Browse Source

Merge branch 'dev' of into dev

dengyinhuan 3 years ago
  1. 155
  2. 493
  3. 232
  4. 236
  5. 21
  6. 3
  7. 4
  8. 8
  9. BIN
  10. 63
  11. 18
  12. 54
  13. 54
  14. 54
  15. 58
  16. 26
  17. 26
  18. 26
  19. 36
  20. 84
  21. 67
  22. 40
  23. 101
  24. 23
  25. BIN
  26. 13
  27. 18
  28. 14


@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
'use strict';
async function lineGet (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const { fleet } = ctx.query;
const findOption = {
order: [['id', 'DESC']],
where: {
if (fleet) {
findOption.where.fleet = { $like: `%${fleet}%` }
const roadRes = await models.BusLine.findAll(findOption)
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = roadRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function lineEdit (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const data = ctx.request.body;
if (!data.lineId) {
await models.BusLine.create(data)
} else {
await models.BusLine.update(
data, {
where: {
id: data.lineId
ctx.status = 204
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function lineDel (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const { lineId } = ctx.params;
await models.BusLine.destroy({
where: {
id: lineId
ctx.status = 204
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function carGet (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const { fleet } = ctx.query;
const findOption = {
order: [['id', 'DESC']],
where: {
if (fleet) {
findOption.where.fleet = { $like: `%${fleet}%` }
const roadRes = await models.BusCar.findAll(findOption)
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = roadRes
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function carEdit (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const data = ctx.request.body;
if (!data.carId) {
await models.BusCar.create(data)
} else {
await models.BusCar.update(
data, {
where: {
id: data.carId
ctx.status = 204
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
async function carDel (ctx) {
try {
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models;
const { carId } = ctx.params;
await models.BusCar.destroy({
where: {
id: carId
ctx.status = 204
} catch (error) {
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = {
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined
module.exports = {
lineGet, lineEdit, lineDel,
carGet, carEdit, carDel,


@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
/* eslint-disable*/
'use strict';
module.exports = dc => {
const DataTypes = dc.ORM;
const sequelize = dc.orm;
const BusCar = sequelize.define("busCar", {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: null,
comment: null,
primaryKey: true,
field: "id",
autoIncrement: true,
unique: "bus_car_id_uindex"
company: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "所属公司",
primaryKey: false,
field: "company",
autoIncrement: false
fleet: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "所属车队",
primaryKey: false,
field: "fleet",
autoIncrement: false
line: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "所属线路",
primaryKey: false,
field: "line",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆编号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_number",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleLicensePlateNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆牌照号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_license_plate_number",
autoIncrement: false
operationCategory: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "运营类别",
primaryKey: false,
field: "operation_category",
autoIncrement: false
serviceLife: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "已使用年限",
primaryKey: false,
field: "service_life",
autoIncrement: false
engineModel: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "发动机型号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "engine_model",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleModel: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆型号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_model",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleCategory: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆类别",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_category",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleStatus: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆状态",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_status",
autoIncrement: false
dateOfEntry: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "入户日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "date_of_entry",
autoIncrement: false
purchaseDate: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "购进日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "purchase_date",
autoIncrement: false
energyConsumptionType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "能耗类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "energy_consumption_type",
autoIncrement: false
numberOfStandardUnits: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "标台数",
primaryKey: false,
field: "number_of_standard_units",
autoIncrement: false
maintenanceUnit: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "维保单位",
primaryKey: false,
field: "maintenance_unit",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_type",
autoIncrement: false
brandAndModel: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "厂牌型号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "brand_and_model",
autoIncrement: false
manufacturer: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "生产厂家",
primaryKey: false,
field: "manufacturer",
autoIncrement: false
drivingLicenseNo: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "行驶证编号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "driving_license_no",
autoIncrement: false
engineNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "发动机编号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "engine_number",
autoIncrement: false
mainEnergyConsumption: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "主能耗",
primaryKey: false,
field: "main_energy_consumption",
autoIncrement: false
secondaryEnergyConsumption: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "副能耗",
primaryKey: false,
field: "secondary_energy_consumption",
autoIncrement: false
emissionStandard: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "排放标准",
primaryKey: false,
field: "emission_standard",
autoIncrement: false
startDate: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "启用日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "start_date",
autoIncrement: false
lastTransferDate: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "最近一次调动日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "last_transfer_date",
autoIncrement: false
conductor: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车长",
primaryKey: false,
field: "conductor",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleWidth: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车宽",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_width",
autoIncrement: false
carHeight: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车高",
primaryKey: false,
field: "car_height",
autoIncrement: false
approvedPassengerCapacity: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "核定载客数",
primaryKey: false,
field: "approved_passenger_capacity",
autoIncrement: false
vehicleIdentificationNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆识别号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "vehicle_identification_number",
autoIncrement: false
gearboxBrand: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "变速箱品牌",
primaryKey: false,
field: "gearbox_brand",
autoIncrement: false
manualCarWashingFee: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "人工洗车费",
primaryKey: false,
field: "manual_car_washing_fee",
autoIncrement: false
laborCost: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "劳务费",
primaryKey: false,
field: "labor_cost",
autoIncrement: false
curbWeight: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "整备质量",
primaryKey: false,
field: "curb_weight",
autoIncrement: false
totalMass: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "总质量",
primaryKey: false,
field: "total_mass",
autoIncrement: false
airConditioningTemperature: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "空调温度",
primaryKey: false,
field: "air_conditioning_temperature",
autoIncrement: false
airConditionedCarOrNot: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "是否空调车",
primaryKey: false,
field: "air_conditioned_car_or_not",
autoIncrement: false
turnOnTheAirConditioningTemperature: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "开空调温度",
primaryKey: false,
field: "turn_on_the_air_conditioning_temperature",
autoIncrement: false
power: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "功率",
primaryKey: false,
field: "power",
autoIncrement: false
transmission: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "变速器",
primaryKey: false,
field: "transmission",
autoIncrement: false
seatingCapacity: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "座位数",
primaryKey: false,
field: "seating_capacity",
autoIncrement: false
airConditioningBrand: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "空调品牌",
primaryKey: false,
field: "air_conditioning_brand",
autoIncrement: false
seatType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "座椅类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "seat_type",
autoIncrement: false
tireSpecifications: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "轮胎规格",
primaryKey: false,
field: "tire_specifications",
autoIncrement: false
roadTransportCertificateNo: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "道路运输证号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "road_transport_certificate_no",
autoIncrement: false
parkingPoint: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "停放点",
primaryKey: false,
field: "parking_point",
autoIncrement: false
carWashingType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "洗车类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "car_washing_type",
autoIncrement: false
maintenanceFreeWheelEnd: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "免维护轮端",
primaryKey: false,
field: "maintenance_free_wheel_end",
autoIncrement: false
firstGuaranteeDate: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "首保日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "first_guarantee_date",
autoIncrement: false
dateOfRenovation: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "整修日期",
primaryKey: false,
field: "date_of_renovation",
autoIncrement: false
motorVehicleOwner: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "机动车所有人",
primaryKey: false,
field: "motor_vehicle_owner",
autoIncrement: false
}, {
tableName: "bus_car",
comment: "",
indexes: []
dc.models.BusCar = BusCar;
return BusCar;


