create table if not exists t_abn_report_push_strategy ( id serial not null constraint t_abn_report_push_strategy_pkey primary key, user_id integer not null, enabled boolean default true not null, structures integer[] not null, created_org integer ); create table if not exists t_abn_type ( id serial not null constraint t_abn_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists t_agg_type ( id integer not null constraint t_agg_type_pkey primary key, type_name varchar(30) not null, parent_type_id smallint not null, description varchar(30), name varchar(10) ); create unique index if not exists t_agg_type_id_uindex on t_agg_type (id); create table if not exists t_alarm_category ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_category_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists t_alarm_code ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_code_pkey primary key, code varchar(20) not null, name varchar(255), type_code varchar(20) not null, level integer not null, upgrade_strategy jsonb, enable boolean default true not null ); create table if not exists t_alarm_custom_message ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_custom_message_pk primary key, structure integer not null, email varchar(255), sms varchar(255) ); create table if not exists t_alarm_type ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_type_pkey primary key, code varchar(50) not null constraint t_alarm_type_code_key unique, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(100), category integer not null constraint t_alarm_type_category_fkey references t_alarm_category, enabled boolean not null, upgrade_strategy jsonb ); create table if not exists t_api_log ( id bigserial not null constraint t_api_log_pkey primary key, log_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, method varchar(20), content varchar(256), parameter varchar(256), parameter_show varchar(256), user_agent varchar(512), url varchar(256), status_code integer, cost integer, visible boolean not null ); create index if not exists idx_api_log_status on t_api_log (status_code); create index if not exists idx_api_log_time on t_api_log (log_time); create table if not exists t_apply ( id serial not null constraint t_apply_pkey primary key, phone varchar(11) not null, org varchar(100) not null, province varchar(20) not null, city varchar(20) not null, struct_types varchar(50) not null, reg_code uuid not null, submit_date timestamp(6) with time zone not null, process_date timestamp(6) with time zone, approved boolean, remarks varchar(200) ); create table if not exists t_averagerainfall ( id serial not null constraint t_averagerainfall_pkey primary key, "structId" integer not null, rainfall numeric(8, 3) not null, time timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_bim_rendering_path ( id serial not null constraint t_bim_rendering_path_pkey primary key, structure_id varchar(50) not null, bim_rendering_path varchar(200) not null ); create table if not exists t_bim_stations ( id serial not null constraint t_bim_stations_pkey primary key, structure_id varchar(50) not null, stations_id varchar(50) not null, component_id varchar(50) not null, point varchar(256) not null, bbox varchar(256) ); create table if not exists t_calendar_type ( id serial not null constraint t_calendar_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists t_component ( id serial not null constraint t_component_pkey primary key, component varchar(255) ); create table if not exists t_construction ( id serial not null constraint t_construction_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, address varchar(100), longitude numeric(20, 14), latitude numeric(20, 14), des varchar(100) not null, portrait varchar(200) not null, org_built integer not null, org_construct integer not null, org_owner integer not null, org_supervision integer not null, area integer, height integer, design_company varchar(100), construct_begin timestamp(6) with time zone, construct_end timestamp(6) with time zone, project_type integer default 1 not null ); create table if not exists t_consumable_category ( id integer not null constraint t_consumable_category_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists t_consumable ( id serial not null, category integer not null constraint t_consumable_category_id_fk references t_consumable_category, name varchar(100) not null, vender varchar(200), remark varchar(200) ); create unique index if not exists t_consumable_id_uindex on t_consumable (id); create unique index if not exists t_consumable_category_id_uindex on t_consumable_category (id); create table if not exists t_data_original ( id bigserial not null constraint t_data_original_pkey primary key, iota_device_id uuid not null, original_data jsonb not null, collect_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, batch_no varchar(100) not null ); create index if not exists idx_data_original on t_data_original (iota_device_id, collect_time); create table if not exists t_debug_history ( id serial not null constraint t_debug_history_pkey primary key, do_user_id integer, do_time timestamp(6) with time zone default now(), package_size varchar(10), use_time integer, result integer, iota_thing_id uuid not null, dtu_id varchar(50) default NULL::character varying, device_id varchar(50) not null, is_success boolean ); comment on column is 'id'; comment on column t_debug_history.do_user_id is '操作人id'; comment on column t_debug_history.do_time is '操作时间'; comment on column t_debug_history.package_size is '数据包大小'; comment on column t_debug_history.use_time is '耗时'; comment on column t_debug_history.result is '结果'; comment on column t_debug_history.iota_thing_id is 'iotathingid'; comment on column t_debug_history.dtu_id is 'dtuid'; comment on column t_debug_history.device_id is '下发设备id'; comment on column t_debug_history.is_success is '是否成功'; create table if not exists t_dyna_glt_config ( id serial not null constraint t_dyna_glt_config_pkey primary key, scheme_id uuid not null, glt integer not null, cond jsonb, enable boolean ); create table if not exists t_factor_proto ( code varchar(30) not null constraint t_factor_proto_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_agg_proto_config ( id serial not null constraint t_agg_proto_config_pkey primary key, name varchar(255) not null, proto varchar(30) not null constraint t_agg_proto_config_t_factor_proto_code_fk references t_factor_proto, aggs jsonb not null, enabled boolean default true not null ); create table if not exists t_factor ( id serial not null constraint t_factor_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, proto varchar(30) not null constraint t_factor_proto_fkey references t_factor_proto, org integer, item jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_factor_proto_item ( id serial not null constraint t_factor_proto_item_pkey primary key, proto varchar(30) not null constraint t_factor_proto_item_proto_fkey references t_factor_proto, name varchar(50) not null, field_name varchar(50) not null, precision integer ); create table if not exists t_filter_enviroment_config ( id serial not null constraint t_filter_enviroment_config_pkey primary key, project integer not null, params jsonb not null, receiver jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_filter_method ( id serial not null constraint t_filter_method_pkey primary key, type integer not null, name varchar(50) not null, params jsonb ); create table if not exists t_formula ( id serial not null constraint t_formula_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, expression_shown varchar(255) not null, description varchar(100), params jsonb not null, ioparams jsonb, expression varchar(255), ioparams_ext jsonb, props jsonb ); create table if not exists t_factor_proto_device ( id serial not null constraint t_factor_proto_device_pkey primary key, proto varchar(30) not null constraint t_factor_proto_device_proto_fkey references t_factor_proto, iota_product_code uuid not null, formula integer constraint t_factor_proto_device_formula_fkey references t_formula, fields jsonb, multi boolean default false, multi_formula integer, multi_fields jsonb, input_unitconvert jsonb ); create table if not exists t_formula_params_ex ( id serial not null constraint t_formula_params_ex_pk primary key, name varchar(255), params jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_geofence_picture ( id serial not null constraint t_geofence_picture_pkey primary key, point_id integer, acquisition_time timestamp(6), picture_link varchar(255) default NULL::character varying ); comment on column t_geofence_picture.point_id is '测点id'; comment on column t_geofence_picture.acquisition_time is '采集时间'; comment on column t_geofence_picture.picture_link is '图片链接'; create table if not exists t_geofence_type ( id serial not null constraint t_geofence_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(60) not null ); comment on column is '类型名'; create table if not exists t_geofence ( id integer not null constraint t_geofence_pkey primary key, name varchar(60) not null, typeid integer constraint t_geofence_typeid_fkey references t_geofence_type, locations text, projectid integer, is_enable boolean, limitspeed numeric(5, 2) ); comment on column is '围栏名称'; comment on column t_geofence.typeid is '围栏类型'; comment on column t_geofence.locations is '围栏点数组字符串'; comment on column t_geofence.projectid is '项目id'; comment on column t_geofence.is_enable is '是否启用'; create table if not exists t_group_type ( type_code varchar(50) not null constraint t_group_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(100), params jsonb not null, present boolean not null ); create table if not exists t_group_type_factor ( id serial not null constraint t_group_type_factor_pkey primary key, group_type varchar(50) not null constraint t_group_type_factor_group_type_fkey references t_group_type, proto varchar(30) not null constraint t_group_type_factor_proto_fkey references t_factor_proto ); create table if not exists t_item_unit ( id serial not null constraint t_item_unit_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), item integer not null constraint t_item_unit_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, if_default boolean, transform numeric(18, 6) ); create table if not exists t_layout_type ( id serial not null constraint t_layout_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_message_type ( id serial not null constraint t_message_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(100) not null ); create table if not exists t_phone_validate_code ( id serial not null constraint t_phone_validate_code_pkey primary key, phone varchar(20) not