7a 100644
--- a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/app.js
+++ b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/app.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
+const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment')
const { alarmConfirmLog } = require('./alarmConfirmLog');
async function inspection (ctx) {
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ async function apiErrorList (ctx) {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs
const { utils: { anxinStrucIdRange, pomsProjectRange } } = ctx.app.fs
- const { keyword, errType, confirmState, state, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, pepProjectId } = ctx.query
+ const { keyword, errType, confirmState, state, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, pepProjectId, toExport } = ctx.query
let pomsProject = await pomsProjectRange({
ctx, pepProjectId,
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ async function apiErrorList (ctx) {
const pomsProjectIds = pomsProject.map(p => p.id)
let findOption = {
+ distinct: true,
where: {
$or: []
@@ -332,11 +333,13 @@ async function apiErrorList (ctx) {
- if (limit) {
- findOption.limit = limit
- }
- if (page && limit) {
- findOption.offset = page * limit
+ if (!toExport) {//非导出时考虑分页
+ if (limit) {
+ findOption.limit = limit
+ }
+ if (page && limit) {
+ findOption.offset = page * limit
+ }
if (!findOption.where.$or.length) {
delete findOption.where.$or
@@ -353,9 +356,59 @@ async function apiErrorList (ctx) {
+ if (toExport) {//数据导出相关
+ await exportAppAlarms(ctx, listRes);
+ } else {
+ ctx.status = 200;
+ ctx.body = listRes
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
+ ctx.status = 400;
+ ctx.body = {
+ message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
+ }
+ }
+async function exportAppAlarms(ctx, listRes) {
+ let typeData = { element: "元素异常", apiError: "接口报错 ", timeout: "加载超时" }
+ try {
+ const { utils: { simpleExcelDown, getExportAlarmHeader } } = ctx.app.fs;
+ let header = await getExportAlarmHeader(ctx, 'app');
+ let exportData = []
+ for (let { dataValues: item } of listRes.rows) {
+ let projectName = [];
+ for (let project of item.app.projectCorrelations) {
+ if (project.dataValues.name) {
+ projectName.push(project.dataValues.name)
+ } else {
+ projectName.push(project.dataValues.pepProject.projectName)
+ }
+ }
+ item.projectName = projectName.join('\r\n');//项目名称
+ item.appName = item.app.dataValues.name;
+ item.url = item.app.dataValues.url;
+ item.type = item.type ? typeData[item.type] : '无';//异常类型
+ let time = moment(item.confirmTime || item.updateTime || moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")).diff(moment(item.createTime), 'seconds')
+ item.sustainTime = time < 60 ? '< 1分钟' : time > 3600 ? Math.floor(time / 3600) + '小时' + Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟' : Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟';
+ item.alarmContent = item.alarmContent || '无';
+ item.updateTime = item.updateTime || '无';
+ item.confirm = item.confirm || '无';
+ item.confirmTime = item.confirmTime || '无';
+ exportData.push(item)
+ }
+ const fileName = `应用异常列表_${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}` + '.csv'
+ const filePath = await simpleExcelDown({ data: exportData, header, fileName: fileName })
+ const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
ctx.status = 200;
- ctx.body = listRes
+ ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-xls');
+ ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURI(fileName));
+ ctx.body = fileData;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
diff --git a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/data.js b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/data.js
index a2cd793..a34e7d5 100644
--- a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/data.js
+++ b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/data.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
+const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment');
const { alarmConfirmLog } = require('./alarmConfirmLog');
async function groupList (ctx) {
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ async function list (ctx) {
const { utils: { judgeSuper, anxinStrucIdRange } } = ctx.app.fs
const { database: anxinyun } = clickHouse.anxinyun.opts.config
- const { pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword, groupId, groupUnitId, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, state, onlineState } = ctx.query
+ const { pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword, groupId, groupUnitId, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, state, onlineState, toExport } = ctx.query