@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
/* eslint-disable*/
'use strict';
module.exports = dc => {
const DataTypes = dc.ORM;
const sequelize = dc.orm;
const BusLine = sequelize.define("busLine", {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: null,
comment: null,
primaryKey: true,
field: "id",
autoIncrement: true,
unique: "bus_line_id_uindex"
company: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "公司",
primaryKey: false,
field: "company",
autoIncrement: false
fleet: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车队",
primaryKey: false,
field: "fleet",
autoIncrement: false
carCaptain: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车队长",
primaryKey: false,
field: "car_captain",
autoIncrement: false
assistantCarCaptain: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "副车队长",
primaryKey: false,
field: "assistant_car_captain",
autoIncrement: false
officeLocation: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "办公地点",
primaryKey: false,
field: "office_location",
autoIncrement: false
lineName: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "线路名称",
primaryKey: false,
field: "line_name",
autoIncrement: false
lineType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "线路类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "line_type",
autoIncrement: false
lineDivision: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "线路划分",
primaryKey: false,
field: "line_division",
autoIncrement: false
gpsNumber: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "GPS编号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "gps_number",
autoIncrement: false
startingPointEndPoint: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "起点终点",
primaryKey: false,
field: "starting_point_end_point",
autoIncrement: false
numberOfVehicles: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "车辆数",
primaryKey: false,
field: "number_of_vehicles",
autoIncrement: false
totalKilometers: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "全程公里数",
primaryKey: false,
field: "total_kilometers",
autoIncrement: false
ticketPrice: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "票价",
primaryKey: false,
field: "ticket_price",
autoIncrement: false
openingTime: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "开通时间",
primaryKey: false,
field: "opening_time",
autoIncrement: false
runningTime: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "运行时间",
primaryKey: false,
field: "running_time",
autoIncrement: false
openingTimeSummer: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "开班时间夏令",
primaryKey: false,
field: "opening_time_summer",
autoIncrement: false
shiftClosingTimeSummer: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "收班时间夏令",
primaryKey: false,
field: "shift_closing_time_summer",
autoIncrement: false
openingTimeWinter: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "开班时间冬令",
primaryKey: false,
field: "opening_time_winter",
autoIncrement: false
shiftClosingTimeWinter: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "收班时间冬令",
primaryKey: false,
field: "shift_closing_time_winter",
autoIncrement: false
uplinkOfStationsAlongTheWay: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "沿途站点上行",
primaryKey: false,
field: "uplink_of_stations_along_the_way",
autoIncrement: false
downlinkOfStationsAlongTheWay: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "沿途站点下行",
primaryKey: false,
field: "downlink_of_stations_along_the_way",
autoIncrement: false
area: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "所属区域",
primaryKey: false,
field: "area",
autoIncrement: false
remarks: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "备注",
primaryKey: false,
field: "remarks",
autoIncrement: false
}, {
tableName: "bus_line",
comment: "",
indexes: []
dc.models.BusLine = BusLine;
return BusLine;


@ -114,6 +114,51 @@ module.exports = dc => {
field: "section_type", field: "section_type",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false
}, },
routeCodeBeforeRoadNetworkAdjustment: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "路网调整前路线编码",
primaryKey: false,
field: "route_code_before_road_network_adjustment",
autoIncrement: false
serialNumberOfOriginalSection: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "原路段序号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "serial_number_of_original_section",
autoIncrement: false
startingStakeNumberOfTheOriginalRoadSection: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "原路段起点桩号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section",
autoIncrement: false
endingPointStakeNoOfTheOriginalRoadSection: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "原路段止点桩号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section",
autoIncrement: false
routeLevel: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "路线等级",
primaryKey: false,
field: "route_level",
autoIncrement: false
natureOfRoadSection: { natureOfRoadSection: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
@ -132,6 +177,24 @@ module.exports = dc => {
field: "completion_time", field: "completion_time",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false
}, },
reconstructionTime: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "改建时间",
primaryKey: false,
field: "reconstruction_time",
autoIncrement: false
natureOfConstruction: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "建设性质",
primaryKey: false,
field: "nature_of_construction",
autoIncrement: false
gbmAndCivilizedModelRoad: { gbmAndCivilizedModelRoad: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
@ -159,6 +222,15 @@ module.exports = dc => {
field: "nature_of_charges", field: "nature_of_charges",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false
}, },
tollStation: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "所属收费站",
primaryKey: false,
field: "toll_station",
autoIncrement: false
numberOfCulverts: { numberOfCulverts: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
@ -330,6 +402,159 @@ module.exports = dc => {
field: "repeated_section_route_code", field: "repeated_section_route_code",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false
}, },
plannedFundCategory: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划资金类别",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_fund_category",
autoIncrement: false
plannedYear: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划年度",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_year",
autoIncrement: false
planDocumentNo: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划文号",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_document_no",
autoIncrement: false
planItemUniqueCode: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目唯一编码",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_item_unique_code",
autoIncrement: false
plannedProjectRouteCode: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目路线编码",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_project_route_code",
autoIncrement: false
planProjectName: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目名称",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_project_name",
autoIncrement: false
plannedProjectType: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目类型",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_project_type",
autoIncrement: false
completionStatus: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "完工情况",
primaryKey: false,
field: "completion_status",
autoIncrement: false
yearOfCompletion: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "完工年度",
primaryKey: false,
field: "year_of_completion",
autoIncrement: false
plannedFundCategoryOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划资金类别_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_fund_category__one",
autoIncrement: false
plannedYearOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划年度_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "planned_year__one",
autoIncrement: false
planDocumentNoOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划文号_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_document_no__one",
autoIncrement: false
planItemUniqueCodeOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目唯一编码_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_item_unique_code__one",
autoIncrement: false
planProjectNameOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "计划项目名称_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "plan_project_name__one",
autoIncrement: false
completionStatusOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "完工情况_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "completion_status__one",
autoIncrement: false
yearOfCompletionOne: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "完工年度_1",
primaryKey: false,
field: "year_of_completion__one",
autoIncrement: false
stationRange: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "桩号范围",
primaryKey: false,
field: "station_range",
autoIncrement: false
reportingUnit: { reportingUnit: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
@ -357,6 +582,15 @@ module.exports = dc => {
field: "change_time", field: "change_time",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false
}, },
lastRepairAndMaintenanceYear: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null,
comment: "最近一次修复养护年度",
primaryKey: false,
field: "last_repair_and_maintenance_year",
autoIncrement: false
whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway: { whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway: {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
@ -451,7 +685,7 @@ module.exports = dc => {
type: DataTypes.STRING, type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true, allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null, defaultValue: null,
comment: "县 / 乡 / 村", comment: null,
primaryKey: false, primaryKey: false,
field: "level", field: "level",
autoIncrement: false autoIncrement: false


