After Width: | Height: | Size: 40 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 99 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 32 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 54 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 29 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 42 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 75 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,848 @@ |
## Anxinyun Analyze |
安心云数据分析工具, |
![image-20210927161719070](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/image-20210927161719070.png) |
参考实现优矿: |
![image-20210927161703234](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/image-20210927161703234.png) |
数据分析工具框图 by Tyr.Liu |
![img](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/anxinyun-jupyter-notebook.png) |
启动: |
config.js |
```js |
{ |
entry: require('./middlewares/orchestrator').entry, |
opts: { |
kubernetes: { |
url: ANXINCLOUD_K8S_API || '', |
insecureSkipTlsVerify: true, |
version: 'v1', |
promises: true, |
namespace: 'anxinyun', |
auth: { |
bearer: ANXINCLOUD_K8S_AUTH || '......' |
} |
}, |
//runInPod: true, |
notebookToken: '6bf509929765366acb8ef066aa30d2cfc57af186a25f229a', |
instanceName: 'anxinyun-jupyter-notebook', |
proxyPort: 18305 |
} |
} |
``` |
```sh |
set NODE_ENV=development&&node server -p 8000 -u --qnak YwL-KPPPrPFqm5VfCDLSSePi6pa0c0rxbTDGVUSQ --qnsk dFHk_EfTk6ufIaG56h4gzcL3IrAtwl2RkJcl8XuO --qnbkt notebook-test --qndmn |
# -u 数据API地址 |
``` |
## Jupyter Nootbook |
![img](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/20180518221933692) |
新的名称 Jupyter 由`Julia`、`Python` 和 `R` 组合而成 |
安装使用 |
```sh |
pip3 install jupyter |
# 使用帮助 |
jupyter notebook -h |
# 启动 |
jupyter notebook |
``` |
访问 http://localhost:8888/ |
![image-20210927091813110](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/image-20210927091813110.png) |
修改文件路径 |
```sh |
jupyter notebook --generate-config |
# file:///C:/Users/yww08/.jupyter/ |
# c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'E:/tmp/notebook' |
``` |
Magic操作(基于IPython) |
```python |
%%timeit |
测算整个单元格的运行时间 |
``` |
![image-20210927162140861](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/image-20210927162140861.png) |
## K8S API 鉴权 |
```sh |
kubectl get sa -n anxinyun |
# clusterrole.yaml |
kind: ClusterRole |
apiVersion: |
metadata: |
namespace: anxinyun |
name: operator |
rules: |
- apiGroups: [""] # "" indicates the core API group |
resources: ["services","pods"] |
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list","create","update","patch"] |
kubectl create clusterrolebinding operator-pod \ |
--clusterrole=operator \ |
--serviceaccount=anxinyun:default |
fastest@test-master:~$ kubectl get sa -n anxinyun -o yaml |
apiVersion: v1 |
items: |
- apiVersion: v1 |
kind: ServiceAccount |
metadata: |
creationTimestamp: "2020-08-17T10:35:35Z" |
name: default |
namespace: anxinyun |
resourceVersion: "5982" |
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/anxinyun/serviceaccounts/default |
uid: a1100eea-19c2-4477-afca-61344353f2e5 |
secrets: |
- name: default-token-zp6cz |
kind: List |
metadata: |
resourceVersion: "" |
selfLink: "" |
fastest@test-master:~$ kubectl describe secret default-token-zp6cz -n anxinyun |
Name: default-token-zp6cz |
Namespace: anxinyun |
