3 years ago
19 changed files with 789 additions and 83 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
import React, { Component } from 'react'; |
import { Row, Col } from 'antd'; |
export default class AutoRollComponent extends Component { |
constructor(props) { |
super(props); |
this.scrollElem = null; |
this.stopscroll = false; |
this.preTop = 0; |
this.cloneEle = null; |
this.currentTop = 0; |
this.marqueesHeight = 0; |
this.interval = null; |
this.state = { |
enabledScroll: false |
} |
} |
get enabledScroll() { |
let scrollElem = document.getElementById(this.props.divId); |
let fatherElem = scrollElem?.parentNode || null; |
if (scrollElem && fatherElem) { |
return scrollElem.scrollHeight > fatherElem.scrollHeight |
} |
return false; |
} |
marque = (height) => { |
try { |
this.scrollElem = document.getElementById(this.props.divId); |
this.marqueesHeight = height; |
if (this.scrollElem) { |
this.scrollElem.style.height = this.marqueesHeight; |
this.scrollElem.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
} |
this.repeat(); |
} catch (e) { console.log(e) } |
} |
repeat = () => { |
this.scrollElem.scrollTop = 0; |
let offset = 1.5 |
this.interval = setInterval(() => { |
if (this.stopscroll) return; |
this.currentTop = this.currentTop + offset; |
this.preTop = this.scrollElem.scrollTop; |
this.scrollElem.scrollTop = this.scrollElem.scrollTop + offset; |
// console.log(`this.scrollElem.scrollTop:${this.scrollElem.scrollTop} === this.preTop:${this.preTop}`);
if (this.preTop === this.scrollElem.scrollTop) { |
this.scrollElem.scrollTop = this.marqueesHeight; |
this.scrollElem.scrollTop = this.scrollElem.scrollTop + offset; |
} |
}, 40); |
} |
componentWillUnmount() { |
clearInterval(this.interval); |
} |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { |
requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
if (this.enabledScroll) { |
if (!this.state.enabledScroll) { |
this.setState({ enabledScroll: true }, () => { |
this.marque(10) |
}) |
} |
} |
}) |
} |
componentDidMount() { |
if (this.enabledScroll) { |
this.setState({ enabledScroll: true }, () => { |
this.marque(10) |
}) |
} |
} |
onMouseOver = () => { |
this.stopscroll = true; |
} |
onMouseOut = () => { |
this.stopscroll = false; |
} |
render() { |
const { changeStyleCol, heads, spans, data, divId, divHeight, content, containerStyle = {} } = this.props; |
return ( |
<div style={{ ...containerStyle, textAlign: 'left' }}> |
{ |
heads ? |
<Row style={{ lineHeight: '40px', height: 40 }}> |
{heads.map((c, index) => { |
return <Col span={spans[index]} key={index}>{c}</Col> |
}) |
} |
</Row> : '' |
} |
<div id={divId} style={{ overflow: 'hidden', height: divHeight }} onMouseOver={this.onMouseOver} onMouseOut={this.onMouseOut}> |
<div style={{height:"100%"}}> |
{content ? content : ''} |
{this.state.enabledScroll && content ? content : ''} |
{ |
data ? |
data.map((q, idx) => { |
return ( |
<div key={idx}> |
<Row gutter={16} style={{ borderBottom: '0px solid grey' }}> |
{heads.map((c, index) => { |
return <Col span={spans[index]} key={index} style={{ paddingTop: 8, textAlign: 'left', wordBreak: 'break-word', color: `${c === changeStyleCol ? q.changeColor : ''}` }}> |
{index == 1 ? q.data[index] == -1 ? "-" : q.data[index] : index == 2 ? q.data[1] == -1 ? '-' : q.data[index] : q.data[index]}</Col> |
}) |
} |
</Row> |
</div> |
) |
}) : '' |
} |
<div style={{ margin: 16 }}></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div > |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,7 +1,91 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import React from 'react' |
import './style.less' |
import './style.less' |
import AutoRollComponent from './AutoRollComponent' |
export default function Rightcenter() { |
export default function Rightcenter() { |
const data =[ {name: '莲塘镇', total: 12739}, |
{name: '向塘镇', total: 2445}, |
{name: '蒋巷镇', total: 2035}, |
{name: '幽兰镇', total: 1999}, |
{name: '塘南镇', total: 1915}, |
{name: '武阳镇', total: 1842}, |
{name: '冈上镇', total: 1446}, |
{name: '广福镇', total: 1063}, |
{name: '三江镇', total: 851}, |
{name: '泾口乡', total: 657}, |
{name: '南新镇', total: 640}, |
{name: '八一乡', total: 569}, |
{name: '黄马乡', total: 541}, |
{name: '塔城乡', total: 534}, |
{name: '富山乡', total: 515}, |
{name: '东新乡', total: 513}, |
{name: '银三角', total: 513}, |
{name: '八月湖街道', total: 513},] |
const province = undefined |
const FIRST = "linear-gradient(360deg, rgba(43, 180, 211, 0.1) 0%, rgba(43, 180, 211, 0.4) 100%)" |
const SECOND = "linear-gradient(360deg, rgba(255, 209, 86, 0.1) 0%, rgba(255, 209, 86, 0.4) 100%)" |
const THIRD = "linear-gradient(360deg, rgba(148, 148, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(148, 148, 255, 0.4) 100%)" |
const OTHER = "linear-gradient(360deg, rgba(28, 96, 253, 0) 0%, rgba(28, 96, 253, 0.2) 100%)" |
let TOTALS = data?.map(({ name, total }, index) => { |
let max = province ? data.length * 30 + 100 : data.length * 500 + 100 |
return { |
name, |
value: total, |
percent: (total * 100 / max).toFixed(2) + "%" |
} |
}) |
let new_TOTALS = TOTALS && TOTALS.length > 10 ? TOTALS.slice(0, 10) : TOTALS |
function Cell(props) { |
const { name, rank, value, percent, style = {} } = props |
let bg = RNAKS[rank] || OTHER |
console.log(percent,'百分比') |
return <div style={{ |
width: "100%", height: 34, display: "flex", justifyContent: 'center', |
alignItems: "center", marginTop: 7, marginBottom: 7, |
padding: "0 2%", |
...style |
}}> |
<div style={{ |
height: 20, color: "white",whiteSpace:'nowrap', |
fontSize: 10, fontWeight: "bold", display: 'flex', |
alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" |
}} > |
{name} |
</div> |
<div style={{ width: "92%", marginLeft: 10 }}> |
{/* <div style={{ width: "100%", height: 18, fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, color: "white" }}>{name}</div> */} |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center", height: 13 }}> |
<div style={{display:'flex', width:"85%"}}> |
<div style={{ |