@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const road = require('../../controllers/data/road');
const bridge = require('../../controllers/data/bridge'); const bridge = require('../../controllers/data/bridge');
const project = require('../../controllers/data/project'); const project = require('../../controllers/data/project');
const overspeed = require('../../controllers/data/overspeed'); const overspeed = require('../../controllers/data/overspeed');
const bus = require('../../controllers/data/bus');
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { module.exports = function (app, router, opts) {
@ -86,4 +87,24 @@ module.exports = function (app, router, opts) {
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/overspeed/:overspeedId'] = { content: '删除治超数据', visible: false }; app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/overspeed/:overspeedId'] = { content: '删除治超数据', visible: false };
router.del('/overspeed/:overspeedId', overspeed.overspeedDel); router.del('/overspeed/:overspeedId', overspeed.overspeedDel);
//overspeed END //overspeed END
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/bus/line'] = { content: '获取公交路线数据', visible: true };
router.get('/bus/line', bus.lineGet);
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/bus/line'] = { content: '编辑公交路线数据', visible: true };
router.put('/bus/line', bus.lineEdit);
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/bus/line/:lineId'] = { content: '删除公交路线数据', visible: false };
router.del('/bus/line/:lineId', bus.lineDel);
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/bus/car'] = { content: '获取公交车辆数据', visible: true };
router.get('/bus/car', bus.carGet);
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/bus/car'] = { content: '编辑公交车辆数据', visible: true };
router.put('/bus/car', bus.carEdit);
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/bus/car/:carId'] = { content: '删除公交车辆数据', visible: false };
router.del('/bus/car/:carId', bus.carDel);
//bus END
}; };


@ -7158,3 +7158,6 @@
2022-07-22 15:58:39.491 - debug: [FS-LOGGER] Init. 2022-07-22 15:58:39.491 - debug: [FS-LOGGER] Init.
2022-07-22 15:58:39.611 - info: [FS-ATTACHMENT] Inject attachment mw into router. 2022-07-22 15:58:39.611 - info: [FS-ATTACHMENT] Inject attachment mw into router.
2022-07-22 15:58:39.611 - info: [FS-AUTH] Inject auth and api mv into router. 2022-07-22 15:58:39.611 - info: [FS-AUTH] Inject auth and api mv into router.
2022-07-23 11:26:40.514 - debug: [FS-LOGGER] Init.
2022-07-23 11:26:40.651 - info: [FS-ATTACHMENT] Inject attachment mw into router.
2022-07-23 11:26:40.651 - info: [FS-AUTH] Inject auth and api mv into router.


@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of user
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "public"."user" VALUES (1, '管理员', 'SuperAdmin', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', 1, 'f', NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of DEP
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "department" VALUES (1, '默认部门', NULL, false);
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of user
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "user" VALUES (1, '管理员', 'SuperAdmin', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', 1, 'f', NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);


Binary file not shown.


@ -16,38 +16,6 @@ try {
port: 5432, port: 5432,
}) })
let appid = '20200917000567738';
let key = 'xXm4jsuuD38JIkkhEcK6';
const getAnswer = async (query) => {
let start = (new Date()).getTime();
let salt = start;
let str1 = appid + query + salt + key;
let sign = Hex.stringify(MD5(str1));
let answer = await request.get('').timeout(1000 * 30).query({
q: query,
appid: appid,
salt: salt,
from: 'zh',
to: 'en',
sign: sign
if (answer.body.error_code) {
throw '百度不给力,快快debug'
let rslt = answer.body.trans_result;
// let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst.toLowerCase().replace(/( |^)[a-z]/g, (L) => L.toUpperCase()).replace(/ /g, '');
// let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
// let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_');
let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst.replace(/\//g, ' ').replace(/'/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, '');
while (((new Date()).getTime() - start) < (1000 / 8)) {//每s只能调用10次
return upperCaseRslt
const fun = async () => { const fun = async () => {
// note: we don't try/catch this because if connecting throws an exception // note: we don't try/catch this because if connecting throws an exception
// we don't need to dispose of the client (it will be undefined) // we don't need to dispose of the client (it will be undefined)
@ -71,7 +39,7 @@ try {
// defaultValue: ['县'], // defaultValue: ['县'],
// }, // },
// { // {
// path:[ './data/道路/乡道第三方.xls'], // path: ['./data/道路/乡道第三方.xls'],
// n: '道路', // n: '道路',
// tableName: 'road', // tableName: 'road',
// defaultKey: ['level'], // defaultKey: ['level'],
@ -122,11 +90,16 @@ try {
// n: '治超', // n: '治超',
// tableName: 'overspeed', // tableName: 'overspeed',
// }, // },
{ // {
path: ['./data/公交/运营线路/(四公司)南昌公交运营线路基础信息表2022年6月(总表).xlsx'], // path: ['./data/公交/运营线路/(四公司)南昌公交运营线路基础信息表2022年6月(总表).xlsx'],
n: '公交线路', // n: '公交线路',
tableName: 'bus_line', // tableName: 'bus_line',
}, // },
// {
// path: ['./data/公交/车辆信息/四公司车辆信息(1).xls'],
// n: '公交车辆',
// tableName: 'bus_car',
// },
] ]
for (let f of fileList) { for (let f of fileList) {
@ -149,13 +122,25 @@ try {
let v = d[k]; let v = d[k];
if (v) { if (v) {
insertKeys.push(keyMap[k]); insertKeys.push(keyMap[k]);
if (f.n == '工程一览') { if (f.n == '工程一览') {
if (k == '项目进展情况' && v == '已完工') { if (k == '项目进展情况' && v == '已完工') {
insertValues[0] = true insertValues[0] = true
} }
} }
if (f.n == '公交车辆') {
if (k == '所属公司') {
if (k == '所属车队') {
} }
} }
insertStr += insertKeys.join(',') + ') VALUES ('; insertStr += insertKeys.join(',') + ') VALUES (';


@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ try {
let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst let upperCaseRslt = rslt[0].dst
.replace(/\//g, ' ') .replace(/\//g, ' ')
.replace(/'/g, '') .replace(/'/g, '')
.replace(/:/g,'') .replace(/:/g, '')
.trim() .trim()
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, '') .replace(/\s{2,}/g, '')
.replace(/-/g, ' '); .replace(/-/g, ' ');
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ try {
try { try {
await client.query('BEGIN') await client.query('BEGIN')
// 有手动更改 不要轻易再次执行脚本
const fileList = [ const fileList = [
// { // {
// path: './data/道路/乡道第三方.xls', // path: './data/道路/乡道第三方.xls',
@ -92,11 +93,16 @@ try {
// n: '治超', // n: '治超',
// tableName: 'overspeed' // tableName: 'overspeed'
// }, // },
{ // {
path: './data/公交/运营线路/(四公司)南昌公交运营线路基础信息表2022年6月(总表).xlsx', // path: './data/公交/运营线路/(四公司)南昌公交运营线路基础信息表2022年6月(总表).xlsx',
n: '公交线路', // n: '公交线路',
tableName: 'bus_line' // tableName: 'bus_line'
}, // },
// {
// path: './data/公交/车辆信息/四公司车辆信息(1).xls',
// n: '公交车辆',
// tableName: 'bus_car'
// },
] ]
for (let f of fileList) { for (let f of fileList) {


