@ -0,0 +1,951 @@ |
## 概述 |
为开源产品,构建在Kubernetes之上,并将本机容器化应用程序编排和设备管理扩展到边缘主机。 |
![KubeEdge Architecture](imgs/KubeEdge/kubeedge_arch.png) |
优势: |
+ 原生支持kubernetes |
+ 云边缘可靠协作 |
+ 边缘自治 |
+ 边缘设备管理:通过CRD实现的Kubernetes本地api管理边缘设备。 |
+ 极轻量边缘代理 (EdgeCore) |
组件: |
+ Edged 运行在边缘节点的代理,管理容器化应用程序 |
+ EdgeHub 管理和云服务交互的web socket客户端。包括同步云端资源到边缘,上报边端主机和设备状态变更到云。 |
+ CloudHub 在云端运行的websocket服务,监听边端的事件 |
+ EdgeController: Kubernetes Controller的扩展,管理边缘node和pod元数据 |
+ EventBus: Mqtt的客户端用于连接Mqtt服务(mosquitto),提供到其他组件的订阅和发布。 |
+ DeviceTwin:存储设备状态、同步设备状态到云端。并提供应用的查询接口 |
+ MetaManager:Edged和edgehub之间的消息处理器,它还负责在轻量级数据库(SQLite)中存储/检索元数据。 |
- [ServiceBus](https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/architecture/edge/servicebus): a HTTP client to interact with HTTP servers (REST), offering HTTP client capabilities to components of cloud to reach HTTP servers running at edge. |
<img src="imgs/KubeEdge/avatar_hu6dd63758e9c8a7a1da773a2d4193fd13_641557_250x250_fill_box_center_2.png" height=50 align="left"> |
官网:https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/setup/local/ |
<img src="imgs/KubeEdge/image-20210709140821500.png" height=50 align="left"> |
Github: https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge |
| 术语 | 描述 | |
| ---- | ---- | |
| | | |
## 安装 |
[下载](https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/releases) |
+ [keadm-v1.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz](F:\H\edge) keadm安装文件 |
+ [kubeedge-v1.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz](F:\H\edge) 二进制文件安装 |
+ [edgesite-v1.7.1-linux-amd64.tar](F:\H\edge) |
### [通过Keadm来安装](https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/setup/keadm/) |
keadm 用来安装 KubeEdge 的云和端组件。 |
#### 云端 |
需要提前安装kubernetes。 |
```sh |
keadm init --advertise-address="" |
``` |
将在服务器上安装 cloudcore,生成证书并安装CRDs。 |
获取token,将在添加边缘节点时使用。 |
```sh |
keadm gettoken |
``` |
#### 边端 |
```sh |
keadm join --cloudcore-ipport= --token=xxxx |
``` |
将在客户端安装edgecore和mqtt。 |
### [通过二进制文件安装](https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/setup/local/) |
或者参考https://www.cnblogs.com/kkbill/p/12600541.html |
安装环境**准备**: |
`Cloud:`:kubernetes |
`Edge:` : golang docker mqtt |
| 系统 | ubuntu 16.04 | |
| :----- | -------------------- | |
| golang | go1.10.4 linux/amd64 | |
| docker | 19.03.12 | |
| k8s | 1.18 | |
准备安装KubeEdnge1.7.1: |
将安装文件 `[kubeedge-v1.7.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz] 拷贝到服务器和边缘节点 |
#### 云端 |
创建 CRDs |
```shell |
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/master/build/crds/devices/devices_v1alpha2_device.yaml |
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/master/build/crds/devices/devices_v1alpha2_devicemodel.yaml |
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/master/build/crds/reliablesyncs/cluster_objectsync_v1alpha1.yaml |
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/master/build/crds/reliablesyncs/objectsync_v1alpha1.yaml |
``` |
创建config文件 |
```sh |
cloudcore --minconfig > cloudcore.yaml |
``` |
[配置](https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/setup/config/#configuration-cloud-side-kubeedge-master) |
```yaml |
apiVersion: cloudcore.config.kubeedge.io/v1alpha1 |
kind: CloudCore |
kubeAPIConfig: |
kubeConfig: /root/.kube/config |
master: "" |
modules: |
cloudHub: |
advertiseAddress: |
- |
enable: true |
https: |
address: |
enable: true |
port: 10002 |
nodeLimit: 1000 |
tlsCAFile: /etc/kubeedge/ca/rootCA.crt |
tlsCAKeyFile: /etc/kubeedge/ca/rootCA.key |
tlsCertFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/edge.crt |
tlsPrivateKeyFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/edge.key |
unixsocket: |