let anxinStruc = await anxinStrucIdRange({
ctx, pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword
@@ -117,8 +118,8 @@ async function list (ctx) {
ORDER BY alarms.StartTime DESC
- ${limit ? 'LIMIT ' + limit : ''}
- ${limit && page ? 'OFFSET ' + parseInt(limit) * parseInt(page) : ''}
+ ${!toExport && limit ? 'LIMIT ' + limit : ''}
+ ${!toExport && limit && page ? 'OFFSET ' + parseInt(limit) * parseInt(page) : ''}
// TODO lukai 说这里要加也不知道啥时候加
@@ -186,10 +187,15 @@ async function list (ctx) {
// 告警详情的数量
ar.detailCount = (alarmDetailCount.find(adc => adc.AlarmId == ar.AlarmId) || { count: 0 }).count
- ctx.status = 200;
- ctx.body = {
- count: countAlarm[0].count,
- rows: alarmRes
+ if (toExport) {
+ await exportDataAlarms(ctx, alarmRes, groupId);
+ } else {
+ ctx.status = 200;
+ ctx.body = {
+ count: countAlarm[0].count,
+ rows: alarmRes
+ }
} else {
ctx.body = {
@@ -207,7 +213,92 @@ async function list (ctx) {
-async function detail (ctx) {
+async function getAlarmGroups(ctx) {
+ try {
+ const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs
+ const groupRes = await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(`
+ SELECT * FROM t_alarm_group
+ for (let g of groupRes) {
+ g.unit = await await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(`
+ SELECT * FROM t_alarm_group_unit WHERE group_id = ${g.id}
+ `).toPromise();
+ }
+ return groupRes
+ } catch (error) {
+ ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
+ ctx.status = 400;
+ ctx.body = {
+ message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
+ }
+ }
+async function exportDataAlarms(ctx, alarmList, groupId) {
+ try {
+ const { utils: { simpleExcelDown, getExportAlarmHeader } } = ctx.app.fs;
+ let header = await getExportAlarmHeader(ctx, groupId);
+ let alarmGroups = await getAlarmGroups(ctx);
+ let ggroups = []
+ alarmGroups.filter(ag => groupId.split(',').indexOf(ag.id + '') != -1).map(g => {
+ g.unit.map(u => {
+ ggroups.push(u)
+ })
+ })
+ let exportData = []
+ for (let item of alarmList.slice(0, 1000000)) {//最多百万条
+ let projectNames = item.pomsProject.map(p => {
+ return p.name || p.pepProject.projectName
+ })
+ item.projectName = projectNames.join('\r\n') || '无';//项目名称
+ let ycType = ggroups.find(r => r.id == item.AlarmGroupUnit) ? ggroups.find(r => r.id == item.AlarmGroupUnit).name : '无';//异常类型
+ //AlarmGroupUnit中断类型
+ item.AlarmGroupUnit = ycType;
+ //type异常类型
+ item.type = groupId == "4,5" ? item.DeviceStatus == 0 ? "离线" : '' : ycType;
+ //Strategy策略类型
+ item.Strategy = ycType;
+ //State命中状态
+ item.State = item.State == 3 || item.State == 4 ? "历史" : "当前"
+ //station位置信息
+ item.station = item.StructureLongitude && item.StructureLatitude ? item.StructureLongitude + '. ' + item.StructureLatitude : "无";
+ //venderName设备厂家
+ item.venderName = item.platform ? '未知' : item.venderName ? item.venderName : "无";//存疑 参考前端得到
+ let time = moment(item.confirmedTime || item.EndTime || moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")).diff(moment(item.StartTime), 'seconds')
+ item.sustainTime = time < 60 ? '< 1分钟' : time > 3600 ? Math.floor(time / 3600) + '小时' + Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟' : Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟';
+ item.AlarmCodeName = item.AlarmCodeName || '无';
+ item.EndTime = item.EndTime || '无';
+ item.confirmedContent = item.confirmedContent || '无';
+ item.confirmedTime = item.confirmedTime || '无';
+ exportData.push(item)
+ }
+ let ttype = groupId == '1' ? '数据中断' : groupId == '2' ? '数据异常' : groupId == '3' ? '策略命中' : '设备异常';//数据类告警类别
+ const fileName = `数据异常列表_${ttype}_${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}` + '.csv'
+ const filePath = await simpleExcelDown({ data: exportData, header, fileName: fileName })
+ const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
+ ctx.status = 200;
+ ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-xls');
+ ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURI(fileName));
+ ctx.body = fileData;
+ } catch (error) {
+ ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
+ ctx.status = 400;
+ ctx.body = {
+ message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
+ }
+ }
+async function detail(ctx) {
try {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc;
const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs
diff --git a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/video.js b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/video.js
index 3c7a959..95a2f3d 100644
--- a/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/video.js
