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package adaptors
import (
// Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS 统一采集软件数据 转换 湘潭健康监测平台
type Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS struct {
GnssMap map[string]string
RainMap map[string]string
NBWYMap map[string]string
DXSWMap map[string]string
Info map[string]string
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) Transform(rawMsg string) []byte {
esAggTop := models.EsAggTop{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawMsg), &esAggTop)
if err != nil {
return nil
return the.EsAggTopToHBKS(esAggTop)
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) EsAggTopToHBKS(esAggTop models.EsAggTop) (result []byte) {
//var transBytes []byte
fileContent := strings.Builder{}
contentHeader := the.getContentHeader()
for _, bucket := range esAggTop.Aggregations.SensorId.Buckets {
for _, hit := range bucket.Last.Hits.Hits {
source := hit.Source
sensorContentTemplate := the.getTemplateStr(source)
sensorContentObj := the.getTemplateObj(source)
if len(sensorContentObj) == 0 {
txt, err := templateWork(sensorContentTemplate, sensorContentObj)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("传感器[%s]数据生成出现异常,err=%s", source.SensorName, err.Error())
return []byte(fileContent.String())
func templateWork(formulaTemplateStr string, templateParams map[string]string) (string, error) {
CreateFormulaTemplate := func(name, t string) *template.Template {
return template.Must(template.New(name).Parse(t))
formulaTemplate := CreateFormulaTemplate("formulaTemplate", formulaTemplateStr)
formulaBuff := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := formulaTemplate.Execute(formulaBuff, templateParams)
return formulaBuff.String(), err
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getTemplateStr(sensorData models.Source) string {
templateStr := ""
switch sensorData.Factor {
case models.AXY_FactorType_BMWY:
templateStr = "{{.structUploadCode}}{{.sensorType}}{{.sensorCode}};{{.sensorType}};{{.sensorName}};{{.longitude}};{{.latitude}};{{.height}};" +
case models.AXY_FactorType_Rain_New:
templateStr = "{{.structUploadCode}}{{.sensorType}}{{.sensorCode}};{{.sensorType}};{{.sensorName}};{{.longitude}};{{.latitude}};{{.height}};" +
case models.AXY_FactorType_SBSPWY:
templateStr = "{{.structUploadCode}}{{.sensorType}}{{.sensorCode}};{{.sensorType}};{{.sensorName}};{{.longitude}};{{.latitude}};{{.height}};" +
case models.AXY_FactorType_DXSW:
templateStr = "{{.structUploadCode}}{{.sensorType}}{{.sensorCode}};{{.sensorType}};{{.sensorName}};{{.longitude}};{{.latitude}};{{.height}};" +
return templateStr
// 河北矿山GNSS 表面唯一缓存,用于计算加速度
var cacheHBKS = make(map[string]float64)
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getTemplateObj(sensorData models.Source) map[string]string {
templateMap := make(map[string]string)
sensorCode, sensorType := the.getSensorCodeAndType(sensorData)
if sensorCode == "" {
return templateMap
for k, v := range the.Info {
templateMap[k] = v
templateMap["sensorCode"] = sensorCode
templateMap["sensorType"] = sensorType
templateMap["sensorName"] = sensorData.SensorName
longitude, latitude, height := the.getJWDbySensorName(sensorData)
templateMap["longitude"] = longitude
templateMap["latitude"] = latitude
templateMap["height"] = height
templateMap["state"] = "00000000"
templateMap["time"] = sensorData.CollectTime.Add(8 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
switch sensorData.Factor {
case models.AXY_FactorType_BMWY:
templateMap["x"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["x"])
templateMap["y"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["y"])
templateMap["z"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["z"])
xAcc := 0.0
yAcc := 0.0
zAcc := 0.0
cacheKey_x := fmt.Sprintf("%s_x", sensorData.SensorName)
cacheKey_y := fmt.Sprintf("%s_y", sensorData.SensorName)
cacheKey_z := fmt.Sprintf("%s_z", sensorData.SensorName)
xLast, isHave := cacheHBKS[cacheKey_x]
if isHave {
log.Printf("[%s]上次值 xLast=%.3f", sensorData.SensorName, xLast)
xAcc = sensorData.Data["x"] - xLast
yLast, isHave := cacheHBKS[cacheKey_y]
if isHave {
log.Printf("[%s]上次值 yLast=%.3f", sensorData.SensorName, yLast)
yAcc = sensorData.Data["y"] - yLast
zLast, isHave := cacheHBKS[cacheKey_z]
if isHave {
log.Printf("[%s]上次值 zLast=%.3f", sensorData.SensorName, zLast)
zAcc = sensorData.Data["z"] - zLast
templateMap["xAcc"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", xAcc)
templateMap["yAcc"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", yAcc)
templateMap["zAcc"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", zAcc)
templateMap["unit"] = "mm"
cacheHBKS[cacheKey_x] = sensorData.Data["x"]
cacheHBKS[cacheKey_y] = sensorData.Data["y"]
cacheHBKS[cacheKey_z] = sensorData.Data["z"]
case models.AXY_FactorType_SBSPWY:
templateMap["x"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["x"])
templateMap["y"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["y"])
templateMap["unit"] = "mm"
case models.AXY_FactorType_Rain_New:
templateMap["totrainfall"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["totrainfall"])
templateMap["unit"] = "mm"