address: unix:///var/lib/kubeedge/kubeedge.sock |
enable: true |
websocket: |
address: |
enable: true |
port: 10000 |
router: |
address: |
enable: true |
port: 9443 |
restTimeout: 60 |
``` |
运行 |
```sh |
cloudcore --config cloudcore.yaml |
``` |
生成证书 |
```sh |
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/master/build/tools/certgen.sh |
chmod +x certgen.sh |
./certgen.sh genCertAndKey edge |
root@node38:/home/anxin/edge# ls /etc/kubeedge |
ca certs crds |
拷贝到边缘节点: |
scp /etc/kubeedge/ca/rootCA.crt root@node35:/etc/kubeedge/ca/ |
scp /etc/kubeedge/certs/edge.crt root@node35:/etc/kubeedge/certs/ |
scp /etc/kubeedge/certs/edge.key root@node35:/etc/kubeedge/certs/ |
``` |
获取token (将用于edge配置) |
```sh |
kubectl get secret -nkubeedge tokensecret -o json # 找到token 加入到edgecore.yml中 |
# kubectl get secret -nkubeedge default-token-pdrnq -o=jsonpath='{.data.tokendata}' | base64 -d |
# sed -i -e "s|token: .*|token: ${token}|g" edgecore.yaml |
``` |
#### 边端 |
> 需要提前安装docker |
初始化配置 |
``` |
./edgecore --minconfig > edgecore.yaml |
./edgecore --defaultconfig > edgecore.yaml |
``` |
将云端token配置到edgecore.yaml |
```yaml |
# With --minconfig , you can easily used this configurations as reference. |
# It's useful to users who are new to KubeEdge, and you can modify/create your own configs accordingly. |
# This configuration is suitable for beginners. |
apiVersion: edgecore.config.kubeedge.io/v1alpha1 |
database: |
dataSource: /var/lib/kubeedge/edgecore.db |
kind: EdgeCore |
modules: |
edgeHub: |
enable: true |
heartbeat: 15 |
httpServer: |
tlsCaFile: /etc/kubeedge/ca/rootCA.crt |
tlsCertFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/server.crt |
tlsPrivateKeyFile: /etc/kubeedge/certs/server.key |
token: 5e630e7bf11b00a77a513233e067788e12d36179be1d4b83d804bf77c463781e.eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjYyNDE2ODd9.oRE1mzeRVC7ohsA5KF9QP_EvxE83BSTjP6fuZuVL2Yk |
websocket: |
enable: true |
handshakeTimeout: 30 |
readDeadline: 15 |
server: |
writeDeadline: 15 |
edged: |
#cgroupDriver: cgroupfs 通过docker info查看本机安装的cgroup-driver |
cgroupDriver: systemd |
cgroupRoot: "" |
cgroupsPerQOS: true |
clusterDNS: "" |
clusterDomain: "" |
devicePluginEnabled: false |
dockerAddress: unix:///var/run/docker.sock |
enable: true |
registerNode: true |
gpuPluginEnabled: false |
hostnameOverride: node35 |
nodeIP: |
podSandboxImage: kubeedge/pause:3.1 |
remoteImageEndpoint: unix:///var/run/dockershim.sock |
remoteRuntimeEndpoint: unix:///var/run/dockershim.sock |
runtimeType: docker |
eventBus: |
enable: true |
mqttMode: 2 |
mqttQOS: 0 |
mqttRetain: false |
mqttServerExternal: tcp:// |
mqttServerInternal: tcp:// |
``` |
启动 |
```shell |
edgecore --config edgecore.yaml |
``` |
启动后 docker ps: |
![image-20210713140207317](imgs/KubeEdge/image-20210713140207317.png) |
在cloud端查看 |
```sh |
root@node38:/home/anxin# kubectl get no |
node35 Ready agent,edge 334d v1.19.3-kubeedge-v1.7.1 |
node37 Ready <none> 334d v1.18.6 |
node38 Ready master 334d v1.18.6 |
``` |
##### 常见报错 |
1. Error: token credentials are in the wrong format |
```sh |
配置的token格式不对,从cloud端拿到的是base64,需要取解密后字符串、 |
``` |
2. cgroup-driver |
需要通过docker info命令查看自己安装的docker的cgroup-driver,然后修改配置文件中的cgroup-driver |
3. 无法访问平台侧的证书文件 |
F0709 14:54:31.063677 3153 certmanager.go:92] Error: failed to get edge certificate from the cloudcore, error: Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs |
```shell |
I0709 15:27:42.098408 14300 server.go:243] Ca and CaKey don't exist in local directory, and will read from the secret |
I0709 15:27:42.103401 14300 server.go:288] CloudCoreCert and key don't exist in local directory, and will read from the secret |
``` |
**解决方法**: |
删除原来的配置 |
```shell |