+++ b/api/app/lib/controllers/alarm/video.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
+const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment')
const { alarmConfirmLog } = require('./alarmConfirmLog');
async function deviceType (ctx) {
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ async function alarmList (ctx) {
const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs
const { utils: { judgeSuper, anxinStrucIdRange } } = ctx.app.fs
const { database: anxinyun } = clickHouse.anxinyun.opts.config
- const { pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword, state, kindId, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, } = ctx.query
+ const { pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword, state, kindId, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, toExport } = ctx.query
let anxinStruc = await anxinStrucIdRange({
ctx, pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword
@@ -137,8 +138,8 @@ async function alarmList (ctx) {
AND ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.serial_no = camera_status_alarm.serial_no
${`WHERE ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.structure IN (${anxinStrucIds.join(',')})`}
- ${limit ? 'LIMIT ' + limit : ''}
- ${limit && page ? 'OFFSET ' + parseInt(limit) * parseInt(page) : ''}
+ ${!toExport && limit ? 'LIMIT ' + limit : ''}
+ ${!toExport && limit && page ? 'OFFSET ' + parseInt(limit) * parseInt(page) : ''}
) AS cameraAlarm
LEFT JOIN camera_status
ON cameraAlarm.platform = camera_status.platform
@@ -254,9 +255,62 @@ async function alarmList (ctx) {
+ if (toExport) {//数据导出相关
+ await exportVideoAlarms(ctx, returnD);
+ } else {
+ ctx.status = 200;
+ ctx.body = returnD
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
+ ctx.status = 400;
+ ctx.body = {
+ message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
+ }
+ }
+async function exportVideoAlarms(ctx, alarmList) {
+ let accessType = { yingshi: "萤石云", nvr: "NVR", ipc: "IPC", cascade: "级联" }
+ try {
+ const { clickHouse, utils: { simpleExcelDown, getExportAlarmHeader } } = ctx.app.fs;
+ const kindRes = await clickHouse.vcmp.query(`
+ SELECT * FROM camera_kind
+ `).toPromise()
+ let header = await getExportAlarmHeader(ctx, 'video');
+ let exportData = []
+ for (let item of alarmList) {
+ let projectNames = item.pomsProject.map(p => {
+ return p.name || p.pepProject.projectName
+ })
+ let structNames = item.struc.map(str => str.name);
+ item.projectName = projectNames.join('\r\n') || '无';//项目名称
+ item.structureName = structNames.join('\r\n');//结构物名称
+ item.stations = item.station.length ? item.station.map(st => st.position).join('\r\n') : '无';//位置信息
+ item.cameraKindId = kindRes.find(k => k.value == item.cameraKindId) ? kindRes.find(k => k.value == item.cameraKindId).name : '其他';//设备类型 ??????????
+ let time = moment(item.confirmTime || item.updateTime || moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")).diff(moment(item.createTime), 'seconds')
+ item.sustainTime = time < 60 ? '< 1分钟' : time > 3600 ? Math.floor(time / 3600) + '小时' + Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟' : Math.floor((time - Math.floor(time / 3600) * 3600) / 60) + '分钟';
+ item.venderName = item.platform ? '未知' : item.venderName;//设备厂家
+ item.point = item.station.length ? item.station.map(st => st.name).join('\r\n') : '无';//测点
+ item.platform = accessType[item.platform] || '无';//接入方式
+ let resolves = item.resolve.map(rs => rs.resolve);
+ item.resolve = resolves.join('\r\n');//解决方案
+ item.updateTime = item.updateTime || '无';
+ item.confirmContent = item.confirmContent || '无';
+ item.confirmTime = item.confirmTime || '无';
+ exportData.push(item)
+ }
+ const fileName = `视频异常列表_${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')}` + '.csv'
+ const filePath = await simpleExcelDown({ data: exportData, header, fileName: fileName })
+ const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
ctx.status = 200;
- ctx.body = returnD
+ ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-xls');
+ ctx.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + encodeURI(fileName));
+ ctx.body = fileData;
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
@@ -265,8 +319,7 @@ async function alarmList (ctx) {
-async function confirm (ctx) {
+async function confirm(ctx) {
try {
const { alarmId, content, confirmPost } = ctx.request.body;
// TODO: 以视频·应用的秘钥进行鉴权
diff --git a/api/app/lib/utils/exportAlarmHeader.js b/api/app/lib/utils/exportAlarmHeader.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f3ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/app/lib/utils/exportAlarmHeader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+'use strict';