Labels: <none> |
Annotations: default |
||| a1100eea-19c2-4477-afca-61344353f2e5 |
Type: |
Data |
==== |
ca.crt: 1025 bytes |
namespace: 8 bytes |
token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImFiVlF0Y1NyZjNNTkRVMFVieTNNTzhyVlc5T094Y3J2RmFfYTF6R0pveDQifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9uYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJhbnhpbnl1biIsImt1YmVybmV0ZXMuaW8vc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQvc2VjcmV0Lm5hbWUiOiJkZWZhdWx0LXRva2VuLXpwNmN6Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9zZXJ2aWNlLWFjY291bnQubmFtZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQiLCJrdWJlcm5ldGVzLmlvL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50L3NlcnZpY2UtYWNjb3VudC51aWQiOiJhMTEwMGVlYS0xOWMyLTQ0NzctYWZjYS02MTM0NDM1M2YyZTUiLCJzdWIiOiJzeXN0ZW06c2VydmljZWFjY291bnQ6YW54aW55dW46ZGVmYXVsdCJ9.elI35PPYtQp-fletleFR7so88Vozk7g8B7oRa1zy2LxSL1m26s8X6SJAipR5uqweNyi8JML3Yo3lPhs6mmzNLxkTRVk1atyXcCSr6J_iPD2dUUaGTL-ZPRYZ1x8Eb2PfugEQM5tf5YXERXqPpEsxTLM83KkI8ogFJQhLG7s-lWZFbvcgmKpCo3lmzuYf-hO0-JngjLhRxptCUqaFx6s8QwQz0dxNn_EvtMXbZm2cTkewJdsFAzczuKtt2sLiJCl5CSRghWAqkP9pBiC2diwDKzz9A0DevG0b3n7J-9_4fPtbXa5zQI60Rg3XVZRof0XNjw5Nze0ee8bn-6XI8yxIug |
fastest@test-master:~$ |
``` |
## 本地Micro-K8S |
安装WSL |
适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统可让开发人员直接在 Windows 上按原样运行 GNU/Linux 环境(包括大多数命令行工具、实用工具和应用程序),且不会产生传统虚拟机或双启动设置开销。 |
[安装 WSL]( |
```sh |
》wsl --install |
PS C:\Users\yww08> wsl --list --online |
以下是可安装的有效分发的列表。 |
请使用“wsl --install -d <分发>”安装。 |
Ubuntu Ubuntu |
Debian Debian GNU/Linux |
kali-linux Kali Linux Rolling |
openSUSE-42 openSUSE Leap 42 |
SLES-12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v12 |
Ubuntu-16.04 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS |
Ubuntu-18.04 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS |
Ubuntu-20.04 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
PS C:\Users\yww08> wsl --install -d Ubuntu-18.04 |
正在下载: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS |
[====================== 38.4% ] |
创建linux用户 |
Installing, this may take a few minutes... |
Please create a default UNIX user account. The username does not need to match your Windows username. |
For more information visit: |
Enter new UNIX username: yww |
Enter new UNIX password: 123 |
Retype new UNIX password: 123 |
passwd: password updated successfully |
Installation successful! |
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". |
See "man sudo_root" for details. |
更新首选包管理器定期更新和升级包 |
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade |
通过/mnt/c/ 可以访问宿主机上的文件 |
``` |
设置Windows终端: |
![image-20210927163121708](imgs/安心云数据分析工具/image-20210927163121708.png) |
`ctrl+shift+d` 新Tab |
`alt+shift+d` Split窗口 |
`ctrl+shift+w` 关闭 |
```sh |
#安装docker |
apt install |
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER |
sudo cgroupfs-mount |
sudo service docker start |
#systemctl daemon-reload |
#systemctl restart docker.service |
# 上面的安装方法有问题 |
curl | sh |
``` |
【MicroK8S】 [Github]( |
Install MicroK8s with: |
<font color='red' size='5'>尝试失败了!!!</font> |
``` |
snap install microk8s --classic |
``` |
MicroK8s includes a `microk8s kubectl` command: |
``` |
sudo microk8s kubectl get nodes |
sudo microk8s kubectl get services |
``` |