null, code varchar(6) not null, sig varchar(40) not null, expired timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_project_type ( id serial not null constraint t_project_type_pkey primary key, type_name varchar(20) not null, description varchar(20) not null ); create table if not exists t_rational_device ( id serial not null constraint t_rational_device_pkey primary key, iota_device_id uuid not null, item integer constraint t_rational_device_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, lower numeric(12, 5), upper numeric(12, 5), enabled boolean default true not null ); create table if not exists t_recalc_product_formula ( id serial not null constraint t_recalc_product_formula_pkey primary key, iota_product_code uuid not null, iota_product_formula uuid, formula integer not null constraint t_recalc_product_formula_t_formula_id_fk references t_formula, fields jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_resource ( code varchar(50) not null constraint t_resource_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(100), type integer, parent_resource varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_structure_component ( id serial not null constraint t_structure_component_pkey primary key, structtypeid integer not null, componentid integer not null ); create table if not exists t_structure_type ( id serial not null constraint t_structure_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(100), parent_type integer not null, portrait varchar(512) ); create table if not exists t_structure_type_factor ( id serial not null constraint t_structure_type_factor_pkey primary key, structure_type integer not null constraint t_structure_type_factor_structure_type_fkey references t_structure_type, factor integer not null constraint t_structure_type_factor_factor_fkey references t_factor ); create table if not exists t_type_alarm_source ( id integer not null constraint t_type_alarm_source_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_type_alarm_state ( id integer not null constraint t_type_alarm_state_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_type_event_index ( id serial not null constraint t_type_event_index_pkey primary key, name varchar(10) not null, description varchar(20) ); create table if not exists t_type_file_type ( id serial not null constraint t_type_file_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists t_type_institution_role ( id serial not null constraint t_type_institution_role_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_institution ( id serial not null constraint t_institution_pkey primary key, institutionname varchar(50) not null, institutionrole integer not null constraint t_type_institution_role_fkey references t_type_institution_role, orgid integer, institution_corporation varchar(50), institution_corporation_contact varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_type_org_type ( id serial not null constraint t_type_org_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_organization ( id serial not null constraint t_organization_pkey primary key, org_type integer not null constraint t_organization_org_type_fkey references t_type_org_type, name varchar(100) not null, domain varchar(100), state integer not null, aptitude_file varchar(512), register_code varchar(50), logo varchar(512), scale varchar(100), region varchar(200), app_key char(40), app_secret char(40) ); create table if not exists t_alarm_policy ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_policy_pkey primary key, structures integer[] not null, sms_noticed boolean not null, notice_users integer[] not null, enabled boolean not null, created_organization integer not null constraint t_alarm_policy_t_organization_id_fk references t_organization, alarm_categories integer[] not null, email_noticed boolean not null, email_alarm_levels integer[], sms_alarm_levels integer[], wx_noticed boolean default false not null, wx_alarm_levels integer[], extras jsonb, broadcast_noticed boolean default false, broadcast_alarm_levels integer[], broadcast_device_id varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_department ( id serial not null constraint t_department_pkey primary key, org integer not null constraint t_department_org_fkey references t_organization, name varchar(50) not null, parent_id integer, sort_index integer ); comment on column t_department.parent_id is '父级部门id'; comment on column t_department.sort_index is '排序'; create table if not exists t_factor_template ( id serial not null constraint t_factor_template_pkey primary key, structtype integer not null constraint t_factor_template_structtype_fkey references t_structure_type, name varchar(100) not null, org integer constraint t_factor_template_org_fkey references t_organization, publish boolean not null, description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_factor_template_factor ( id serial not null constraint t_factor_template_factor_id_pk primary key, template_id integer not null constraint t_factor_template_factor_t_factor_template_id_fk references t_factor_template, factor integer not null constraint t_factor_template_factor_t_factor_id_fk references t_factor ); create table if not exists t_structure ( id serial not null constraint t_structure_pkey primary key, iota_thing_id uuid not null, structure_type