'use strict'; const moment = require('moment') const { alarmConfirmLog } = require('./alarmConfirmLog'); async function inspection(ctx) { // 巡查 try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { projectAppId, screenshot = [], } = ctx.request.body const now = moment().format() const storageData = screenshot.map(s => { return { projectAppId, screenshot: s.url, createTime: now, description: s.description, router: s.router } }) await models.AppInspection.bulkCreate(storageData) ctx.status = 204; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function inspectionList(ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const { utils: { anxinStrucIdRange, pomsProjectRange } } = ctx.app.fs const { pepProjectId, timeStart, timeEnd, projectId, appId, noted } = ctx.query let pomsProjectIds = null if (!projectId && !appId) { let pomsProject = await pomsProjectRange({ ctx, pepProjectId }) pomsProjectIds = pomsProject.map(p => p.id) } let findOption = { where: { }, order: [['id', 'DESC']], include: [{ model: models.App, required: true, where: appId ? { id: appId } : undefined, include: { model: models.ProjectCorrelation, required: true, where: Object.assign({}, { del: false }, projectId ? { id: projectId } : {}, pomsProjectIds ? { id: { $in: pomsProjectIds } } : {} ), attributes: { exclude: ['anxinProjectId', 'createTime', 'createUser'] } } }] } // if (timeStart && timeEnd) { // findOption.where.createTime = { $between: [moment(timeStart).format(), moment(timeEnd).format()] } // } if (noted) { if (noted == 'noted') { findOption.where.notedTime = { $ne: null } } else if (noted == 'unnote') { findOption.where.notedTime = null } } const inspectionRes = await models.AppInspection.findAll(findOption) let notedUserIds = new Set() for (let ins of inspectionRes) { if (ins.notedPepUserId) { notedUserIds.add(ins.notedPepUserId) } } let userPepRes = notedUserIds.size ? await clickHouse.pepEmis.query(`SELECT DISTINCT user.id AS id, "user"."name" AS name FROM user WHERE user.id IN (${[...notedUserIds].join(',')})`).toPromise() : [] for (let ins of inspectionRes) { if (ins.notedPepUserId) { const corUser = userPepRes.find(up => up.id == ins.notedPepUserId) ins.dataValues.notedPepUser = corUser ? corUser.name : '' } } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = inspectionRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function notedInspection(ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { inspectionId } = ctx.request.body const { userId, pepUserId } = ctx.fs.api await models.AppInspection.update({ notedPepUserId: pepUserId, notedTime: moment().format() }, { where: { id: inspectionId } }) ctx.status = 204; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function apiError(ctx) { try { const { utils: { sendAppearToWeb } } = ctx.app.fs const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { projectAppId, alarmContent, router, statusCode, screenshot = '', type } = ctx.request.body const now = moment().format() if (!type) { throw '请标明告警类型 type' } const isRestore = statusCode == 200 || statusCode == 204 if (isRestore) { const existRes = await models.AppAlarm.findAll({ where: { projectAppId, router, alarmContent, confirmTime: null, type } }) if (existRes.length) { await models.AppAlarm.update({ updateTime: now, confirmTime: now, confirmAuto: true, }, { where: { id: { $in: existRes.map(e => e.id) } } }) } } else { let storageData = { projectAppId, alarmContent, router, statusCode, type } const existRes = await models.AppAlarm.findOne({ where: { projectAppId, alarmContent, router, statusCode, confirmTime: null, type, } }) if (existRes) { await models.AppAlarm.update({ updateTime: now }, { where: { id: existRes.id } }) } else { const existCount = await models.AppAlarm.count({ where: { } }) storageData.serialNumber = 'WEB' + (existCount < 9 ? '0' + (existCount + 1) : existCount) storageData.createTime = now