+//'projectName', 'StructureName', 'SourceName', 'AlarmGroupUnit', 'AlarmCodeName', 'sustainTime', 'createTime', 'AlarmContent',
+// 'CurrentLevel', 'updateTime', 'detailCount', 'confirm', 'confirmTime'
+let headerZD = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: 'projectName'
+}, {
+ title: "结构物名称",
+ key: 'StructureName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警源",
+ key: 'SourceName'
+}, {
+ title: "中断类型",
+ key: 'AlarmGroupUnit'
+}, {
+ title: "常见原因",
+ key: 'AlarmCodeName'
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: 'sustainTime'
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: 'StartTime'
+}, {
+ title: "告警信息",
+ key: 'AlarmContent'
+}, {
+ title: "告警等级",
+ key: 'CurrentLevel'
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: 'EndTime'
+}, {
+ title: "产生次数",
+ key: 'detailCount'
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: 'confirmedContent'
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: 'confirmedTime'
+//'projectName', 'StructureName', 'SourceName', 'type', 'createTime', 'sustainTime', 'AlarmContent', 'CurrentLevel', 'updateTime', 'detailCount', 'confirm', 'confirmTime
+let headerYC = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: 'projectName'
+}, {
+ title: "结构物名称",
+ key: 'StructureName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警源",
+ key: 'SourceName'
+}, {
+ title: "异常类型",
+ key: 'type'
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: 'StartTime'
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: 'sustainTime'
+}, {
+ title: "告警信息",
+ key: 'AlarmContent'
+}, {
+ title: "告警等级",
+ key: 'CurrentLevel'
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: 'EndTime'
+}, {
+ title: "产生次数",
+ key: 'detailCount'
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: 'confirmedContent'
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: 'confirmedTime'
+//'projectName', 'StructureName', 'SourceName', 'Strategy', 'State', 'createTime', 'sustainTime', 'AlarmContent', 'CurrentLevel', 'updateTime', 'detailCount', 'confirm', 'confirmTime'
+let headerMZ = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: 'projectName'
+}, {
+ title: "结构物名称",
+ key: 'StructureName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警源",
+ key: 'SourceName'
+}, {
+ title: "策略类型",
+ key: 'Strategy'
+}, {
+ title: "命中状态",
+ key: 'State'
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: 'StartTime'
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: 'sustainTime'
+}, {
+ title: "告警信息",
+ key: 'AlarmContent'
+}, {
+ title: "告警等级",
+ key: 'CurrentLevel'
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: 'EndTime'
+}, {
+ title: "产生次数",
+ key: 'detailCount'
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: 'confirmedContent'
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: 'confirmedTime'
+//'projectName', 'StructureName', 'SourceName', 'station', 'sustainTime', 'venderName', 'AlarmContent', 'AlarmCodeName', 'createTime', 'updateTime', 'confirm', 'confirmTime'
+let headerSB = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: 'projectName'
+}, {
+ title: "结构物名称",
+ key: 'StructureName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警源",
+ key: 'SourceName'
+}, {
+ title: "位置信息",
+ key: 'station'
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: 'sustainTime'
+}, {
+ title: "设备厂家",
+ key: 'venderName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警信息",
+ key: 'AlarmContent'
+}, {
+ title: "常见原因",
+ key: 'AlarmCodeName'
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: 'StartTime'
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: 'EndTime'
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: 'confirmedContent'
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: 'confirmedTime'
+let header_video = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: 'projectName'
+}, {
+ title: "结构物名称",
+ key: 'structureName'
+}, {
+ title: "告警源",
+ key: 'cameraName'
+}, {
+ title: "位置信息",
+ key: 'stations'
+}, {
+ title: "设备类型",
+ key: 'cameraKindId'
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: 'sustainTime'
+}, {
+ title: "设备厂家",
+ key: 'venderName'
+}, {
+ title: "测点",
+ key: 'point'
+}, {
+ title: "序列号",
+ key: 'cameraSerialNo'
+}, {
+ title: "通道号",
+ key: 'cameraChannelNo'
+}, {
+ title: "接入方式",
+ key: 'platform'
+}, {
+ title: "告警信息",
+ key: 'statusDescribe'
+}, {
+ title: "解决方案",
+ key: 'resolve'
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: 'createTime'
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: 'updateTime'