case models.AXY_FactorType_DXSW:
templateMap["waterLevel"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", sensorData.Data["waterLevel"])
templateMap["unit"] = "m"
return templateMap
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getStructureId() string {
structureId, ok := the.Info["structureId"] //涿鹿金隅水泥有限公司大斜阳矿
if !ok {
log.Panic("配置文件info中 无structureId")
return structureId
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getJWDbySensorName(sensorData models.Source) (longitude, latitude, height string) {
structureId := the.getStructureId()
switch structureId {
case models.AXY_StructId_DXY: //大斜阳
longitude, latitude, height = jwdDXY(sensorData.SensorName)
case models.AXY_StructId_TPB: //太平堡
longitude, latitude, height = jwdTPB(sensorData.SensorName)
case models.AXY_StructId_TSJD:
longitude, latitude, height = jwdTSJD(sensorData.SensorName)
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getSensorCodeAndType(sensorData models.Source) (code, typeCode string) {
switch sensorData.Factor {
case models.AXY_FactorType_BMWY:
typeCode = "02"
v, isValid := the.GnssMap[sensorData.SensorName]
if !isValid {
code = v
case models.AXY_FactorType_Rain_New:
typeCode = "03"
v, isValid := the.RainMap[sensorData.SensorName]
if !isValid {
code = ""
code = v
case models.AXY_FactorType_SBSPWY:
typeCode = "04"
v, isValid := the.NBWYMap[sensorData.SensorName]
if !isValid {
code = ""
code = v
case models.AXY_FactorType_DXSW:
typeCode = "09"
v, isValid := the.DXSWMap[sensorData.SensorName]
if !isValid {
code = ""
code = v
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getTimeBytes(sensorTime time.Time) []byte {
year := int8(sensorTime.Year() - 1900)
month := int8(sensorTime.Month())
day := int8(sensorTime.Day())
hour := int8(sensorTime.Hour())
minute := int8(sensorTime.Minute())
millisecond := uint16(sensorTime.Second()*1000 + sensorTime.Nanosecond()/1e6)
bytes := make([]byte, 0)
bytes = append(bytes,
return bytes
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getDatasBytes(datas []float32) []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, 0)
for _, data := range datas {
bits := math.Float32bits(data)
bytes = append(bytes,
return bytes
// 实时数据文件
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getContentHeader() string {
header := the.Info["fileContentHeader"]
timeNow := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
header += fmt.Sprintf("%s^", timeNow)
return header
// 测点信息文件
func (the Adaptor_AXYES_HBKS) getInfoContentHeader() string {
header := the.Info["fileContentHeader"]
vaildDate := "2026-12-30"
timeNow := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
header += fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s^", vaildDate, timeNow)
return header
func jwdDXY(sensorName string) (longitude, latitude, height string) {
switch sensorName {
case "JC01":
longitude = "115.243554"
latitude = "40.114834"
height = "1297"
case "JC02":
longitude = "115.241985"
latitude = "40.115445"
height = "1317"
case "JC03":
longitude = "115.241080"
latitude = "40.115698"
height = "1317"
case "雨量":
longitude = "115.244209"
latitude = "40.123344"
height = "1217"
func jwdTPB(sensorName string) (longitude, latitude, height string) {
switch sensorName {
case "JC01":
longitude = "115.370653"
latitude = "40.119892"
height = "1085"
case "JC02":
longitude = "115.366018"
latitude = "40.117782"
height = "1115"
case "雨量":
longitude = "115.366922"
latitude = "40.117217"
height = "1107"
func jwdTSJD(sensorName string) (longitude, latitude, height string) {
holeName := []rune(sensorName)
holeIndex := string(holeName[:len(holeName)-1])
switch holeIndex {
case "Y":
longitude = "118.249646"
latitude = "39.934143"
height = "100"
case "BC190_10":
longitude = "118.238283"
latitude = "39.946949"
height = "190"
case "BC170_30":
longitude = "118.242235"
latitude = "39.945843"
height = "170"
case "BC170_40":
longitude = "118.244229"
latitude = "39.945138"
height = "170"
case "BC150_10":
longitude = "118.237151"
latitude = "39.946451"
height = "150"
case "BC150_20":
longitude = "118.239612"
latitude = "39.945954"
height = "150"
case "BC130_30":
longitude = "118.240133"
latitude = "39.945304"
height = "130"
case "BC130_40":
longitude = "118.242631"
latitude = "39.944875"
height = "130"
case "BC115_10":
longitude = "118.238570"
latitude = "39.944695"
height = "115"
case "BC115_20":
longitude = "118.243008"
latitude = "39.943796"
height = "115"
case "BC115_30":
longitude = "118.243000"
latitude = "39.944419"
height = "115"
case "BC100_30":
longitude = "118.242954"
latitude = "39.942911"
height = "100"
case "BC100_40":
longitude = "118.244194"
latitude = "39.940684"
height = "100"
case "NC110_40":
longitude = "118.249610"
latitude = "39.944820"
height = "110"
case "NC120_10":
longitude = "118.249305"
latitude = "39.934018"
height = "120"
case "NC120_20":
longitude = "118.249700"
latitude = "39.932248"
height = "120"
case "NC120_30":
longitude = "118.250113"
latitude = "39.929592"
height = "120"
case "NC140_20":
longitude = "118.251119"
latitude = "39.932524"
height = "140"
case "NC140_30":
longitude = "118.251605"
latitude = "39.929896"
height = "140"