To use MicroK8s with your existing kubectl: |
``` |
sudo microk8s kubectl config view --raw > $HOME/.kube/config |
``` |
将用户添加如 microk8s用户组,以实现对k8s的访问 |
``` |
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s <username> |
``` |
Kubernetes插件 |
MicroK8s installs a barebones upstream Kubernetes. Additional services like dns and the Kubernetes dashboard can be enabled using the `microk8s enable` command. |
``` |
sudo microk8s enable dns dashboard |
``` |
Use `microk8s status` to see a list of enabled and available addons. You can find the addon manifests and/or scripts under `${SNAP}/actions/`, with `${SNAP}` pointing by default to `/snap/microk8s/current`. |
**Copy from Kai.Lu** |
镜像准备`` |
```sh |
#!/bin/bash |
images=( |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
) |
OIFS=$IFS; # 保存旧值 |
for image in ${images[@]};do |
IFS='=' |
set $image |
docker pull $2 |
docker tag $2 $1 |
docker rmi $2 |
docker save $1 > 1.tar && microk8s.ctr --namespace image import 1.tar && rm 1.tar |
IFS=$OIFS; # 还原旧值 |
done |
``` |
```sh |
./ |
microk8s status --wait-ready |
alias mk='microk8s.kubectl' |
mk get pods -A |
``` |
## Python |
```python |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- |
print( "你好,世界" ) |
#Python3.X 源码文件默认使用utf-8编码,所以可以正常解析中文,无需指定 UTF-8 编码。 |
注释: |
# 单行 |
''' |
多行 |
''' |
""" |
多行 |
""" |
类型: |
数字 |
字符串 |
列表 list1 = ['Google', 'Runoob', 1997, 2000] |
元祖 (元素值是不允许修改) (tup1 = ('physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000)) |
字典 dict1 = { 'abc': 456 } |
集合 a = set('abracadabra') 或者 可以用大括号({})创建集合。注意:如果要创建一个空集合,你必须用 set() 而不是 {} ;后者创建一个空的字典,下一节我们会介绍这个数据结构。 |
删除元素 del a['k'] |
range |
时间: |
import time # 引入time模块 |
ticks = time.time() |
print "当前时间戳为:", ticks |
``` |
| en((1, 2, 3)) | 3 | 计算元素个数 | |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ | |
| (1, 2, 3) + (4, 5, 6) | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | 连接 | |
| ('Hi!',) * 4 | ('Hi!', 'Hi!', 'Hi!', 'Hi!') | 复制 | |
| 3 in (1, 2, 3) | True | 元素是否存在 | |
| for x in (1, 2, 3): print x, | 1 2 3 | 迭代 | |
笔记 |
```python |
a,b=0,1 |
while b<10: |
print(b,end=',') |
a,b=b,a+b |
print() |
# while else 循环 |
c=0 |
while c<10: |
print(c) |
c+=2 |
else: |
print("after c=",c) |
# set顺序是乱的 |
chars=set('abcdefg') |
for c in chars: |
print(c) |
# range([start,]stop[,step]) |
for i in range(5,21,2): |
print(i) |
# for array |
a=['a','b','c'] |
for i in range(len(a)): |
print(i,':',a[i]); |
# 空语句 可以用pass占位 |
## 迭代器 |
a=[1,2,3,4] |
it=iter(a) |
print(next(it)) |
for i in it: |
print('in range:',i) |
# while next 写法 |
import sys |
list=[1,2,3,4] |
it = iter(list) # 创建迭代器对象 |
while True: |
try: |
print (next(it)) |
except StopIteration: |
print ('finished') |
break |
#sys.exit() |
print('is here?') |
# 通过yield生成斐波那契数列 |
def fibonacci(n): |
a,b,count=0,1,0 |
while True: |
if (count>n): |
return |
yield a |
a,b=b,a+b |
count+=1 |
f=fibonacci(10) |
for fi in f: |
print('f',fi,end=',') |
# 函数 |
def hello() : |
print("Hello World!") |
ret=hello() |
print('ret:'+str(ret)) |
''' |
不可变类型:strings,tuples,numbers 作为函数参数类似C++中值传递 |
可变类型: list,dict 作为函数参数类似C++中的引用传递 |
参数可以按名称传递、可以有默认值 |
可变长参数如下 |
''' |
def printinfo(arg1,*vartuple): |
print(arg1) |
print(len(vartuple)) |
printinfo(7) |
# 加了两个星号 ** 的参数会以字典的形式导入。 |
sum=lambda a,b:a+b |
print(sum(1,20)) |
# 列表推导式 |
vec=[2,4,6] |