integer not null constraint t_structure_structure_type_fkey references t_structure_type, name varchar(50), description varchar(100), region_path varchar(100), longitude numeric(20, 14), latitude numeric(20, 14), address varchar(100), portrait varchar(512), extra_info jsonb, org integer not null constraint t_structure_org_fkey references t_organization, create_time timestamp(6) with time zone default now() not null ); create table if not exists t_agg_config ( id serial not null constraint t_agg_config_pkey primary key, struct_id integer not null constraint t_agg_config_struct_id_fkey references t_structure, factor_id integer not null constraint t_agg_config_factor_id_fkey references t_factor, enabled boolean default true not null, category integer not null, algorithm integer not null, start_day smallint, end_day smallint, start_hour smallint, end_hour smallint, delete boolean default false not null, start_time integer not null, time_range json ); create unique index if not exists t_agg_config_id_uindex on t_agg_config (id); create table if not exists t_agg_threshold_config ( id serial not null constraint t_agg_threshold_config_pkey primary key, struct_id integer not null constraint t_agg_threshold_config_struct_id_fkey references t_structure, factor_id integer not null constraint t_agg_threshold_config_factor_id_fkey references t_factor, agg_category integer not null, item_id smallint not null, threshold_level smallint not null, threshold_lower double precision not null, threshold_upper double precision not null, start_hour smallint, end_hour smallint ); create unique index if not exists t_agg_threshold_config_id_uindex on t_agg_threshold_config (id); create table if not exists t_alarm ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_pkey primary key, alarm_type integer not null constraint t_alarm_alarm_type_fkey references t_alarm_type, source_type integer not null constraint t_alarm_source_type_fkey references t_type_alarm_source, structure integer not null constraint t_alarm_structure_fkey references t_structure, device uuid, sensor integer, alarm_info varchar(256) not null, alarm_level integer not null, alarm_count integer not null, begin_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, end_time timestamp(6) with time zone, alarm_state integer not null constraint t_alarm_alarm_state_fkey references t_type_alarm_state ); create table if not exists t_alarm_detail ( id bigserial not null constraint t_alarm_detail_pkey primary key, alarm integer not null constraint t_alarm_detail_alarm_fkey references t_alarm, alarm_info varchar(256) not null, alarm_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_calendar ( id serial not null constraint t_calendar_pkey primary key, org integer not null constraint t_calendar_org_fkey references t_organization, type integer not null constraint t_calendar_type_fkey references t_calendar_type, calendar_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, calendar_content varchar(512), structure integer constraint t_calendar_t_structure_id_fk references t_structure ); create table if not exists t_department_structure ( id serial not null constraint t_department_structure_pkey primary key, department integer not null constraint t_department_structure_department_fkey references t_department, structure integer not null constraint t_department_structure_structure_fkey references t_structure, role_id integer, user_id integer ); create table if not exists t_event_config ( id serial not null constraint t_event_config_pkey primary key, "structId" integer not null constraint "structId" references t_structure, "indexId" integer not null constraint "indexId" references t_type_event_index, weight integer not null ); comment on column t_event_config."indexId" is 't_type_event_index'; comment on column t_event_config.weight is '比重'; create table if not exists t_group ( id serial not null constraint t_group_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, group_type varchar(50) not null constraint t_group_group_type_fkey references t_group_type, factor integer not null constraint t_group_factor_fkey references t_factor, structure integer not null constraint t_group_structure_fkey references t_structure, params jsonb default '{}'::jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_layout_model ( id serial not null constraint t_layout_model_pkey primary key, layout integer not null constraint t_layout_model_layout_fkey references t_layout_type, params jsonb not null, structure integer not null constraint t_layout_model_structure_fkey references t_structure ); create table if not exists t_sensor ( id serial not null constraint t_sensor_pkey primary key, structure integer not null constraint t_sensor_structure_fkey references t_structure, name varchar(50) not null, factor integer not null constraint t_sensor_factor_fkey references t_factor, portrait varchar(512), labels varchar(100)[], manual_data boolean default false not null, extras jsonb ); create table if not exists t_abn_report_params ( id serial not null constraint t_abn_report_params_id_pk primary key, station_id integer not null constraint t_abn_report_params_t_sensor_id_fk references t_sensor, factor_proto_code varchar(30) not null constraint t_abn_report_params_t_factor_proto_code_fk references t_factor_proto, itemid integer, abn_type integer