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: 'confirmContent'
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: 'confirmTime'
+let header_app = [{
+ title: "项目名称",
+ key: "projectName",
+}, {
+ title: "应用名称",
+ key: "appName",
+}, {
+ title: "URL地址",
+ key: "url",
+}, {
+ title: "异常类型",
+ key: "type",
+}, {
+ title: "异常信息",
+ key: "alarmContent",
+}, {
+ title: "产生时间",
+ key: "createTime",
+}, {
+ title: "持续时间",
+ key: "sustainTime",
+}, {
+ title: "更新时间",
+ key: "updateTime",
+}, {
+ title: "确认信息",
+ key: "confirm",
+}, {
+ title: "确认/恢复时间",
+ key: "confirmTime",
+async function getExportAlarmHeader(ctx, type) {
+ try {
+ let headerMap = {
+ "1": headerZD,//数据中断
+ "2": headerYC,//数据异常
+ "3": headerMZ,//策略命中
+ "4,5": headerSB,//设备异常
+ video: header_video,
+ app: header_app,
+ }
+ return headerMap[type] || []
+ } catch (error) {
+ ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
+ ctx.status = 400;
+ ctx.body = {
+ message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
+ }
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ getExportAlarmHeader
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/client/src/sections/problem/components/tableData.jsx b/web/client/src/sections/problem/components/tableData.jsx
index e49f91c..8c649c6 100644
--- a/web/client/src/sections/problem/components/tableData.jsx
+++ b/web/client/src/sections/problem/components/tableData.jsx
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import qs from "qs";
const TableData = ({ route, dispatch, actions, collectData, setSetup, exhibition, pepProjectId,
- selected, setSelected, setIfBulk, setConfirm, genre, setGenre, query, setQuery, tableData, setTableData, location }) => {
+ selected, setSelected, setIfBulk, setConfirm, genre, setGenre, query, setQuery, tableData, setTableData, location, user }) => {
const { problem } = actions
const [count, setCount] = useState(0) //
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const TableData = ({ route, dispatch, actions, collectData, setSetup, exhibition
const kindName = useRef()
const groupId = useRef()
let title = { dataLnterrupt: "数据中断详情", dataAbnormal: "数据异常详情", strategyHit: "策略命中详情", videoAbnormal: "视频异常详情", useAbnormal: "应用异常详情", deviceAbnormal: "设备异常详情" }
+ const [exportUrl, setExportUrl] = useState('')
useEffect(() => {
switch (route) {
case 'useAbnormal':
@@ -156,7 +156,33 @@ const TableData = ({ route, dispatch, actions, collectData, setSetup, exhibition
}, [])
+ const handleExport = () => {
+ let url = ''
+ let { keywordTarget, keyword = '', errType = '', state = '', kindId = '', groupUnitId = '', confirmState = '', onlineState = '', sustainTimeStart = '', sustainTimeEnd = '' } = search.current
+ switch (route) {
+ case 'useAbnormal':
+ url = `alarm/application/api?token=${user.token}&toExport=1×tamp=${moment().valueOf()}&keyword=${keyword}&errType=${errType}
+ &state=${state}stainTimeStart=${sustainTimeStart}&sustainTimeEnd=${sustainTimeEnd}&pepProjectId=${pepProjectId || ''}`
+ break;
+ case 'videoAbnormal':
+ url = `alarm/video/list?token=${user.token}&toExport=1×tamp=${moment().valueOf()}&keywordTarget=${keywordTarget}
+ &keyword=${keyword}&kindId=${kindId}&state=${state}&sustainTimeStart=${sustainTimeStart}&sustainTimeEnd=${sustainTimeEnd}
+ &pepProjectId=${pepProjectId || ''}`
+ break;
+ default:
+ let groups = {
+ "dataLnterrupt": "1",
+ "dataAbnormal": "2",
+ "strategyHit": "3",
+ "deviceAbnormal": "4,5"
+ }
+ url = `alarm/data/list?token=${user.token}&toExport=1×tamp=${moment().valueOf()}&state=${state}&keywordTarget=${keywordTarget}&keyword=${keyword}&kindId=${kindId}
+ &groupUnitId=${groupUnitId}&errType=${errType}&confirmState=${confirmState}&onlineState=${onlineState}&sustainTimeStart=${sustainTimeStart}
+ &sustainTimeEnd=${sustainTimeEnd}&pepProjectId=${pepProjectId || ''}&groupId=${groups[route]}`
+ break;
+ }
+ setExportUrl(url);
+ }
return (
@@ -243,7 +269,24 @@ const TableData = ({ route, dispatch, actions, collectData, setSetup, exhibition
marginBottom: 16
+ {
+ api.current.validate().then((v) => {
+ search.current = {
+ state: v.state,
+ keywordTarget: v.keywordTarget,
+ keyword: v.keyword,
+ kindId: v.kindId,
+ groupUnitId: v.groupUnitId,
+ errType: v.errType,
+ confirmState: v.confirmState,
+ onlineState: v.onlineState,
+ sustainTimeStart: v.time && v.time.length > 0 ? moment(v.time[0]).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : "",
+ sustainTimeEnd: v.time && v.time.length > 0 ? moment(v.time[1]).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") : "",
+ }
+ handleExport();
+ });
+ }} />
setSetup(true)} />