width: percent, height: 5, |
background: "linear-gradient(270deg, #1C60FE 0%, rgba(28, 96, 254, 0) 100%)" |
}} /> |
<div style={{width:`calc(100% - ${percent})`,background:'rgba(255,255,255,0.0800)'}}/> |
</div> |
<div style={{ marginLeft: 10, fontSize: 12,color:"#FFFFFF" }}>{value}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
} |
const renderContent = () => { |
return <div > |
{new_TOTALS?.map(({ name, value, percent }, index) => { |
return <Cell key={index} rank={index} name={name} value={value} percent={percent} /> |
})} |
</div> |
} |
return ( |
return ( |
<div className='build-right-center'>Rightcenter</div> |
<div className='build-right-center'> |
<div className='build-right-center-top'> |
<img src="/assets/images/quanju/gonglugongcheng.png"></img> |
<div>在线公路工程数量</div> |
<h2>1234,123</h2> |
</div> |
<AutoRollComponent content={renderContent()} |
containerStyle={{ position: "relative", height: "65%", }} |
divHeight={"100%"} divId={"chart-overview-deviceList"} /> |
</div> |
) |
) |
} |
} |
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import React from 'react' |
import Left from './left' |
import Right from './right' |
const Conserve = () => { |
const Conserve = () => { |
return ( |
return ( |
<>养护</> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', width: '100%',height: '100%',justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<Left /> |
<Right /> |
</div> |
) |
) |
} |
} |
export default Conserve |
export default Conserve |
@ -1,8 +1,54 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import React from 'react' |
import { Carousel } from 'antd' |
import AutoRollComponent from '../build/AutoRollComponent' |
import Module from '../../public/module' |
import './style.less' |
const Guanli = () => { |
const Guanli = () => { |
const datas = new Array(35) |
const renderContent = () => { |
datas.fill({ |
chepaihao:'苏LD1112121', |
caoxian:'30%', |
chufa:'200元', |
riqi:'2022年5月4日' |
},1,35) |
console.log(datas,'数组') |
return <div style={{height:"100%"}}> |
{datas?.map(({ chepaihao, caoxian, chufa,riqi }, index) => { |
return <div key={index} className='guanli-right-item'> |
<span>{chepaihao}</span> |
<span>{caoxian}</span> |
<span>{chufa}</span> |
<span>{riqi}</span> |
</div> |
})} |
</div> |
} |
renderContent() |
return ( |
return ( |
<>管理</> |
<div className='guanli'> |
<div className='guanli-left'> |
</div> |
<div className='guanli-right'> |
<Module style={{height:"100%"}} title="治超详情"> |
<div className = "guanli-right-top"> |
<img src="/assets/images/quanju/zhicaolog.png"></img> |
<span>已处理</span> |
<span>187</span> |
<span>件</span> |
</div> |
<div className='guanli-right-title'> |
<span>车牌号</span> |
<span>超限</span> |
<span>处罚</span> |
<span>日期</span> |
</div> |
<AutoRollComponent content={renderContent()} |
containerStyle={{ position: "relative", height: "90%", }} |
divHeight={"100%"} divId={"chart-overview-deviceList"} /> |
</Module> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
) |
} |
} |
export default Guanli |
export default Guanli |
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ |
.guanli{ |
// box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 0 15px 0 15px; |
width: 100%; |
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display: flex; |
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margin: 0 10px; |
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background-image: url('/assets/images/quanju/zhuangtaigognlubiankuang.png'); |
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align-items: center; |
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div{ |
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&:nth-child(2){ |
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font-size: 38px; |
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text-align: center; |
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text-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #1C60FE; |
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.guanli-left-center{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
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height: 30%; |
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div{ |
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&:nth-child(2){ |
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line-height: 36px; |
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// background-color: pink; |
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.guanli-left-center-titile{ |
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margin-bottom: 10px; |
span{ |
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.guanli-left-center-content{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100px!important; |
.guanli-left-center-item{ |
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.slick-list{ |
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.guanli-left-bottom{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
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.guanli-right{ |
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height: 100%; |
.guanli-right-top{ |
width: 100%; |
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img{ |
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span{ |
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span{ |
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font-weight: 500; |
color: #FFFFFF; |
flex:1; |
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// } |
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.guanli-right-item{ |
width: 90%; |
height: 3.333%; |
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display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
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span{ |
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flex:1; |
text-align: center; |
// &:nth-child(1){ |
// } |
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} |
Reference in new issue