create table if not exists "user" ( id serial not null, pep_user_id integer not null, role character varying[], correlation_project integer[], last_in_time timestamp with time zone, in_times integer default 0 not null, online_duration integer default 0, last_in_address varchar(256), disabled boolean default false not null, deleted boolean default false not null, update_time timestamp with time zone default now(), constraint user_pk primary key (id) ); comment on column "user".pep_user_id is '项企对应用户id'; comment on column "user".role is '角色 也对应权限 admin 管理员 / all 全部角色 / data_analyst 数据分析 / after_sale 售后运维 / resource_manage 资源管理 / customer_service 客户服务'; comment on column "user".correlation_project is '关联的poms的项目id'; comment on column "user".online_duration is '在线时长 单位 s'; comment on column "user".last_in_address is '上次登录地点'; create unique index if not exists user_id_uindex on "user" (id); create table if not exists project_correlation ( id serial not null, anxin_project_id integer[] not null, pep_project_id integer[] not null, create_time timestamp with time zone not null, create_user integer not null, name varchar(64), constraint project_correlation_pk primary key (id) ); comment on table project_correlation is '安心云项目和项目管理项目关系映射绑定'; comment on column project_correlation.pep_project_id is '项目管理的项目id'; create unique index if not exists project_correlation_id_uindex on project_correlation (id); create table if not exists action_log ( id serial not null, user_id integer, time timestamp with time zone not null, action varchar(256), expand_params jsonb, constraint action_log_pk primary key (id), constraint action_log_user_id_fk foreign key (user_id) references "user" ); comment on table action_log is '动态日志'; comment on column action_log.action is '动态内容'; create unique index if not exists action_log_id_uindex on action_log (id); create table if not exists quick_link ( id serial not null, user_id integer not null, link varchar(256) not null, constraint quick_link_pk primary key (id), constraint quick_link_user_id_fk foreign key (user_id) references "user" ); comment on table quick_link is '对应我的常用工具功能'; create unique index if not exists quick_link_id_uindex on quick_link (id); create table if not exists project_app ( id serial not null, name varchar(32) not null, url varchar(1024) not null, project_id integer not null, constraint project_app_pk primary key (id), constraint project_app_project_correlation_id_fk foreign key (project_id) references project_correlation ); create table if not exists app_alarm ( id serial not null, serial_number varchar(32), project_app_id integer, app_domain varchar(512), alarm_content varchar(1024), create_time timestamp with time zone not null, update_time timestamp with time zone, confirm varchar(1024), router varchar(1024), status_code varchar(8), constraint app_alarm_pk primary key (id), constraint app_alarm_project_app_id_fk foreign key (project_app_id) references project_app ); comment on table app_alarm is '应用异常'; comment on column app_alarm.serial_number is '自定义编号'; comment on column app_alarm.project_app_id is '对应的项目id'; comment on column app_alarm.app_domain is '应用域名'; comment on column app_alarm.alarm_content is '告警信息'; comment on column app_alarm.confirm is '确认信息'; comment on column app_alarm.router is '路由'; comment on column app_alarm.status_code is '状态码'; create unique index if not exists app_alarm_id_uindex on app_alarm (id); create table if not exists app_inspection ( id serial not null, project_app_id integer, create_time timestamp with time zone not null, screenshot character varying[], noted_pep_user_id integer, noted_time timestamp with time zone, constraint app_inspection_pk primary key (id), constraint app_inspection_project_app_id_fk foreign key (project_app_id) references project_app ); comment on table app_inspection is '应用巡检'; comment on column app_inspection.screenshot is '截图存储路径'; comment on column app_inspection.noted_pep_user_id is '核验人员'; create unique index if not exists app_inspection_id_uindex on app_inspection (id); create unique index if not exists project_app_id_uindex on project_app (id); create table if not exists alarm_push_config ( id serial not null, name varchar(32) not null, pep_project_id integer[] not null, alarm_type character varying[], receiver_pep_user_id integer[], time_type character varying[], create_time timestamp with time zone not null, create_user_id integer not null, disable boolean default false not null, constraint alarm_push_config_pk primary key (id) ); comment on table alarm_push_config is '告警推送配置'; comment on column alarm_push_config.alarm_type is '监听的告警类型'; comment on column alarm_push_config.receiver_pep_user_id is '接收人id 项企'; comment on column alarm_push_config.time_type is '通知时效'; create unique index if not exists alarm_push_config_id_uindex on alarm_push_config (id);