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"所属公司": "company",
"所属车队": "fleet",
"所属线路": "line",
"车辆编号": "vehicleNumber",
"车辆牌照号": "vehicleLicensePlateNumber",
"运营类别": "operationCategory",
"已使用年限": "serviceLife",
"发动机型号": "engineModel",
"车辆型号": "vehicleModel",
"车辆类别": "vehicleCategory",
"车辆状态": "vehicleStatus",
"入户日期": "dateOfEntry",
"购进日期": "purchaseDate",
"能耗类型": "energyConsumptionType",
"标台数": "numberOfStandardUnits",
"维保单位": "maintenanceUnit",
"车辆类型": "vehicleType",
"厂牌型号": "brandAndModel",
"生产厂家": "manufacturer",
"行驶证编号": "drivingLicenseNo",
"发动机编号": "engineNumber",
"主能耗": "mainEnergyConsumption",
"副能耗": "secondaryEnergyConsumption",
"排放标准": "emissionStandard",
"启用日期": "startDate",
"最近一次调动日期": "lastTransferDate",
"车长": "conductor",
"车宽": "vehicleWidth",
"车高": "carHeight",
"核定载客数": "approvedPassengerCapacity",
"车辆识别号": "vehicleIdentificationNumber",
"变速箱品牌": "gearboxBrand",
"人工洗车费": "manualCarWashingFee",
"劳务费": "laborCost",
"整备质量": "curbWeight",
"总质量": "totalMass",
"空调温度": "airConditioningTemperature",
"是否空调车": "airConditionedCarOrNot",
"开空调温度": "turnOnTheAirConditioningTemperature",
"功率": "power",
"变速器": "transmission",
"座位数": "seatingCapacity",
"空调品牌": "airConditioningBrand",
"座椅类型": "seatType",
"轮胎规格": "tireSpecifications",
"道路运输证号": "roadTransportCertificateNo",
"停放点": "parkingPoint",
"洗车类型": "carWashingType",
"免维护轮端": "maintenanceFreeWheelEnd",
"首保日期": "firstGuaranteeDate",
"整修日期": "dateOfRenovation",
"机动车所有人": "motorVehicleOwner"


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"company": "所属公司",
"fleet": "所属车队",
"line": "所属线路",
"vehicleNumber": "车辆编号",
"vehicleLicensePlateNumber": "车辆牌照号",
"operationCategory": "运营类别",
"serviceLife": "已使用年限",
"engineModel": "发动机型号",
"vehicleModel": "车辆型号",
"vehicleCategory": "车辆类别",
"vehicleStatus": "车辆状态",
"dateOfEntry": "入户日期",
"purchaseDate": "购进日期",
"energyConsumptionType": "能耗类型",
"numberOfStandardUnits": "标台数",
"maintenanceUnit": "维保单位",
"vehicleType": "车辆类型",
"brandAndModel": "厂牌型号",
"manufacturer": "生产厂家",
"drivingLicenseNo": "行驶证编号",
"engineNumber": "发动机编号",
"mainEnergyConsumption": "主能耗",
"secondaryEnergyConsumption": "副能耗",
"emissionStandard": "排放标准",
"startDate": "启用日期",
"lastTransferDate": "最近一次调动日期",
"conductor": "车长",
"vehicleWidth": "车宽",
"carHeight": "车高",
"approvedPassengerCapacity": "核定载客数",
"vehicleIdentificationNumber": "车辆识别号",
"gearboxBrand": "变速箱品牌",
"manualCarWashingFee": "人工洗车费",
"laborCost": "劳务费",
"curbWeight": "整备质量",
"totalMass": "总质量",
"airConditioningTemperature": "空调温度",
"airConditionedCarOrNot": "是否空调车",
"turnOnTheAirConditioningTemperature": "开空调温度",
"power": "功率",
"transmission": "变速器",
"seatingCapacity": "座位数",
"airConditioningBrand": "空调品牌",
"seatType": "座椅类型",
"tireSpecifications": "轮胎规格",
"roadTransportCertificateNo": "道路运输证号",
"parkingPoint": "停放点",
"carWashingType": "洗车类型",
"maintenanceFreeWheelEnd": "免维护轮端",
"firstGuaranteeDate": "首保日期",
"dateOfRenovation": "整修日期",
"motorVehicleOwner": "机动车所有人"


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"所属公司": "company",
"所属车队": "fleet",
"所属线路": "line",
"车辆编号": "vehicle_number",
"车辆牌照号": "vehicle_license_plate_number",
"运营类别": "operation_category",
"已使用年限": "service_life",
"发动机型号": "engine_model",
"车辆型号": "vehicle_model",
"车辆类别": "vehicle_category",
"车辆状态": "vehicle_status",
"入户日期": "date_of_entry",
"购进日期": "purchase_date",
"能耗类型": "energy_consumption_type",
"标台数": "number_of_standard_units",
"维保单位": "maintenance_unit",
"车辆类型": "vehicle_type",
"厂牌型号": "brand_and_model",
"生产厂家": "manufacturer",
"行驶证编号": "driving_license_No",
"发动机编号": "engine_number",
"主能耗": "main_energy_consumption",
"副能耗": "secondary_energy_consumption",
"排放标准": "emission_standard",
"启用日期": "start_date",
"最近一次调动日期": "last_transfer_date",
"车长": "conductor",
"车宽": "vehicle_width",
"车高": "car_height",
"核定载客数": "approved_passenger_capacity",
"车辆识别号": "vehicle_identification_number",
"变速箱品牌": "gearbox_brand",
"人工洗车费": "manual_car_washing_fee",
"劳务费": "labor_cost",
"整备质量": "curb_weight",
"总质量": "total_mass",
"空调温度": "air_conditioning_temperature",
"是否空调车": "air_conditioned_car_or_not",
"开空调温度": "turn_on_the_air_conditioning_temperature",
"功率": "power",
"变速器": "transmission",
"座位数": "seating_capacity",
"空调品牌": "air_conditioning_brand",
"座椅类型": "seat_type",
"轮胎规格": "tire_specifications",
"道路运输证号": "road_Transport_Certificate_No",
"停放点": "parking_point",
"洗车类型": "car_washing_type",
"免维护轮端": "maintenance_free_wheel_end",
"首保日期": "first_guarantee_date",
"整修日期": "date_of_renovation",
"机动车所有人": "motor_vehicle_owner"