constraint t_abn_report_params_t_abn_type_id_fk references t_abn_type, params jsonb not null, enabled boolean default true not null ); create unique index if not exists t_abn_report_params_id_uindex on t_abn_report_params (id); create table if not exists t_data_sensor_latest ( id serial not null constraint t_data_sensor_latest_pkey primary key, sensor integer not null constraint t_data_sensor_latest_sensor_key unique constraint t_data_sensor_latest_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, latest_data jsonb not null, collect_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, violate_rational_times integer not null, state integer not null ); create table if not exists t_device_sensor ( id serial not null constraint t_device_sensor_pkey primary key, iota_device_id uuid not null, iota_device_serial integer default 0 not null, sensor integer not null constraint t_device_sensor_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, params jsonb ); create table if not exists t_filter_config ( id serial not null constraint t_filter_config_pkey primary key, sensor integer constraint t_filter_config_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, item integer constraint t_filter_config_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, method integer constraint t_filter_config_method_fkey references t_filter_method, window_size integer not null, params jsonb, enable boolean default true not null, updatetime timestamp(6) with time zone not null, iswork text default 'false'::text ); create table if not exists t_group_sensor ( id serial not null constraint t_group_sensor_pkey primary key, group_id integer not null constraint t_group_sensor_group_id_fkey references t_group, sensor integer not null constraint t_group_sensor_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, params_value jsonb ); create table if not exists t_rational ( id serial not null constraint t_rational_pkey primary key, sensor integer constraint t_rational_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, item integer constraint t_rational_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, lower numeric(12, 5), upper numeric(12, 5), enabled boolean default true not null ); create table if not exists t_rational_filter ( id serial not null constraint t_rational_filter_pkey primary key, sensor integer not null constraint t_rational_filter_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, item integer not null constraint t_rational_filter_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, rationallower numeric(10, 4) not null, rationalupper numeric(10, 4) not null, enabled boolean not null ); create table if not exists t_sensor_factor_threshold ( id serial not null constraint t_sensor_factor_threshold_pkey primary key, batch_no varchar(100), sensor integer constraint t_sensor_factor_threshold_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, item integer constraint t_sensor_factor_threshold_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, level integer, lower numeric(12, 5), upper numeric(12, 5), start_hour integer, end_hour integer, description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_sensor_filter_config ( id serial not null constraint t_sensor_filter_config_pkey primary key, sensor integer not null constraint t_sensor_filter_config_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, item integer not null constraint t_sensor_filter_config_item_fkey references t_factor_proto_item, method integer not null constraint t_sensor_filter_config_method_fkey references t_filter_method, params_value jsonb not null, enabled boolean not null, update_time timestamp(6) with time zone ); create table if not exists t_sensor_formula ( id serial not null constraint t_sensor_formula_pkey primary key, sensor integer not null constraint t_sensor_formula_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, formula integer not null constraint t_sensor_formula_formula_fkey references t_formula, params_value jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_sensor_layout ( id serial not null constraint t_sensor_layout_pkey primary key, sensor integer constraint t_sensor_layout_sensor_fkey references t_sensor, model integer not null constraint t_sensor_layout_model_fkey references t_layout_model, position jsonb, modal_layout integer constraint t_sensor_layout_t_layout_model__fk references t_layout_model ); create table if not exists t_structure_factor ( id serial not null constraint t_structure_factor_pkey primary key, structure integer not null constraint t_structure_factor_structure_fkey references t_structure, factor integer not null constraint t_structure_factor_factor_fkey references t_factor, alias_name varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_type_project_state ( id integer not null constraint t_type_project_state_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_project ( id serial not null constraint t_project_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), logo varchar(256), theme varchar(256), url varchar(256), marked boolean, create_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, update_time timestamp(6) with time zone, project_state integer not null constraint t_project_project_state_fkey references t_type_project_state, describe varchar(512), type integer default 0 not null, extra