'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const moment = require('moment') module.exports = function (app, opts) { function judgeSuper (ctx) { try { const { userInfo = {} } = ctx.fs.api || {}; const { role = [] } = userInfo return role.some(r => r == 'SuperAdmin' || r == 'admin') } catch (error) { ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); } } async function anxinStrucIdRange ({ ctx, pepProjectId, keywordTarget, keyword }) { const { models } = ctx.fs.dc; const { userInfo = {} } = ctx.fs.api || {}; const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs const { correlationProject = [] } = userInfo const isSuper = judgeSuper(ctx) let findOption = { where: { del: false } } if (pepProjectId) { // 有 特定的项目id 就按此查询 findOption.where.pepProjectId = pepProjectId } else if (!isSuper) { // 还不是超管或管理员就按关联的项目id的数据范围查 findOption.where.id = { $in: correlationProject } } // TODO 这儿也许需要判断传进来的 pepProjectId 在不在当前用户的关注范围内 // 根据 poms 的项目绑定关系查相关联的项企项目、安心云项目id信息 const bindRes = await models.ProjectCorrelation.findAll(findOption) // 获取不重复的 安心云项目id let pepProjectIds = bindRes.map(b => b.pepProjectId) // 查询项企项目的信息 let pepProjectWhereOptions = [] if (keywordTarget == 'pepProject' && keyword) { pepProjectWhereOptions.push(`t_pim_project.project_name LIKE '%${keyword}%'`) } const pepProjectRes = pepProjectIds.length ? await clickHouse.projectManage.query( ` SELECT t_pim_project.id AS id, t_pim_project.project_name AS projectName, t_pim_project.isdelete AS isdelete, t_pim_project_construction.construction_status_id AS constructionStatusId, t_pim_project_state.construction_status AS constructionStatus FROM t_pim_project LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_construction ON t_pim_project.id = t_pim_project_construction.project_id LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_state ON t_pim_project_construction.construction_status_id = t_pim_project_state.id WHERE id IN (${pepProjectIds.join(',')}) ${pepProjectWhereOptions.length ? `AND ${pepProjectWhereOptions.join(' AND ')}` : ''} ` ).toPromise() : [] const anxinProjectIds = [ ...( bindRes.filter(b => pepProjectRes.some(pp => pp.id == b.pepProjectId)) ).reduce( (arr, b) => { for (let sid of b.anxinProjectId) { arr.add(sid); } return arr; }, new Set() ) ] // 查询安心云项目及结构物信息 let undelStrucWhereOptions = [] if (keywordTarget && keyword) { if (keywordTarget == 'struc') { undelStrucWhereOptions.push(`t_structure.name LIKE '%${keyword}%'`) } } const undelStrucRes = anxinProjectIds.length ? await clickHouse.anxinyun.query( ` SELECT t_project.id AS projectId, t_structure.id AS strucId, t_structure.name AS strucName, project_state FROM t_project LEFT JOIN t_project_structure ON t_project_structure.project = t_project.id RIGHT JOIN t_structure ON t_structure.id = t_project_structure.structure WHERE project_state != -1 AND t_project.id IN (${anxinProjectIds.join(',')}) ${undelStrucWhereOptions.length ? `AND ${undelStrucWhereOptions.join(' AND ')}` : ''} ` ).toPromise() : [] // 构建安心云结构物和项企项目的关系 // 并保存信息至数据 let undelStruc = [] for (let s of undelStrucRes) { if (!undelStruc.some(us => us.strucId == s.strucId)) { undelStruc.push({ strucId: s.strucId, strucName: s.strucName, pepProject: pepProjectRes.filter(pp => { return bindRes.find(br => { return br.pepProjectId == pp.id && br.anxinProjectId.some(braId => braId == s.strucId) }) }) }) } } return undelStruc } return { judgeSuper, anxinStrucIdRange } }