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- 公交车辆
CREATE TABLE if not exists "bus_car" ( id serial not null );
CREATE unique index if not exists bus_car_id_uindex
ON bus_car (id); alter TABLE bus_car add constraint bus_car_pk primary key (id); alter TABLE bus_car add Company varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Company is '所属公司'; alter TABLE bus_car add Fleet varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Fleet is '所属车队'; alter TABLE bus_car add Line varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Line is '所属线路'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Number varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Number is '车辆编号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_License_Plate_Number varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_License_Plate_Number is '车辆牌照号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Operation_Category varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Operation_Category is '运营类别'; alter TABLE bus_car add Service_Life varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Service_Life is '已使用年限'; alter TABLE bus_car add Engine_Model varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Engine_Model is '发动机型号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Model varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Model is '车辆型号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Category varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Category is '车辆类别'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Status varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Status is '车辆状态'; alter TABLE bus_car add Date_Of_Entry varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Date_Of_Entry is '入户日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Purchase_Date varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Purchase_Date is '购进日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Energy_Consumption_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Energy_Consumption_Type is '能耗类型'; alter TABLE bus_car add Number_Of_Standard_Units varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Number_Of_Standard_Units is '标台数'; alter TABLE bus_car add Maintenance_Unit varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Maintenance_Unit is '维保单位'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Type is '车辆类型'; alter TABLE bus_car add Brand_And_Model varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Brand_And_Model is '厂牌型号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Manufacturer varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Manufacturer is '生产厂家'; alter TABLE bus_car add Driving_License_No varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Driving_License_No is '行驶证编号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Engine_Number varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Engine_Number is '发动机编号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Main_Energy_Consumption varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Main_Energy_Consumption is '主能耗'; alter TABLE bus_car add Secondary_Energy_Consumption varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Secondary_Energy_Consumption is '副能耗'; alter TABLE bus_car add Emission_Standard varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Emission_Standard is '排放标准'; alter TABLE bus_car add Start_Date varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Start_Date is '启用日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Last_Transfer_Date varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Last_Transfer_Date is '最近一次调动日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Conductor varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Conductor is '车长'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Width varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Width is '车宽'; alter TABLE bus_car add Car_Height varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Car_Height is '车高'; alter TABLE bus_car add Approved_Passenger_Capacity varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Approved_Passenger_Capacity is '核定载客数'; alter TABLE bus_car add Vehicle_Identification_Number varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Vehicle_Identification_Number is '车辆识别号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Gearbox_Brand varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Gearbox_Brand is '变速箱品牌'; alter TABLE bus_car add Manual_Car_Washing_Fee varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Manual_Car_Washing_Fee is '人工洗车费'; alter TABLE bus_car add Labor_Cost varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Labor_Cost is '劳务费'; alter TABLE bus_car add Curb_Weight varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Curb_Weight is '整备质量'; alter TABLE bus_car add Total_Mass varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Total_Mass is '总质量'; alter TABLE bus_car add Air_Conditioning_Temperature varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Air_Conditioning_Temperature is '空调温度'; alter TABLE bus_car add Air_Conditioned_Car_Or_Not varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Air_Conditioned_Car_Or_Not is '是否空调车'; alter TABLE bus_car add Turn_On_The_Air_Conditioning_Temperature varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Turn_On_The_Air_Conditioning_Temperature is '开空调温度'; alter TABLE bus_car add Power varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Power is '功率'; alter TABLE bus_car add Transmission varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Transmission is '变速器'; alter TABLE bus_car add Seating_Capacity varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Seating_Capacity is '座位数'; alter TABLE bus_car add Air_Conditioning_Brand varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Air_Conditioning_Brand is '空调品牌'; alter TABLE bus_car add Seat_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Seat_Type is '座椅类型'; alter TABLE bus_car add Tire_Specifications varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Tire_Specifications is '轮胎规格'; alter TABLE bus_car add Road_Transport_Certificate_No varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Road_Transport_Certificate_No is '道路运输证号'; alter TABLE bus_car add Parking_Point varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Parking_Point is '停放点'; alter TABLE bus_car add Car_Washing_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Car_Washing_Type is '洗车类型'; alter TABLE bus_car add Maintenance_Free_Wheel_End varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Maintenance_Free_Wheel_End is '免维护轮端'; alter TABLE bus_car add First_Guarantee_Date varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.First_Guarantee_Date is '首保日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Date_Of_Renovation varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Date_Of_Renovation is '整修日期'; alter TABLE bus_car add Motor_Vehicle_Owner varchar(1024); comment
ON column bus_car.Motor_Vehicle_Owner is '机动车所有人';


@ -10,11 +10,19 @@
"止点分界点类别": "categoryOfDeadCenterAndDividingPoint", "止点分界点类别": "categoryOfDeadCenterAndDividingPoint",
"止点桩号": "stopStation", "止点桩号": "stopStation",
"路段类型": "sectionType", "路段类型": "sectionType",
"路网调整前路线编码": "routeCodeBeforeRoadNetworkAdjustment",
"原路段序号": "serialNumberOfOriginalSection",
"原路段起点桩号": "startingStakeNumberOfTheOriginalRoadSection",
"原路段止点桩号": "endingPointStakeNoOfTheOriginalRoadSection",
"路线等级": "routeLevel",
"路段性质": "natureOfRoadSection", "路段性质": "natureOfRoadSection",
"建成时间": "completionTime", "建成时间": "completionTime",
"改建时间": "reconstructionTime",
"建设性质": "natureOfConstruction",
"GBM及文明样板路": "gBMAndCivilizedModelRoad", "GBM及文明样板路": "gBMAndCivilizedModelRoad",
"地貌": "landforms", "地貌": "landforms",
"收费性质": "natureOfCharges", "收费性质": "natureOfCharges",
"所属收费站": "tollStation",
"涵洞数量": "numberOfCulverts", "涵洞数量": "numberOfCulverts",
"技术等级": "technicalLevel", "技术等级": "technicalLevel",
"路面类型": "pavementType", "路面类型": "pavementType",
@ -34,9 +42,27 @@
"重复道路路段类型": "typeOfRepeatedRoadSection", "重复道路路段类型": "typeOfRepeatedRoadSection",
"重复路段序号": "serialNumberOfRepeatedSection", "重复路段序号": "serialNumberOfRepeatedSection",
"重复路段路线编码": "repeatedSectionRouteCode", "重复路段路线编码": "repeatedSectionRouteCode",
"计划资金类别": "plannedFundCategory",
"计划年度": "plannedYear",
"计划文号": "planDocumentNo",
"计划项目唯一编码": "planItemUniqueCode",
"计划项目路线编码": "plannedProjectRouteCode",
"计划项目名称": "planProjectName",
"计划项目类型": "plannedProjectType",
"完工情况": "completionStatus",
"完工年度": "yearOfCompletion",
"计划资金类别_1": "plannedFundCategoryOne",
"计划年度_1": "plannedYearOne",
"计划文号_1": "planDocumentNoOne",
"计划项目唯一编码_1": "planItemUniqueCodeOne",
"计划项目名称_1": "planProjectNameOne",
"完工情况_1": "completionStatusOne",
"完工年度_1": "yearOfCompletionOne",
"桩号范围": "stationRange",
"填报单位": "reportingUnit", "填报单位": "reportingUnit",
"变更原因": "reasonForChange", "变更原因": "reasonForChange",
"变更时间": "changeTime", "变更时间": "changeTime",
"最近一次修复养护年度": "lastRepairAndMaintenanceYear",
"是否按干线公路管理接养": "whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway", "是否按干线公路管理接养": "whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway",
"备注": "remarks", "备注": "remarks",
"上年路线编码": "routeCodeOfLastYear", "上年路线编码": "routeCodeOfLastYear",