jsonb, event_state boolean default false ); create table if not exists t_organization_project ( id serial not null constraint t_organization_project_pkey primary key, org integer not null constraint t_organization_project_org_fkey references t_organization, project integer not null constraint t_organization_project_project_fkey references t_project ); create table if not exists t_project_construction ( id serial not null constraint t_project_construction_pkey primary key, project integer not null constraint t_construction_t_project_id_fk references t_project, construction integer not null constraint t_construction_t_construction_id_fk references t_construction ); create table if not exists t_project_structure ( id serial not null constraint t_project_structure_pkey primary key, project integer not null constraint t_project_structure_project_fkey references t_project, structure integer not null constraint t_project_structure_structure_fkey references t_structure ); create table if not exists t_type_report_state ( id serial not null constraint t_type_report_state_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_type_report_type ( id serial not null constraint t_type_report_type_pkey primary key, name varchar(50), description varchar(100) ); create table if not exists t_report_generate ( id serial not null constraint t_report_generate_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, structure integer not null constraint t_report_generate_structure_fkey references t_structure, report_type integer not null constraint t_report_generate_report_type_fkey references t_type_report_type, template_cfg jsonb not null, interval varchar(50) not null, confirm boolean not null, enabled boolean not null, manual_monitoring boolean default false, agg_config jsonb, doc_type varchar(5) ); create table if not exists t_report_template ( id serial not null constraint t_report_template_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(100), handler varchar(50) not null, file_link varchar(512) not null, factor_proto varchar(30), report_type integer not null constraint t_report_template_report_type_fkey references t_type_report_type, struct_type integer[] default '{}'::integer[] not null, cells jsonb, manual boolean default false, structs integer[] default '{}'::integer[], params jsonb, doc_type varchar(5) ); create table if not exists t_type_role_type ( code varchar(2) not null constraint t_type_role_type_pkey primary key, description varchar(20) not null ); create table if not exists t_unit ( id serial not null constraint t_unit_pkey primary key, name varchar(10) not null ); create unique index if not exists t_unit_id_uindex on t_unit (id); create table if not exists t_units ( name varchar(20) not null, dimension varchar(20), description varchar(255), coef numeric(32, 16), base boolean default false not null, alternative varchar(255) ); create table if not exists t_upload_comm_http ( id serial not null constraint t_upload_comm_http_pkey primary key, content json not null, enable boolean default true not null, description varchar(255) ); comment on table t_upload_comm_http is 'ET数据上报消费者(upload)普通HTTP上报类配置表'; create table if not exists t_upload_params ( id serial not null constraint t_upload_params_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, params jsonb, description varchar(255) ); create table if not exists t_user_token ( token uuid not null constraint t_user_token_copy1_pkey primary key, user_info jsonb not null, expired timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); comment on column t_user_token.token is '登录令牌'; comment on column t_user_token.user_info is '用户信息'; create table if not exists t_vehicle_overload ( id serial not null constraint t_vehicle_overload_pkey primary key, axis_num varchar(100) not null, overload_standard numeric(18, 6) not null, over_heigth numeric(18, 6) not null, over_len numeric(18, 6) not null, overwidth numeric(18, 6) not null ); create table if not exists t_video_nvr_vendor ( id serial not null constraint t_video_nvr_vendor_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, enabled boolean default false not null ); create table if not exists t_video_nvr ( id serial not null constraint t_video_nvr_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, ip varchar(50) not null, port integer not null, username varchar(50) not null, password varchar(50) not null, channels_total integer not null, vendor integer not null constraint t_video_nvr_t_video_nvr_vendor_id_fk references t_video_nvr_vendor, structure integer not null constraint t_video_nvr_t_structure_id_fk references t_structure ); create table if not exists t_video_push_server ( id serial not null constraint t_video_push_server_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, ip varchar(15) not null, port integer not null ); create table if not exists t_video_ipc ( id serial not null constraint t_video_ipc_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, channel_no integer, push_server integer constraint t_video_ipc_t_video_push_server_id_fk references t_video_push_server, nvr integer constraint t_video_ipc_t_video_nvr_id_fk references t_video_nvr, structure integer not null constraint t_video_ipc_t_structure_id_fk references t_structure, has_ptz boolean default false not null, longitude numeric(20, 14), latitude numeric(20, 