dd=[3*x for x in vec] |
print(dd) |
# 字典的便利 |
dics={'name':'ww','age':18} |
for k,v in dics.items(): |
print(k,'=',b) |
# 遍历技巧 |
# for i,v in enumerate(list) 同时获得索引和值 |
# zip(list1,list2) 组合两个序列 |
# reversed(seq) 反向 |
# sorted(seq) 排序 |
## 类型转换 |
# int(x[, base]) 将x转换为一个整数,base为进制,默认十进制 |
# |
# long(x[, base] ) 将x转换为一个长整数 |
# |
# float(x) 将x转换到一个浮点数 |
# |
# complex(real[, imag]) 创建一个复数 |
# |
# str(x) 将对象 x 转换为字符串 |
# |
# repr(x) 将对象 x 转换为表达式字符串 |
# |
# eval(str) 用来计算在字符串中的有效Python表达式, 并返回一个对象 |
# |
# tuple(s) 将序列 s 转换为一个元组 |
# |
# list(s) 将序列 s 转换为一个列表 |
# |
# set(s) 转换为可变集合 |
# |
# dict(d) 创建一个字典。d 必须是一个序列(key, value) 元组。 |
# |
# frozenset(s) 转换为不可变集合 |
# |
# chr(x) 将一个整数转换为一个字符 |
# |
# unichr(x) 将一个整数转换为Unicode字符 |
# |
# ord(x) 将一个字符转换为它的整数值 |
# |
# hex(x) 将一个整数转换为一个十六进制字符串 |
# |
# oct(x) 将一个整数转换为一个八进制字符串 |
``` |
模块学习: |
`` |
```python |
# !/usr/bin/python3 |
if __name__=='__main__': |
# 程序独立运行 |
pass |
else: |
# 程序被模块调用 |
print('moduled') |
def fabonacci(n): |
a,b,c=0,1,0 |
while c<n: |
yield b |
a,b=b,a+b |
c+=1 |
``` |
调用模块: |
```python |
import m |
ret=m.fabonacci(10) |
for r in ret: |
print(r) |
``` |
包的概念: |
文件夹 包含 `` |
``` |
sound/ 顶层包 |
||| 初始化 sound 包 |
formats/ 文件格式转换子包 |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
... |
effects/ 声音效果子包 |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
... |
filters/ filters 子包 |
||| |
||| |
||| |
||| |
... |
``` |
导入方法中`from package import item`,item既可以是子模块(子包),也可以是包里面定义的内容(函数或变量) |
导入方法中`from sound.effects import *` 如果这个包里面有子模块,需要定义 `__all__`变量来说明 |
``` |
__all__ = ['echo','surround','reverse'] |
``` |
输入输出 和 文件操作 |
```python |
# rjust 右对齐 |
for x in range(1,11): |
print(repr(x).rjust(2),repr(x*x).rjust(3),repr(x*x*x).rjust(4),end=' ') |
print() |
print('name is {0},age {1},alias {alias}'.format('ww',18,alias='peter')) |
# 读文件 |
with open('foo.txt','r') as f: |
# 也可以 f.readlines / |
for line in f: |
print (line,end='') |
print(f.closed) |
# 写文件 |
with open('bar.txt','w') as f: |
for a in range(0,10): |
f.write(str(a)) |
f=open('bar.txt','r') |
print(f.readlines()) |
f.close |
# 通过pickle实现序列化和反序列化 |
import pickle,pprint |
data1={ |
'a':[1,2.0,4+3j], |
'b':('text',u'unicode text'), |
'c':None |
} |
selfref_list = [1, 2, 3] |
selfref_list.append(selfref_list) |
output=open('data.pk1','wb') |
pickle.dump(data1,output) |
pickle.dump(selfref_list,output,-1) |
output.close() |
# 反序列化 |
input=open('data.pk1','rb') |
data1=pickle.load(input) |
pprint.pprint(data1) |
pprint.pprint(pickle.load(input)) |
``` |
错误异常 |
<img src=''> |
```python |
try: |
... |
except OSError as err: |
print('OS Error: {0}'.format(err)) |
except (RuntimeError,TypeError,NameError): |
pass |
except: |
raise |
else: # 没有发生异常时执行 |
... |
finally: # 永远执行 |
... |
``` |
面向对象 |
```python |
#!/usr/bin/python3 |
class people: |
name='' |
# 构造函数 |
def __init__(self,n,a): |
||| |
self.age=a |
# 类方法 |
def speak(self): |
print("%s speak age %d"%(,self.age)) |
# 继承 (同时支持多继承,从左往右的规则搜索父类方法) |
class student(people): |
grade='' |
# 私有变量 |
__private_attrs=0 |
def __init__(self,n,a,g): |
people.__init__(self,n,a) |
self.grade=g |
# 覆盖 |
def speak(self): |
print("{} speak age {} grade {}".format(,self.age,self.grade)) |
# 析构函数 |
def __del__(self): |
pass |
# 打印 |
def __repr__(self): |
return "myAge:{age}".format(age=self.age) |