@ -10,11 +10,19 @@
"categoryOfDeadCenterAndDividingPoint": "止点分界点类别", "categoryOfDeadCenterAndDividingPoint": "止点分界点类别",
"stopStation": "止点桩号", "stopStation": "止点桩号",
"sectionType": "路段类型", "sectionType": "路段类型",
"routeCodeBeforeRoadNetworkAdjustment": "路网调整前路线编码",
"serialNumberOfOriginalSection": "原路段序号",
"startingStakeNumberOfTheOriginalRoadSection": "原路段起点桩号",
"endingPointStakeNoOfTheOriginalRoadSection": "原路段止点桩号",
"routeLevel": "路线等级",
"natureOfRoadSection": "路段性质", "natureOfRoadSection": "路段性质",
"completionTime": "建成时间", "completionTime": "建成时间",
"reconstructionTime": "改建时间",
"natureOfConstruction": "建设性质",
"gBMAndCivilizedModelRoad": "GBM及文明样板路", "gBMAndCivilizedModelRoad": "GBM及文明样板路",
"landforms": "地貌", "landforms": "地貌",
"natureOfCharges": "收费性质", "natureOfCharges": "收费性质",
"tollStation": "所属收费站",
"numberOfCulverts": "涵洞数量", "numberOfCulverts": "涵洞数量",
"technicalLevel": "技术等级", "technicalLevel": "技术等级",
"pavementType": "路面类型", "pavementType": "路面类型",
@ -34,9 +42,27 @@
"typeOfRepeatedRoadSection": "重复道路路段类型", "typeOfRepeatedRoadSection": "重复道路路段类型",
"serialNumberOfRepeatedSection": "重复路段序号", "serialNumberOfRepeatedSection": "重复路段序号",
"repeatedSectionRouteCode": "重复路段路线编码", "repeatedSectionRouteCode": "重复路段路线编码",
"plannedFundCategory": "计划资金类别",
"plannedYear": "计划年度",
"planDocumentNo": "计划文号",
"planItemUniqueCode": "计划项目唯一编码",
"plannedProjectRouteCode": "计划项目路线编码",
"planProjectName": "计划项目名称",
"plannedProjectType": "计划项目类型",
"completionStatus": "完工情况",
"yearOfCompletion": "完工年度",
"plannedFundCategoryOne": "计划资金类别_1",
"plannedYearOne": "计划年度_1",
"planDocumentNoOne": "计划文号_1",
"planItemUniqueCodeOne": "计划项目唯一编码_1",
"planProjectNameOne": "计划项目名称_1",
"completionStatusOne": "完工情况_1",
"yearOfCompletionOne": "完工年度_1",
"stationRange": "桩号范围",
"reportingUnit": "填报单位", "reportingUnit": "填报单位",
"reasonForChange": "变更原因", "reasonForChange": "变更原因",
"changeTime": "变更时间", "changeTime": "变更时间",
"lastRepairAndMaintenanceYear": "最近一次修复养护年度",
"whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway": "是否按干线公路管理接养", "whetherMaintenanceManagedHighway": "是否按干线公路管理接养",
"remarks": "备注", "remarks": "备注",
"routeCodeOfLastYear": "上年路线编码", "routeCodeOfLastYear": "上年路线编码",


@ -10,11 +10,19 @@
"止点分界点类别": "category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point", "止点分界点类别": "category_of_dead_center_and_dividing_point",
"止点桩号": "stop_station", "止点桩号": "stop_station",
"路段类型": "section_type", "路段类型": "section_type",
"路网调整前路线编码": "route_code_before_road_network_adjustment",
"原路段序号": "serial_number_of_original_section",
"原路段起点桩号": "starting_stake_number_of_the_original_road_section",
"原路段止点桩号": "ending_point_stake_no_of_the_original_road_section",
"路线等级": "route_level",
"路段性质": "nature_of_road_section", "路段性质": "nature_of_road_section",
"建成时间": "completion_time", "建成时间": "completion_time",
"改建时间": "reconstruction_time",
"建设性质": "nature_of_construction",
"GBM及文明样板路": "gBM_and_civilized_model_road", "GBM及文明样板路": "gBM_and_civilized_model_road",
"地貌": "landforms", "地貌": "landforms",
"收费性质": "nature_of_charges", "收费性质": "nature_of_charges",
"所属收费站": "toll_station",
"涵洞数量": "number_of_culverts", "涵洞数量": "number_of_culverts",
"技术等级": "technical_level", "技术等级": "technical_level",
"路面类型": "pavement_type", "路面类型": "pavement_type",
@ -34,9 +42,27 @@
"重复道路路段类型": "type_of_repeated_road_section", "重复道路路段类型": "type_of_repeated_road_section",
"重复路段序号": "serial_number_of_repeated_section", "重复路段序号": "serial_number_of_repeated_section",
"重复路段路线编码": "repeated_section_route_code", "重复路段路线编码": "repeated_section_route_code",
"计划资金类别": "planned_fund_category",
"计划年度": "planned_year",
"计划文号": "plan_document_No",
"计划项目唯一编码": "plan_item_unique_code",
"计划项目路线编码": "planned_project_route_code",
"计划项目名称": "plan_project_name",
"计划项目类型": "planned_project_type",
"完工情况": "completion_status",
"完工年度": "year_of_completion",
"计划资金类别_1": "planned_fund_category__one",
"计划年度_1": "planned_year__one",
"计划文号_1": "plan_document_No__one",
"计划项目唯一编码_1": "plan_item_unique_code__one",
"计划项目名称_1": "plan_project_name__one",
"完工情况_1": "completion_status__one",
"完工年度_1": "year_of_completion__one",
"桩号范围": "station_range",
"填报单位": "reporting_unit", "填报单位": "reporting_unit",
"变更原因": "reason_for_change", "变更原因": "reason_for_change",
"变更时间": "change_time", "变更时间": "change_time",
"最近一次修复养护年度": "last_repair_and_maintenance_year",
"是否按干线公路管理接养": "whether_maintenance_managed_highway", "是否按干线公路管理接养": "whether_maintenance_managed_highway",
"备注": "remarks", "备注": "remarks",
"上年路线编码": "route_code_of_last_year", "上年路线编码": "route_code_of_last_year",