kubectl delete secret casecret -nkubeedge |
kubectl delete secret cloudcoresecret -nkubeedge |
# both cloud and edge side |
mv /etc/kubeedge/ca /etc/kubeedge/ca.bak |
mv /etc/kubeedge/certs /etc/kubeedge/certs.bak |
``` |
执行: ./certgen.sh genCertAndKey edge |
新问题: |
`Can't load /root/.rnd` (第一次生成的时候可能就错在这里) |
```shell |
cd /root |
openssl rand -writerand .rnd |
``` |
### 在Raspberry Pi 上安装 |
#### 安装Lite系统 |
https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_armhf/images/raspios_lite_armhf-2021-05-28/2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.zip |
设置网络 |
```shell |
interface eth0 |
static ip_address= |
static routers= |
static domain_name_servers= |
#设置密码 |
passwd pi |
PasswordAuthentication yes |
systemctl enable ssh |
``` |
安装mosquitto |
```shell |
wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key |
sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key |
# sudo wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-jessie.list |
# sudo wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-stretch.list |
sudo wget -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-buster.list |
apt-get update |
apt-get install mosquitto |
systemctl status mosquitto |
``` |
#### [安装docker](https://peppe8o.com/setup-a-docker-environment-with-raspberry-pi-os-lite-and-portainer/) |
<img src="imgs/KubeEdge/raspberry-pi-docker-portainer-featured-image.jpg" width="100" align="left"/> |
```shell |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade |
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh |
sudo sh get-docker.sh |
sudo docker version |
sudo docker run hello-world |
sudo usermod -aG docker pi |
``` |
#### [安装containerd](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/) |
[Setting different container runtime with CRI](https://docs.kubeedge.io/en/docs/advanced/cri/) |
修改`/etc/apt/sources.list` |
```shell |
deb http://mirrors.163.com/raspbian/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi |
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source' |
#deb-src http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi |
``` |
安装 |
```shell |
sudo apt-get update |
sudo apt-get install \ |
apt-transport-https \ |
ca-certificates \ |
curl \ |
gnupg \ |
lsb-release |
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg |
echo \ |
"deb [arch=armhf signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \ |
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null |
sudo apt-get update |
sudo apt-get install containerd.io |
``` |
```shell |
# Configure containerd |
mkdir -p /etc/containerd |
containerd config default > /etc/containerd/config.toml |
# Restart containerd |
systemctl restart containerd |
``` |
安装golang |
```shell |
sudo apt update |
sudo apt full-upgrade |
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.16.6.linux-armv6l.tar.gz -O go.tar.gz |
``` |
#### 配置运行EdgeCore |
配置EdgeCore.yaml支持containerd.。 默认cgroup 配置是 cgroupfs。 |
```yaml |
remoteRuntimeEndpoint: unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock |
remoteImageEndpoint: unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock |
runtimeRequestTimeout: 2 |
podSandboxImage: k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2 |
runtimeType: remote |
``` |
配置 |
```yaml |
``` |
启动: |
![image-20210721161810471](imgs/KubeEdge/image-20210721161810471.png) |
问题 |
1. Cgroup subsystem not mounted:[memory] |
```shell |
Following Cgroup subsystem not mounted: [memory] |
``` |
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/384443481 |
```shell |
#解决问题 |
#修改/boot/cmdline.txt |
sudo vim /boot/cmdline.txt |
cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 |
添加在同一行的最后面,接着内容后空格后添加, 注意:不要换行添加 |
