You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

113 lines
5.1 KiB

'use strict';
// const moment = require('moment');
// const CamundaApi = require('../../utils/camunda-api');
async function getUnfinished (ctx) {
const { models } = ctx.fs.dc
const { clickHouse } = ctx.app.fs
const userInfo = ctx.fs.api.userInfo;
// const { camundaUserId } =ctx.fs.api
const assignee='fsUser'+userInfo.pepUserId
const BeforeAssignUser='fsBeforeAssignUser'+userInfo.pepUserId
const AfterAssignUser='fsAfterAssignUser'+userInfo.pepUserId
// and pro.business_key_ in ('831')
// and pro.business_key_ in ('840','834','831') 测试环境的对应的business_key_(运维中台技术申请工单),(运维中台售后问题处理工单),(运维中台工单)
let all=await clickHouse.camWorkflow.query(`
select distinct * from(
select * from (
select distinct RES.*
from act_hi_taskinst RES,act_hi_procinst pro
WHERE RES.end_time_ is null
and RES.assignee_ = '${assignee}'
and pro.proc_inst_id_=RES.proc_inst_id_
and pro.business_key_ in ('840','834','831')
union all
select * from (
select distinct RES.*
from act_hi_taskinst RES, act_hi_varinst VAR,act_hi_procinst pro
WHERE RES.end_time_ is null
and VAR.name_ in ('${AfterAssignUser}', '${BeforeAssignUser}')
and VAR.task_id_ = RES.id_
and pro.proc_inst_id_=RES.proc_inst_id_
and pro.business_key_ in ('840','834','831')
and (( VAR.var_type_ is not null and VAR.var_type_ = 'string' and VAR.text_ is not null and VAR.text_ = 'pending' ))
) RES ) as res,act_hi_varinst t
and t.name_='backout'
and t.task_id_ is null
and t.var_type_ is not null
and t.var_type_='boolean'
and t.long_ is not null
and t.long_=0
const procinstIds = [...new Set(all.map(e => e.proc_inst_id_))];
// 获取流程实例变量
if(all && all.length > 0){
let procinstsVariables = await ctx.app.camunda.request.post(encodeURI(`/engine-rest/history/variable-instance`), {
processInstanceIdIn: procinstIds
let data = { list: all, procinstsVariables: procinstsVariables, keywords: null, userInfo: userInfo, userId: userInfo.pepUserId };
ctx.body = { count: countFilters(data) }
}else {
ctx.body = { count: 0 };
ctx.status = 200
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
function countFilters(data) {
let totalCount = 0;
// let searchKeywords = data.keywords ? data.keywords.toLowerCase() : null;
let keywordsFlag = false;
data.list.map(e => {
let curVariables = data.procinstsVariables.body && data.procinstsVariables.body.filter(item => item.processInstanceId === e.processInstanceId);
keywordsFlag = false;
const isAssignee = e.assignee === `fsUser${data.userId}`;
if (isAssignee) {
const fsAfterAssignUnNum = curVariables.find(v => (v.name == 'fsAfterAssignUnNum' && e.id == v.taskId)) ? true : false;
const fsBeforeAssignUnNum = curVariables.find(v => (v.name == 'fsBeforeAssignUnNum' && e.id == v.taskId)) ? curVariables.find(v => (v.name == 'fsBeforeAssignUnNum' && e.id == v.taskId)) : false;
if (fsBeforeAssignUnNum) {
if (fsBeforeAssignUnNum.value === 0) { keywordsFlag = true; };
} else {
if (!fsAfterAssignUnNum) { keywordsFlag = true; }
} else {
keywordsFlag = true;
if (keywordsFlag) {
// if (searchKeywords) {
// const fsFormItemName = curVariables.find(t => t.name == 'fsFormItemName') ? curVariables.find(t => t.name == 'fsFormItemName').value : '';
// const fsEmisApplyUserName = curVariables.find(t => t.name == 'fsEmisApplyUserName') ? curVariables.find(t => t.name == 'fsEmisApplyUserName').value : '';
// if (!((fsFormItemName && fsFormItemName.toLowerCase().includes(searchKeywords)) || (fsEmisApplyUserName.includes(searchKeywords))
// )) {
// totalCount++;
// }
// } else {
// }
return totalCount;
module.exports = {