@ -14,12 +14,20 @@ ON column road.Category_Of_Starting_Point_And_Dividing_Point is '起点分界点
ON column road.Stop_Place_Name is '止点地名'; alter TABLE road add Category_Of_Dead_Center_And_Dividing_Point varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Stop_Place_Name is '止点地名'; alter TABLE road add Category_Of_Dead_Center_And_Dividing_Point varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Category_Of_Dead_Center_And_Dividing_Point is '止点分界点类别'; alter TABLE road add Stop_Station varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Category_Of_Dead_Center_And_Dividing_Point is '止点分界点类别'; alter TABLE road add Stop_Station varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Stop_Station is '止点桩号'; alter TABLE road add Section_Type varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Stop_Station is '止点桩号'; alter TABLE road add Section_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Section_Type is '路段类型'; alter TABLE road add Nature_Of_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Section_Type is '路段类型'; alter TABLE road add Route_Code_Before_Road_Network_Adjustment varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Route_Code_Before_Road_Network_Adjustment is '路网调整前路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Serial_Number_Of_Original_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Serial_Number_Of_Original_Section is '原路段序号'; alter TABLE road add Starting_Stake_Number_Of_The_Original_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Starting_Stake_Number_Of_The_Original_Road_Section is '原路段起点桩号'; alter TABLE road add Ending_Point_Stake_No_Of_The_Original_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Ending_Point_Stake_No_Of_The_Original_Road_Section is '原路段止点桩号'; alter TABLE road add Route_Level varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Route_Level is '路线等级'; alter TABLE road add Nature_Of_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Nature_Of_Road_Section is '路段性质'; alter TABLE road add Completion_Time varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Nature_Of_Road_Section is '路段性质'; alter TABLE road add Completion_Time varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Completion_Time is '建成时间'; alter TABLE road add GBM_And_Civilized_Model_Road varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Completion_Time is '建成时间'; alter TABLE road add Reconstruction_Time varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Reconstruction_Time is '改建时间'; alter TABLE road add Nature_Of_Construction varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Nature_Of_Construction is '建设性质'; alter TABLE road add GBM_And_Civilized_Model_Road varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.GBM_And_Civilized_Model_Road is 'GBM及文明样板路'; alter TABLE road add Landforms varchar(1024); comment ON column road.GBM_And_Civilized_Model_Road is 'GBM及文明样板路'; alter TABLE road add Landforms varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Landforms is '地貌'; alter TABLE road add Nature_Of_Charges varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Landforms is '地貌'; alter TABLE road add Nature_Of_Charges varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Nature_Of_Charges is '收费性质'; alter TABLE road add Number_Of_Culverts varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Nature_Of_Charges is '收费性质'; alter TABLE road add Toll_Station varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Toll_Station is '所属收费站'; alter TABLE road add Number_Of_Culverts varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Number_Of_Culverts is '涵洞数量'; alter TABLE road add Technical_Level varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Number_Of_Culverts is '涵洞数量'; alter TABLE road add Technical_Level varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Technical_Level is '技术等级'; alter TABLE road add Pavement_Type varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Technical_Level is '技术等级'; alter TABLE road add Pavement_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Pavement_Type is '路面类型'; alter TABLE road add Pavement_Width varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Pavement_Type is '路面类型'; alter TABLE road add Pavement_Width varchar(1024); comment
@ -38,10 +46,28 @@ ON column road.Greening_Mileage is '可绿化里程'; alter TABLE road add Green
ON column road.Greening_Mileaged is '已绿化里程'; alter TABLE road add Type_Of_Repeated_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Greening_Mileaged is '已绿化里程'; alter TABLE road add Type_Of_Repeated_Road_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Type_Of_Repeated_Road_Section is '重复道路路段类型'; alter TABLE road add Serial_Number_Of_Repeated_Section varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Type_Of_Repeated_Road_Section is '重复道路路段类型'; alter TABLE road add Serial_Number_Of_Repeated_Section varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Serial_Number_Of_Repeated_Section is '重复路段序号'; alter TABLE road add Repeated_Section_Route_Code varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Serial_Number_Of_Repeated_Section is '重复路段序号'; alter TABLE road add Repeated_Section_Route_Code varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Repeated_Section_Route_Code is '重复路段路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Reporting_Unit varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Repeated_Section_Route_Code is '重复路段路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Fund_Category varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Fund_Category is '计划资金类别'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Year varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Year is '计划年度'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Document_No varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Document_No is '计划文号'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Item_Unique_Code varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Item_Unique_Code is '计划项目唯一编码'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Project_Route_Code varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Project_Route_Code is '计划项目路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Project_Name varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Project_Name is '计划项目名称'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Project_Type varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Project_Type is '计划项目类型'; alter TABLE road add Completion_Status varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Completion_Status is '完工情况'; alter TABLE road add Year_Of_Completion varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Year_Of_Completion is '完工年度'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Fund_Category__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Fund_Category__One is '计划资金类别_1'; alter TABLE road add Planned_Year__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Planned_Year__One is '计划年度_1'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Document_No__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Document_No__One is '计划文号_1'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Item_Unique_Code__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Item_Unique_Code__One is '计划项目唯一编码_1'; alter TABLE road add Plan_Project_Name__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Plan_Project_Name__One is '计划项目名称_1'; alter TABLE road add Completion_Status__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Completion_Status__One is '完工情况_1'; alter TABLE road add Year_Of_Completion__One varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Year_Of_Completion__One is '完工年度_1'; alter TABLE road add Station_Range varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Station_Range is '桩号范围'; alter TABLE road add Reporting_Unit varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Reporting_Unit is '填报单位'; alter TABLE road add Reason_For_Change varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Reporting_Unit is '填报单位'; alter TABLE road add Reason_For_Change varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Reason_For_Change is '变更原因'; alter TABLE road add Change_Time varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Reason_For_Change is '变更原因'; alter TABLE road add Change_Time varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Change_Time is '变更时间'; alter TABLE road add Whether_Maintenance_Managed_Highway varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Change_Time is '变更时间'; alter TABLE road add Last_Repair_And_Maintenance_Year varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Last_Repair_And_Maintenance_Year is '最近一次修复养护年度'; alter TABLE road add Whether_Maintenance_Managed_Highway varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Whether_Maintenance_Managed_Highway is '是否按干线公路管理接养'; alter TABLE road add Remarks varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Whether_Maintenance_Managed_Highway is '是否按干线公路管理接养'; alter TABLE road add Remarks varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Remarks is '备注'; alter TABLE road add Route_Code_Of_Last_Year varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Remarks is '备注'; alter TABLE road add Route_Code_Of_Last_Year varchar(1024); comment
ON column road.Route_Code_Of_Last_Year is '上年路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Route_Name_Of_Last_Year varchar(1024); comment ON column road.Route_Code_Of_Last_Year is '上年路线编码'; alter TABLE road add Route_Name_Of_Last_Year varchar(1024); comment