#重启机器配置生效 |
reboot |
``` |
2. |
## 配置 |
### 云端 |
设置边缘端自动注册 modules.edged.registerNode=true。 或者使用[手动注册](https://kubeedge.io/en/docs/setup/config/)。 |
### 边端 |
#### 设置基础镜像: |
```sh |
modules.edged.podSandboxImage |
``` |
检查机器架构: |
```shell |
getconf LONG_BIT |
``` |
+ `kubeedge/pause-arm:3.1` **for** arm arch |
+ `kubeedge/pause-arm64:3.1` **for** arm64 arch |
+ `kubeedge/pause:3.1` **for** x86 arch |
#### 容器运行时 |
```yaml |
runtimeType: docker |
``` |
or |
```yaml |
runtimeType: remote |
``` |
#### MQTT模式 |
MQTT用于DeviceTwin和Devices之间的通信,支持3中MQTT模式: |
0 internalMqttMode 内部MQTT代理使能 |
1 bothMqttMonde 内部和外部MQTT代理均使能 |
2 externalMqttMode 外部代理使能 |
## EdgeMesh |
云端和边缘之间发生网络问题,集成EdgeMesh 支持DNS访问 |
```shell |
grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf |
hosts: dns file mdns4_minimal # 确保dns在第一位 |
``` |
**IP Forward**设置 |
```shell |
$ sudo echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf |
$ sudo sysctl -p |
#check |
$ sudo sysctl -p | grep ip_forward |
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 |
``` |
部署一个nginx例子 |
```yaml |
apiVersion: apps/v1 |
kind: Deployment |
metadata: |
name: nginx-deployment |
labels: |
app: nginx |
spec: |
replicas: 1 |
selector: |
matchLabels: |
app: nginx |
template: |
metadata: |
labels: |
app: nginx |
spec: |
containers: |
- name: nginx |
image: nginx |
ports: |
- containerPort: 80 |
hostPort: 8050 |
``` |
`kubeclt apply -f pod-nginx.yaml` |
![image-20210713171944426](imgs/KubeEdge/image-20210713171944426.png) |
按照官网例子访问容器ip curl,无法访问,直接访问http:// 可以。 |
创建一个服务: |
```yaml |
apiVersion: v1 |
kind: Service |
metadata: |
name: nginx-svc |
namespace: default |
spec: |
clusterIP: None |
selector: |
app: nginx |
ports: |
- name: http-0 |
port: 18050 |
protocol: TCP |
targetPort: 80 |
``` |
![image-20210713174342754](imgs/KubeEdge/image-20210713174342754.png) |
在边缘端访问: `<service_name>.<service_namespace>.svc.<cluster>.<local>:<port>` |
curl http://nginx-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:18050 |
## 开发指南 |
### Device Model 设备原型 |
KubeEdge支持通过Kubernetes CRDS,以及Device Mapper进行设备管理 |
```yaml |
apiVersion: devices.kubeedge.io/v1alpha2 |
kind: DeviceModel |
metadata: |
name: sensor-tag-model |
namespace: default |
spec: |
properties: |
- name: temperature |
description: temperature in degree celsius |
type: |
int: |
accessMode: ReadWrite |
maximum: 100 |
unit: degree celsius |
- name: temperature-enable |
description: enable data collection of temperature sensor |
type: |
string: |
accessMode: ReadWrite |
defaultValue: 'OFF' |
``` |
### Device Instance |
```yaml |
apiVersion: devices.kubeedge.io/v1alpha2 |
kind: Device |
metadata: |
name: sensor-tag-instance-01 |
labels: |
description: TISimplelinkSensorTag |
manufacturer: TexasInstruments |
model: CC2650 |
spec: |
deviceModelRef: |
name: sensor-tag-model |
protocol: |
modbus: |
slaveID: 1 |
common: |
com: |
serialPort: '1' |
baudRate: 115200 |
dataBits: 8 |
parity: even |
stopBits: 1 |
customizedValues: # 自定义属性值 |
def1: def1-val |
def2: def2-val |
nodeSelector: |
nodeSelectorTerms: |
- matchExpressions: |
- key: '' |
operator: In |
values: |
- node1 |
propertyVisitors: |
- propertyName: temperature |
modbus: |
register: CoilRegister |
offset: 2 |
limit: 1 |
scale: 1 |
isSwap: true |
isRegisterSwap: true |
- propertyName: temperature-enable |
modbus: |
register: DiscreteInputRegister |
offset: 3 |
limit: 1 |
scale: 1.0 |
isSwap: true |
isRegisterSwap: true |
- propertyName: temperature # 自定义协议写法 |
collectCycle: 500000000 |
reportCycle: 1000000000 |
customizedProtocol: |
protocolName: MY-TEST-PROTOCOL |
configData: |
def1: def1-val |
def2: def2-val |
def3: |
innerDef1: idef-val |