14), type varchar(10) default 'original'::character varying not null, uid varchar(255), username varchar(255), password varchar(255), serial_no varchar(50), rtmp_address varchar(255), hls_address varchar(255) ); create table if not exists t_video_ipc_station ( id serial not null constraint t_video_ipc_station_pkey primary key, ipc integer not null constraint t_video_ipc_station_t_video_ipc_id_fk references t_video_ipc, station integer not null constraint t_video_ipc_station_t_sensor_id_fk references t_sensor ); create table if not exists t_weather_history ( id serial not null constraint t_weather_history_pkey primary key, "structId" integer not null, weather varchar(20) not null, date date not null ); create table if not exists t_wise_config ( id serial not null constraint t_wise_config_pkey primary key, structid varchar(50) not null, config jsonb not null ); create table if not exists t_workflow_business ( id serial not null constraint t_workflow_business_pkey primary key, procdef_key varchar(100) not null, procdef_id varchar(100) not null, procinst_id integer, created_by varchar(50) not null, created_at timestamp(6) with time zone default now() not null ); comment on column t_workflow_business.created_by is '创建人'; comment on column t_workflow_business.created_at is '创建时间'; create table if not exists t_workflow_form_proto ( id serial not null constraint t_workflow_form_proto_pkey primary key, name varchar(100) not null, form_metas jsonb not null, procdef_key varchar(100) not null, procdef_id varchar(100) not null, actdef_key varchar(100) not null, belongto_startevent boolean default false not null ); create table if not exists t_wx_subscribe ( open_id varchar(50) not null constraint t_wx_subscribe_pkey primary key, union_id varchar(50) not null ); create table if not exists tmp_role_resource ( role integer, resource varchar(50) ); create table if not exists t_role_group ( id serial not null constraint t_role_group_pk primary key, name varchar(60) not null, org integer not null constraint t_role_group_t_organization_id_fk references t_organization ); comment on table t_role_group is '角色组表'; comment on column is '角色组名称'; comment on column is '所属组织id'; create table if not exists t_role ( id serial not null constraint t_role_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, portal varchar(2) default 'AC'::character varying not null, description varchar(100), group_id integer not null constraint t_role_t_role_group_id_fk references t_role_group ); comment on column t_role.group_id is '所属角色组'; create table if not exists t_role_resource ( id serial not null constraint t_role_resource_pkey primary key, role integer not null constraint t_role_resource_role_fkey references t_role, resource varchar(50) not null constraint t_role_resource_resource_fkey references t_resource, constraint t_role_resource_role_resource_uindex unique (role, resource) ); create table if not exists t_type_post ( id serial not null constraint t_type_post_pk primary key, name varchar(60) not null, allow_set_num integer default 0 not null, code varchar(60) not null ); comment on table t_type_post is '职位固化表'; comment on column is '职位名称'; comment on column t_type_post.allow_set_num is '可配置人数,0不限制'; create table if not exists t_user ( id serial not null constraint t_user_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, name_present varchar(50), password varchar(256), phone varchar(50), email varchar(50), avator varchar(512), org integer not null constraint t_user_org_fkey references t_organization, register_time timestamp(6) with time zone, mail_notice boolean default false not null, sms_notice boolean default false not null, no_disturb boolean default false not null, enabled boolean not null, open_id varchar(50), nick_name varchar(50), wx_notice boolean default false not null, union_id varchar(50), institution_role varchar(50) default NULL::character varying, dep integer not null constraint t_user_t_department_id_fk references t_department, post integer not null constraint t_user_t_type_post_id_fk references t_type_post, sort_index integer ); comment on column t_user.dep is '直属部门id'; comment on column is '职位id'; comment on column t_user.sort_index is '排序'; create table if not exists t_alarm_deal ( id serial not null constraint t_alarm_deal_pkey primary key, alarm integer not null constraint t_alarm_deal_alarm_fkey references t_alarm, deal_user integer not null constraint t_alarm_deal_deal_user_fkey references t_user, deal_info varchar(256), deal_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_app_message ( id serial not null constraint t_app_message_pkey primary key, project_id integer not null constraint t_app_message_project_id_fkey references t_project on delete cascade, title varchar(128) not null, content varchar(4096) not null, post_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, post_user_id integer not null constraint t_app_message_post_user_id_fkey references t_user on delete cascade, expired_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_message ( id serial not null constraint t_message_pkey primary key, user_id integer not null constraint t_message_user_id_fkey references t_user, message_type integer not null constraint t_message_message_type_fkey references t_message_type, generate_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, content