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import Taro from '@tarojs/taro';
import { import {
View, View,
RadioGroup, RadioGroup,
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ const Index = () => {
] ]
useEffect(() => { useEffect(() => {
const prjTypeSelector = ['道路', '桥梁', '涵洞'] const prjTypeSelector = ['道路', '桥梁', '涵洞', '其他']
const roadSelector = ['富山一路', '金沙大道', '玉湖路'] const roadSelector = ['富山一路', '金沙大道', '玉湖路']
setPrjTypeSelector(prjTypeSelector) setPrjTypeSelector(prjTypeSelector)
setRoadSelector(roadSelector) setRoadSelector(roadSelector)
@ -66,10 +67,19 @@ const Index = () => {
setProjectType(selector[e.detail.value]) setProjectType(selector[e.detail.value])
} }
function onImgPickerChange() { function onImgPickerChange(files) {
function onImageClick(index, file) {
urls: [file.url] // http
} }
useEffect(() => {
}, [images])
return ( return (
<View className='patrol'> <View className='patrol'>
<View className='report-type'> <View className='report-type'>
@ -142,14 +152,16 @@ const Index = () => {
<View className='input-picker'> <View className='input-picker'>
<AtInput <AtInput
className='input' className='input'
title='所属路段:' title='所属路段'
type='text' type='text'
placeholder='路段名称' placeholder='路段名称'
border={false} border={false}
// value={this.state.value} // value={this.state.value}
// onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')} // onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')}
/> />
<Picker mode='selector' range={roadSelector} onChange={onPrjTypeChange}>
<Image src={arrowIcon} className='img-l' /> <Image src={arrowIcon} className='img-l' />
<AtInput <AtInput
className='input' className='input'
type='text' type='text'
@ -158,43 +170,71 @@ const Index = () => {
// value={this.state.value} // value={this.state.value}
// onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')} // onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')}
/> />
<Picker mode='selector' range={roadSelector} onChange={onPrjTypeChange}>
<Image src={arrowIcon} className='img-r' /> <Image src={arrowIcon} className='img-r' />
</View> </View>
<AtTextarea <AtTextarea
count={false} count={false}
title='具体位置:' title='具体位置:'
placeholder='具体位置:根据定位自动获取,可手动修改' placeholder='具体位置:根据定位自动获取,可手动修改'
// value={this.state.value} // value={this.state.value}
// onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')} // onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')}
/> />
</View> <AtTextarea
// value={this.state.value}
// onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'value')}
{ {
isPatrol ? isPatrol ?
<View className='img-picker'> <View className='patrol-picker'>
现场图片 现场图片
<AtImagePicker <AtImagePicker
length={3} className='img-picker'
count={3 - images.length}
showAddBtn={images.length >= 3 ? false : true}
files={images} files={images}
onChange={onImgPickerChange} onChange={onImgPickerChange}
/> />
</View> : </View> :
<View> <View className='conserve-picker'>
养护图片: 养护图片:
<AtTimeline <View className='horizontal-line hl-one'>
items={[ <View className='circle c-one'></View>
{ <View className='text t-one'>养护前</View>
title: '养护前', </View>
}, <AtImagePicker
{ title: '养护中' }, className='img-picker'
{ title: '养护后' } count={3}
]} files={images}
> onChange={onImgPickerChange}
</AtTimeline> />
<View className='horizontal-line hl-two'>
<View className='circle c-two'></View>
<View className='text t-two'>养护中</View>
<View className='horizontal-line hl-three'>
<View className='circle c-three'></View>
<View className='text t-three'>养护后</View>
</View> </View>
} }


@ -40,12 +40,77 @@
} }
} }
.img-picker { .patrol-picker {
background-color: #fff;
padding: 20px;
.conserve-picker {
background-color: #fff;
padding: 20px;
.horizontal-line {
height: 30px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: left;
align-items: center;
.circle {
margin-left: 4px;
width: 22px;
height: 22px;
background-color: #fff; background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
.text {
margin-left: 46px;
font-size: 24px;
.hl-one {
background-color: #DFDFDF;
.c-one {
border: solid 4px #999999;
.t-one {
color: #999999;
.hl-two {
background-color: #f7d3a5;
.c-two {
border: solid 4px #FE9B1C;
.t-two {
color: #FE9B1C;
.hl-three {
background-color: #a0f3a4;
.c-three {
border: solid 4px #08D514;
.t-three {
color: #08D514;
.img-picker {
margin: 20px;
} }
.sub-btn { .sub-btn {
width: 70%; width: 70%;
margin-top: 100px;
} }
} }


@ -5,16 +5,20 @@ import { logout } from '@/actions/auth';
import { getLogoutUrl } from '@/services/api'; import { getLogoutUrl } from '@/services/api';
import cfg from '../../config'; import cfg from '../../config';
import './index.scss'; import './index.scss';
import headImg from '../../static/img/my/head.png';
import Common from '../../components/echartForWx/common'; import moreImg from '../../static/img/my/more.svg';
import pswdImg from '../../static/img/my/pswd.svg';
import reportImg from '../../static/img/my/report.svg';
const { webUrl } = cfg; const { webUrl } = cfg;
const Index = ({ ...props }) => { const Index = ({ ...props }) => {
const userInfo = Taro.getStorageSync('userInfo') || {}; const userInfo = Taro.getStorageSync('userInfo') || {};
const goRedirect = () => {
const onLogout = () => { const onLogout = () => {
logout(getLogoutUrl()).then(() => { logout(getLogoutUrl()).then(() => {
Taro.reLaunch({ Taro.reLaunch({
@ -23,19 +27,33 @@ const Index = ({ ...props }) => {
}); });
} }
return ( return (
<View className='page'> <View className='page'>
<View className='personal'> <View className='myBox'>
<View className='info'> <View className='my-top'>
<Image className='icon' src={webUrl + `/assets/avatar/${userInfo.avator}`} /> <Image className='my-portrait' src={headImg} />
<View className='name'>{userInfo.displayName || '----'}</View> <View className='my-item'>
<View className='my-username'>{userInfo.displayName}</View>
<View className='my-phone'>{}</View>
</View> </View>
<View className='box' onClick={() => goRedirect(1)}>
<Image className='box-img' src={reportImg} />
<View className='box-txt'>我的填报</View>
<Image className='img' src={moreImg} />
</View> </View>
<View className='logout'> <View className='box' onClick={() => goRedirect(2)} style={{ marginTop: '2rpx' }}>
<Button className='btn' onClick={onLogout}>退出登录</Button> <Image className='box-img' src={pswdImg} />
<View className='box-txt'>修改密码</View>
<Image className='img' src={moreImg} />
</View> </View>
<View className='logout' onClick={onLogout}>退出登录</View>
</View> </View>
); );
} }


@ -1,45 +1,92 @@
.page { .page {
height: 100vh; height: 100vh;
background: #F0F2F5; background: #F0F2F5;
box-sizing: border-box;
.personal {
padding: 20px;
.info {
border-radius: 10px;
background: #fff;
height: 30vh;
display: flex; display: flex;
flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.icon { .myBox {
width: 150px; width: 90%;
height: 150px; height: 300rpx;
border-radius: 50%; margin: 30rpx auto;
background: url('../../static/img/my/card-bg.svg') no-repeat;
background-size: 100%;
border-radius: 8rpx;
.my-top {
overflow: hidden;
padding: 70rpx 0 28rpx 30rpx;
.my-portrait {
width: 120rpx;
height: 120rpx;
display: block;
float: left;
.my-item {
float: left;
margin-left: 32rpx;
width: 70%;
.my-username {
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin-bottom: 24rpx;
margin-top: 6rpx;
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
overflow: hidden;
} }
.name { .my-phone {
font-size: 30px; font-size: 28rpx;
margin-top: 30px; font-weight: bold;
color: #FFFFFF;
} }
} }
.box {
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #fff;
width: 100%;
height: 92rpx;
line-height: 92rpx;
.box-img {
width: 52rpx;
height: 52rpx;
display: block;
float: left;
padding: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 30rpx;
} }
.logout { .box-txt {
box-sizing: border-box; float: left;
width: 100vw; font-size: 28rpx;
margin-top: 50px; color: #333333;
padding: 0 20px; }
.btn { .img {
background: #fff; width: 52rpx;
font-size: 28px; height: 52rpx;
padding: 8px 0; display: block;
float: right;
padding: 20rpx 30rpx 20rpx 0;
} }
} }
.logout {
width: 550rpx;
height: 80rpx;
line-height: 80rpx;
background: #346FC2;
border-radius: 8rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 98rpx auto 0;
text-align: center;
} }


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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