status: |
twins: |
- propertyName: temperature |
reported: |
metadata: |
timestamp: '1550049403598' |
type: int |
value: '10' |
desired: |
metadata: |
timestamp: '1550049403598' |
type: int |
value: '15' |
data: # 定义通过mappers上报到边缘端MQTT代理的一系列时序属性 |
dataTopic: "$ke/events/device/+/data/update" |
dataProperties: |
- propertyName: pressure |
metadata: |
type: int |
- propertyName: temperature |
metadata: |
type: int |
``` |
### Device Mapper |
是连接和控制设备的应用程序,包含功能: |
1) 扫描和连接设备 |
2) 报告设备孪生属性( twin-attributes)的真实状态 |
3) 转换预期状态到真实状态 |
4) 采集遥感数据 |
5) 将设备的读取转换成KubeEdge可以接受的格式 |
6) 安排设备上的动作(schedule) |
7) 检查设备的健康状态 |
![img](imgs/KubeEdge/mapper-design.png) |
### 创建步骤 |
1. kubectl apply -f <path to device model yaml> |
2. kubectl apply -f <path to device instance yaml> |
3. 执行基于指定协议的mapper程序 |
4. 改变设备实例yaml中的状态段,应用改变将影响边缘端,通过设备控制和设备孪生组件(DeviceController和DeviceTwin) |
5. 边缘端的mapper进程上报设备孪生的数据,并通过DeviceController同步回云端。 |
### Router Manager 路由管理 |
通过CRDs和Router模块,基于mqtt,实现云边消息通信。 控制用户数据的传输,一次传输的大小不超过12M。 |
使用场景: |
+ 通过云端api发布自定义消息,最终到达终端mqtt代理 |
+ 边缘发布消息到mqtt代理,最终通过RESTApi返回云端 |
+ 通过云端api发布自定义消息,最终调用边缘rest api传送消息 |
#### 规则的定义 |
RuleEndpoint 和 Rule Definition: |
+ RuleEndpoint 定义消息从哪里来的、或到哪里去,包括3中类型 |
+ rest |
+ eventbus (MQTT) |
+ servicebus (边缘端的Rest Api应用) |
+ Rule 定义从源Endpoint到目标Endpoint消息传输的方式,包含3中类型: |
+ rest->eventbus : cloud api --> edge mqtt |
+ eventbus->rest: edge mqtt --> cloud api |
+ rest->servicebus: cloud api --> user's app |
RuleEndpoint定义 |
```yaml |
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 |
kind: CustomResourceDefinition |
metadata: |
name: ruleendpoints.rules.kubeedge.io |
spec: |
group: rules.kubeedge.io |
versions: |
- name: v1 |
served: true |
storage: true |
schema: |
openAPIV3Schema: |
type: object |
properties: |
spec: |
type: object |
properties: |
ruleEndpointType: |
type: rest/eventbus/servicebus |
required: |
- ruleEndpointType |
scope: Namespaced |
names: |
plural: ruleendpoints |
singular: ruleendpoint |
kind: RuleEndpoint |
shortNames: |
- re |
``` |
Rule定义: |
```yaml |
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 |
kind: CustomResourceDefinition |
metadata: |
name: rules.rules.kubeedge.io |
spec: |
group: rules.kubeedge.io |
versions: |
- name: v1 |
served: true |
storage: true |
schema: |
openAPIV3Schema: |
type: object |
properties: |
spec: |
type: object |
properties: |
source: |
type: string |
value: my-rest |
sourceResource: |
description: {"path":"/a/b"} 或 {"topic":"<user define string>","node_name":"edge-node"} |
type: object |
additionalProperties: |
type: string |
target: |
type: string |
value: my-eventbus |
targetResource: |
description: {"topic":"/test"} |
type: object |
additionalProperties: |
type: string |
required: |
- source |
- sourceResource |
- target |
- targetResource |
status: |
type: object |
properties: |
successMessages: |
type: integer |
failMessages: |
type: integer |
errors: |
items: |
type: string |
type: array |
scope: Namespaced |
names: |
plural: rules |
singular: rule |
kind: Rule |
``` |
### [发消息的步骤](https://docs.kubeedge.io/en/docs/developer/custom_message_deliver/) |
以rest->eventbus 模式举例 |
1. 云端配置 router模块使能 |
2. 创建ruleEndpoint |
3. 创建rule |
```yaml |
apiVersion: rules.kubeedge.io/v1 |
kind: Rule |
metadata: |
name: my-rule |
labels: |
description: test |
spec: |
source: "my-rest" |
sourceResource: {"path":"/test"} |
target: "my-eventbus" |
targetResource: {"topic":"test"} |
``` |
4. 云端调用api接口发送消息 |
```shell |
http://{cloudcore_ip}:9443/{node_name}/{namespace}/{path} |
``` |
5. 边缘订阅 |
```shell |
mosquitto_sub -t 'test' -d |
``` |
人工智能、数字孪生、边缘计算、量子计算、沉浸式技术、区块链、智能空间、5G |
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