'use strict'; async function appList (ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const appRes = await models.ProjectApp.findAll({ attributes: { exclude: ['projectId'] } }) ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = appRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function pomsProject (ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const { userId } = ctx.fs.api const { limit, page } = ctx.query let findOption = { where: { del: false }, include: { model: models.ProjectApp, where: { lock: false }, attributes: { exclude: ['projectId'] } } } if (limit) { findOption.limit = limit } if (page && limit) { findOption.offset = page * limit } const proRes = await models.ProjectCorrelation.findAll(findOption) let pepProjectIds = new Set() let anxinProjectIds = new Set() for (let p of proRes) { pepProjectIds.add(p.pepProjectId) for (let ap of p.anxinProjectId) { anxinProjectIds.add(ap) } } const pepProjectRes = pepProjectIds.size ? await clickHouse.projectManage.query(`SELECT id, project_name FROM t_pim_project WHERE id IN (${[...pepProjectIds].join(',')})`).toPromise() : [] const anxinProjectRes = anxinProjectIds.size ? await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(`SELECT id,"name" FROM t_project WHERE id IN (${[...anxinProjectIds].join(',')})`).toPromise() : [] for (let p of proRes) { const corPro = pepProjectRes.find(pp => pp.id == p.pepProjectId) p.dataValues.pepProjectName = corPro.project_name let nextAnxinProject = anxinProjectRes.filter(ap => p.anxinProjectId.includes(ap.id)) p.dataValues.anxinProject = nextAnxinProject delete p.dataValues.anxinProjectId } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = proRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: error`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function projectAnxincloud (ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const projectRes = await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(`SELECT * FROM t_project WHERE project_state = 4 ORDER BY id DESC`).toPromise() ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = projectRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function projectPManage (ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const projectRes = await clickHouse.projectManage.query(`SELECT id, project_name FROM t_pim_project WHERE isdelete=0 ORDER BY id DESC`).toPromise() ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = projectRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } module.exports = { appList, projectAnxincloud, projectPManage, pomsProject, };