varchar(512), read_time timestamp(6) with time zone, readed boolean default false not null ); create table if not exists t_netdisk_file ( id serial not null constraint t_netdisk_file_pkey primary key, file_type integer not null constraint t_netdisk_file_file_type_fkey references t_type_file_type, file_name varchar(100) not null, file_ext varchar(30), file_size integer not null, file_link varchar(512) not null, update_user integer not null constraint t_netdisk_file_update_user_fkey references t_user, update_time timestamp(6) with time zone, extra_info jsonb ); create table if not exists t_project_approve ( id serial not null constraint t_project_approve_pkey primary key, project integer not null constraint t_project_approve_project_fkey references t_project, approve_user integer not null constraint t_project_approve_approve_user_fkey references t_user, approve_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, project_state integer not null, approve_info varchar(2048) ); create index if not exists idx_project_approve on t_project_approve (project, approve_time, project_state); create table if not exists t_task_recalculate ( id serial not null constraint t_task_recalculate_pkey primary key, name varchar(50) not null, emit_user integer not null constraint t_task_recalculate_emit_user_fkey references t_user, station_id integer not null, data_begin_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, data_end_time timestamp(6) with time zone not null, task_begin_time timestamp(6) with time zone, task_end_time timestamp(6) with time zone, task_state integer not null, task_result jsonb, msg_id uuid not null ); create index if not exists idx_task_recalculate_d_time on t_task_recalculate (data_begin_time, data_end_time); create index if not exists idx_task_recalculate_t_time on t_task_recalculate (task_begin_time, task_end_time); create table if not exists t_user_favorite ( id serial not null constraint t_user_favorite_pkey primary key, user_id integer not null constraint t_user_favorite_user_id_fkey references t_user, file_type integer not null constraint t_user_favorite_file_type_fkey references t_type_file_type, path integer not null ); create table if not exists t_wx_bind_result ( id serial not null constraint t_wx_bind_result_pkey primary key, user_id integer not null constraint t_wx_bind_result_user_id_fkey references t_user, open_id varchar(100) not null, union_id varchar(100) not null, result boolean not null, error varchar(255), time timestamp(6) with time zone not null ); create table if not exists t_user_role ( id serial not null constraint t_user_role_pk primary key, user_id integer not null constraint t_user_role_t_user_id_fk references t_user, role_id integer not null constraint t_user_role_t_role_id_fk references t_role ); comment on table t_user_role is '用户角色关联表'; comment on column t_user_role.user_id is '用户id'; comment on column t_user_role.role_id is '角色id'; create unique index if not exists t_type_post_code_uindex on t_type_post (code); create table if not exists t_role_structures ( id serial not null constraint t_role_structures_pk primary key, role_id integer not null constraint t_role_structures_t_role_id_fk references t_role, struct_id integer not null constraint t_role_structures_t_structure_id_fk references t_structure ); comment on table t_role_structures is '角色关注结构物'; comment on column t_role_structures.role_id is '角色id'; comment on column t_role_structures.struct_id is '结构物id'; create table if not exists t_constant ( id serial not null constraint t_constant_pk primary key, category varchar(30) not null, name varchar(60) not null, "desc" varchar(60), org integer ); comment on table t_constant is '固化数据表'; comment on column t_constant.category is '类型标识'; comment on column is '名称'; comment on column is '所属组织'; create table if not exists t_bridge_part ( id serial not null constraint t_bridge_part_pk primary key, name varchar(30) not null ); comment on table t_bridge_part is '桥梁部位固化表'; comment on column is '名称'; create table if not exists t_bridge_component ( id serial not null constraint t_bridge_component_pk primary key, name varchar(60) not null, type_id integer not null constraint t_bridge_component_t_structure_type_id_fk references t_structure_type, part_id integer not null constraint t_bridge_component_t_bridge_part_id_fk references t_bridge_part ); comment on table t_bridge_component is '桥梁部件固化表'; comment on column is '名称'; comment on column t_bridge_component.type_id is '结构物类型id'; comment on column t_bridge_component.part_id is '部位id'; create table if not exists t_bridge_member ( id serial not null constraint t_bridge_member_pk primary key, name varchar(30) not null, structure_id integer not null constraint t_bridge_member_t_structure_id_fk references t_structure, part_id integer not null constraint t_bridge_member_t_bridge_part_id_fk references t_bridge_part, component_id integer not null constraint t_bridge_member_t_bridge_component_id_fk references t_bridge_component, isdeleted boolean not null ); comment on table t_bridge_member is '桥梁构建成员表'; comment on column is '名称'; comment on column t_bridge_member.structure_id is '结构物id'; comment on column t_bridge_member.part_id is '所属部位id'; comment on column t_bridge_member.component_id is '所属部件id'; comment on column t_bridge_member.isdeleted is '是否删除';