storageData.screenshot = screenshot await models.AppAlarm.create(storageData) //存告警记录 let constTypes = { 'element': "元素异常", 'apiError': "接口报错 ", 'timeout': "加载超时" } let belongsTo = await models.ProjectApp.findOne({ where: { id: projectAppId }, include: [{ model: models.ProjectCorrelation, attributes: ['id'], where: { del: false } }] }) if (belongsTo) { let appName = await models.App.findOne({ where: { id: belongsTo.appId }, attributes: ['name'], }) let pId = belongsTo.projectCorrelation.dataValues.id;//归属项目 let data = { projectCorrelationId: pId, alarmInfo: { messageMode: 'AlarmGeneration', sourceName: appName.name, content: alarmContent, type: constTypes[type] },//AlarmGeneration代表告警首次产生 time: now, type: '应用异常' } let r = await models.AlarmAppearRecord.create(data, { returning: true }); let dynamic = { time: r.dataValues.time, alarmAppearId: r.dataValues.id, projectCorrelationId: r.dataValues.projectCorrelationId, type: 1//发现 } await models.LatestDynamicList.create(dynamic); //消息推送到前端 await sendAppearToWeb([data], 'app'); } } } ctx.status = 200; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function apiErrorList(ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const { utils: { anxinStrucIdRange, pomsProjectRange } } = ctx.app.fs const { keyword, errType, confirmState, sustainTimeStart, sustainTimeEnd, limit, page, pepProjectId } = ctx.query let pomsProject = await pomsProjectRange({ ctx, pepProjectId, keywordTarget: 'pepProject', keyword, }) const pomsProjectIds = pomsProject.map(p => p.id) let findOption = { where: { $or: [] }, include: [{ model: models.App, where: { }, attributes: { exclude: ['projectId'] }, include: [{ model: models.ProjectCorrelation, where: { }, attributes: { exclude: ['createTime', 'createUser', 'anxinProjectId',] }, }] }] } if (keyword) { findOption.where.$or.push( { '$app->projectCorrelations.id$': { $in: pomsProjectIds }, } ) findOption.where.$or.push( { '$app.name$': { $like: `%${keyword}%` } } ) } else { findOption.where['$app->projectCorrelations.id$'] = { $in: pomsProjectIds } } if (errType) { findOption.where.type = errType // element / apiError } if (confirmState) { if (confirmState == 'confirmd') { findOption.where.confirmTime = { $ne: null } } else if (confirmState == 'unconfirmed') { findOption.where.confirmTime = null } } if (sustainTimeStart && sustainTimeEnd) { findOption.where.$or = findOption.where.$or.concat([ { createTime: { $between: [moment(sustainTimeStart).format(), moment(sustainTimeEnd).format()] }, }, { updateTime: { $between: [moment(sustainTimeStart).format(), moment(sustainTimeEnd).format()] } }, { createTime: { $lte: moment(sustainTimeStart).format() }, updateTime: { $gte: moment(sustainTimeEnd).format() }, } ]) } if (limit) { findOption.limit = limit } if (page && limit) { findOption.offset = page * limit } if (!findOption.where.$or.length) { delete findOption.where.$or } const listRes = await models.AppAlarm.findAndCountAll(findOption) for (let lr of listRes.rows) { if (lr.app && lr.app.projectCorrelations) { for (let p of lr.app.projectCorrelations) { let corProjectCorrelations = pomsProject.find(pr => pr.id == p.id) if (corProjectCorrelations) { p.dataValues = corProjectCorrelations } } } } ctx.status = 200; ctx.body = listRes } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } async function confirmApiError(ctx) { try { const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; const { confirm, appAlarmId = [], confirmPost } = ctx.request.body await models.AppAlarm.update({ confirm, confirmTime: moment().format() }, { where: { id: { $in: appAlarmId } } }) await alarmConfirmLog(ctx, confirmPost, confirm);//告警确认日志 ctx.status = 204; } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = { message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined } } } module.exports = { inspection, inspectionList, notedInspection, apiError, apiErrorList, confirmApiError, };