st = student('ak',16,'g3') |
st.speak() |
super(student,st).speak() # 调用父类已被覆盖的方法 |
print(repr(st)) |
``` |
> mirror: |
作用域: |
Python 中只有模块(module),类(class)以及函数(def、lambda)才会引入新的作用域,其它的代码块(如 if/elif/else/、try/except、for/while等)是不会引入新的作用域的,也就是说这些语句内定义的变量,外部也可以访问,如下代码: |
```python |
``` |
global 和 nonlocal关键字用于在指定作用域内修改全局或闭包外部作用域内的变量 |
### 标准库 [官方中文文档目录]( |
HTTP请求 |
```python |
from urllib.request import urlopen |
for line in urlopen(''): |
line = line.decode('utf-8') |
print(line) |
# pip install requests |
import requests |
requests=requests.get('') |
print(requests.content) |
``` |
日志 |
```python |
import logging |
logging.warning("warnmsg") |
log=logging.getLogger('sk') |
# logging.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) |
log.warning('hello') |
# 输出 日志级别:日志器名称:日志内容 |
# 默认是指格式 BASIC_FORMAT "%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" |
LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" |
DATE_FORMAT = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p" |
logging.basicConfig(filename='my.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=DATE_FORMAT) |
log=logging.getLogger("filelog") |
|||"this is a log record") |
# 打印错误信息和堆栈 |
logging.warning("Some one delete the log file.", exc_info=True, stack_info=True, extra={'user': 'Tom', 'ip':''}) |
``` |
多线程 |
```python |
from threading import Timer |
import time |
# 定时 |
def hello(): |
print('hello') |
t=Timer(4.0,hello) |
t.start() |
while True: |
time.sleep(1) |
``` |
数学库 |
| Quantum Computing | Statistical Computing | Signal Processing | Image Processing | Graphs and Networks | Astronomy Processes | Cognitive Psychology | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
| ![A computer chip.]( | ![A line graph with the line moving up.]( | ![A bar chart with positive and negative values.]( | ![An photograph of the mountains.]( | ![A simple graph.]( | ![A telescope.]( | ![A human head with gears.]( | |
| [QuTiP]( | [Pandas]( | [SciPy]( | [Scikit-image]( | [NetworkX]( | [AstroPy]( | [PsychoPy]( | |
| [PyQuil]( | [statsmodels]( | [PyWavelets]( | [OpenCV]( | [graph-tool]( | [SunPy]( | | |
| [Qiskit]( | [Xarray]( | [python-control]( | [Mahotas]( | [igraph]( | [SpacePy]( | | |
| | [Seaborn]( | | | [PyGSP]( | | | |
| Bioinformatics | Bayesian Inference | Mathematical Analysis | Chemistry | Geoscience | Geographic Processing | Architecture & Engineering | |
| ![A strand of DNA.]( | ![A graph with a bell-shaped curve.]( | ![Four mathematical symbols.]( | ![A test tube.]( | ![The Earth.]( | ![A map.]( | ![A microprocessor development board.]( | |
| [BioPython]( | [PyStan]( | [SciPy]( | [Cantera]( | [Pangeo]( | [Shapely]( | [COMPAS]( | |
| [Scikit-Bio]( | [PyMC3]( | [SymPy]( | [MDAnalysis]( | [Simpeg]( | [GeoPandas]( | [City Energy Analyst]( | |
| [PyEnsembl]( | [ArviZ]( | [cvxpy]( | [RDKit]( | [ObsPy]( | [Folium]( | [Sverchok]( | |
| [ETE]( | [emcee]( | [FEniCS]( | | [Fatiando a Terra]( | | | |
- <img src='imgs/安心云数据分析工具/numpylogoicon.png' width=80 align=left> |
#### [NumPy]( |
提供基础的N维数组 |
- [![scipy](]( |
#### [SciPy library]( |
科学计算基础包 |
- [![matplotlib](]( |
#### [Matplotlib]( |
综合的2D图形包 |
- [![ipython](]( |
#### [IPython]( |
增强的交互控制台 |
- [![sympy](]( |
#### [SymPy]( |
符号数学 |
- [![pandas badge](]( |
#### [pandas]( |
Data structures & analysis 数据结构化和分析工具 |